8 Ways to Convince Your Parents to Get You a Phone at 11

Almost everyone today has a mobile phone, whether or not it is a smartphone. But what purpose does it serve you at the age of 11? If you feel having a phone at the age of 11 is thoughtful, then you should go for it.However, there are a lot of cautionary studies surrounding the decisions of parents concerning giving their kids phones at a young age. Due to this, you may find it a tad difficult to pitch your idea about getting you a phone at age 11. In this post, I’ll be showing you 8 ways to convince your parents to get you a phone at 11. You want to know more? Read on!

Why You May Need a New Phone at 11?

 At the age of 11,  it is almost inconsiderate trying to buttress the need for a phone but that doesn't dismiss the fact that there are some crucial reasons why you need a phone. Some of these reasons include:

  • For security reasons
  • To help improve your social interaction tendencies
  • For educational purpose
  • To improve responsibility
  • To help you get acquainted with in-demand tech skills, terms and trends

For security reasons

Emergencies and other likely security circumstances could be the reason why you may need a phone at the age of 11. It is hard to write off the overall importance of a phone to a person. In light of this, it is thoughtful to consider your security wellbeing as a kid as a factor that justifies the need for you to have a phone at a tender age.Given the rising case of insecurities, with cases like bullying, kidnapping and gang banging, it becomes important that a child at the age of 11 should have a phone that enables them be accessible by their parents when the need arises.

To help improve your social interaction tendencies

Ways to Convince Your Parents to Get You a Phone at 11Social interaction and building healthy relationships with people could add up as another plausible reason why you may need a phone at the age of 11. With the advent of the internet and social media closing in on the barrier of communication, having a phone at the age of 11 can improve a child's tendencies to be sociable.If you're a child at the age of 11 and from a home that lacks conscious interaction, this reason could be plausible to justify why you may need a phone at the age of 11.

For educational purpose

Having a phone at the age of 11 can also help improve a child's cognitive abilities when it comes to academics. With the right applications and games, a child within this age bracket can develop greatly mentally given this early exposure. Several studies have shown the impact of some games to the mental stimulation of kids and allowing a kid at 11 access to a phone with these games inclusive is a bold step in helping them elevate.

To improve responsibility

I know you'll cringe at the mention of responsibility in a subject that concerns an 11 year old kid. However, no one is above accountability so inculcating the spirit of responsibility can pass for another reason why you may need a phone at the age of 11.Knowing the importance of valued items and how to manage them can help a kid at the age of 11 better understand what responsibility actually entails.

To help you get acquainted with in-demand tech skills, terms and trends

Tech is the new oil rig, and kids between the age bracket of 10-14 are not left out of the debate. In-demand tech skills like data analysis and programming are beautiful to be learnt early by a child. If given the opportunity to dive into them, learning about them can add you as a reason why you may need a new phone at 11.

How Old Should You Really Be To Have a Phone?

The age bracket of 10-14 is a good age for a kid to have a phone. This is supported by a report and article featured on the Washington Post. From the aforementioned insinuation, you can deduce that the best age for a child to really be to have a phone is 14. However, it doesn't override the fact that the ages of 11, 12, and 13 are also appropriate.This whole debate and deliberation is dependent on the parents involved and their parenting style. A stay at home mom can be against giving her kids a phone at the age of 11, but the same may be different with a career woman who is mostly away from home and would love to have her kid's well being on the tips of her fingers.We can also take the same argument from a religious angle as a religiously uptight family would counter giving their child a phone at a tender age while a liberal household would be indifferent about giving a phone to their little kid. That being said, our main focus should be set on the age bracket, as anything below it appears to be highly unacceptable according to social standards. 

Steps To Consider Before Convincing Your Parents to Buy You a Phone at 11

Convincing your parents to buy you a phone at the age of 11 can seem to be a tad difficult, given your age, their rules about technological devices, level of exposure and performance in school. However, nothing stops you from making an attempt as you can and may be lucky. To get you started, here are 5 steps to consider before convincing your parents to buy you a phone at 11:

  • You need to consider what you will say
  • You should consider the immediate benefits of having a phone to you and at length, to your parents
  • You should bear in mind when best to meet them
  • Consider the type of phone you need too
  • You should bear in mind when best to talk to them about it

You need to consider what you will say

What you'll say and how to put it should be the first thing you'll consider before you try to convince your parents to buy a phone for you at the age of 11. This part of consideration encompasses a lot of things including the tone you'll use, your choice of words and your overall delivery when pitching your idea of getting a phone from your parents. To do this, you shouldn't sound too confident or less sure, maybe something in between would serve the purpose. 

You should consider the immediate benefits of having a phone to you and at length, to your parents

You should also consider the immediate benefits of having a phone before you relate your thoughts about having one to your parents. This is important because you can't make a demand for something that doesn't serve any crucial purpose to you.Similarly, you should draft out a list of benefits which your parents stand to gain if they get you a phone. These benefits can range from having more monitoring about your whereabouts and activities. Presenting these things in the right format is something that you need to bear in mind.

You should bear in mind when best to meet them

It will be futile for you to know what to say and the benefits of having a phone without knowing the best time to approach your parents about it. You should only meet them when they're relaxed and are keen to know what is wrong with you. Don't meet them when they just came back from work, because they'll still be disorganized and tired. No meeting them when they're upset or arguing. Best time is bedtime, during dinner or while watching movies together in the living room. You can also meet them for a few days to important days like thanksgivings, your birthday, Christmas or their anniversary.

Consider the type of phone you need too

The type and range of phone you need is another crucial factor which you should put into consideration before convincing your parents to buy you a phone at the age of 11.Since requesting for a phone with internet connection at the age of 11 can be far-reaching, you can settle for a regular mobile phone that can make calls. Or, you can opt for options that include your parents having access to your phone as a means of regulation.

8 Different Ways to Convince Your Parents to Get You a Phone at 11

If you're 11 and you want to convince your parents to get you a phone, I have 8 practical ways to do that. These different ways include.

  • Be polite and thoughtful
  • Go for a basic phone with a prepaid plan
  • State why you need a phone
  • Keep a clean slate and prove you can be responsible
  • Make if look like they stand to gain more
  • Be out to reassure them that it won't get in the way of your studies
  • Do not overemphasize on it, be specific on it's use
  • Make requests on or ahead of important events or days

Be polite and thoughtful

Ways to Convince Your Parents to Get You a Phone at 11This is one among the other ways through which you can convince your parents to get you a phone at 11. Being polite has a way of making the most impossible things work out in the most possible ways you can ever think of. Hence, you need to employ it while also being thoughtful about it. Don't miss out on that.

Go for a basic phone with a prepaid plan

Another way you can convince your parents to buy you a photo at 11 is by going for an affordable phone. This way, they won't see it as much of a burden on the financial budget of the month. They'll even agree to get you a phone if they see that it won't cost much to get you one.

State why you need a phone

You need to be specific with why you need a phone, it's use and any other details which you wouldn't want to miss out on. This way, your parents will know that you're intentional about having a phone and that thess thoughts are not influenced by anything useless or unnecessary, like peer pressure.

Keep a clean slate and prove you can be responsible

You should also be able to keep a clean slate with your activities around the home and in school. With this, you'll prove to them that you can handle having a phone and equally any other responsibilities that are thrown your way.

Make if look like they stand to gain more

If convincing your parents to get you a phone is a meal, then this way of asking them to get you a phone is the secret recipe to getting a perfect delivery. The idea here is to make your parents see a lot they will gain if they get you a phone. Instead of emphasizing more on why you need a phone, telling them that having a phone saves them the stress of worrying about how you're doing because you'll always report to them makes things a little light and good. Hopefully, they'll buy into your request.

Be out to reassure them that it won't get in the way of your studies

Being excellent is another apt way of convincing your parents to get you a phone at the age of 11. Proving to them that you're in your best form before asking them to get you a phone is a great edge because they may possibly do that out of being proud of you.

Do not overemphasize on it, be specific on it's use

While pitching your idea of a new phone to your parents, don't make the mistake of overemphasizing on the need for them to get you a phone. First, it makes you sound overly needy and suspicious and it also makes you appear unwise.

Make requests on or ahead of important events or days

To get the most out of all the ways mentioned in this category, you should be conscious of notable events in the family and know how to use them to your advantage while convincing your parents to get you a phone at the age of 11. Important days, especially your birthday is the perfect bait to use when selling your idea of getting a new phone to your parents. 

Wrapping Up

The world is changing, and same is the order of things. An 11 years old child in the early 20s won't ask for a phone but the reverse is the case now. If need be for you to ask for a phone from your parents at the age of 11, there are steps to follow and things to consider.This post leads you into knowing about these necessary things while also answering crucial questions surrounding the eligibility of a child at the age of 11 to possess a phone and the right age to do so as a parent. I'm glad this post finds you well, and adds value to you. Peace! 


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