20 Synonyms For “Giving Back To The Community” 

When someone is giving back to the community, it shows how generous they are. This shows how good the person is. There are various ways you can refer to the person. You can say that the person is ‘generous.’In this article, I have explained 20 different synonyms you can use in place of ‘Giving back to the community.’

20 Synonyms For “Giving Back To The Community”

  1. Being generous
  2. Showing Kindness
  3. Doing Charitable things
  4. Showing Compassion
  5. A Freehanded Person
  6. Doing Good
  7. Being Kind Hearted
  8. Showing Selflessness
  9. Humane treatment
  10. Self-sacrificing 
  11. A Benevolent person
  12. Being Liberal
  13. Altruistic Behavior
  14. Big Heartedness
  15. Magnanimousness
  16. Unselfishness
  17. Benevolence
  18. Self-sacrificing
  19. Great-hearted
  20. Great-hearted

Being generous

Synonyms For “Giving Back To The Community” ‘Being generous’ is another way to say ‘Giving back to the community.’ When someone is generous it means the person is always ready to give back to people. In this context, it could be to give back to the community or to give back to those who require it. Only someone generous would be able to give back to the community. When you see someone who gives back to the community, you can refer to the person as a generous person. Example: I saw how he gave back to the community, he is being a generous person. 

Showing Kindness

Synonyms For “Giving Back To The Community” Another good way to say ‘Giving back to the community’ is ‘Showing kindness.’ A kind person is sympathetic towards the needs of others and is more willing to give back to those who need it, especially when it is in the community. The good thing about kind people is that they have made it a habit to give back to the community or those in need, even when they do not ask. Example: I noticed this person is just showing kindness, he is fond of helping the community. 

Doing Charitable Things

‘Doing charitable things’ is one of the best ways to say ‘Giving back to the community.’ When someone is being charitable, it means the person is generous when it comes to relieving others of their needs and helping to lessen the financial needs of others. Charitable people usually do it without expecting anything in return. This is one good thing about them. When you see someone who is giving back to the community, you can simply say that the person is being charitable. Example: I love it when people are being charitable, it gives me hope. 

Showing Compassion

Another good synonym for ‘Giving back to the community’ is ‘Showing compassion.’ If someone is showing kindness and willing to help others who are in need, especially when they show kindness by giving back to the community.People who show compassion towards those in need are usually loved by people, it shows how caring they are and how much of a caring person they are when it has to do with caring for the needs of others.  Example:This man is only showing compassion, it shows how much of a caring person he is. 

A freehanded person

‘A freehanded person’ is another way to say ‘Giving back to the community.’ A freehanded person is someone who gives freely. Freehanded people are usually liberal and are always willing to help the community in the way they can. Example: I like how Grace takes care of her community, she seems to be a freehanded person. 

Doing Good

‘Doing Good’ is one of the best synonyms for ’Giving back to the community.’ When you see someone giving back to the community, you can also say that the person is doing good. Of course, giving back to the community is an act of doing good. When next you see someone giving back to the community, you can always refer to the person as someone doing good. Example:I saw her doing good, she gives back to her community every December. Kind Hearted

Showing Selflessness

One good synonym for ‘Giving back to the community’ is ‘Showing Selflessness.’A selfless person is more concerned about the needs of others than the needs of himself. That is why it takes someone selfless to give back to the community. When you see someone who gives back to the community. Example:I love it when I see people showing selflessness, it helps those who cannot help themselves. 

Humane treatment

‘Humane treatment’ is one of the cool ways to say ‘Giving back to the community.’ When someone gives people humane treatment, it shows how compassionate the person is towards those who are in need or those who are not able to solve their problems. These types of people tend to treat people well and still look out for their needs. Example:I love it when I see someone give people humane treatment.  


‘Self-sacrificing’ is one of the best ways to say ‘Giving back to the community.’ Someone who is self-sacrificing is willing to give up his interests or wants to meet the needs of others.These people are always willing to put the needs of others first before theirs, they do this even without asking for anything in return. Example:I get inspired by people who are self-sacrificing.

Showing Benevolence

‘Showing Benevolence’ is one of the best ways to say ‘Giving back to the community.’ Those who show benevolence have this natural desire to help those who are in need, they do it even when they do not get anything in return. Giving back to the community is an act of benevolence and it should be celebrated because it is a rare thing that we do not see every day. Example:I was so happy today, I saw someone showing benevolence to the people of his community. 

Being Liberal

‘Being Liberal’ is a synonym for ‘Giving back to the community.’ A liberal person is a supporter of kindness and good acts. Liberal people always want to see people progress and become better, that is one reason why they support kindness and good deeds. They not only support kindness and good deeds, but they also help those who are in need and that are unable to help themselves. Example:I am only being liberal, I want the best for this community. 

Altruistic Behavior

‘Altruistic Behavior’ is another cool way to say ‘Giving back to the community.’ When you see someone keen to give back to the community, you can simply refer to it as altruistic behavior. An altruistic person is selfless and concerns himself mostly with the needs of others. It takes someone selfless to give back to the community without expecting anything in return. Example:These days, you hardly see selfless people, it takes an altruistic person to give back to the community. 

Big Heartedness

‘Big Heartedness’ is one easy way to say ‘Giving back to the community.’ Being big-hearted is the ability to be kind and generous. Only a kind and generous person can give back to the community. An act of giving back to the community can be regarded as bigheartedness. People can show how big-hearted they are by how they give back to those in need. Most times, it is not always about how much they give or how much they have before they give, it is more about how big enough their heart is to give. You do not need to have more than enough before you give back to the community, giving what you can afford even when you do not have more than enough shows how much of a bighearted person you are.  Example: I love how Miguel does, he shows his big-heartedness anywhere he goes, he recently just built a borehole in his village. 


One of the best synonyms for ‘Giving back to the community’ is ‘Magnanimousness.’These kinds of people have a principle of being kind and generous to people. They do that because that is the principle they live by and they willingly love to help people. To them, giving back to the community or doing good for people is more of a moral principle. It is a behavior they have built over the years and you would hardly see them do otherwise. When someone gives back to the community, simply say the person displays magnanimousness. Example: I love it when she displays her magnanimousness, it inspires others to do the same and also help other people who are in need. 


‘Unselfishness’ is another cool synonym for ‘Giving back to the community.’Unselfishness is not about not having enough, it is when people have more than enough but they still do not like to give to those who are in dire need of something.You can say that someone is unselfish when he does not have more than enough but he still looks out for others and gives back to the community whatever he can. Selfish people are more likely to make excuses for not helping or giving money to someone who needs it. When you see someone giving back to the community, you can say the person is unselfish. It encourages the person to even do more because at this point he already does good and gives back to the community when he has enough or not.  Example: This lady is the epitome of unselfishness.


‘Benevolence’ sounds like one of the best synonyms for ‘Giving back to the community.’Benevolence is the quality of being kind, kind people always love to look out for people and also they love doing good to help those in need. When someone gives back to the community, it is an act of benevolence which can also be referred to as kindness. The more you give back to the community, the more of a kind person you seem. The community usually loves it when you are kind to them and also look out for them in times of need.  Example: She is like a role model to the youths, she shows her benevolence each time she goes back to her hometown. 


You can use ‘Self-sacrificing’ as a synonym for ‘Giving back to the community.’A self-sacrificing person can give up his needs and desires and chooses to help those in need.People like these are tenderhearted, the moment they notice that someone else needs help more than they do, they can go on to ignore their personal needs and help that person in need.This is one good thing about selfless people, they put the needs of others before theirs. Sometimes, life can be hard for people, and a self-sacrificing person would intervene and make things easier. Example:Someone who is self-sacrificing always wins my heart. They can go all in for someone even when they have not met their personal needs. 


‘Great-heartedness’ is a similar way to say ‘Giving back to the community.’People like this love to support things with honorable causes, even when they tend to gain nothing when they do it.They have a generous heart and they are courageous enough to go out of their way to help those who need it. Giving back to the community is one of the best things you can give to a community that needs that particular support. Example:This is one of the guys who show a great deal of great-heartedness, they give without expectation.  


A good synonym for ‘Giving back to the community’ is ‘Open-heartedness.’ People like these are kind people who are often motivated by sympathy.They are usually compassionate and easily moved when they see people in need. These kinds of people are always on the lookout for needy people because they want to help. That is their nature, to help those who are in need. Most times they even go as far as helping a particular community. Example:I love it when people show their open-heartedness, it motivates me to help people more. 

Parting words

It is a good thing when people give back to the community. That is something that you should encourage when you see people doing it. When you see someone giving back to the community, you can refer to it as benevolence or being liberal. Whichever one you choose to use works. In this article, I explained 20 different synonyms for ‘giving back to the community’. You can use any of them interchangeably and it would still mean the same thing. 


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