20 Best Responses When Someone Makes Fun Of Your Weight

When someone makes fun of your weight. It can sound insensitive and make you uncomfortable. However, responding with a comeback can help deter anyone from making future jokes about your weight.What you should do is arm yourselves with the best comebacks we have carefully written. They are also well explained to allow you to understand how and when to use them. Mostly, they can be used to deflect sensitive weight jokes easily, and in a light-hearted manner.It helps to keep in mind that sensitive jokes should not be made about a person's weight. When you find yourself in a situation. You should tell them you do not approve of such jokes. Alternatively, you can respond with a comeback that is guile enough to have them tuck their tails and runway. Keep reading and enjoy our list of 20 of the best responses when someone makes fun of your weight. 

20 Best Responses When Someone Makes Fun Of Your Weight

  1. You do not need to make fun of my weight to feel good about your own life
  2. I won't come down to your level and dignify such a statement with a comment, I have more class than that
  3. Body shaming is so old school, only dead ancestors would laugh at such jokes
  4. My weight is off-topic, you can try arguing with that tree over there, maybe they will get your jokes
  5. It's okay if you do not understand my body. It is not okay to make fun of my weight
  6. Your infant joke won’t affect me. I know what I’m worth. 
  7. By making fun of my weight I know you lack the confidence to love yourself
  8. Your silly jokes can’t bring me down, I am going to excel no matter what
  9. Does my weight have anything to do with your existence?
  10. Aren't there more positive you can do in the world today?
  11. With this much hate you have, I'm sure you are overweight here
  12. Crack all the weight jokes you want, I won’t get to share my food with you
  13. You're so ignorant I hope you can learn more about the world one day, and that includes the diversity of body sizes
  14. I’m proud of who I am, only weaklings make fun of other people's weight
  15. Nothing lasts forever. Not your dry jokes or my weight
  16.  My life, my rules, sorry you need to make jokes to have meaning in yours
  17.  If making jokes is your thing, why not find a career in comedy
  18. Do any more compliments you want to throw my weigh
  19.  It is a good thing there are fewer people like you every day walking the earth
  20. You do not have to resort to insensitive jokes to make yourself feel better

It's important to remember that you don't have to respond to people who make fun of your weight. You can simply walk away or ignore them. However, if you do choose to respond, it's important to do so in a way that is respectful and that doesn't stoop to their level.The comebacks above are just a few suggestions. You can use them as inspiration, or you can come up with your comebacks. The most important thing is to find a way to respond that works for you and that helps you to feel empowered.

1. You do not need to make fun of my weight to feel good about your own life

One of the best responses, when someone makes fun of your weight is saying you do not need to make fun of your weight to feel good about your own life. This response trumps a lot of other responses. It suggests they only make fun of your weight because they aren't happy with their present conditions and they are projecting their insecurities onto you. 

2. I won't come down to your level and dignify such a statement with a comment, I have more class than that

A deeming response when someone makes fun of your weight is saying I won't come down to your level and dignify such a statement with a comment, I have more class than that. This response is best used to show them their opinion does not matter. By replying this way, you show that you're not going to sink to their level because you are a highly placed person and they are not.

3. Body shaming is so old school, only dead ancestors would laugh at such jokes

A response that shames the other person for making fun of your weight is telling them Body shaming is so old school, that only dead ancestors would laugh at such jokes.it sternly disapproves of the statement they have made about your weight.This response also implies they are closed-minded and lack modern social skills.

4. My weight is off-topic, You can try arguing with that tree over there, maybe they will get your jokes

When someone makes a funny statement about your weight, show your disapproval with this response saying My weight is off-topic, You can try arguing with that tree over there, maybe they will get your jokes.It is a way to show that you're not going to engage with them or their negative comments and set clear boundaries.

5. It is okay if you do not understand my body. It is not okay to make fun of my weight

A reproachful response when someone makes fun of your weight is telling them it is okay if you do not understand your body. It's not okay to make fun of my weight. This is a direct way to show your contempt for such actions. This response shows you will not tolerate any such comments about your weight.

6. Your infant joke won’t affect me. I know what I'm worth

A brave response when someone makes fun of your weight is telling them Your infant joke won’t affect me. I know what I’m worth. This shows you recognize your power and cannot be defined by their parameters.This response is a confidence booster when such things happen.to you.

7. By making fun of my weight I know you lack the confidence to love yourself

When someone makes fun of your weight, a proper response is saying by making fun of your weight I know you lack the confidence to love yourself. This response hits directly and shows them it's spiteful to make fun of your weight. 

8. Your silly jokes can’t bring me down, I am going to excel no matter what

If someone makes fun of your weight, one response that ensures you show your confidence in yourself is saying Your silly jokes can’t bring me down, I am going to excel no matter what.This response tells them, their jokes will not kill their confidence.

9. Does my weight have anything to do with your existence?

A confrontational response when someone makes fun of your weight is saying "Does my weight have anything to do with your existence?"This reply shows them you do not see any reason why they should question or make fun of your weight. 

10. Aren't there more positive you can do in the world today?

When someone makes fun of your weight, you can respond by saying Aren't there more positive you can do in the world today? This question makes them realize the insensitive nature of their statement. 

11. With this much hate you have, I'm sure you are overweight here

When someone makes fun of your weight, say with this much hate you have, I’m sure you are overweight here.It's the best response to show them how defiant you are. It also makes fun of them by suggesting they are overweight from all the hate they have.

12. Crack all the weight jokes you want, I won’t get to share my food with you

A sarcastic response when your weight is made fun of is saying Crack all the weight jokes you want, I won’t get to share my food with you. This response is funny because it suggests that they are starving and resort to unsavory remarks.Responding this way tells them they should not be trifled with.

13.  You're so ignorant I hope you can learn more about the world one day, and that includes the diversity of body sizes

A response that shows maturity when someone makes fun of your weight is telling them you're so ignorant I hope you can learn more about the world one day, and that includes the diversity of body sizes.This response is a way to teach them a lesson, educating them on the acceptance of everyone's bodies.

14. I’m proud of who I am, only weaklings make fun of other people's weight

A response that portrays you as a confident individual when someone makes fun of your weight is saying I’m proud of who I am, only weaklings make fun of other people's weight. This response is a firm way to confront and condemn their actions. This comeback is a way to show them the error of their ways.

15. Nothing lasts forever. Not your dry jokes or my weight

A defiant way to respond when someone makes fun of your weight is by saying Nothing lasts forever. Not your dry jokes or my weight. This tells them your weight is being worked on and they won't be able to make sly comments anymore.It's a direct way to show them the unacceptable nature of their words.

16. My life, my rules, sorry you need to make jokes to have meaning in yours

Saying My life my rules is a response that emphasizes your acceptance of your lifestyle. It acts as a deterrent to anyone who has made fun of you. With this reply, they are going learn to leave you alone. It suggests that they have no meaning in their life, hence they use mocking others as an escape. With this response, you are showing them you live by your own rules. 

17. If making jokes is your thing, why not find a career in comedy

One hilarious response when someone makes fun of your weight is saying, If making jokes is your thing, why not find a comedy career? Replies like this are important because they make fun of the other person. It indicates their statement has no impact on you and also suggests they start a career making jokes. 

18. Any more compliments you want to throw my weigh

Another funny and sarcastic response when someone makes fun of your weight is saying Any more compliments you want to throw my weight. This response shows them you won't let their words hurt you. It's a pun that plays on their jokes and mockingly accepts their comments as compliments.

19. It's a good thing there are fewer people like you every day walking the earth

A challenging response when someone makes fun of your weight is saying It's a good thing there are fewer people like you every day walking the earth. This reply implies insensitive people are a dying breed that will soon be extinct.It is a response that gives them something to think about. 

20. You do not have to resort to insensitive jokes to make yourself feel better

When someone says something bad about your weight you can say You do not have to resort to insensitive jokes to make yourself feel better. It is a way to admonish them for their actions. This response is also good when you want to call them out for what they have done. 

Final verdict 

It's important to remember that you don't have to respond to people who make fun of your weight. You can simply walk away or ignore them. However, if you do choose to respond, it's important to do so in a way that is respectful and that doesn't stoop to their level.The responses above are just a few suggestions. You can use them as inspiration, or you can come up with your comebacks. The most important thing is to find a way to respond that works for you and that helps you to feel empowered.


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