20 Best Replies When Someone Says "I Understand"

It is so important to have good communication skills, because every day we listen and speak to people, and these actions involve replying to them when they speak to us.The kind of responses you give to people defines your personality and also determines the direction of the conversation. So, it's important to give the right replies at the right time.Therefore, it's not surprising that you want to know the best replies when someone says, "I understand." If you're struggling with the right response to give when someone tells you they understand something you're explaining to them, this article will help.In this guide, I'll be taking you through various good replies you can give when someone says, "I understand."

20 Best Replies When Someone Says "I Understand"

When someone tells you that they understand, it means they've gotten the meaning of something or they believe what you're telling them.So, your response should acknowledge their statement. You can also praise their understanding, or express your relief if you struggled to get them to understand.These are some of the responses you can give: "Okay," "I'm glad you do," "Thank Goodness," and several more.Here are the 20 best responses you can give.

  1. Okay
  2. Alright
  3. That's good
  4. I'm glad you do
  5. Thank Goodness!
  6. Finally! 
  7. Perfect!
  8. Now we are ready
  9. Let's get to business
  10. You're good to go
  11. Excellent, I'm proud of you
  12. I trust you would
  13. That's too fast
  14. You've got the brains
  15. You should 
  16. You see, quite easy
  17. You should thank me
  18. Make me understand
  19. I'm afraid, I don't 
  20. Are you sure you've no questions?


"Okay" is one of the replies to give when someone says they understand a thing. This response shows your acknowledgment of their statement and also your satisfaction. Maybe you've explained a thing to someone, and they confirm their comprehension, you can give this response to express your satisfaction.Also, you can use this reply to give them the go-ahead to continue with something.Here's how to use the word:

  • Okay, you can go on now
  • Okay, we can kickstart 


"Alright" is another word that acknowledges someone's statement, shows satisfaction, and also approval.If someone tells you they understand what you're saying, you can use this word to let them know you're content with their statement.Here's how to use the word:

  • Alright, let's hear from you
  • Alright, we don't have any problem, then 

That's Good 

"That's good" is another reply you can give when someone says they comprehend you. It's another statement that shows you're pleased with their statement."That's good" is an expression that shows your approval of something. As a teacher, if your students tell you they understand what you've just explained, this reply shows you're content and happy.Here's how to use the statement:

  • That's good. It shows you were paying attention
  • That's good. You'll explain to others, okay?

I'm Glad You Do

Best Replies When Someone Says I UnderstandAnother response you can give to someone who tells you that they understand a thing is "I'm glad you do."This is a straightforward reply that shows your satisfaction with their comprehension. Giving this response tells them that you're happy they grab what you're saying. You can use it on any occasion to let the speaker know that their ability to understand makes you happy.As someone trying to impact knowledge in people, this reply shows your happy spirit that your words are making sense to them.Below is how to use the expression:

  • I'm glad you do. Thank you for paying rapt attention
  • I'm glad you do. I don't have to go over it again 

Thank Goodness!

Another suitable answer to give someone that comprehends what you're telling them is, "Thank Goodness!" This exclamation shows that you're relieved they got what you're showing them. It's a funny reply to give someone who's been finding it hard to comprehend you. Probably, you cracked a joke and they didn't get you, or you narrated an incident to your friends and one of them didn't understand, it can be frustrating when you've to break it down again.This response shows your happiness when they finally get it.Here's how to use the expression:

  • Thank Goodness! I was getting tired of explaining
  • Thank Goodness! I didn't think I could repeat myself again 


"Finally!" is another expression that shows relief. When someone tells you they get the meaning of what you're saying or showing them, this response says you've been waiting for them to understand you.For instance, you're explaining an incident to someone and they keep saying they don't understand you, and when they finally do, this response is suitable to show your happiness.Here's how to use it:

  • Finally! I was beginning to think I was talking jargon
  • Finally! It took you so long


"Perfect" is another reply that shows satisfaction. When someone lets you know they understand what you're saying, this response shows you're happy about it.It can work on any occasion to express your content at them understanding you. It's also an exclamation that shows you're ready to start something.Here's how to use the word:

  • Perfect! We can begin now
  • Perfect! There's no longer need for any delay

Now We Are Ready 

"Now we are ready" is another statement you can use to reply to someone who says they understand you.It's a statement that doesn't only acknowledge their statement, it also shows your approval.For instance, if you're explaining things to a new employee in an establishment, you can give this response to show your approval of them since they understand what you're explaining to them.Here's an example:

  • Now, we are ready to begin
  • Now, we are ready to work as a team

Let's Get to Business

Best Replies When Someone Says I UnderstandAnother statement you can use to express your approval of someone is "Let's get to business."This response is appropriate to use when someone you'll be working with tells you they understand what you're explaining to them. It shows you're now ready to work with them.For instance, you're discussing a business contract with someone, and you explain that you can only pay them after service; if they say they understand, this response is an appropriate one.Here's how to use the expression:

  • Let's get to business. No need to spend more time
  • Let's get to business since it's all settled 

You're Good to Go

"You're good to go" is another expression that shows your approval of someone.If you're taking someone through the process of something or showing them how things work, this statement shows they're now ready to start work when they show understanding.Here's how to use it:

  • You're good to go. You can start on Monday
  • You're good to go. I'll call you once I'm done setting up your office 

Excellent, I'm Proud of You

"Excellent, I'm proud of you" is another suitable reply for someone who says they understand you. This response shows your satisfaction with their ability to understand you.It's an appropriate response when you're explaining something a bit difficult and they grab it immediately. It shows you're happy with their intelligence. You can use it as a teacher with your students, or with your children, or with someone who looks up to you. Moreover, it's a compliment that'll make them feel good.Here's an example:

  • Excellent, I'm proud of you, my dear
  • Excellent, I'm proud of you. I know you'll do very well in my exams 

I Trust You Would

Best Replies When Someone Says I Understand"I trust you would" is a statement that expresses confidence in someone's ability. If you're explaining a thing to someone and they tell you they understand, this reply would show that you were not expecting less from them.For instance, you bring a puzzle to a smart student and they quickly show their understanding, this is a proper response for them. It's a nice way to compliment them and make them feel good. Here's an example:

  • I trust you would. You're very good at this
  • I trust you would. You never disappoint 

That's too Fast

"That's too fast" is an expression that shows surprise. It's another reply you can give when someone says they comprehend what you're explaining to them.If it's the case you try to explain something you feel is very difficult to someone, but they're quick to grab the meaning, this response shows that you're surprised at that.Perhaps, you were not expecting them to get you so fast, or you were expecting them to ask a lot of questions, but instead, they got it in one go.Here's how to use the phrase:

  • That's too fast. I wasn't expecting that you'll get it quickly
  • That's too fast. You're the only one who has got it

You've Got the Brains 

"You've got the brains" is another way you can compliment someone who grabs the meaning of something you're explaining to them.It's a nice reply to use with someone who's smart, or with someone that surprised with how they think. Also, you can give this response to show that you're not surprised they could understand you.Here's how to use the expression:

  • You've got the brains. I'm not surprised
  • Wow! You've got the brains. 

You Should 

"You should" is another thing you can say to someone that says they get the meaning of what you're telling them.If you're explaining something to someone and they tell you they understand, this reply tells them that you expected them to understand you. Here's how to use it:

  • You should. I wasn't expecting less
  • You should. That's why I took my time to explain 

You See, Quite Easy

"You see, quite easy" is another response that'd work when someone says they understand you. It's appropriate to use with someone reluctant to listen to you or learn from you. For instance, you try to explain maths to someone, but they hesitate because they believe they won't understand. Once they do, this is an appropriate response for them.Here's how to use it:

  • You see, quite easy. You should pay more attention, it'll be easier
  • You see, quite easy. I told you it wasn't difficult 

You Should Thank Me 

"You should thank me" is another thing you can say when someone says they understand what you're explaining to them.It's a cool response to use with a friend who has been finding it difficult to understand something with someone else.Maybe they met someone to explain their homework and this person couldn't, you can use this response when they finally understand it with you.Here's an example:

  • You should thank me. I'm the best
  • You should thank me. You'd have been lost without me

Make Me Understand

"Make me understand" is another response to give someone that tells you they understand something.It's a suitable response when you don't understand, and you want them to explain to you.For instance, you and your friend are both going through some school work, and they're quick to understand what the teacher wants, this response asks them to explain to you.Here's how to use the phrase:

  • Make me understand, it's too difficult
  • Make me understand. I'm lost

I'm Afraid, I Don't 

"I'm afraid, I don't" tells the person that you don't understand. When someone tells you they understand something you're yet to get the meaning of, this is an appropriate response.It's a way of acknowledging your lack of understanding and asking them to explain.Here's how to use the statement:

  • I'm afraid, I don't. It's not clear yet
  • I'm afraid, I don't. I don't seem to get it 

Are You Sure You've No Questions?

When you want to be sure that someone gets the meaning of what you're explaining, "Are you sure you've no questions?" is the question to ask.As a teacher you should ask your students this question to be sure they're following. So, you can ask this question when someone tells you they understand to ensure they do.Here's how to use the question:

  • Are you sure you've no questions? Feel free
  • Are you sure you've no questions? Don't be afraid to ask 

Wrapping Up

When someone tells you they understand what you're telling them, you can use any of the above expressions to show your satisfaction or to compliment them.Also, if you don't understand, you can let them know. And when you want to be sure that they understand, you can also reply accordingly.


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