20 Simple Responses to "Don't Leave Me On Opened"

When someone says 'don't leave me on opened' in a chat, they are referring to the dreaded scenario of sending a message to someone in an app like text, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc., and having that person see the message but not respond.Being 'left on opened' or 'left on read' means the other person has opened and viewed your message in the chat app, but they have not replied or acknowledged your message in any way.The message status will show as 'delivered' or 'read,' indicating they've seen it, but there is no response.For the sender, not getting a reply can feel quite awkward, as if the other person is intentionally ignoring you or brushing you off. It leaves you hanging without closure on the conversation.Saying 'Don't leave me on opened' is a plea to the receiver not to do this - to go ahead and respond once they've read the message, rather than disappearing after seeing it.

20 Simple Responses To 'Don't Leave Me On Opened' 

One increasingly common text people receive is 'Don't leave me on opened' when they have not responded to a previous message.While it can feel pressure-inducing, having a few polite, simple responses in your back pocket can help avoid any potential awkwardness or hurt feelings.Here are 20 concise yet thoughtful ways to acknowledge these types of texts without necessarily needing to continue the conversation if you're busy:

  • Hey, sorry I can't chat right now but I'll reply as soon as I can.
  • Just seeing this - give me a little bit and I'll get back to you.
  • Appreciate you texting! Busy at the moment but will respond later today.
  • Hey! In the middle of something but you're not being left on open, promise to reply soon.
  • Not ignoring you, just swamped at the moment. Chat with you in a bit!
  • Can't chat right now but definitely will in a few hours. Thanks for understanding!
  • Thanks for messaging - really busy at the moment but will respond later!
  • Headed out the door but didn't want to leave you hanging. I'll reply in a few hours.
  • Hi! Saw your text but tied up for a bit. I'll get back to you this evening, okay?
  • Busy with work currently but you're not being left on read, will reply later tonight!
  • Appreciate you reaching out. Super busy at the moment but will respond when I have a minute.
  • Heya! Just a quick note that I'm plugging away at something time-sensitive. Will get back to you soon as I'm free.
  • Got your text - in the middle of something important at the moment but you're not being ignored, will reply properly in a few hours.
  • Thanks for the message! Swamped right now but you're not being left on open, promise to properly reply by the end of the day.
  • Unfortunately super busy at the moment but wanted to let you know I saw your text and will get back to you later on today!
  • Busy bee over here! But wanted to let you know I received your message - will chat properly in a few hours when things calm down.
  • Appreciate the text! Just really caught up at the moment but you're definitely not being left on read, promise to reply soon.
  • Heya - saw your message but can't properly respond at the moment. Just wanted to send a quick note that I'll get back to you in a few hours when I have more time.
  • Thanks for reaching out! I'm in the middle of something time-sensitive right now but just sending a note that I'm not ignoring you and will circle back later today.
  • Got your text - super swamped at the moment unfortunately but wanted to let you know I received it and will properly reply once things calm down in a couple of hours.

1. Hey, sorry I can't chat right now but I'll reply as soon as I can

Hey, sorry I can't chat right now but I'll reply as soon as I can’ is a great response to a ‘Don’t leave me on opened’ text that shows that you recognize the sender's message and that you are genuinely interested in continuing the conversation.By apologizing for your current unavailability, you convey that you are not intentionally ignoring them and will respond as soon as you have the opportunity.This phrase reflects your willingness to engage in the conversation but also sets expectations for a delayed response.

2. Just seeing this - give me a little bit and I'll get back to you

Just seeing this - give me a little bit and I'll get back to you is also a befitting response to a ‘Don’t leave me on opened’ text that shows that you have just become aware of the message and need some time to gather your thoughts or finish any ongoing tasks before responding.How to Respond Don't Leave Me On OpenedIt assures the sender that you are not leaving them on 'open' intentionally, but rather taking the time to provide a thoughtful response. By using the phrase 'get back to you,' you indicate your commitment to continuing the conversation in the near future.

3. Appreciate you texting, Busy at the moment but will respond later today

‘Appreciate you texting, Busy at the moment but will respond later today’ is a kind reply to a ‘Don’t leave me on opened’ text that helps to express gratitude for the sender reaching out to you while acknowledging your current busyness.By assuring them that you will respond later in the day, you provide a timeframe within which they can expect to hear back from you. This phrase demonstrates your appreciation for their message and your commitment to giving them the attention they deserve.

4. Hey, In the middle of something but you're not being left on open, promise to reply soon

When someone hits you with a ‘Don’t leave me on opened’ text, replying with ‘Hey, In the middle of something but you're not being left on open, promise to reply soon' acknowledges the sender's message and assures them that they are not being ignored.It lets them know that you are currently occupied with something important but still value their message.By promising to reply soon, it shows your commitment to maintaining the conversation and not leaving them hanging.

5. Not ignoring you, just swamped at the moment, Chat with you in a bit

'Not ignoring you, just swamped at the moment, Chat with you in a bit' is a concise response to a ‘Don’t leave me opened’ text that emphasizes that you are not intentionally ignoring the sender's message but rather preoccupied with a heavy workload or numerous tasks.It shows a sense of understanding and indicates that you will get back to them shortly. The phrase 'Chat with you in a bit' adds a friendly tone and suggests that you are looking forward to continuing the conversation soon.

6. Can't chat right now but definitely will in a few hours, Thanks for understanding 

'Can't chat right now but definitely will in a few hours, Thanks for understanding' is a thoughtful reply to a ‘Don’t leave me on opened text’ which demonstrates patience and consideration.While communicating an inability to converse at the current moment, it reassures the reader that a response is forthcoming.By stating the delay will only be a few hours, it avoids an open-ended lack of response that leaves one hanging.Expressing thanks for understanding acknowledges the value of the other person's time and creates an atmosphere of mutual respect within the conversation.Overall this approach maintains positive rapport even while delaying dialogue.

7. Thanks for messaging - really busy at the moment but will respond later

When replying to a ‘Don’t leave me on opened’ text, 'Thanks for messaging - really busy at the moment but will respond later' takes a similar tact to the previous option in confirming a response is on the way.It honestly admits to being too occupied currently to properly engage, while still validating the importance of the message received.Expressing gratitude for the outreach maintains goodwill on both sides. Rather than ignoring the text entirely or coming up with an excuse, this reply shows courtesy by keeping lines of communication open for a future time when undivided attention can be given.

8. Headed out the door but didn't want to leave you hanging, I'll reply in a few hours

'Headed out the door but didn't want to leave you hanging, I'll reply in a few hours' is the best way to reply to a ‘Don’t leave me on opened’ text that personalizes the situation to indicate one is just walking out. This adds legitimacy to being unable to reply immediately.However, it demonstrates care by not wanting to leave the other person unsure of a follow-up response.Stating the delay will only be a few hours also avoids an indefinite waiting period. Overall this phrasing is thoughtful for conveying the assurance of a timely response while honestly accounting for present circumstances.

9. Hi, Saw your text but was tied up for a bit, I'll get back to you this evening, okay? 

'Hi, Saw your text but was tied up for a bit, I'll get back to you this evening, okay?' is a thoughtful reply to a ‘Don’t leave me on opened’ text with a great build-up.It starts off warmly with a friendly greeting to soften any perceived abruptness from the lack of a full reply. It acknowledges visually noticing the message even if unable to respond in depth.Providing an estimated timeframe for replying that evening injects clarity. And ending with 'okay?' shows consideration through seeking consent about the proposed resolution, fostering collaborative understanding between both parties.This approach maintains an inviting tone while communicating clearly and respectfully.

10. Busy with work currently but you're not being left on read, will reply later tonight 

If you want to get straight to the point when replying to a ‘Don’t leave me on opened’ text, then 'Busy with work currently but you're not being left on read, will reply later tonight' is that reply that gets straight to the point about being occupied with job responsibilities.Directly acknowledging 'you're not being left on read' reassures the reader their text hasn't been disregarded or forgotten.Specifying a reply will come later that evening injects a punctual sense of follow through. While brief, this response effectively expresses that availability has only been delayed by tangible productivity not lack of care or attention.

11. Appreciate you reaching out, Super busy at the moment but will definitely respond when I have a minute

'Appreciate you reaching out, Super busy at the moment but will definitely respond when I have a minute' is also a considerate reply to a ‘Don’t leave me on opened’ text that opens with affirming gratitude for the outreach, a small yet meaningful gesture.Using 'super busy' accentuates the magnitude of commitments claiming focus now. Assuring a response once a span of time frees up placates needless wondering.Polite wording like 'when I have a minute' comes across as more forgiving than binding oneself strictly to rigid timeframes. This phrasing personifies consideration even in busyness.

12. Heya, Just a quick note that I'm plugging away at something time-sensitive, Will get back to you soon as I'm free

'Heya, Just a quick note that I'm plugging away at something time-sensitive. Will get back to you soon as I'm free' is an informal yet friendly choice of reply to a ‘Don’t leave me on opened’ text.Explicitly calling it a 'quick note' implies brevity stems from constraints not disinterest. Promising to reply soon shows your eagerness to reconnect without pressure.Overall this response effectively balances honesty, reassurance, and good spirits.

13. Got your text - in the middle of something important at the moment but you're not being ignored, will reply properly in a few hours

'Got your text - in the middle of something important at the moment but you're not being ignored, will reply properly in a few hours' is a direct response to a ‘Don’t leave me on opened’ text that acknowledges seeing the message to prevent worry it went unnoticed.Reiterating 'you're not being ignored' reaffirms the value of the conversation despite temporary unavailability.The full language in this response shows respect also, addressing concerns, and confirming future interactions.

14. Thanks for the message, Swamped right now but you're not being left on open, promise to properly reply by the end of the day

‘Thanks for the message, Swamped right now but you're not being left on open, promise to properly reply by the end of the day’ acknowledges the receiver's concern about being 'left on opened' in a reassuring yet truthful manner.By saying 'Swamped right now' it validates that they are busy without making an excuse, while still making a clear promise to 'properly reply by the end of the day.'This deadline provides comfort without pressure, as waiting a full day is reasonable given most people's schedules.It maintains rapport by saying 'You're not being left on open' rather than accusing the sender, and ends on a friendly yet firm note that still leaves the ball in their court to respond later.Overall this message balances honesty with consideration to de-escalate worries in a casual yet compelling way.

15. Unfortunately super busy at the moment but wanted to let you know I saw your text and will get back to you later on today

‘Unfortunately super busy at the moment but wanted to let you know I saw your text and will get back to you later on today’ shares a similar sincerity when replying to a ‘Don’t leave me on opened’ text through the upfront admission of being 'super busy at the moment.'Yet it flips the concerns around by assuring 'I wanted to let you know I saw your text,' establishing the priority is communication rather than tasks. 'Will get back to you later today' maintains approachability while avoiding vagueness through the time constraint.Together these components acknowledge the request respectfully and without defensiveness. The casual and concise delivery reminds the relationship is valued even during hectic times.

16. Busy bee over here, But wanted to let you know I received your message - will chat properly in a few hours when things calm down

By saying 'Busy bee over here' this reply sets a lighthearted, self-aware tone from the start. It directly confirms 'I received your message' to validate the engagement.Pairing this with promising to 'chat properly in a few hours' recognizes the desire for dialogue while providing a clear temporary pause.Using 'when things calm down' as the condition rather than accusing external factors keeps the vibe friendly.Overall this response delicately conveys availability amid responsibilities through a playfully reassuring yet resolute approach.

17. Appreciate the text, Just really caught up at the moment but you're definitely not being left on read, promise to reply soon

When someone sends you a text saying 'Don't Leave Me On Opened,' it can be an indication of their fear of being ignored or unimportant.In response, a simple yet thoughtful way to address their concern is by saying, 'Appreciate the text, Just really caught up at the moment but you're definitely not being left on read, promise to reply soon.'By expressing appreciation for their message, you acknowledge their effort to reach out to you. This shows empathy and consideration for their feelings. Additionally, by assuring them that they are not being left on read, you alleviate any potential anxiety they might have.

18. Heya - saw your message but can't properly respond at the moment, Just wanted to send a quick note that I'll get back to you in a few hours when I have more time

When faced with the text 'Don't Leave Me On Opened,' it's important to respond in a way that shows respect for the sender's feelings and acknowledges their message.One way to do this is by saying, 'Heya - saw your message but can't properly respond at the moment. Just wanted to send a quick note that I'll get back to you in a few hours when I have more time.'By using a friendly greeting like 'heya,' you establish a warm and approachable tone, ensuring the sender feels comfortable.Acknowledging that you saw their message demonstrates that their communication has reached you and you are aware of their attempt to connect.

19. Thanks for reaching out, I'm in the middle of something time-sensitive right now but just sending a note that I'm not ignoring you and will circle back later today

Receiving a text that says 'Don't Leave Me On Opened' can indicate that the sender desires acknowledgment and reassurance. To address their concerns in a detailed manner, you can respond with, 'Thanks for reaching out. I'm in the middle of something time-sensitive right now, but just sending a note that I'm not ignoring you and will circle back later today.'Expressing gratitude for their message immediately sets a positive tone and shows that you value their communication.By mentioning that you are currently engaged in a time-sensitive task, you provide them with a genuine reason for the delayed response. This lets them know that you are occupied and not intentionally ignoring them.Moreover, by assuring them that you are not ignoring them and will circle back later in the day, you reinforce your commitment to maintaining open lines of communication. This creates a sense of trust and reliability, ensuring that they feel valued and important to you.

20. Got your text - super swamped at the moment unfortunately but wanted to let you know I received it and will properly reply once things calm down in a couple of hours

When confronted with the plea 'Don't Leave Me On Opened,' a compelling response could be, 'Got your text - super swamped at the moment, unfortunately. But wanted to let you know I received it and will properly reply once things calm down in a couple of hours.'By acknowledging that you received their text, you validate their effort to reach out to you. This ensures they feel heard and acknowledged.Additionally, by explaining that you are currently swamped, you provide a reasonable explanation for the delayed response, showing that your lack of immediate reply is not a result of dismissal or indifference.


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