20 Best Responses to Cancellation of Service

It is heartbreaking to see a customer request the cancelation of your services. However, there are several reasons a customer may want to cancel your services. If you don’t understand these reasons, you may be losing several customers because of it.When crafting a good response to a cancelation, you should acknowledge the desire of your customer to cancel your services. After this, you can ask for reasons he/she no longer feels the need to remain subscribed to your services.You should also offer the opportunity for him/her to reactivate the subscription.

Below are the 20 best email templates for responding to Cancelation of Service

  1. Dear [Customer’s Name],

We are sorry about your decision to cancel your [Service Name]. We consider your satisfaction of utmost importance and we regret not being able to meet your expectations this timePlease, permit us to process your request within 72 hours. You will receive a confirmation email once it’s done. Feel free to reach out to our customer support team at [Email] or [Phone Number] If you have any questions or concernsWe would appreciate it if you could share your reasons for canceling. This will assist us in making necessary improvements to our services in the near future.Thank you for your time.  We hope to get the chance to serve you again and better next time.Best wishes,[Your Name][Your Title][Company Name]

  1. Dear [Customer name],

This is to inform you that your subscription with [Company name] has been canceled, as requested.Your decision is respected and understood. We would appreciate your participation in a brief survey. Your input will assist us in improving our [product/service] in the future.Kindly indicate the reasons for your cancelation request. (Tick all that apply):

  • Unsatisfactory customer service
  • The product lacked some features I expected.
  • I can’t use the product effectively
  • The [product/service] was too expensive.
  • Other (please specify)

Wishing you all the best for the future,[Your name][Your title][Your company name][Your contact information]How to Respond to Cancellation of Service

  1. Hi [Customer Name],

We appreciate you being a member of our brand [Company Name] and are sorry to see you go.Your membership will be canceled on [date] as per your request. Take note that we’d love to have you back with us, but it’s fine if our services have not satisfied your desires so far.Just in case the cancelation request was a mistake or you’ve changed your mind, don’t worry! You can reactivate your Membership with the link below whenever you like to take advantage of our juicy offers [State some membership benefits and new offers].Continue Membership:If you have questions or need any assistance, you’ve got our team at your service. You can check out these self-service videos [Link] or reach out to our customer support team on [Phone number or Email]Sincerely,[YOUR SIGNATURE]

  1. Hello [Customer’s Name],

We are heartbroken to receive your cancelation request for [Service Name]. It is our too priority to satisfy you and it is clear we have not succeeded so far. However, we would like to explore the possibilities of retaining your business.We would love to hear about your experience with us. We understand our services have been unable to meet your expectations. Your honest feedback will help us improve our service to all customers.As a token of appreciation, here is a [Discount/Offer] for the next [Time Period]. We hope this will enable us the opportunity to address your concerns and prove our dedication to ensuring your satisfaction.Please, let us know if you would like to discuss your experience or if you have any questions.We look forward to serving you better next timeBest regards,[Your Name][Your Title][Company Name]

  1. Hello [Customer’s Name],

We got your request to cancel your subscription to [Service Name], and we are truly sorry to hear that you want to discontinue our service.Before we proceed with the deactivation, we’d like to know if you have any concerns we can address or if there is any way we can improve your experience with us.We understand the unique nature of our customers’ needs, and we are dedicated to providing personalized solutions.If you would share the reasons for your cancelation request, we’d appreciate the chance to modify our services to suit your needs.Additionally, as a gesture, we are offering a [Discount/Offer] for the next [Time Period] to enable us to demonstrate our dedication to your service and resolve your issues.Please, respond to this email if you would like to grab this offer. Feel free to reach out with your questions or concerns if you have any.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Title][Company Name]How to Respond to Cancellation of Service

  1. Hi [Customer Name],

Your subscription to [Company Name] has been deactivated.We are saddened that you are leaving but we understand and respect your decision! We would appreciate it if you took part in our short survey. This is to help us improve our services.Reason for canceling subscription to [Service Name]?(Tick all that apply):

  • The product didn’t work properly
  • Your support team is unsatisfactory
  • The product doesn’t offer some features I expected
  • The product took too long to learn
  • The product is too expensive
  • My company doesn’t exist anymore
  • Other (Specify reasons)

Do you have an alternative solution that you may utilize in the future?  We’d love to hear your opinion on how we can make our products better.All the best,[YOUR SIGNATURE]

  1. Hi [Customer name],

Hope this finds you well. Your request was received to cancel your subscription to [service name]. We are here to provide you assistance through the cancellation process.Your subscription will be deactivated on [date]. Until then, you can still access all the benefits of your current subscription plan.Note that you will still be allowed access to our free resources and updates after the deactivationThank you for being our valued customer.Best regards,[Your name][Your title][Your company name][Your contact information]

  1. Hello [Customer’s Name],

We appreciate you reaching out to us. Your request to cancel your subscription to [Service Name] was received. We are sorry that you feel the need to discontinue our service.Your cancelation is being processed and should be confirmed within 48 hours. Once the deactivation is complete, you will get a confirmation email.Please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service team at [Email or Phone Number] if you have any questions or concerns.We hope for another opportunity to serve you in the future.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Title][Company Name]

  1. Hello [Customer’s Name],

We received your request to deactivate your subscription. We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss any challenges you may have faced with our service.[Company Name] is committed to providing excellent customer support, and we believe communicating with our customers can enable easy identification of areas that need improvement. We would like to explore the possibilities of remaining in your service if you don’t mind giving us a feedback on your experience with us.As an incentive to allow us the opportunity to improve the quality of our service, we are offering you a [Discount/Offer] for the next [Time Period].Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Title][Company Name]

  1. Hi [Customer Name],

We value you as a customer of [Company Name]. In response to your request, We have deactivated your subscription, and you will no longer be charged.Before you go, we would appreciate you leaving feedback on your time with us. This will assist us in improving our services and customer experience.Open SurveyYou will still be able to log into your account and access our free features. Note that the door is always open if you do change your mind. You can always check back to reactivate your subscription.Wish you all the best![YOUR SIGNATURE]

  1. Dear [Customer name],

We received your request to deactivate the service of our organization. We appreciate your past support and trust in [Company Name].We would be happy if you could answer a few questions to help us improve our service:

  • What was your primary reason for canceling your subscription?
  • How could we have done things differently to satisfy your needs?
  • What aspects of our service do you commend the most?

Please, feel free to share any additional comments if you have any.The support team is always here to assist you with your questions and concerns. If you ever decide to reconnect with us, the door is always open.Best regards,[Your name][Your title][Your company name][Your contact information]

  1. Dear [Customer name],

This is to inform you that your subscription to [service name] has failed to renew due to a payment failure.We couldn’t process the payment for your subscription on [date]. We understand how frustrating the situation may be, and we apologize for all the inconvenience caused.To continue your subscription and resume our services, we request you resolve the payment issue OR update payment information, OR review your payment details to ensure they are up-to-date.As soon as the payment issue is resolved, please notify us at [support email]. The Support team is always available to provide needed assistance.Thanks for your understanding.Best regards,[Your name][Your title][Your company name][Contact information]

  1. Dear [Customer name],

We appreciate your willingness to take part in our subscription cancelation survey.We understand and respect your decision to deactivate your subscription. We also want to address your concerns and make sure that you had a positive experience with us.We value your feedback, as it helps us in identifying areas of improvement within our organization.As an incentive to enable us to serve you further and better, we are delighted to offer a [Discount/Offer] on all subscription plans, valid till [Time/Date].Thank you for your past support and trust in us. We look forward to serving you again!Best regards,[Your name][Your title][Company name][Contact information]

  1. Dear [Customer name],

We are sorry to see you leave. However, we respect your decision to cancel your subscription to our service.We would appreciate you leaving feedback to clarify your reasons for unsubscribing. This will help us improve our services to valued customers like you. Please, take a few minutes to fill out this feedback form: [link]Thank you for being an appreciated member of [Name of Company]. We look forward to the chance of you rejoining us in the future. Feel free to contact our support team at [support email] if you have further concerns to share.Best regards,[Your name][Your title][Name of Company][Contact information]

  1. Dear [Customer name],

We recently received your request to cancel your premium account with us. We understand that you must have your reasons for this. We are here to support you through the cancelation process.Your premium account cancelation will be processed in a week. You will retain access to all the benefits of your premium membership till the process is complete.Please, note that the cancelation leaves you access to our free services. Thanks for being our valued member.Warm regards,[Your name][Your title][Your company name][Your contact information]

  1. Dear [Customer name],

We are sorry to see you go.Your cancelation request has been processed, and your subscription will be deactivated on [cancelation date]. Till then, you can continue enjoying all your membership benefits.Your support was extremely valuable to us, and we hope you equally enjoyed and benefitted from your time with us.Note that the door is always open if you ever consider rejoining us.Best wishes,[Your name][Your title][Your company name][Your contact information]

  1. Dear [Customer name],

We value your relationship and time with us and are dedicated to serving you in the best way that satisfies your needs.We understand that you’re considering a deactivation of your account and we will respect your decision. Before going through the termination process, we would like to have a meeting with you concerning how we may have failed to satisfy your needs.The support team wants to connect with you and resolve whatever issues you may have with our service.Here are three-time slots we suggest for the meeting:[date and time 1][date and time 2][date and time 3]Kindly let us know if you would like to have the meeting and, if so, what time you are comfortable with. You may also suggest an alternative date and time if none of the slots suit your schedule.Thanks in advance. We await your response.Best regards,[Your name][Your title][Your company name]

  1. Dear [Customer name],

We received your notification concerning terminating our business relationship. We are disheartened to see you go but we respect your decision.We appreciate your time with us. Your partnership was highly valued.Our support team is available to address any questions or concerns while the cancelation is being processed.Please, don’t hesitate to contact us If you need our assistance with anything.Warm regards,[Your name][Your title][Your company name][Your contact information]

  1. Hey [Customer Name],

I noticed you canceled your subscription to [Service Name]. No worries!Your feedback will assist us in improving our service. Did you expect something different? or was it missing a feature you needed?Your honest response to the questions above would be appreciatedBest wishes,[YOUR SIGNATURE]

  1. Dear [Customer name],

Your recent request to cancel your [service/subscription] with us is being processed promptly.While we are disheartened to see you go, we respect your decision. We would appreciate it if you let us know the reasons for your cancelation.Note that your [service/subscription] will be canceled on [cancelation date].Feel free to contact us if you change your mind in the future.Sincerely,[Your name][Your title][Your company name][Your contact information]

Wrap Up

Writing a response to a cancelation request can either be ineffective or successful in changing the mind of a customer.However, what works best is the action the business is willing to take.One of the ways to win a customer back is to extend juicy offers or ask for feedback on their experience and promise to address their concerns.The promise however won’t do much if it’s not eventually fulfilled. It all boils down to the quality of your service and how dedicated your business is to customer experience.


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