15 Other Ways To Say "Let Me Know If Otherwise"

When you agree on something with someone, you always want to know if the person has a contrary opinion. You can tell the person to inform you if there is any contrary opinion.If you feel the person has a contrary opinion, you can say  ‘Let me know if otherwise.’ In this article, I will show you 15 other words to say instead of ‘let me know otherwise.’

15 Other Ways To Say Let Me Know If Otherwise

  1. Inform me if there are any changes
  2. Kindly advise if otherwise
  3. You can as well let me know if you think differently
  4. Do not fail to inform me if I got it wrong in any way
  5. Kindly indicate if there is any difference
  6. Please fill me in if you find something better
  7. Inform me if there is a better option
  8. Tell me if it does not go as planned 
  9. You should tell me it there’s a way rather than this 
  10. Update me on other favorable ideas 
  11. Fill me in if not
  12. Let me know if you can initiate something different 
  13. Put me through any diversion 
  14. Kindly direct my attention to new alternatives
  15. I would like to know about any contrary opinion 

Inform me if there are any changes

‘Inform me if there are any changes’ is one good way to say ‘Let me know if otherwise.’ You can simply say ‘Inform me if there are any changes’ when you expect any form of change on a particular job or plan. You are telling the person who is on the receiving end to let you know so you would be able to make a decision. This way, the person would know that you are expecting some sort of change and you also need the person to inform you if there is any change. Example:Inform me if there are any changes, I need to make a decision soon. 

Kindly advise if otherwise

Other Ways To Say Let Me Know If Otherwise‘Kindly advise if otherwise’ is one of the best ways to say ‘Let me know if otherwise.’When you say ‘Kindly advise me if otherwise’, you want to know something you do not. Seeking advice means asking for guidance, suggestions, or recommendations from someone with more knowledge or experience in a particular area. It involves actively seeking input or opinions to help make informed decisions or solve problems.This simply means that when you want a better option or means of doing something you can say ‘Kindly advise me if otherwise’Example:Kindly advise if otherwise, It does not look like this plan would work, and I would appreciate it if you help me out.

You can as well let me know if you think differently

‘You can as well let me know if you think differently’ is another cool way to say ‘Let me know if otherwise.’You are asking the person to let you know if they have a different viewpoint from yours about a particular topic and you expect that you are informed and provided with explanations and you are asking that the person should be open to discussing other perspectives.Example:I want to move to a new city and I am thinking of Chicago but you can also let me know if you think differently.

Do not fail to inform me if I got it wrong in any way

‘Do not fail to inform me if I got it wrong in any way’ is a good way to say ‘Let me know if otherwise’This means that if you say something incorrect or make a mistake, you have given out permission to a person to point it out and correct you. It shows that you value accuracy and appreciate being corrected if necessary.It implies that you do not know it all and you do accept that you can make mistakes, so you have asked someone to correct you if you are wrong.Example:I am trying to solve this equation. Can you come and take a look? Do not fail to inform me if I got it wrong in any way.

Kindly indicate if there is any difference

Another way to say ‘let me know if otherwise’ is ‘kindly indicate if there is any difference’When you say this, you are asking them to kindly let you know if there are any differences or variations. It's a request for them to provide information if something is not the same as expected or if there are any discrepancies.It is a polite way for you to ask someone for their input on whether something deviates from what is expected or if there are any contrasting elements.Example:I think these two are the same but kindly indicate if there is any difference

Please fill me in if you find something better

Another cool way to say ‘Let me know if otherwise’ is ‘Please fill me in if you find something better.’When you say this, you are asking that person to keep you informed or updated on what is considered better. It indicates that you want to stay informed about any improvements or advancements in a particular topic or situation.It means that you want to stay informed about any improvements or advancements in a particular subject or situation, so you choose to ask someone to keep you up to date. It indicates that you value being updated on the latest developments and want to know what is considered to be the superior or more favorable option because you expect that there are better options and you do not want to settle for less.Example:I have plans to do it this way but I also want you to Please fill me in if you find something better.

Inform me if there is a better option 

A good way to say ‘let me know if otherwise’ is to say ‘inform me if there is a better option.’You can say this to ask someone to let you know if there is an alternative or superior choice available. It suggests that you want to be informed if there is a better option than what is currently being considered or presented to you.Example:I am not interested in any other product other than this, kindly inform me if there is a better option.

Tell me if it does not go as planned 

Tell me if it does not go as planned’ is a nice way to say ‘Let me know if otherwise.’If something doesn't go as expected or according to plan, you want someone to inform you. You are requesting to be notified if things deviate from the intended course.If things don't go as you had initially planned, you want someone or a particular person to give you an update or let you know about any unexpected changes or outcomes. You are seeking to stay informed in case there are any deviations from your initial expectations.Example:I won’t be going with you guys to the musicals so tell me if it does not go as planned.

You should tell me if there’s a way rather than this 

A better way to say ‘let me know if otherwise’ is ‘you should tell me if there’s a way rather than this’When you say this to someone, you are asking them if there is an alternative or different approach available, you would want them to inform you instead of sticking to the current option. You want to be open to exploring other possibilities and would like that person to share them with you.You want to know if there is a different method or solution that may be more suitable or preferable, and you would like that person to inform you about it rather than moving on with the current approach. You are seeking that person’s input and suggestions for alternative ways to achieve your goal.Example:You should tell me if there’s a way rather than this so I don’t get stuck doing one thing over and over.

Update me on other favorable ideas

‘Update me on other favorable ideas’ is a great way to say let me know if otherwise.’ You say this to let them know if they should come across any other good or advantageous ideas, you want them to keep you informed.You are interested in any other suggestions or approaches that could be beneficial. You are asking them that If they happen to discover any additional ideas or suggestions that you believe would be advantageous, you would like them to provide you with updates. This shows how interested you are in exploring different options and would appreciate being kept informed about any favorable alternatives that may arise.Example:Update me on other favorable ideas because I don’t think mine is good enough.

Fill me in if not

‘Fill me in if not’ is another polite way to say ‘let me know if otherwise’You say to someone fill me in if not which implies that if there are any updates or information that are shared, you want them to let you know. You are asking them to provide any missing details or updates if there are any.Example: Tell me if the plan works, however, fill me in if not.

Let me know if you can initiate something different 

‘Let me know if you can initiate something different’ is another pleasant way of saying ‘let me know if otherwise’ You are asking If the person can start or initiate something different, you want them to inform you. You are seeking confirmation if they are capable of initiating a different action or activity. If there is something specific or unique that they would like me to initiate or start, you just want to know and take action on it with them.You are asking if they can initiate something different and you are interested in exploring new possibilities.Example:I am getting uninterested in the method of doing this job. Could you let me know if you can initiate something different?

Put me through any diversion

‘Let me know if otherwise’ can also be said as ‘put me through any diversion’When you ask a person to put you through any diversion, you are simply asking them to provide you with distractions or diversion to keep you engaged, informed, or entertained.If you only want that person's suggestion or guidance through any exciting or interesting activities, you can simply say put me through any diversion. You are requesting that person to provide you with enjoyable diversions or ways to pass the time.Example:I am not enjoying this, could you put me through a diversion?

Kindly direct my attention to a new alternative

Another kind way to say ‘Let me know if otherwise’ is ‘Kindly direct my attention to a new alternative.’You are asking If a person could kindly point you toward a new option or alternative, you would appreciate it. It is a way of asking the person to guide your attention towards something different or give you suggestions for choices. Let the person know what you are looking for, and the person will do their best to help you out.Example:Kindly direct my attention to a new alternative, I don’t think my idea would work out.

I would like to know about any contrary opinion 

‘I would like to know about any contrary opinion’ is another good way to say ’let me know if otherwise’You say this because you want to know different perspectives or opinions about an idea. You want somebody that can provide you with contrasting viewpoints. You are expressing a desire to be aware of opinions that differ from your own. You can easily tell them ‘I would like to know about any contrary opinion’ you are to decide on or you are curious about, and you expect that they share alternative viewpoints with you. Example:I have explained all I know, but I would like to know about any contrary opinions.


When you need someone to provide diversions, suggest alternatives, and share contrary opinions. It means that you do not expect so much from your initial plans and you think there are better ways to achieve a certain goal. In this article, I explained the various ways you can say ‘Let me know if otherwise.’ You can use any of them. 


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