25 Things to Say When You Are Happy for Someone

Have you ever wondered what to say to a person you’re happy for?

Do you wish to have several alternative phrases you can use to show that you’re happy for someone?

Showing someone that you’re happy for them with your words is really wonderful. This is because you’re simply telling the person how you feel about something good that just happen to them.

It shows that you’re glad the person is making progress or you’re glad that the person did well in something.

25 Things to Say When You Are Happy for Someone

Some of the best ways to say you are happy for someone is by telling them happy words like, “wow, congratulations”, “super happy for you” or motivating words like “I am sure the next one will be better”, or “break the glass ceiling, you deserve it.”

There are 25 more things that you can say when you are happy for a friend or buddy. Check them out below.


Saying “Congratulations” is a way of showing that you’re really happy for a person. It is a word used to express your good wishes for someone’s achievement.

You’re praising the person and as well complimenting them for a great achievement. It is used to send good wishes to a person that has done something great in their life.

You can use this expression when you’re happy for someone celebrating a significant day or event.

You can also use it to praise a person for doing something great. This is a good way of complimenting your friend for making good progress at something.

That’s amazing

This expression does not only show that you’re happy for someone but that the person’s achievement is a great surprise to you.

It shows that you’re astonished by what the person has achieved. By making this exclamation, it shows that the person’s achievement is mind-blowing and unbelievable.

It’s a way of saying that you’re happy with a person’s unbelievable success. You’re not only happy but you feel admiration for what the person did.

It’s a simple way of making someone see that they’ve done something remarkable and you’re happy about that,

What wonderful news

It means it is good news or something good to hear. It could also mean that what has happened is pleasing or joyful to know.

It is a way to show someone that you’re happy with what you heard. This means that what the person had just said to you is a piece of great information and it makes you happy.

This also means that you acknowledge that what the person said is a good thing.

I’m so happy for you

Things to Say When You Are Happy for Someone

When you use this expression, you’re simply letting the person know that you’re happy for them. It shows how excited you are about a person’s progress.

This means you’re happy that something good has happened to someone else. It’s a way of letting someone know how pleased they are with the good things happening in their life presently.

This expression shows that you’re genuinely happy for someone else. You’re sincerely happy that a person has received something great.

It’s an expression that lets a person know about your present feeling towards them. This expresses your joy towards your friend.

It shows that you celebrate the person’s success and achievements. This is a good way to show your honest feeling towards a friend or pal.

You must be so happy

When you use this expression to tell the person that you’re sure that they are excited about what happened to them.

This expression comes in as a question. It shows that the statement expresses a necessity that the person should be excited about their achievement.

It shows that the person wouldn’t overlook being happy about what has happened to them.

You must be so proud of yourself

This expression also comes in form of a question. It’s another statement that shows the necessity of the person being proud of themselves.

It means you’re sure that the person is happy and proud of themselves. You can show your happiness towards someone’s achievement by using this expression.

I’m really excited for you

Things to Say When You Are Happy for Someone

This expression is another way of showing how happy you are for someone else’s achievement.

When you hear that your friend just got good news, using this expression shows that you’re very happy for them.

It means that you’re very happy because something good has happened to a friend.

When you use this expression, the person already knows that you’re happy for them or that you’re glad something good has taken place.

When you use this expression, you’re also letting the person know that you’re willing to celebrate the person’s achievement. It means that your achievement excites them so much.

Wow! I’m proud

Saying “I’m proud” is a good way to show that you’re very happy for someone. It is a simple phrase to show your happiness towards a particular accomplishment of someone.

It first shows surprise then it shows that you’re impressed. It means you’re satisfied by the person’s achievement.

This is a way of complimenting someone to sure that you’re truly happy for them.

When you say this to someone, you’re letting the person know that you feel the person has accomplished something really great.

It also shows that you’re impressed with someone for accomplishing something wonderful.

This phrase implies that you’re pleased and impressed by what the person has done or that you’re impressed by their progress.

I’m so jealous of you right now

This phrase doesn’t literally mean that you’re jealous of the person. It means you’re happy that the person has achieved something so good that you feel envious of the person.

It is a way of saying that the person has achieved something so good that you wished it was you. Saying this tells the person that you would love to experience a thing like that too.

It’s so great to hear that

You can use this expression to let the person know that you’re happy for them. It is an informal way of telling someone that you’re happy to hear of the person’s achievements.

It is a casual way of showing your emotion i.e happiness towards a person. This shows that it is good to know the person’s current achievement.

You’re pleased to hear that the person has accomplished something nice. It’s another way of saying that you’re delighted to hear about someone’s progress.

This is a phrase to show how pleased you are about what a person just achieved or the progress someone just made.

I can’t wait to see you shine

This is another nice expression of your excitement toward the progress of a person.

When you use this phrase for someone you’re simply telling the person that you’re happy for them and you would like to see them do greater things.

This phrase can also be used to let the person know that you’re really excited for them and you wish them well.

This means you are eager to see the person do better things or you’re eager to see the person in a greater position.

This expression could also imply that you’re eager to see the person become a star or someone remarkable.

Awwwn!!! You’re awesome

You can use this expression not only to show that you’re happy for someone but also to show that the person has done something great.

The expression implies that the person has done something really great. It shows how excited and impressed you are about what has been achieved.

This is also a good way of acknowledging someone’s effort and results. It is a way of acknowledging that the action a person carried out yielded a good result.

It is a good way to show that you’re happy with an action a person took.

I’m glad you are happy

You can use this phrase when you’re sure that the person is happy about an accomplishment.

Probably, the person has been anxious and awaiting such a result for a long time and finally, it happened.

This shows that not only are you excited about the person’s accomplishment but you’re also happy that someone finds joy in it.

It could be a small achievement and probably you were not expecting the person to be as happy about it as they are, but you’re glad that they saw it as something worth being happy for.

That’s really great to know

This expression can be used when someone just told you about something good that happened to them.

It is a good way of expressing your joy over someone’s accomplishment. Here, you’re letting the person know that you’re pleased with the good news.

It shows that it’s nice to know about the person’s achievement. It is a good phrase to use when your friend just told you about an achievement or something good they have waiting to take place for a long time.

It implies that it is nice to know about your friend’s accomplishment.

It’s good to see you in that

You can use this expression when you get to know that the person has gotten to a particular desired position.

It could be that you’ve been wishing for the person to be placed in such a position and later the person got to that position.

It is a good way to be sure that you’re truly happy for them, this is because you’re expressing how glad you are that someone has gotten an achievement or accomplished something that has been in view for some time.

I’m so happy you are progressing

This is a straightforward way of telling a friend how excited you are about their progress. This expression implies that you’re glad that the person is making good progress in life.

You’re excited about a new development that is taking place in your friend’s life. You’re happy that a person you’re close to is becoming successful.

You’re glad that the person is improving and going further in whatever they’re doing.

This expression tells the hearer that you’re sincerely happy for them, for their success, for their progress, and for their development.

It is a direct and simple way of letting your friend know about your feeling about their development.

I’m really excited that you won

You can use this phrase when a person just won something like a competition. It shows you’re very happy about the person’s accomplishment.

It is best used when a person wins a competition and lets you know about it. It could be that the person has been trying their best to take the lead or come first in something and finally, the person won it.

This phrase is also best used when you’ve always wanted the person to win something or come first in a particular activity.

When you say this to a person that has won something, it tells the person that you are excited about their success.

You’ve done really well

This expression comes as a compliment to a person. You’re complimenting the person for a job well done.

It is a good way of showing that you’re happy for someone’s success and that you acknowledge the efforts put in place to achieve it.

It shows that you recognize a person’s effort and appreciate it. You acknowledge that the person has done well and deserves a good accomplishment

It is a good way of appreciating and acknowledging you’re friend’s effort and you’re happy that he has achieved something good.

Is that you? You are amazing

This expression starts with a question, then a compliment. The first statement which is a question shows surprise.

It shows that you’re surprised that the success is made by your friend. It shows that you’re happy about the person’s accomplishment.

It also implies that as a result of the achievement, you see the person as an amazing person, or what the person did was great. The phrase shows surprise at someone’s achievement.

It’s so nice to see you make progress

This statement shows that you acknowledge that the person is making progress. It implies that you’re glad that someone is moving forward in a particular thing or generally in life.

This statement implies tells the hearer that you’re supportive and excited for them. It shows that you’re happy for them and that you acknowledge the progress they are making.

When you say this to someone, you’re simply letting the person know that you’re very happy for them and you’re willing to give your support.

I’m glad you did your best

Things to Say When You Are Happy for Someone

This is a good way to acknowledge someone’s effort and show that you’re happy for them.

You’re simply trying to let the person know that you acknowledge their effort or that you acknowledge that they put their best into achieving a particular thing.

This statement implies that you’re happy that someone put their best into getting something.

It’s another good way of being happy for someone, as it shows that not only do you recognize their effort but you’re also happy that they achieved something that is worth it.

I can’t wait to see you do bigger things

When you use this phrase, you’re wishing the person more achievements in the future.

You’re simply letting the person know that the present achievement is just a stepping stone to something greater.

This also implies that you’re eager to see the person move forward. Saying that you can’t wait to see someone do greater things is a very nice way to let a person know that you’re happy for them.

Oh my! That’s wonderful

This reply comes as an exclamation. It shows that you’re excited about someone’s success. The statement shows that you’re surprised at someone’s progress.

This is another way to show that you’re not only surprised by the person’s progress but you’re also happy for them.

That’s so lovely. You are beautiful

This is another nice way of acknowledging the effort of someone. It is another way of showing that you’re glad that someone is doing something great.

You’re also trying to tell the person that the achievement is a good one.

This is such an inspiration

Things to Say When You Are Happy for Someone

When you say “This is such an inspiration”, it implies that someone’s achievement inspires you greatly.

It shows that a person’s progress serves as a source of encouragement to you. This is a way of telling someone that their achievement or progress is a huge motivation to you.

It’s also another way of saying that you’re impressed by what they accomplished.

Parting Words

In this article, we’ve looked at 25 expressions you can use when you’re happy for a friend or when you’re excited about something positive that has happened to someone.

These expressions can either be in form of a compliment, a question, an acknowledgment, or even a motivation.

When you use any of these statements, you’re trying to let the person see your excitement about their achievement.

You want the person to know how glad you are concerning what they accomplished.

These phrases can be used both in formal and informal situations. It can as well be used to show your care and love toward a person.

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