20 Funny Ways to Say "Count Me In"

Participating in activities and getting involved in things you like is a good way to spend the day and to mingle with friends and new people. "Count me in" is the usual expression we use to show that we're interested in joining a particular event or activity.  But, what if there are other ways to express this interest?Especially if you're excited about getting to participate in what you love, you'd need better ways to express this willingness and excitement.Funny phrases will do the trick. In this guide, I'll take you through humorous ways you can say "Count me in."

20 Funny Ways to Say "Count Me In"

There are numerous funny ways to let someone know you want to be a part of what is going on. You can use words like: "I'm ready to party, let's go," "Say nothing else" and "I'm here to the rescue!"Whether you're responding to an invite to an adventure, or you'd be joining a new team, these phrases will express your excitement adequately.Without further ado, here are 20 amusing ways to say"count me in."

  1. Say nothing more
  2. I'm here to the rescue!
  3. Regard me as the peanut butter to your jelly 
  4. Count me in like the mathematician teaching numbers 
  5. Bring me along for the ride, I heard is gonna be fun
  6. Take me in quicker than a kid pursuing an ice cream van
  7. I'm down
  8. Put me in as the additional cheese on your pizza 
  9. Even my dog agrees
  10. I'm ready like a dog swinging its tail 
  11. I'm ready to party, let's go
  12. I'm right in, I might as well be the furniture 
  13. I want this like a kid staring at a candy
  14. I know where I belong, it's right here
  15. Throw me in and I won't come out
  16. I've been ready since Adam
  17. Just count me among the chosen 
  18. I'm in already, there's no way out
  19. I'm going to forgive you for forgetting about me
  20. What are we waiting for? Let's get started 

Say Nothing More 

"Say nothing more" is one of the expressions you can use to say "count me in." This statement shows your excitement about wanting to participate.Using this phrase means they don't need more words to convince you. It explains you're very much ready to be part of what they're inviting you for. It's a statement people can find funny, as it displays your pure delight in being part of what they're inviting for. 

I'm Here to the Rescue!

"I'm here to the rescue!" is a very amusing expression you can use to tell someone you want to be a part of what they're doing.This expression implies that there's something or someone that needs rescuing.But, of course, no one needs salvaging, and that's what makes it funny. It's just a statement that expresses your excitement in joining their activities.

Regard Me as the Peanut Butter to Your Jelly 

What's more perfect than this combination? Peanut butter and jelly! Kids and adults love the delightful taste. So, this expression, "Regard me as the peanut butter to your jelly" is another funny way to say "Count me in."When you want to join a team or an event, you're definitely going to be a part of them, so "count me in" means you're asking them to include you.Likewise this expression, "regard me as the peanut butter to your jelly" expresses your readiness to become a part of them. It's a funny comparison, but it'd work.

Count Me in Like the Mathematician Teaching numbers

"Count me in like the mathematician teaching numbers" is another humorous way to tell someone you want to be a part of them.Of course, we'll know we count numbers when tutoring students. That's the only way to teach numbers; you count while teaching and you teach while counting. Likewise, the students would learn while counting.So, it's a funny and great comparison. And a good alternative to "count me in."

Bring Me Along for the Ride, I Heard It's Gonna Be Fun

Another playful way you can say you're interested in something is "Bring me along for the ride, I heard it's gonna be fun."This expression is another funny statement that expresses your happiness in joining in whatever someone is inviting you for.This statement can work when someone is inviting you for an adventure or for something you think is going to be very lively.For instance, if someone invites you to join a team to talk to homeless kids, you can use this response to create some humor. But of course, it also implies that it's going to be some adventure you're anticipating.However, it can also work on any occasion to show your interest.

Take Me in Quicker Than a Kid Pursuing an Ice Cream Van 

Another thing you can say when you want to be funny when someone invites you for something is "Take me in quicker than a kid pursuing an ice cream van.Kids love ice cream, and you can imagine the laughter it'd create to see them chasing after an ice cream van. It shows their love for it. So, you can use this expression to show your love and interest in becoming a part of what's going on.Asking them to take you in quicker just shows your readiness to jump on it. This statement will create an amusing illustration they'd like.

I'm Down 

Another phrase that can serve as an alternative to "count me in" is "I'm done."This phrase has different meanings. But, in this scenario, it means you're agreeing to do something or be a part of something. So, when someone invites you to join a program or attend a party, you can say "I'm down" instead of saying"Count me in." This expression is a serious one that shows your interest, but you can use it in a humorous way to show your readiness. For instance, saying something like, "I'm down to earth, let's go" or "I'm down for you." These statements entirely change the meaning, but your friend should get the meaning and the joke.

Put Me in as the Additional Cheese on Your Pizza 

Funny Ways to Say Count Me InAnother hilarious illustration you can create when you want to say "count me in" is by saying, "Put me in as the additional cheese on your pizza."Cheese is one of the classic foods that is used in making pizza. You can use this statement to show your readiness to participate in what you're being invited to.For instance, if you want to be part of a team, you can ask them to put you in, as they'd add cheese to pizza. 

Even My Dog Agrees

"Even my dog agrees" is a statement to make to create a strong impression. This expression is another funny way to say that you're ready to join an event or occasion.If someone is inviting you to attend a program, and they're asking if you're willing to come, you can use this statement to emphasize that you're very much willing.Since your dog agrees, it means you're very much ready.

I'm Ready Like a Dog Swinging Its Tail

An excited dog wags its tail to show its excitement. So, this statement "I'm ready like a dog swinging its tail," is a perfect alternative to "count me in."It's another funny statement to make to show your seriousness and delight in being part of what you're invited for. Also, it shows your impatience in getting started.

I'm Ready to Party, Let's Go

"I'm ready to party, let's go" is another expression that'd work when you want to show your interest in something.Whether you're being invited to a party or not, this statement expresses your willingness to be a part of what you're being invited to.For instance, if someone invites you to join a trip, you can use this expression to show your excitement and to create humor.

I'm Right in, I Might as Well Be the Furniture 

"I'm right in, I might as well be the furniture" is another funny statement that shows your interest in something.When you get into a house or office, you should find furniture. So, if you want to be part of something, you can use this illustration to show your seriousness.It's a playful way to tell them how serious you are.

I Want This Like a Kid Staring at a Candy 

Funny Ways to Say Count Me InNo one loves candies more than kids. "I want this like a kid staring at a candy"  is an expression that shows your deep interest in something.When you catch a kid staring at a candy, you know they want it badly. So, this picture will show the person how seriously you want it.So, if you want to be a part of something, you can use this funny expression to show how badly you want it.

I Know Where I Belong, It's Right Here

"I know where I belong, it's right here" is another funny way to emphasize your interest in joining a program or event.This statement is an amusing yet strong statement that shows how important something is to you. So, if someone is inviting you to join them for a program, use this response to tell them you want it badly.

Throw Me in And I Won't Come Out

"Throw me in and I won't come out" is another funny thing you can say instead of "Count me in."If someone asks you to be a part of their team, this statement shows you're ready to join them. They should find this response funny, but it'll show your seriousness. It's just like saying that you're ready to be a part of them forever.

I've Been Ready Since Adam

Another hilarious statement that'd show your interest perfectly when someone asks if you're willing to join them is "I've been ready since Adam."Of course, no one alive now was around when there was an Adam. So, this illustration can express how ready you are to be a part of them. It's a funny exaggeration alright, but they should see you're very much interested.

Just Count Me Among the Chosen 

Just count me among the chosen" is another funny thing you can say to express your willingness to be a part of what someone is inviting you for.This expression is one that asks them to include you among those they've picked. If it's the case they already have a group of people in a team, this response asks them to make you a member.

I'm in Already, There's No Way Out

"I'm in already, there's no way out" is another hilarious statement that shows your readiness to be a part of something.If someone is inviting you to be a part of their team, use this expression to tell them that you're already a part of it. It shows your seriousness.

I'm Going to Forgive You for Forgetting About Me

"I'm going to forgive you for forgetting about me" is another thing you can say to show your interest in being a part of a function.It's a funny way of telling that they should have asked you since. It tells them how badly you want it. Whether you're meeting them for the first time, this expression tells them you agree.

What Are We Waiting for? Let's Get Started 

Funny Ways to Say Count Me InAnother funny way to express your interest in what someone is asking you about is "What are we waiting for? Let's get started"If someone asks you to join their team, this statement shows your delight and readiness. It's a funny way to express yourself.

Wrapping Up

There are various humorous ways you can tell someone you're interested in participating in a function, or in being part of their team.So, when someone invites you to a program or wants to know if you'd be willing to be a part of it, you can use any of the above examples to express your willingness. 


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