15 Other Words To Say Instead Of “Sorry To Disturb You”

Nobody likes it when they are disturbed or interrupted in a conversation, it is a nice thing to apologize when you disturb or apologize when you are about to disturb the person.Apologizing when you are about to disturb the person is a better way to go about it because at that point the person is already aware that you are about to interrupt and he would not get pissed when you eventually do it. It is great to apologize when you interrupt someone, some may not know the best way to apologize, however, in this article, I explained 15 other ways you can say ‘sorry to disturb you’ when you disturb someone. Take a look:

15 Other Words To Say Instead Of Sorry To Disturb You

  1. I do not mean to bother you
  2. I am truly sorry to trouble you
  3. Sorry for the interruption
  4. I do not mean to interfere
  5. I am deeply sorry to bother you
  6. Excuse me for disturbing you
  7. I do not mean to intrude
  8. Permit me to disrupt what you are doing
  9. I hate to interrupt, but I need your attention
  10. Kindly permit my intrusion 
  11. I do not mean to intervene, forgive me
  12. I hate to do this, but I have to disturb you for a minute
  13. Forgive me for the interruption
  14. I know I have been troubling you, pardon me for that
  15. Kindly excuse me

I do not mean to bother you

Other Words To Say Instead Of Sorry To Disturb You‘I do not mean to bother you’ is a nice way to say ‘Sorry to disturb you.’ When you bother someone, it can become annoying, you should apologize when you annoy someone, even if you did not do it intentionally. This shows that you may bother the person but you do not intend to do that, this sounds calming because it can make the person forgive you easier. When someone knows that you did not intentionally do something, it puts you in a better position of being forgiven easily. Example: Hey, I do not mean to bother you, can you spare two minutes of your time? 

I am truly sorry to trouble you

Other Words To Say Instead Of Sorry To Disturb YouAnother cool way to say ‘Sorry to disturb you’ is ‘I am truly sorry to trouble you.’ This shows how truly sorry you are for causing trouble. This is a good way to apologize because some people could feel troubled when they are interrupted.Saying you are truly sorry is a way of showing that you regret your actions and you wish you never did that in the first place. With this, you would be pardoned easily. Example: I never meant to do that, I am truly sorry to trouble you.

Sorry for the interruption

‘Sorry for the interruption’ is one of the best ways to say ‘sorry to disturb you.’ Interruption is a way of stopping someone from speaking during a conversation. Sometimes you could interrupt someone without the slightest idea that the person was talking, probably because you were not paying attention. Some people could get pissed when they get interrupted while speaking, that is why it is a good idea to apologize by saying that you are sorry for the interruption. Example:Sorry for the interruption, I never realized you were speaking.

I do not mean to interfere

‘I do not mean to interfere’ is one of the best ways to say ‘Sorry to disturb you.’ When you interfere, you take part in the concerns of others, especially when it has nothing to do with you. It can be disturbing, you should apologize for interfering in something that has nothing to do with you, especially if it got the person pissed. It is best you stay focused and not try to interfere or disturb others, you may be making them pissed by doing that. Example:I am sorry if I interfered, I didn't mean to interfere. 

I am deeply sorry to bother you

It shows you feel regret about bothering the person and you wish you never did that. When you bother someone, it shows the person got pissed by something you did or that you are bugging the person in a way that seems annoying. You should stop bothering people because no one likes it. If at all you end up bothering someone, you should let the person know you are sorry and that you do not mean it in any way. Example:I am deeply sorry to bother you, I never meant to,

Excuse me for disturbing You

Another nice way to say ‘Sorry to disturb you’ is ‘Excuse me for disturbing you.’ This is a polite and subtle way of apologizing for disturbing someone. Sometimes, you say this in anticipation to interrupt or disturb someone so they know beforehand that you are about to disturb them. Saying ‘excuse me’ will help reduce how pissed the person could be. This is because the person is already aware and there is no need to get pissed at something you already know will happen. Sometimes, out of anger, the person could tell you to leave him alone just because you are disturbing, but saying ‘Excuse me’ can help suppress the anger.Example:Hey, I am about to do something crazy, excuse me for disturbing you. 

I do not mean to intrude

‘I do not mean to intrude’ is one of the best ways to say ‘Sorry to disturb you.’When you intrude, you put yourself in a situation where you are unwelcome or invited by someone or a group of people. For example, if you go to a gathering uninvited, you could be disturbing the event. If you find yourself in a situation like this, the right thing to do is to apologize by saying that you do not mean to intrude. If you intrude on someone in an office and you do not apologize, some can send you out of their office for intruding. Example:I am sorry if my presence is disrupting your gathering, I do not mean to intrude.

Permit me to disrupt what you are doing

'Permit me to disrupt what you are doing is one of the best ways to say 'Sorry to disturb you.' This is a way of asking for the person's permission before you disrupt, you already know that what you are about to do would disrupt what the person is doing, that is why you need to tell the person beforehand and politely ask for permission so that it will not come as a surprise and even make the person pissed. This way, the person would already anticipate disruption, and this will make him react differently from when he had no idea that he would be disrupted while talking or engaging in an activity. Example:I know you would not like this, but please permit me to disrupt what you are doing. 

I hate to interrupt, but I need your attention

'I hate to interrupt, but I need your attention' sounds like one of the best alternatives to say 'Sorry to disturb you.'This shows how much you need the person's attention. It is possible to need someone's attention but the person could be busy with something else. In a situation like this, you may need to interrupt the person just because you need his attention. Of course, you hate the fact that you are about to interrupt the person but you just have to do it. Example:You may get pissed at me for doing this, I hate to interrupt, but I need your attention. 

Kindly permit my intrusion 

Another perfect way to say 'sorry to disturb you' is 'kindly permit my intrusion.'This is when you go into a place where you are not wanted. Oftentimes, when you go where you are not wanted, it can be regarded as a disturbance.When you are about to go to a place where you are not wanted, it is best to tell the person to permit your intrusion, that way the person would not be too pissed. Example: I know my visit was unwanted, kindly permit my intrusion.

I do not mean to intervene, forgive me

You can say 'I do not mean to intervene, forgive me' instead of  'Sorry to disturb you.' This is when you come between people when they are in a conversation or when they are doing an activity. It can be disturbing and rude when two people are discussing or doing an activity and you go ahead to intervene without any prior notice or without being invited. When you know you are not invited to a conversation or a gathering with people around, you should let them know that you do not mean to intervene.Perhaps, you need to pass a message or have a conversation with one of them, you can politely apologize for the intervention and go ahead to pass a message across to the person. Example:I do not mean to intervene, forgive me, I only want to pass a message across. 

I hate to do this, but I have to disturb you for a minute

'I hate to do this, but I have to disturb you for a minute' is a nice way to say 'Sorry to disturb you.' This can be used when you need the person's attention for a minute probably because you have something important to share with the person and you discovered he was busy discussing with someone. It is better to say to the person that you need his attention and that you may have to disturb him for a minute because you have something to say to him.This is a more polite way to go about it, this way, he could even decide to pause what he is doing and listen to you instead. Being polite about your request would make the person pay attention to you more and even grant your request. Example:I have something important to say to you, I hate to do this, but I have to disturb you for a minute.

Forgive me for the interruption

'Forgive me for the interruption' is one of the unique ways to say 'Sorry to disturb you.' This is a direct way of asking the person to forgive you for interrupting after you must have interrupted the person.Even if the person got pissed at you, it is a great idea to let the person know that you are sorry and you had to do it because it was beyond your control and it was the only option you had at that point. Instead of saying 'sorry to disturb' you can simply tell the person to forgive you for the interruption. This shows that you admit your fault and you are aware that you interrupted the person and there is every possibility that the person was pissed about it. Example:Hey, I know I disturbed you, forgive me for the interruption. 

I know I have been troubling you, pardon me for that

Another nice way to say 'Sorry to disturb you' is 'I know I have been troubling you, pardon me for that.' Disturbing someone can be troubling, no one likes it when they are being disturbed, that is one major reason why you should apologize when you notice someone is disturbed by something you are doing. It is best to use this when you are aware that you have disturbed the person or when the person complained to you that you are troubling him. Example:I know I have been troubling you, pardon me for that. 

Kindly excuse me

'Kindly excuse me' is a simple way to say 'Sorry to disturb you.' This is a polite way of drawing someone's attention to the fact that you are about to do something that the person may consider unpleasant. This can also be used as a way of apologizing for something you have done wrong. If you disturbed someone, it is easier to say 'Excuse me.' This can also be interpreted as 'pardon me.' Example: If you got pissed that I disturbed you, kindly excuse me.

Final Verdict

People are usually willing to forgive you when you apologize for doing something wrong, especially when you disturb them. It is a good idea to apologize when you disturb someone, whichever way you disturbed the person, you should let the person know you are sorry for doing that. Instead of saying 'Sorry to disturb you' I have explained different ways you can say it in this article, you can make use of anyone that best suits you.  


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