20 Things to Say to a Petty Person 

You might have met a petty person at your workplace or encountered them in your social circle. It's quite difficult to deal with such people.They often overreact to things and complain a lot. And you may have done all you can to accommodate them. But, it's understandable if you often get frustrated and feel like going hard on them.It's alright, I often have to deal with such people in school. And I know how annoying they can be. Sometimes you just need the right words to say to get them thinking about their attitude.And fortunately, that's what this guide is all about. In this article, I'll be taking you through 20 things you can say to a petty person.

20 Things to Say to a Petty Person 

The things you say to people can make or mar them. While some people are good at taking words from people, some people allow what people say to get to them.That's why it's good to know the right things to say. There are countless things to say to a petty person to let them know their attitude isn't helping them and the people around them.Some examples are: "You can't love if you're selfish," "Holding grudges over little matters does more harm to you," and "Whining about things like this is annoying."Here are 20 things to say to a petty person.

  1. You've to learn to let go of things
  2. Complaining won't solve things. Action does
  3. Most people don't move forward in life because they're too concerned about unnecessary things 
  4. If people treat you the way you treat them, you'd hate them 
  5. Whining about things like this is annoying
  6. You won't get along with a lot of people with this attitude
  7. Sometimes it's not about who's right or wrong, but who can be the better person 
  8. Holding grudges over little matters does more harm to you
  9. Being overly sensitive to minor things adds to your pain 
  10. You can't love if you're selfish
  11. Giving relevance to unimportant things makes you irrelevant 
  12. People would start paying less attention to you if you pay more attention to irrelevant things
  13. Learn to appreciate what you've 
  14. The little you've, many don't have it
  15. Learn to see the best in others
  16. You've to close your eyes to some things
  17. You can't expect things to always work the way you want
  18. When you forgive quickly, you heal quickly
  19. Express more love and things will work better 
  20. Shun negative energy

You've to Learn to Let Go of Things 

"You've to learn to let go of things'' is one of the things you can say to a petty person. A petty person usually finds it hard to let go of things. They hold onto things people do to them, including minor things that can easily be ignored.Letting go of grudges and learning to forgive is one of the virtues that helps us live cordially with people.So, you can encourage them to learn to let go of things, so they can live and communicate freely with people around them.

Complaining Won't Solve Things. Action Does 

Another suitable comment for a petty person is "Complaining won't solve things. Action does"One of the traits of a petty person is complaining a lot. They've one thing to always complain about.So, you can remind such person that complaining never solves things. If everyone sits and complains about things without taking action, nothing will be done.

Most People Don't Move Forward in Life Because They're too Concerned About Unnecessary Things 

"Most people don't move forward in life because they're too concerned about unnecessary things" is another thing you can tell a petty person.When someone complains a lot about minor things or spends time on little disagreements people have moved past, this is the right thing to say to them.This statement implies that concerning yourself with irrelevant things will make it difficult for you to move forward because you spend valuable time on unproductive things.

If People Treat You the Way You Treat Them, You'd Hate Them 

Things to Say to a Petty Person One thing about a petty person is that many of them can't take what they dish to others. "If people treat you the way you treat them, you'd hate them" is something to tell such people to get them to rethink.These people are sure to react negatively when people give them the same attitude. So, remind them that they won't be able to handle their attitude.

Whining About Things Like This is Annoying 

Sometimes you just have to remind a petty person that their complaining is annoying.  One of the things you can say to that effect is "Whining about things like this is annoying."This is a suitable comment you can make when they complain about unimportant things. You can use this statement to express your dissatisfaction with their attitude and to let them have a rethink.

You Won't Get Along with a Lot of People with This Attitude 

"You won't get along with a lot of people with this attitude" is another thing to say to a petty person to remind them that their attitude will chase people from them.It's not everyone that can handle a petty person or deal with their attitude. So, you can warn them with this comment to get them to work on their attitude.

Sometimes It's Not About Who's Right or Wrong, But Who Can Be the Better Person 

"Sometimes it's not about who's right or wrong, but who can be the better person" is one of the best things you can say to someone who acts petty.It's a suitable comment during a misunderstanding or quarrel. Sometimes you've to remind people that winning an argument is not the end goal.But, rather, maintaining a civil relationship and still having your loved ones in the end. So, this statement will remind a petty person of the importance of good relationships.

Holding Grudges Over Little Matters Does More Harm to You 

Things to Say to a Petty Person "Holding grudges over little matters does more harm to you" is one of the things to say to someone who holds grudges against people.One of the characteristics of a petty person is holding on to trivial things. For instance, they might hold a grudge against someone who doesn't greet them.So, you can use this comment to remind them that they're doing themselves more harm when they don't let go of things.

Being Overly Sensitive to Minor Things Add to Your Pain 

One of the statements you say to a petty person to remind them that their attitude isn't helping them is "Being overly sensitive to minor things adds to your pain."This statement implies that paying too much attention to trivial things is unhealthy. Reacting to everything that happens around us is not the right way to deal with situations.Some things are better solved when ignored. So, this statement will remind a petty person to treat a minor issue as a minor issue.

You Can't Love if You're Selfish

Another thing to say to a petty person is "You can't love if you're selfish." Love they say is sacrificial. When you love, you'll be selfless. You'll always consider the needs of others too. A selfish person can't truly love. Selfishness is one of the traits a petty person exhibits.You can use this statement to draw the attention of a petty person to their selfish attitude.

Giving Relevance to Unimportant Things Makes You Irrelevant 

"Giving relevance to unimportant things makes you irrelevant" is another statement that emphasizes the importance of paying less attention to trivial things.You can make this comment to a petty person to remind them of how they lose relevance the more time they spend on unimportant things.

People Would Start Paying Less Attention to You if You Pay More Attention to Irrelevant Things 

"People would start paying less attention to you if you pay more attention to irrelevant things" is another statement that emphasizes the importance of giving no relevance to trifling things.When a petty person exhibits such character, you can use this statement to remind them that they'll lose good friends and good relationships if they continue with their attitude.

Learn to Appreciate What You've 

"Learn to appreciate what you've" is a great statement that advises on valuing what you have.As I earlier stated, a petty person often complains about things; things they have and things they don't have. This comment is important to bring to their minds the value of what they've at the moment.Some people often complain of things they don't have, momentarily forgetting what they've at hand. This attitude is unhealthy and can make one lose what they've.

The Little You've, Many Don't Have It

"The little you've, many don't have it" is another statement that reminds someone to appreciate the little they've.You can say this to a petty person when they begin to complain and whine about little things. For instance, if they show a lack of contentment, this is a suitable comment to make.

Learn to See the Best in Others 

Things to Say to a Petty Person "Learn to see the best in others" is another beautiful statement that reminds someone of the importance of appreciating people.Most times, a petty person is more concerned about the fault in others. They never appreciate the best they see and are very quick to condemn a bad thing.This response will help them see the importance of learning to see the best in others and not be quick to judge people by their bad.

You've to Close Your Eyes to Some Things 

Sometimes we just need to ignore some things and everything will be fine. "You've to close your eyes to some things'' is one of the proper things to tell a petty person.When we learn to close our eyes to minor things, what would've become an incident would be avoided. So, a petty person will need to hear such advice. 

You Can't Expect Things to Always Work the Way you Want

"You can't expect things to always work the way you want" is another necessary statement to tell a petty person.When people learn to understand that things can't always work the way they want it, there will be less complaint and more appreciation.So, you should remind a petty person when they complain all the time, that they can't always get what they want.

When You Forgive Quickly, You Heal quickly

Another statement a petty person should hear is "When you forgive quickly, you heal quickly."Holding on to a hurt will leave one in continuous pain. But, when we learn to forgive, we won't feel that pain anymore.This is something you should tell someone that's refusing to let go and forgive.

Express More Love and Things Will Work Better 

When someone finds it difficult to show love, "Express more love, and things will work better" is the right thing to say to them.When we're keen on showing love to people and exhibiting the qualities of love around, things will naturally work better. So, a petty person needs reminding that love will help them understand people better, and help them learn to work on their emotions and attitude.

Shun Negative Energy 

"Shun negative energy" is another thing you can say to someone who always displays a negative attitude.Maybe they're quick to judge people, they don't forgive easily, they overreact to things, and they drag an argument more than necessary.This statement will remind them to learn to lean towards a better attitude.

End Note

A Petty person needs to be handled with caution. It's best to avoid them if you can, but when they're in your circle, it'll be difficult to avoid any confrontation with them.So, the above statements are things you can say to a petty person when they begin to act petty. These comments can help them work on their attitude and also help you avoid getting into their drama. 


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