19 Best Responses to “Keep Me Posted”

Now what does it mean to keep a person posted? Here we do not speak of the post office, nor do we speak of social media. What does it mean when a person tells you "keep me posted", especially when working together?These are all the ways a person can interpret the phrase "keep me posted", but this is not what this article is all about.The context for this article is the more popular, more widely accepted one, which of course means keeping someone on a roster to drop them some timely or constant progress reports on a matter they asked you to give them feedback on.But in the case you are being asked to give someone some status reports or someone tells you, "keep me posted" then what do you say? In the list below, we have a few ways you can reply to this so read on.

19 Best Replies to "Keep Me Posted" 

What can you say in response to being told, "keep me posted"? Well, there are a bunch of ways you could reply to them today, so here are 20 responses one could use:

  1. Alright. Do let me know how to reach out to you
  2. Actually, there would be no need for that. I have the reports right here
  3. Sure. I like that I get to work with you. You are very resourceful.
  4. I never passed you as a social media person but sure.
  5. It would be best to receive such information from [name of person] as he/she is the one incharge of that currently.
  6. As you wish sir/ma'am I will see that reports are sent weekly.
  7. My desk is full as it is and I think the task will be better left with someone with less workload.
  8. Sure thing! I'll send carrier pigeons with tiny scrolls attached.
  9. No worries, I'll keep you posted even if I have to use a billboard outside your window.
  10. Certainly, I keep you informed with updates.
  11. Of course, I'll keep you apprised of any changes as they occur.
  12. Of course, I'll make it a top priority to keep you informed on the situation.
  13. Sure thing, I'll keep you in the loop!
  14. Definitely, I'll keep you in the know
  15. I've got you covered with all the news as it happens.
  16. You're on my 'keep informed' list!"
  17. Will do. All you have to do is stay tuned.
  18. Would it be work updates only? I can keep updated on the latest Kardashian drama.
  19.  That won't be a problem but can I get the status report of what I will be updating you on?

1. Alright just let me know how I can reach out to you

When you have been asked to "keep someone posted" you can reply with "Alright just let me know how I can reach out to you" to know how best to contact them.It is always better to know exactly what the person assigning the task wants rather than assuming. It saves everyone time and you do not have to deal with dissatisfied and angry people.

2. Actually, there would be no need for that. I have the reports right here

If on the other hand, the ever-efficient you have it all done and have in fact got the job done, when they say "keep me posted" you will easily respond "Actually, there would be no need for that. I have the reports right here".It might be that they themselves are not aware of the status of the project hence asking you to keep them posted. With this reply and the reports on the latest developments, they will be more than satisfied and kept well informed.

3. Sure. I like that I get to work with you. You are very resourceful

While you are affirming that you will "keep them posted" as they ask, you can use it as a good opportunity to say "Sure. I like that I get to work with you. You are very resourceful".A response like this praises their abilities and it will make them feel good about themselves. Afterall, you never go wrong with compliments.

4. I never passed you as a social media person but sure.

"I never passed you as a social media person but sure" is an amusing response to "keep em posted" with the joke on being posted.On every social media platform, they make posts. With the joke in mind, when they ask to keep you posted it can mean that they want to grace your Instagram story or feature in a TikTok video.You can, comically, take it to mean that they want you to make a post about them on your social media.

5. It would be best to receive such information from [name of person] as he/she is the one in charge of that currently. 

If you do not happen to have the needed information and you know someone who does, then use a reply like "It would be best to receive such information from [name of person] as he/she is the one in charge of that currently" to refer them to someone with the required information.Sometimes, when asked about certain matters or kinds of information, you may not have the information handy, or you may not even have anything to do with said information.So, with this reply, you could show them who would have said information.How to Respond to Keep Me Posted

6. As you wish sir/ma'am I will see that reports are sent weekly.

In the workplace, there are times when your employer or a superior would ask for a regular update on certain matters.In this case, you could reply with "As you wish sir/ma'am I will see that reports are sent weekly", when asked.It could be a project or a certain task that requires continuous checkups. And so it would not be weird for your superior to ask for continued updates on the matter, hence asking to keep them posted. This reply answers just that.

7. My desk is full as it is and I think the task will be better left with someone with less workload.

If you can not handle the work and you have a valid reason you would refuse when someone says "keep me posted," explain with "My desk is full as it is and I think the task will be better left with someone with less workload", which will make them understand.If you are too worried about their reaction to explain that you are too occupied to take on more work, you might try juggling them all and failing. You would appear incompetent and like a person without excellent standards.That is worse than any reaction you would fear. If you have any other valid reason aside from a full desk, feel free to let them know.

8. Sure thing! I'll send carrier pigeons with tiny scrolls attached

Adding a little humor and comedy to the conversation, you could decide to go for, "Sure thing! I'll send carrier pigeons with tiny scrolls attached", to make a small joke while staying in line with the conversation.It's a good joke considering the method used in the analogy is a far cry from what is being used for communication and information dissemination today and even has been used for years now. The methods.

9. No worries, I'll keep you posted even if I have to use a billboard outside your window.

To give a bit of assurance on how you can do what is being asked of you, as in, to keep them posted, you can use "No worries, I'll keep you posted even if I have to use a billboard outside your window", to reply.Having a billboard at your window might be a bit too jarring and attract a little too much attention, but at least it'll make sure you keep seeing the information without fail.

10. Certainly, I will ensure to provide you with timely updates

Using "Certainly, I will ensure to provide you with timely updates" as a reply to the instruction "keep me posted", is a positive and reassuring way to go.Getting timely reports on an issue with how it started and how it's going being tabled out in real-time or at intervals, anyone would be grateful for that.How to Respond to Keep Me Posted

11. Of course, I'll keep you apprised of any changes as they occur.

For a more customer or client-usable reply, you could try "Of course, I'll keep you apprised of any changes as they occur" to respond to when they ask you to keep them posted.Trying this reply would make it easy to relay to them what you are doing at what time and that you will let them know if things need to be moved around.While change is good most times, it is better when those involved are well prepared for it.

12. Of course, I'll make it a top priority to keep you informed on the situation.

You may have decided to make a duty of informing someone who asks for constant updates about the matters that they ask for, in that case, you could use "Of course, I'll make it a top priority to keep you informed on the situation".Knowing you want to make it a priority to dish out information on a regular basis so as to keep them informed would make them view you in a good light.

13. Sure thing, I'll keep you in the loop!

Of course, you would want to keep them in the know of things, and let them in on the processes it takes to reach a certain goal. In that case, if they tell you to keep them posted, you could answer them with a "Sure thing, I'll keep you in the loop!"This reply is more casual and can more appropriately be used among folks who happen to know each other at least long enough to be more casual with each other.

14. Definitely, I'll keep you in the know

As a regular reply may be needed at times when responding to acquaintances when asked to keep them posted in a conversation, one could use "Definitely, I'll keep you in the know"It's regular, it's simple, and it doesn't make things complicated or require the extra trouble of minding what you say to whom at what time.

15. I've got you covered with all the news as it happens.

If you want to turn updates and reports into a breaking news impression, you can go for a reply like "I've got you covered with all the news as it happens".As a way to become the news anchor of your dreams, you could use this reply to keep some humor while also giving them a straight reply.

16. You're on my 'keep informed' list!"

If you have their names on a list to remember needing to constantly give them feedback on the matter, then tell them that with "You're on my 'keep informed' list".It's a simple and not too funny but casual reply that is more appropriate to use with friends and family.

17. Will do. All you have to do is stay tuned.

When a person says "keep me posted", you can use a funny response like "Will do. All you have to do is stay tuned", to reply to them.A reply like this says that you will be willing to keep them posted and they will have to get ready to read your updates no matter how frequent they are and how they come.

18. Would it be work updates only? I can keep updated on the latest Kardashian drama?

With the question "Would it be work updates only? I can keep updated on the latest Kardashian drama?", you can inject some humor. That will make the "keep me posted" person smile.It can just remain a joke and you part ways or you can use it as an avenue to continue the conversation.

19. That won't be a problem but can I get the status report of what I will be updating you on?

It might seem embarrassing to say "That won't be a problem but can I get the status report of what I will be updating you on" when someone says "keep me posted".It's best when you have a lot you are working on.

Final Words

Although the phrase "keep me posted" is mostly used in work settings, it doesn't stop you from using any of the responses that you feel are more of your style.Keep in mind though that while you are having fun with these responses, you do not upset anyone.Lastly, you can always modify these replies to what you deem fit. While you do so, do not get carried away so you can stay in line with the truth and give accurate responses. With that, enjoy your day. Cheerio.


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