20 Best Responses to "Keep Slaying"

More words and phrases are being created often, giving us more to learn. ‘Keep. Slaying’ is one of these informal phrases, often used as a compliment.The best way to respond to ‘Keep Slaying’ is to say ‘Thank you’ or show your honest reaction to a compliment on your look or performance. ‘Keep Slaying’ is mostly used to refer to a person’s very good looks so the phrase may either be honest or a teasing exaggeration of how attractive you appear.The phrase, ‘Keep Slaying’, is also often used to compliment how well you are doing something.‘Keep Slaying’ may also be used to refer to a lifestyle that is considered admirable or a thirst trap. While the phrase may have several different meanings, it should be clear which one pertains to you when the phrase is said to you.

Below are 20 creative ideas for responding to ‘Keep Slaying’

  1. Stop teasing.
  2. Thank you.
  3. I should be saying that to you.
  4. Watch out!
  5. I’m not slaying anyone
  6. Every throat is going down, baby!
  7. Another day
  8. When you retire
  9. Can’t stop.
  10. Don’t deceive me.
  11. Sharpening my knives
  12. I’m done slaying for the night.
  13. How dare I?
  14. Non-stop. Catch me if you can.
  15. I’m saving lives now.
  16. You keep slaying.
  17. I know you’re playing with me.
  18. You too
  19. Who did I slay?
  20. Let’s rest. My blade is tired

Stop teasing

‘Stop teasing’ is a modest response to ‘Keep slaying’, implying that you don’t believe you are doing or looking as great as you are being complimented to be.‘Teasing’ is often either an exaggeration or the opposite of the truth so when you say this, you are implying that what is being said about you is not accurate.The compliment may have been towards your appearance. It may also be about something that you have done well.It is better to modestly push away a totally honest compliment than embrace one that is just meant to tease you. Therefore, this response should work in all situations.

Thank you

How to Respond to Keep Slaying‘Thank you’ is the standard response to ‘Keep slaying’ and every other compliment. It implies an acceptance of the quality that has been given to you or just a refusal to leave a comment.Anyone can say ‘Thank you’ to a compliment so some compliments may be said just to get different words from your mouth. Understanding that this could be a trap should help you bridle your tongue when commenting on a compliment.‘Keep slaying’ is not just a compliment but also an encouragement to keep looking good, to keep standing tall, to keep performing greatly at what you do, or to keep posting thirst traps on your social media accounts.In some cases, it shows honest support. In other cases, it’s just sarcasm and the speaker thinking he/she is saying what you expect to hear. ‘Thank you’ is a good response for both instances.

I should be saying that to you.

‘I should be saying that to you’ is another modest response to ‘Keep slaying’ which not only implies that you don’t think you deserve the compliment but also throws the compliment back to the speaker.By giving this response, you are telling the speaker - now the listener - that the compliment applies to him or her. Whichever quality the speaker was referring to with this compliment, you are saying he or she possesses it more than you do. In most cases, this is just a show of modesty.However, you may need to say this back if the speaker is clearly teasing you with the compliment.

Yup. Watch out!

‘Yup. Watch out!’ is a cool and friendly response to ‘Keep slaying’ which embraces the compliment energetically. Embracing compliments often seems a bad idea as one may appear arrogant by doing so. However, in this case, it may just be a friendly response. This response implies that you really are slaying and everyone should watch out as you do what you do.This response is only advised if you are talking to a friend or to someone who you are sure isn’t teasing you. It would be embarrassing to find out that the speaker didn’t mean the compliment.

I’m not slaying anyone

‘I’m not slaying anyone’ is a modest response to ‘Keep slaying’, used to imply that you don’t know what the speaker is talking about.You can say this if you have been complimented on your appearance. This response will either show your modesty or prevent you from being teased.It is normal to be complimented on your looks by a playful friend even when you are looking your worst. However, it is good to know when the compliments are just mere words.You can also say this if the compliment is based on what you have done. This response will show that you don’t think you have done anything special. This could be true. It could also just be you being modest.

Every throat is going down, baby!

‘Every throat is going down, baby!’ is a nice and energetic response to ‘Keep slaying’ if you are chatting with a close friend or a fan.Feel free to use this if the compliment is thrown at your looks or your performance. Saying this in response to a compliment on your performance shows your confidence in your abilities.While you have no business with throats, you are implying your preparedness to stun everyone with your looks or performance.

Another day

‘Another day’ is a cool response to ‘Keep slaying’ meant to decline a request to do something that you usually do well.This response is meant to show that you are not interested in doing what you are being asked to do. While ‘Keep slaying’ is a compliment and an encouragement to continue to stun with your looks or performance, it may also be a request to ‘slay’.You may be requested to stun so you can give this response to show that you are busy or not in the mood for it.

When you retire

‘When you retire’ is a good response to ‘Keep slaying’ which throws the compliment back at the speaker. It directly puts the speaker- now listener- above yourself.By giving the response ‘When you retire’, you are implying that you are not ‘slaying’ like the other person.In other words, you can’t take the compliment until that person stops being better than you in the area you are being complimented in.You can say this if you think the person complimenting you is better than you and only trying to motivate you.You may also just say this if you think the other person is just teasing you. It is a good way to throw the joke back.

Can’t stop

How to Respond to Keep Slaying‘Can’t stop’ is a confident response to ‘Keep slaying’ accepting the compliment along with the encouragement.‘Keep slaying’ works as a compliment and a motivation for the complimented person to continue doing or looking great. When you respond by saying ‘Can’t stop’, you agree with the compliment and say you will continue to do great.You can add a ‘Thank you’ for a touch of humility. However, this is needless if you are having a casual conversation with a friend or a fan.

Don’t deceive me

‘Don’t deceive me’ is a doubtful response to ‘Keep slaying’ used to imply that you are not in the mood to be teased by the speaker. You can use this to avoid getting into an ‘arrogance’ trap. It is common knowledge that people often throw certain compliments as a trap to people whom they think believe themselves to be important or good at something.They compliment them in areas that they perform in and expect them to embrace it or respond with a statement that denotes arrogance.You can avoid this trap by refusing to smile at or accept any compliment that is said to you. You can also just say this to a friend who you think is definitely just joking with you.

Sharpening my knives

‘Sharpening my Knives’ is a creative response to ‘Keep slaying’, meant to imply your efforts to do better at what you are being complimented for.The listener may not understand what this implies at first but the metaphor will sink in with time. Of course, you are not sharpening any knife and you are not actually slaying anything or anyone.Give this response to embrace the compliment and show your dedication to improving. It is suitable when talking to an older person or someone else you look up to.

I’m done slaying for the night

‘I’m done slaying for the night’ is a good response to ‘Keep slaying’ to imply your temporary resignation from whatever you are being prodded to do.This is a suitable response if the phrase has been said to request a performance from you. When you say this, you are implying that you are tired of it or have to do something.The statement also naturally implies that you have been performing already and you just won’t ‘Keep slaying’ for one reason or another.

How dare I?

‘How dare I?’ is a modest response to ‘Keep slaying’ meant to imply your submission to the speaker. Saying this means you don’t think yourself worthy of the compliment, especially because the speaker should be receiving the compliment.By asking the rhetorical question ‘how dare I?’, you are suggesting that the compliment is an exaggeration of your appearance or performance.It could also mean that you find yourself unworthy of the compliment, especially in front of the person saying it to you. In other words, you are throwing the compliment back to the speaker.This may mean that you consider the speaker to look better than you or to be able to perform better than you. You may also just say this as a form of modesty.

Non-stop. Catch me if you can

‘Non-stop. Catch me if you can’ is a nice response to ‘Keep slaying’, implying that you will continue to look great or perform greatly at what you are being complimented on and you can’t be matched.Add this to a list of responses you can give when you are complimented. Just know that most people often expect a shy ‘Thank you’ or any other response that suggests modesty when they throw compliments at you.This will sound much better when talking to someone you are very close to.

I’m saving lives now

‘I’m saving lives now’ is a creative and funny response to ‘Keep slaying’. You can say this as a mere joke to avoid responding directly to the compliment. This may also mean that you are not willing to do what you are being encouraged to do.When you are told to keep slaying, this may be referring to something you are considered good at doing. By giving this response, you are telling the speaker that you are no longer interested in it.

You keep slaying

‘You keep slaying’ is a modest response to ‘Keep slaying’ directly complimenting the speaker.Saying this back implies that you believe the speaker to be better or just as good as you in whatever you are being complimented on.

I know you’re playing with me.

‘I know you are playing with me’ is a modest or honest response to ‘Keep slaying’ to show disbelief towards the compliment that has been said to you. Whether you have been complimented on your looks or performance, this response implies that you don’t believe it.

You too

‘You too’ is an okay response to ‘Keep slaying’ which equally compliments the speaker. It is a common response to many compliments. However, due to its common use, it may not be considered a returned compliment to the speaker.

Who did I slay?

‘Who did I slay?’ is a calm, modest, and witty response to ‘Keep slaying’ suitable for a casual conversation with a friend. This rhetorical question helps you avoid giving a reaction to the compliment.Asking this rhetorical question can take the attention of whatever you are being complimented on. Use this if you don’t know how to respond to the compliment.

Let’s rest. My blade is tired

‘Let’s rest. My blade is tired’ is a funny response to ‘Keep slaying’, suggesting your temporary resignation from the performance you are being complimented on.Use this if you are being encouraged to continue doing something but you are already tired. This embraces the compliment in a funny way and responds to the request to continue.

Wrap Up

‘Keep slaying’ is a compliment and can refer to your looks or performance. However, like other compliments, they may be sarcastically used.Choose your response based on how you feel about the compliment, who is saying it, and what message you want to pass.


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