20 Best Response to "WTBI"

Wtbi stands for what the business is. This acronym WTBI can be used in a statement, conversation, or text message. What the business is, can also be a slang term that is used to ask someone what they are planning to do or what their goals are. It has applications in a variety of contexts, but it is most commonly used in business settings.If this is new to you, and you are looking for the best response to WTBI, then we have all the best responses around. Every response here is suitable for surprise interviews, deflecting or stalling someone who wants information about what you are doing. An example, is if you are speaking to an associate about a new task, and they ask you WTBI?' This implies they want to get a sense of your plans and goals for the project. Or, if you are getting interviewed for a potential business proposal, they might ask you "WTBI?" to have an idea of what you are proposing and what the elements are made of.Additionally, WTBI is used in a more informal setting, like when your friends or family text you, inquiring about your plans for the weekend. For example, they can ask you WTBI? to get a conception of what the weekend will be like, such as activities, etc. Keep reading to find 20 of the best ways to respond to WTBI.

20 Best Responses to Wbti

  1. I'm not sure yet, but I'm working on it
  2. I don't what yet but it's something I'm excited to find out
  3. The business is world domination 
  4. At this point, I am open to suggestion
  5. You can come along and witness, it's going great
  6. It's nothing that hasn't happened before
  7. The business isn't for everyone 
  8. It's a challenging piece of work, but I'm ready for it
  9. I will share some information at the right time
  10. It's not clear yet, but I'm up for anything
  11. I’d ask you the same question 
  12. It has been an interesting experience thanks to you
  13. This business is a challenge I've been waiting for
  14. I think it's not for me
  15. It's a failing business that needs reviving
  16. I am giving it my best shot
  17. I'm not sure, but I'm going to keep you posted
  18. Come around, we'll figure it out together
  19. The future has good fruits  for me
  20. I'm making some waves

1. I'm not sure yet, but I'm working on it. 

When someone says WTBI to you, positive feedback is saying I'm not sure yet, but I'm working on it. This is the best way to show them you are actively working on the project or job. With this response, they will see you have some challenges but are hopeful about figuring things out. Use this response to show a superior or investor how honest you are in taking the job left to you seriously. It also shows that you are motivated and determined to get something positive out of it. 

2. I don't what yet but it's something I'm excited to find out

An optimistic response when someone texts you WTBI is saying I don't what yet but it's something I'm excited to find out. I like this response because it's exciting, rich, and adventurous. It is used when you are hopeful about the outcome of an event. It is a positive reply that shows you are open to new possibilities and are excited about the future. It is common to use this response with friends or family when a celebration or a piece of anticipated news is expected.It projects the right amount of enthusiasm from you to them. You can also use it when you want to keep the lid on an expected result. 

3. The business is world domination

A funny response that is also sarcastic is when someone says WTBI is telling them The business is world domination. This response is a joke and suggests that you are planning to take over the world. It is okay to use this reply when there is little information to share with the other person. It can be used as a playful interlude before a conversation which shows that you have a sense of humour.This will have another person laughing and they will easily feel comfortable to have a conversation with you. It also shows that you are ambitious and have big plans for the future.

4. At this point, I am open to suggestion

An exasperating response when someone says WTBI is telling them At this point, I am open to suggestions. It's a way to inform them you have no idea what to do next, and you don't mind getting suggestions from them. This response shows humility and decorum in listening to others. It is how you tell them you are open to new ideas because you have hit a stone wall in your plan. 

5. You can come along and witness, it is going great

An invitational response is when someone says what the business is saying You can come along and witness, that it is going great. This is a positive reply that tells them your business, project, job, etc. is doing well. It also gives them an open invitation to visit your location of business or the project site. Use this response to show your excitement and confidence in your work. It is perfect to use with a trusted friend that you can extend an invitation to. 

6. It is nothing that hasn't happened before

A response that shows you know what is going on or has experienced a similar or expected outcome is saying It's nothing that hasn't happened before when they text WTBI. this response is a way to show them there is no new information. It specifically insinuates that the occurrence or even has happened before. Use this when you aren't interested in going into details of the event. 

7. I will share some Information at the right time

One way to delay giving information about your business is by saying I will share some information at the right time. This way they know you are ready to share details about your business or project. It is especially useful when you have investors or others waiting for feedback about your business. This response keeps them at bay and shows you have to be given time to do more work. 

10. It is not clear yet, but I’m up for anything

A perfect response when someone asks you what the business is is saying It's not clear yet, but I’m up for anything. This shows them you are up for any challenge but you aren't clear on things yet. It is used when you have started new on a new job and still getting the hang of it.This response is how you admit what you are experiencing and how prepared you are.

11. I’d ask you the same question 

A rhetorical response when someone asks what your business is saying I’d ask you the same question.This response is honest and shows that you are still in the process of figuring things out. It can imply you are being proactive, patient, and trying to understand the situation.

12. It has been an interesting experience thanks to you

A simple response to WTBI that explains how you feel is saying It has been an interesting experience thanks to you. This tells them you are enjoying your work at the new job.It's a positive way to describe the business you are about. 

13. This business is a challenge I've been waiting for

A boastful way to respond to WTBI is by saying This business is a challenge I've been waiting for. It shows them you are okay with the progress of your projects or business.  This response shows you are satisfied with the set of presented challenges. It also shows that you are willing to work hard to overcome them.

14. I think it is not for me

When someone says WTBI you can respond by saying I think it is not for me especially when you want to quit your business or project. If you have recently gotten a job you aren't satisfied with. Use this response with a friend or family member that you can open yourself to. It shows that you are outside of your comfort zone.

15. It's a failing business that needs reviving

One analytical response when someone asks you what the business is saying is that it's a failing business that needs reviving. This tells them you have accessed the business and seen the loopholes. This response is best used for investors and potential customers of a business who want information.

16. I am giving it my best shot

A promising response when someone says WTBI id I am giving it my best shot. It's the best way to show you are putting in all the work to succeed at your business.By saying this they know you are determined and willing to work hard to achieve your goals. It also shows that you are not giving up without a fight.

17. I'm not sure, but I'm going to keep you posted

A doubtful reply to WTBI is saying I’m not sure I'll keep you posted. This reply means that you haven't got a complete picture of things at the business. This response shows you need more time to get the hang of things. 

18. Come around, we'll figure it out together

One of the best ways to respond to WTBI ids saying Come around, we'll figure it out together especially when you need help from them.Responding this way means you are interested in collaborating with them. They know that you are willing to work with others to achieve your goals. It also shows that you believe in teamwork.

19. The future has good fruits  for me

A very positive response to what the business is saying The future has good fruits for me.This response is a way to tell them you are making good strides in the business. It also shows that you are excited about the future.

20. I'm making some waves 

A boastful response to WTBI is saying I'm making some waves. It's a way to show your confidence in the business and excel at it. 

Final Verdict

As you can see, there are many different ways to respond to WTBI. The best response will depend on the context of the conversation and the relationship between you and the person who asked you. However, the responses above should give you a good starting point.The meaning of WTBI can also vary depending on the tone of voice and body language that is used. If someone asks you "WTBI?" in a serious tone, they are likely asking you a genuine question about your plans. However, if someone asks you "WTBI?" in a playful tone, it is more likely that they are just curious or trying to start a conversation.Overall, WTBI is a versatile acronym that can be used in a variety of contexts. It is a great way to ask someone about their plans or goals, and it can be used in a serious or playful tone.


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