You Have to Study Harder in Order to:10 Ways to Complete the Sentence

Advising a student to study hard is one of the many pieces of advice you wish they would heed.Trying to convince your students or your children of the need to study can be quite difficult, especially if they don't like reading. So, you need good reasons why they should study hard. In this article, I'll be discussing 10 different ways you can complete this statement, "You've to study hard to…"

You Have to Study Harder in Order to:10 Ways to Complete the Sentence 

There are countless ways to complete this statement, "You've to study hard to–." Depending on the occasion at the moment, you can come up with different things.For instance, if someone is about to write an exam, you can complete the statement with "pass your examination."Also, you can use other phrases like, "make your parents proud" and "Get your grades high."Here are 10 ways you can complete this statement:

  1. Pass your examinations
  2. Get the degree you want
  3. Make your parents proud
  4. Get your grades high
  5. Win me over and get that gift you want
  6. To become better
  7. Achieve your dreams
  8. Become the student's president
  9. Get that scholarship
  10. Get to your dream university 

Pass Your Examinations

You Have to Study Harder in Order to Ways to Complete the Sentence"Pass your examinations" is one of the ways you can complete the statement, "You've to study hard to…" One of the reasons students study is to gain knowledge and pass their examinations. So, as a teacher or as a parent, you can remind a child that they need to study hard so they can pass their examination.Some students don't like to read, and many of them just flip through their books without studying hard enough. Also, there are students who rely on other means apart from reading to write an examination.In such situations, this advice is necessary to remind them that it's only by studying hard they can pass their exams. 

Get the Degree You Want

Another way you can complete this statement, "you've to study hard to…" is with these words, "get the degree you want.If someone is aspiring to get a certain degree, especially if it's a competitive course, like many professional courses, this is suitable advice for them.Maybe they're trying to get into college or the University and are aiming for a competitive course, you can tell them to study hard.If they're already in school but are not studying hard enough to your satisfaction, you can let them know they risk missing that degree they want if they don't study hard enough.

Make Your Parents Proud

"Make your parents proud" is another thing you can say to add to the statement, "You've to study hard to..."Many parents' dream is to have children they can be proud of. And most children work hard to become something and make their parents proud. And one of the ways children make their parents proud is by doing well in school. No parents would want to send their children to school and they don't graduate with good grades.So, you can tell someone that they should study hard to make their parents proud to gear them up if they're been lazy.It'll work for children who have great respect for their parents and wouldn't want to disappoint them.

Get Your Grades High

You Have to Study Harder in Order to Ways to Complete the Sentence"Get your grades high" is another reason you can give someone to study hard. If it's the case that they have a low grade, this is a suitable thing to say to them.Some students suffer low grades throughout their school year, even after attending classes or reading their books. Maybe they're not just reading hard enough.So, one of the advice to give such students is to ask them to study hard to get their grades high. Of course, studying right and hard should get them on the right track.

Win Me Over and Get That Gift You Want 

"Win me over and get that gift you want" is another way to convince someone to study hard.This is a nice tactic to get your children, students, or siblings to read their books. As a parent, if your children ask you to get them something, you can promise to get it for them if they study hard.Children and teenagers are often excited when they'll be getting what they want from their parents, and they'll very much want to do what is needed to get it. So, this is a good approach that works most of the time.Also, you can try this method as a teacher. You can promise to get your children gifts if they study hard and pass your tests. So, by telling them to study hard to win you over and get the gift they want, you'll see them competing in the class. 

To Become Better 

"To become better" is another phrase you can use to complete this sentence, "You've to study hard to…"Many people want to become something better in the long run, but it's not everyone that wants to work.Students, especially those who wish to become wealthy and influential are not ready to study and work hard to achieve what they want.Therefore, in this case, one of the things you can do to help them is to make them see reasons to take their books seriously. This statement, "You've to study hard to become better" is something that should convince them.

Achieve Your Dreams 

"Achieve your dreams" is another beautiful way to complete this sentence, "You've to study hard to…"If you ask the average man what their dream is, they'll tell you something. Some wish to become wealthy, some wish to be in politics, and several others.Students are not left out. They all have dreams, and that's why they're in school because they believe they're on the right path to achieving those dreams.So, one of the things you can say to remind students who have trailed from the right path is, "You've to study hard to achieve your dreams."This is great advice that should tell them that if those dreams are still valid, and if they still want to chase after them, they should take their studies more seriously.

Become the Student's President 

You Have to Study Harder in Order to Ways to Complete the Sentence"Become the student's president" is another phrase you can use to complete this statement, "You've to study hard to…"In this case, if such a person is aspiring to become a student leader, this is an appropriate thing to say to them.One of the criteria for becoming a student leader is having high grades. This criterion is so because intelligent students are needed, so they can effectively balance their school work with their duties.So, if you've someone aspiring for this position but doesn't have a good grade, you can advise them to study hard so they can qualify for the position they seek.

Get That Scholarship

"Get that scholarship" is another amazing way to convince someone of the need to study hard.One of the many benefits students enjoy is getting a scholarship, either a fully funded one or a partly funded one. However, scholarship is not for every student. On the other hand, every student stands a chance of getting one.One of the ways to get an academic-based scholarship is to have excellent grades. So, this statement is one of the things to say to someone who wants a scholarship.If they apply for a scholarship, they indeed need to work harder to stand a chance of being chosen. So, you can tell them to study hard to get that scholarship to encourage them, especially if they're not putting in enough effort.

Get to Your Dream University 

"Get to your dream university" is another way to complete this statement, "you've to work hard to..." Many students have their dream university, and many of these universities are competitive. So, if your child is crazy about a particular university, and wouldn't consider other options, this is suitable advice for them.Also, as a teacher, you can tell your students to study hard so they can get that dream university they want. It'll work as a good reminder to lazy students who are aiming high.


Convincing students to study and read their books can be a herculean task. As a parent or teacher, I can understand the struggle you might face to get your children or students to read. The above phrases are different ways you can help your children see reasons to study hard. You can use any of them accordingly. 


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