15 Other Ways to Say "Picking Your Nose"

Language has its charm. And one of the attractions of language is being able to express yourself in different and interesting ways.For instance, "Picking your nose" is an idiomatic expression that means to stay idle. It's used to describe someone doing nothing when they're meant to be busy. But, there are different ways to communicate this meaning to people.In this guide, we'll be looking at other ways to say "picking your nose."Whether you want to advise someone against laziness or you want to express your anger about their idle attitude, you can use any of these phrases to express yourself.

15 Other Ways to Say "Picking Your Nose"

There are countless ways you can say "picking your nose." When you find someone not doing what is expected of them, you can use some alternative phrases to describe them.For example, "Loitering around" means hanging around aimlessly, and "Dragging your heel" means acting or moving slowly.Here are 15 Ways to say "picking your nose."

  1. Burning the daylight
  2. Sitting on one's hand
  3. Staying idle
  4. Fooling around
  5. Lazying about
  6. Goofing around 
  7. Whiling away time
  8. Wasting precious time
  9. Idle away the hours
  10. Sleeping away the day
  11. Killing time
  12. Dilly-dallying 
  13. Loitering around 
  14. Dragging your heel
  15. Fiddling about 

Burning the Daylight

"Burning the daylight" is one of the alternatives to "picking your nose." To burn the daylight is another idiom that means to waste the day.This expression describes someone wasting their day doing nothing. Usually, we see "daylight" as the time to work and do what one ought to do. Then, "night" is regarded as time to rest and sleep.So, when someone doesn't do what is expected of them, you can use this phrase to describe them. Here's how to use the phrase:

  • You sit here burning the daylight, while your mates are reading their books
  • You're burning the daylight instead of doing something important 

Sitting on One's Hand

"Sitting on one's hand" is another expression that correctly describes someone doing nothing. When you find someone not doing anything useful, you can use this expression instead of saying, "Picking your nose."Generally, we use our hands when we're busy. So, someone sitting on their hand means they're not busy with something. It's a good alternative to "picking your nose."Here's how to use this expression:

  • I caught you sitting on your hand after asking you to wash those plates
  • So, you'll sit on your hand rather than help me out?

Staying Idle

Another phrase that'll adequately describe someone doing nothing is "Staying idle." An idle person is usually described as a lazy person because they don't get occupied with anything, rather they choose to spend the day not doing anything.So, this expression correctly describes such a person. It's an alternative way to say "picking your nose."Here's how to use the phrase:

  • I watch you stay idle all day. That's bad
  • It's wrong to stay idle when your sister is in the kitchen 

Fooling Around 

"Fooling around" is another phrase that you can use instead of "picking your nose."To fool around means to misuse time doing what you're not supposed to do, or to waste time doing nothing.So, this phrase is appropriate to use with someone who doesn't do as you've asked them, or engages themselves in the wrong activity.For instance, you asked your child to clean the house, but you catch them talking with friends instead. Here's how to use the phrase:

  • I caught James fooling around with his friends
  • Aren't you supposed to be watching your younger brother? But, you're here fooling around

Lazying About 

Other Ways to Say Picking Your NoseAnother suitable phrase that you can use for someone doing nothing is "Lazying about."This is a phrase that implies that someone is meant to be busy, but rather chooses not. You can use this expression when you ask someone to do a chore but they choose to watch TV, talk with friends, or do some other unnecessary thing.Here's how to use the phrase:

  • I sent you to the store, but you're here lazying about
  • Instead of lazying about doing nothing, why not join your father at work 

Goofing Around 

Other Ways to Say Picking Your Nose"Goofing around" means spending time doing some silly things or doing nothing relevant.It's a good synonym for "picking your nose." When you notice someone spending time doing unnecessary things or doing what you've not asked them, this is the right expression for them.It works like "fooling around," and it's a suitable alternative to "picking your nose."Here is how to use the expression:

  • I don't know why you spend the day goofing around with those your silly friends. 
  • If I catch you goofing around instead of doing your chores, I'll deal with you

Whiling Away Time 

"Whiling away time" is another expression that can work to describe someone doing nothing.To while away time means not using your time judiciously. But, rather spend the time either doing nothing or doing unimportant things. So, when you notice your friend doing unnecessary things, you can call them to order with this phrase:Here's how to use the expression:

  • You're whiling away time, Mary, we've other things to do
  • John, can you be faster and stop whiling away time

Wasting Precious Time 

"Wasting precious time" is another phrase that describes someone who is not doing anything useful with their time.People say "time" is precious. So, this analogy implies that you should value the time you've and use it to get positive results. So, when you see someone using their time for frivolous things, this phrase is appropriate to use.Also, it tells them that they're misusing something valuable. It'll work as an advice to someone not using their time well.Here's how to use the phrase:

  • You're wasting precious time trying to convince her, let's face something more important
  • Don't waste precious time on that. Go read your books

Idle Away the Hours 

Another phrase that can serve as an alternative to "picking your nose" is "idle away the hours."As I've earlier established, being idle means doing nothing. So, to idle away the hours means to spend time doing nothing. However, you can also use this expression in a positive light to describe a situation where you do something enjoyable with your time while waiting for something.Here's how to use the expression:

  • Stop idling away the hours. We've a job waiting for us
  • I can't let you idle away the hours, let's go and start cooking 

Sleeping Away the Day 

Other Ways to Say Picking Your Nose"Sleeping away the day" is another expression that means to misuse time.  Using this phrase doesn't necessarily mean that someone is sleeping when they're not supposed to.You can use this expression when you find someone doing nothing when they're meant to be busy with something important.Here's how to use the expression:

  • Stop sleeping away the day, rather find something to do
  • Let's go find some work to do. We won't sleep the day away again 

Killing Time 

"Killing time" is another expression you can use instead of "picking your nose.""To kill time" means to waste time. So, you can use this phrase when you find someone doing unnecessary things or not doing anything at all.But, you can also kill time while you wait for something or someone. In this case, it's not a bad thing. Here's how to use the expression:

  • Stop killing time, spend it making some money
  • Let's go join Mother in the kitchen, rather than kill time doing nothing 


"Dilly-dallying" is another phrase that's a suitable alternative to "picking your nose."To dilly-dally means to move or act too slowly. So, you can use this expression when someone wastes time on an errand you send them. Here's how to use the expression:

  • Stop dilly-dallying, hasten up 
  • Tell Joseph to stop dilly-dallying, he's wasting my time

Loitering Around 

"Loitering around" is another phrase that can replace "picking your nose."To loiter around means to hang around doing nothing, or having no aim.For example, children usually loiter around where their parents won't see them when they're avoiding responsibilities in the house.Here's how to use the phrase:

  • Stop loitering about and go to the mall now
  • Stop loitering around me, go and sleep

Dragging Your Heel

"Dragging your heel" is another suitable replacement for "picking your nose."To drag one's heel or feet means to move slowly or act slowly. This expression is suitable when you ask someone to do something and they reluctantly attend to it, or waste time getting it done.Here's how to use the expression:

  • Stop dragging your feet and go do your homework 
  • Why is Esther dragging her feet? Is she avoiding her chores?

Fiddling About

"Fiddling about" is another phrase that means spending time on unnecessary things or hanging around aimlessly.When someone fiddles about, they've no purpose. It's an appropriate alternative to "picking your nose."Here's how to use this phrase:

  • Stop fiddling about, go and answer your father
  • Peter and Sarah keep fiddling about. 

Final Verdict 

There are several ways you can describe someone doing nothing, or spending time on irrelevant things.In the above guide, I've discussed several alternatives to the phrase, "picking your nose." So, you can use any of them to correct someone or express your disapproval. 


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