20 Best Responses to WRD

When someone uses WRD for the first time in a sentence, text, or conversation, it can be strange especially when you have no idea what this means. Follow me, let's shed some light. Firstly, WRD is an abbreviation for "word," which is a slang term that can be used to express agreement, excitement, or shock. It has seen more use in text messages, social media posts, and online chat rooms. It isn't strange to hear this in a conversation with someone or as a response to something you may have said. Here are examples of how this can be used, if you tell someone "I just got a new job!" they might reply with "WRD" to show their excitement. Or, if you share a fascinating story, they may respond with"WRD?" to express their shock.Responding to this depends on the context in which it has been used. That said, I am going to list out 20 of the best responses when someone says WRD to you. The responses mentioned here are guaranteed to be meaningful and useful in different scenariosIt helps to know that WRD can also be used as a standalone expression, without any other words. For example, if you're feeling something, you might say "WRD" to express that feeling.

20 Best Responses to "WRD"

  1. Word
  2. For real
  3. No way
  4. That's what's up
  5. I hear you
  6. I feel you
  7. Same
  8. Right on
  9. True dat
  10. You know it
  11. I'm with you on that
  12. I'm down
  13. Let's do this
  14. You can say that again
  15. Don’t I know it
  16. Let's toast then
  17. I believe you
  18. Yeah That's the truth
  19. Let's talk soon
  20. What can I do?

1. Word

When someone says Wrd to You, the best and most classical response is saying Word in return. This reply is brief, simple, and doesn’t need to be explained to the other person. It is useful because it's perfect for situations where you do not understand the context in which it has been used. We regard this as the most common response to wrd because It simply means "I agree" or "I understand." It is used in a variety of contexts, from casual conversations to formal discussions.

2. For real

A shocking response to WRd is saying for real. Mostly it's used when you have been told a wild and almost unbelievable story or information. It can be used in two ways both to show surprise or agreement. It's mainly used to express surprise or disbelief. It can also be used to emphasize something that you agree with. This response is a conversation enabler because it encourages them to divulge more information about a thing. 

3. No way

Another surprising response to WRD is saying no way.it is commonly used to show how unbelievable what you hear is. It could be a story or an incident that happened strangely and unexpectedly.What this does is also used to express surprise or disbelief in a more emphatic version of "for real’’

4. That's what's up

When someone says WRD an excited response is saying " That's what's up. This is slang that shows you agree with what they have told you. It's a way to show approval and joy about something.Use this response with friends to express excitement or approval. It is a way of saying that you support them or are proud of them.

5. I hear you

This is a more traditional response when someone says WRD To You. This response is an affirmative way to reply to something they have said. When you say I hear you, they will know that you are listening and understanding what they are saying.If someone wants you to sympathize with them, and says WRD saying I hear you make them know you have a heart for them.

6. I feel you

A sympathetic response when someone says WRD is Saying I feel you. I feel you are a more personal way to show your concern to them. If someone says WRD and you are close with them, use this response to transmit this.Responses like this, mean you have an emphatic reaction to their statement while expressing a deeper level of understanding. It simply means that you relate to what they have told you, and you feel their emotions.

7. Same 

A good response that's also brief when someone says WRD to you is responding with the same. Why this tops most because it's dynamic and can suit many scenarios, and contexts and you don’t need to know what they are talking about. Using this response it can mean you agree with what they have said or told you. Additionally, it tells them you have had a similar experience, which you relate you. Replying this way is another way to bond with them.

8. Right on

One encouraging response when someone says WRD is saying right on. It's an enthusiastic way to show your agreement with what they have said. You can use this especially when you are cheering them on. While this response is similar to WRD it has a more personal touch and implies you are in sync with their decision.It is a more casual version of WRD. it is perfect in a conversation where the person mentions a strong point that you agree with. 

9. True that

When someone says WRD to you, respond by saying true that to show you are on board with their idea. If you have been long time friends with them, you can reply this way to show your alliance with their ideas. It is the best way to respond to WRD when you fully understand what they are talking about or the context of the moment. When using this response ensure it's a casual setting. It is a more informal version of saying ‘true’.

10. You know it

An exclamation response to WRD is saying you know it. If you feel pumped about an idea or stimulating conversation, you reply this way. It's a way to transmit your confidence in what they have said. With this response, you can clearly describe how much confidence or certainty you have towards their information.  It often means you are sure about something that they said. 

11. I'm with you on that

When someone replies to you with WRD in a conversation, you can respond by saying with you on that.A response such as this is a way to show them you have listened to what they have said and are in agreement with them. With this response, you can show them you are on their team.It is a useful way to show that you agree with them. It is a more formal version of "same."

12. I'm down

If you hear WRD as a response when talking with someone, say I’m down as a way to show your alliance with them. This way, you get them to trust you more with information. This response is a more casual way to show personal interest in what they have told you. It also shows how willing you are to go with their ideas. Use this with a friend to show them how loyal you are.

13. Let's do this

A response that shows you are ready to go the long way with them, is saying let us do this when they tell you WRD. let us do this is an action word, it means you are prepped, ready, and have been anticipating doing this. This response is used to express excitement or enthusiasm. It is a way of saying that you are ready to take action.

14. You can say that again

One morale-boosting response to WRD is saying You can say that again. This is an affirmation of what is being discussed by them. It means that you understand them and wholly see the need for emphasis on the matter.Use this response when you are in a debate or an argument with people. It shows them where your allegiances lie.

15. Don’t I know it

A reserved response when someone says WRD to you is saying Don’t I know it. It is a reply that means you are already aware of what they are saying or have agreed to. It's a sarcastic way to show you have foreknowledge of something or have already decided on the matter. This response is used to express your judgment on the matter presented. It implies that you are ready to move forward with whatever decision will come out of it. 

16. Let's toast then

A celebratory response when someone says WRD to you is telling them to let's toast then. It's a way to show support and congratulate them on their achievement. It's a useful reply when someone confides a personal win or victory to you.  What better way to describe how much joy you feel for their success than to raise a toast to them? Use this in a social event as a way of saying that you are ready to have fun.

17. I believe you

A reassuring response that removes doubt in their minds is saying I believe you when someone says WRD to you. This is the best way to reassure them you do not doubt anything they have said to you. Some stories can be hard to believe and they may use WRD to emphasize their true nature. Using this response you can clearly show them you completely believe them. It's necessary to do this with partners and friends who want to ensure you do not have doubts about them.

18. Yeah That's the truth

When someone says WRD because they doubt something you have said. You reply by saying Yeah that's the truth to show them you have nothing to hide.This is because others may use this as a way to inquire if what you have said is the truth. With this response, they are led to agree with the version of the story or information you have shared. This is the best way to inform them you mean business and will keep your word.

19. Let's talk soon

A professional or formal way to respond to WRD is by saying let us talk soon. This way you are acknowledging their statement but setting the conversation at another time. It can be used to stall or postpone a conversation you would rather have later. Use this to also deflect a conversation or inquiry you aren't interested in responding to.This response is often used to express your tight schedule and willingness to have a conversation with them shortly. It is a way of saying that you want to stay in touch.

20. What can I do?

A suggestive response when someone says WRD is saying What can I do?. This is a way to offer help to the person after what they have told you. It means you are there for them and they can count on you. When using this, know that they will ask you for help, so use this with people you want to help.The context where it is used often indicates support or solidarity. It means that you are available to help them when they need it.

Final verdict

On this note, we have completed our fine list of 20 of the best responses to WRD. It's crucial to understand the context in which this has been used before using any of our replies. Doing this would avoid you sending the wrong signal or misinterpreting a situation. To avoid this pitfall ensure you understand the conversation, or information shared. These responses have the grace of being short, simple, and easily understood. They don't contain complex sentences and can be quickly remembered.I hope this helps to explain the different responses to WRD. As you can see, there are many different ways to respond to this slang term, and the best response will depend on the context of the conversation and the relationship between the people involved.


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