20 Best Responses to "Don't Take It Personally"

Being told not to take something personally is easier said than done. When someone criticizes our work, questions our competence, or insults our character, it's human nature to feel offended or hurt.While the person issuing such a remark may simply be trying to detach emotion from the situation, hearing 'don't take it personally' can come across as dismissive or invalidating our feelings.There are times, however, when trying not to internalize negative feedback or comments can be beneficial.With that in mind, here are 20 impactful responses one can consider when someone advises them not to take something personally:

20 Best Responses to ‘Don't Take It Personally’ 

  • I understand you don't mean offense, but it's still affecting me personally so I'd appreciate it if we could talk about how to avoid that in the future.
  • Easier said than done, but I'll try my best not to dwell on it. Let's just move our conversation in a more positive direction.
  • I'll try, but you really should be more thoughtful about how your actions or words might impact others even if unintended. Personal is personal.
  • You're right, I'll try not to internalize it. But does that mean I can't express how it made me feel at the moment? Communication works both ways.
  • Says you, But I do think it's ok for me to have feelings about interactions that directly involve me.
  • I'll leave my personal feelings at the door if you leave your thoughtless comments there too. Deal?
  • Easier said than done when it feels targeted. But for the sake of our relationship, I'll try to rise above, Just watch it next time, ok?
  • You know what they say - if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...it's hard not to take it personally, But I'll do my best to separate you from your action.
  • I'll do my best to take the high road, Just keep in mind that to me, the personal and the universal are clasped together like fingers in a hand.
  • I'll try to leave my ego on the coat rack. But you have to meet me halfway - be more thoughtful with your words if you don't want them taken personally.
  • Duly noted. I'll try to check my feelings at the door. And you should try checking those zingers before they leap off your tongue.
  • Easier said than done when my feelings are bruised, But I'll do my best not to internalize them, In the future though, a little more tact can go a long way.
  • I'll try my best, but refusing accountability makes it seem like the intention was to hurt me, That's hard not to take personally.
  • No harm, no foul, I'll do my best to let this roll off my back, But some food for thought - your careless comments can still cut deep even if unintended.
  • I'll try, but it's hard not to take negative actions personally. How about we be more mindful of each other's feelings moving forward?
  • Noted, I'll leave my pride on the passenger seat, But you really should be more thoughtful about how your tone or actions come across, even if unintentional. It takes two to tango.
  • No blood, no foul, I'll brush it off as best I can. Just keep in mind - personal is personal, even if you meant nothing by it, A little self-awareness can prevent hurt down the line.
  • Ah, the age-old 'don't take it personally' advice, I'll add it to my list of clichés, right next to 'it's not you, it's me.
  • Oh, don't worry, I won't take it personally, I'll just add it to my collection of impersonal experiences.
  • Taking things personally? Nah, that's so last season, I prefer to take vacations and chocolate cake personally instead.

1. I understand you don't mean offense, but it's still affecting me personally so I'd appreciate it if we could talk about how to avoid that in the future

‘I understand you don't mean offense, but it's still affecting me personally so I'd appreciate it if we could talk about how to avoid that in the future’ is best used when someone asks you not to take something personally and you want to acknowledge the other person's intent while still communicating how their words or actions made you feel.Taking a collaborative approach of 'how can we avoid this' leaves the door open for productive discussion to find a mutually agreeable solution.This response avoids coming across as too confrontational while still being assertive about addressing the issue.

2. Easier said than done, but I'll try my best not to dwell on it, Let's just move our conversation in a more positive direction

For situations where you don't want to escalate tensions or prolong an argument, ‘for situations where you don't want to escalate tensions or prolong an argument.Indicating you'll try your best to move past it, while gently guiding the conversation to a more positive place, diffuses potential defensiveness.This allows both parties to save face and shift the interaction to a less emotionally charged discussion.

3. I'll try, but you really should be more thoughtful about how your actions or words might impact others even if unintended, Personal is personal

‘I'll try, but you really should be more thoughtful about how your actions or words might impact others even if unintended.Personal is personal’ appropriately points out that even unintentional remarks being asked not to take personally can still negatively impact others on a personal level.By calling for increased thoughtfulness of how one's behaviors are perceived, it encourages the other person to be more empathetic without attacking their character. Highlighting the validity of personal feelings also establishes clear boundaries.

4. You're right, I'll try not to internalize it. But does that mean I can't express how it made me feel at the moment? Communication works both ways

Saying ‘You're right, I'll try not to internalize it. But does that mean I can't express how it made me feel at the moment? Communication works both ways’ and helps to effectively assert that while you will try not to internalize things, your emotions about an interaction that personally involves you are still worth voicing for the sake of open communication.Acknowledging the other's perspective while also expressing your own shows assertiveness without hostility. Both views are respected for a well-balanced discussion.

5. Says you, But I do think it's ok for me to have feelings about interactions that directly involve me

If you want to show that you are entitled to emotional reactions to things that directly impact you in a personal way, then ‘Says you, But I do think it's ok for me to have feelings about interactions that directly involve me’ is the right way to go while responding to ‘Don’t tale it personally’.While respectfully pushing back on being told how to feel, it doesn't make accusations, allowing for a respectful conversation where both sides can find common ground.

6. I'll leave my personal feelings at the door if you leave your thoughtless comments there too, Deal? 

'I'll leave my personal feelings at the door if you leave your thoughtless comments there too, Deal?' can be used as a reply to ‘Don't take it personally’ when you want to acknowledge the other person's request not to take things personally, but you also assert your boundary.By stating that you'll leave your personal feelings at the door, you demonstrate your willingness to separate yourself emotionally from the situation.This response sets the expectation that both parties need to be mindful of their words and actions to maintain a healthy relationship.It conveys a sense of fairness and cooperation, engaging the other person in a shared commitment to improving communication.

7. Easier said than done when it feels targeted. But for the sake of our relationship, I'll try to rise above, Just watch it next time, ok?

'Easier said than done when it feels targeted. But for the sake of our relationship, I'll try to rise above. Just watch it next time, ok?' acknowledges the difficulty of not taking something personally when it feels targeted.It shows that you understand the impact of their words and the challenge of overcoming personal feelings. However, by expressing your willingness to rise above the situation for the sake of your relationship, you demonstrate maturity and a desire to maintain a positive connection.By requesting the other person to be more mindful in the future, you assert your need for a more considerate approach.This response is engaging because it expresses vulnerability while also establishing a clear expectation for improved behavior.

8. You know what they say - if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...it's hard not to take it personally, But I'll do my best to separate you from your action

'You know what they say - if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...it's hard not to take it personally. But I'll do my best to separate you from your actions.' adds a touch of humor to the situation, making it engaging and relatable.By using the familiar saying, 'If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck,' you create a connection with the other person.You acknowledge that it can be challenging not to take something personally when it strongly resembles a personal attack. However, you also emphasize your commitment to separate their actions from their identity.This response demonstrates your ability to differentiate between the behavior and the person, showing a willingness to give them the benefit of the doubt.

9. I'll do my best to take the high road. Just keep in mind that to me, the personal and the universal are clasped together like fingers in a hand

'I'll do my best to take the high road. Just keep in mind that to me, the personal and the universal are clasped together like fingers in a hand' is unique and engaging as it introduces a poetic and philosophical element to respond to ‘Don't take it personally’.By expressing your intention to take the high road, you demonstrate your commitment to rising above personal feelings. However, you also emphasize your deep connection between the personal and the universal aspects of life.This statement conveys that you perceive the world through a broader lens, where personal experiences are intertwined with broader truths and values.It compels the other person to consider a more holistic perspective and may encourage them to reflect on the impact of their words beyond the immediate interaction.

10. I'll try to leave my ego on the coat rack. But you have to meet me halfway - be more thoughtful with your words if you don't want them taken personally

'I'll try to leave my ego on the coat rack. But you have to meet me halfway - be more thoughtful with your words if you don't want them taken personally' helps to introduce the concept of ego and personal accountability into the equation.This response creates a sense of balance and fairness in the conversation, urging the other person to consider their role in preventing personal feelings from arising.It compels them to reflect on their communication style and encourages a more thoughtful approach to maintain a positive dynamic.

11. Duly noted, I'll try to check my feelings at the door, And you should try checking those zingers before they leap off your tongue

When someone tells you 'Don't take it personally,' it's important to acknowledge their perspective while also expressing your own.Responding with 'Duly noted. I'll try to check my feelings at the door. And you should try checking those zingers before they leap off your tongue,' conveys that you understand their point, but also highlights the need for them to be mindful of their words and actions.How to Respond to Don't Take It PersonallyBy saying 'Duly noted,' you show that you are listening and willing to consider their advice. It demonstrates a level of maturity and willingness to reflect on your own emotions.However, by adding 'I'll try to check my feelings at the door,' you subtly imply that it's not always easy to do so. This phrase acknowledges that you might struggle with not taking things personally, but you're willing to make an effort.

12. Easier said than done when my feelings are bruised, But I'll do my best not to internalize them, In the future though, a little more tact can go a long way

Responding to ‘Don’t take it personally’ with 'Easier said than done when my feelings are bruised. But I'll do my best not to internalize them.In the future though, a little more tact can go a long way,' conveys your struggle with the advice while also highlighting the importance of thoughtful communication.By saying 'Easier said than done when my feelings are bruised,' you express the difficulty you face in not internalizing negative remarks.This phrase helps the other person understand that it's not always easy to detach emotionally from hurtful situations. It also encourages empathy by highlighting the impact their words can have on your feelings.

13. I'll try my best, but refusing accountability makes it seem like the intention was to hurt me, That's hard not to take personally

'I'll try my best, but refusing accountability makes it seem like the intention was to hurt me. That's hard not to take personally,' allows you to address the underlying issue while highlighting the impact of their actions in a situation where you’re being told not to take things personally.By saying 'I'll try my best,' you show your willingness to make an effort to not take things personally. This response shows that you are open to growth and are committed to managing your emotions. It also implies that you value their advice and are willing to consider it.It strikes a balance between acknowledging the advice given and expressing the challenges you face. It invites the other person to consider their role in the situation and promotes a more thoughtful and accountable approach to communication.

14. No harm, no foul, I'll do my best to let this roll off my back, But some food for thought - your careless comments can still cut deep even if unintended

‘No harm, no foul. I'll do my best to let this roll off my back. But some food for thought - your careless comments can still cut deep even if unintended’  takes a more lighthearted approach by stating that no harm was done and expressing an intention to not dwell on the issue of not taking things personally.However, it also raises awareness that even unintended comments can still have a deep impact on one's emotions, encouraging the other person to be more mindful of their words.

15. I'll try, but it's hard not to take negative actions personally, How about we be more mindful of each other's feelings moving forward?

‘I'll try, but it's hard not to take negative actions personally. How about we be more mindful of each other's feelings moving forward?’ helps to show the difficulty of not taking negative actions personally and suggests a solution for both parties to be more mindful of each other's feelings in the future.It promotes a more empathetic and considerate approach to communication, fostering a healthier and more constructive relationship.

16. Noted, I'll leave my pride on the passenger seat, But you really should be more thoughtful about how your tone or actions come across, even if unintentional. It takes two to tango

When someone tells you 'Don't take it personally,' responding with ‘Noted, I'll leave my pride on the passenger seat, But you really should be more thoughtful about how your tone or actions come across, even if unintentional. It takes two to tango!’ showcases a mature and self-aware attitude.By acknowledging their advice, you demonstrate that you are willing to set aside your pride and consider their perspective.However, you also emphasize the importance of being mindful of how our words and actions impact others.By mentioning that it takes two to tango, you remind them that both parties play a role in any interaction. This response encourages them to reflect on their behavior and encourages a more considerate approach in the future.

17. No blood, no foul, I'll brush it off as best I can. Just keep in mind - personal is personal, even if you meant nothing by it, A little self-awareness can prevent hurt down the line.

When you use the response, ‘No blood, no foul, I'll brush it off as best I can. Just keep in mind - personal is personal, even if you meant nothing by it.A little self-awareness can prevent hurt down the line’ to reply to the ‘Don’t take it personally’ sentiment, you acknowledge their statement that you shouldn't take it personally.However, you also assert that personal is personal, regardless of intentions. By saying 'no blood, no foul,' you imply that you understand there was no malicious intent, but it doesn't negate the fact that it affected you on a personal level.You encourage them to be more self-aware of their words and actions, emphasizing that a little consideration can go a long way in preventing future hurt.

18. Ah, the age-old 'don't take it personally' advice, I'll add it to my list of clichés, right next to 'it's not you, it's me

‘Ah, the age-old 'don't take it personally' advice. I'll add it to my list of clichés, right next to 'It's not you, it's me.' helps inject a touch of humor into the situation when being told not to take things personally. By referring to the advice as an 'age-old' cliché, you acknowledge that you've heard it before.Adding it to your list of clichés, alongside the famous breakup line 'it's not you, it's me,' highlights the repetitive nature of these phrases.It implies that while it may be a common piece of advice, it doesn't necessarily make it any less personal or impactful.This response adds a lighthearted tone while gently reminding the person that personal experiences should not be dismissed so easily.

19. Oh, don't worry, I won't take it personally, I'll just add it to my collection of impersonal experiences

‘Oh, don't worry, I won't take it personally. I'll just add it to my collection of impersonal experiences’ is best used to typically downplay the importance of their comment by humorously stating that you won't take it personally.By mentioning your 'collection of impersonal experiences,' you imply that you have encountered similar situations before and have learned not to let them affect you deeply.This response maintains a light and nonchalant tone while subtly highlighting that their comment may not be as insignificant as they claim.

20. Taking things personally? Nah, that's so last season, I prefer to take vacations and chocolate cake personally instead

‘Taking things personally? Nah, that's so last season. I prefer to take vacations and chocolate cake personally instead’ playfully dismisses the notion of taking things personally as outdated.By saying it's 'so last season,' you imply that you have moved beyond that mindset. Instead, you humorously express that you prefer to focus on taking vacations and enjoying chocolate cake personally.This response not only lightens the mood but also emphasizes the importance of prioritizing position


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