10 Funny Ways to Say "I Will Be There"

Understanding the beauty of language can help you express yourself in different ways. There are plenty of fun ways to communicate with friends to keep everyday conversations lively.For instance, if you want to promise someone that you'll be honoring their invitation, you can use a different expression than the usual "I'll be there."In this guide, I'll be taking you through different funny ways you can say "I'll be there."Whether you're responding to a party invite, a meeting invitation or just promising someone that you'll show up for them, these expressions will meet your needs adequately.

10 Funny Ways to Say "I Will Be There"

There are various ways you can tell someone you'll show up for their event. You can come up with some hilarious phrases to suit the occasion and get everyone laughing.If it's a party or some sort of social gathering, you can respond with "Set the best table for me. I'll join in feasting," or "I've invited myself"But, if it's some other form of gathering, you can respond with "Consider me the furniture in your living room," or "I'm already seated there, can't you see?"Here are 10 funny ways you can say "I'll be there."

  1. Set the best table for me. I'll join in feasting
  2. I'll be in the blend, just like the spices in your food
  3. I'll pop in like an unexpected plot twist
  4. Lay the red carpet and expect me in grand style 
  5. Consider me the furniture in your living room 
  6. You've just successfully hijacked my plans
  7. Where else will I be if not locked with you?
  8. I've invited myself
  9. I'm already seated there, can't you see?
  10. Consider me a loyal dog that heeds the voice of its master 

Set the Best Table for Me. I'll Join in Feasting 

Funny Ways to Say I Will Be ThereOne of the funny ways to tell someone that you'll be honoring their invitation is by saying "Set the best table for me. I'll join in feasting."This is a humorous way to promise someone that you'll be there. If it's the case that they're inviting you to a party, you can use this expression to let them know you won't miss it.Also, it'll work for any occasion to let them know you'll make it to whatever they're inviting you for.Here's how to use this expression:

  • Alright, I've taken note. Just set the best table for me, and I'll join in feasting. 
  • I'm definitely not missing this. Make sure you set the best table for me. I'll join in feasting

I'll Be in the Blend, Just Like the Spices in Your Food

"I'll be in the blend, just like the spices in your food" is another funny way to promise someone you'll make it to what they're inviting you for.Just like we put in spices while cooking food, and they become a part of the mixture, you can use this illustration to let someone know you'll attend the event or function they're inviting you to.Here's how to use the expression:

  • Expect me soon. I'll be in the blend, just like the spices in your food
  • Watch out for me. I'll be in the blend, just like the spices in your food

I'll Pop in Like an Unexpected Plot Twist

Another hilarious expression you can use instead of "I'll be there" is "I'll pop in like an unexpected plot twist."This is another simple way of promising someone that you'd make it to their occasion or meeting. While reading a novel or watching a movie, a plot twist you didn't see coming will take you by surprise.So, you can use this comparison to tell them that you'll definitely come around, so they should watch out for you. Here's how to use the statement:

  • Be prepared for I'll pop in like an unexpected plot twist
  • Don't worry, I'll pop in like an unexpected plot twist

Lay the Red Carpet and Expect Me in Grand Style 

Funny Ways to Say I Will Be There"Lay the red carpet and expect me in grand style" is another funny way to let someone know that you'll be there for them.If someone is inviting you to a function, you can use this expression to tell them to prepare for you that you'll be coming.It's a funny way of telling them you'll be coming in a big way, so they should be well prepared.Here's how to use the expression:

  • I'm saving the date. So, lay the red carpet and expect me in grand style 
  • Lay the red carpet and expect me in grand style. I'm not missing this for anything 

Consider Me the Furniture in Your Living Room

"Consider me the furniture in your living room" is another way you can let someone know that you'll be there.Usually, you'll find furniture in the living room of a house. So, this statement guarantees them of your presence. It's just like telling them that you're already there.It's a funny way of promising a friend that you won't miss their occasion. Here's how to use it:

  • There's no problem. Consider me the furniture in your living room 
  • You've nothing to fear. Just consider me the furniture in your living room

You've Just Successfully Hijacked My Plans

"You've just successfully hijacked my plans" is another amusing thing you can say when you want to let someone know that you'll be there.When someone tries to convince you to attend an event but you already have things planned, you can use this statement when they eventually convince you to attend.This statement tells them that you'll be attending, and also lets them know that you'll be canceling because of them.Here's how to use it:

  • It's alright, You've just successfully hijacked my plans
  • You've just successfully hijacked my plans. No thanks to you

Where Else Will I Be if Not Locked with You?

Funny Ways to Say I Will Be ThereAnother cool way to assure a friend that you'll show up for them is by saying "Where else will I be if not locked with you?" This expression tells them that you won't be missing their occasion for anything. It tells them you'd rather be with them than be anywhere else.It'll work with friends or someone you care about to express your support and love for them.Here's how to use the expression:

  • Where else will I be if not locked with you? You know I'll always be there for you
  • Of course, Where else will I be if not locked with you?

I Have Invited Myself 

Another statement you can use to tell someone that you'll be there is "I've invited myself."This phrase will work with someone who hasn't invited you for anything. For instance, if you happen to hear someone invite someone else to an event, you can use this phrase to tell them you want to attend.Telling them that you've invited yourself means that since they haven't invited you, you've done the honors yourself. It's a funny way of telling them you'll be attending.Here's how to use the phrase:

  • I've invited myself since you're not inviting me
  • I've invited myself, so include me in your plans 

I'm Already Seated There, Can't You See?

Another thing you can say to assure someone that you'll be gracing their occasion is "I'm already seated there, can't you see?"If someone asks you to join a meeting or a program, you can use this statement to let them know that you won't miss it. Also, it'll work when you're trying to convince someone who's doubting if you'll be there. It's a way of assuring them of your presence and creating some humor at the same time.Here's how to use this expression:

  • Don't worry about it. I'm already seated there, can't you see?
  • Put your mind at rest. I'm already seated there, can't you see?

Consider Me a Loyal Dog that Heeds to the Voice of Its Master 

"Consider me a loyal dog that heeds to the voice of its master" is another thing to say to assure someone of your presence at an event.This statement tells them that you're doing exactly as they have asked you. A loyal dog never ignores the voice of its master.So, you can use this illustration to assure them that since they've asked, you'll be attending. It's an amusing way of promising and guaranteeing them of your attendance.Here's how to use this expression:

  • You've no problem. Consider me a loyal dog that heeds the voice of its master 
  • I've heard you. Consider me a loyal dog that heeds to the voice of its master.

Wrapping Up

When you want to promise someone that you'll be honoring their invitation, there are numerous ways to tell them rather than the common, "I'll be there."The above are good examples of humorous ways to tell someone that you'll be there. So, whether it's an answer to an invite, or to assure them that you'll always be there for them, these expressions will serve you well. 


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