20 Funny Responses to “Or What?”

You know how people sound when they're about to threaten you? Well, that's exactly the feeling you get when someone says to you 'or what?'. The question is a rhetorical query which doesn't always sound cool, especially with the kind of tone with which it is said or expressed. Questions become how you're going to respond when someone says this question. Since this question sounds like a threat and a bit too bold, you might want to respond in a subtle way such as being funny. However, I'll be discussing in detail about 20 funny responses to "or what?". Read on to know more!

20 Funny Responses to "Or What?"

When someone says to you 'or what?', they're expecting you to sound as awful as possible and in protest to their seemingly unpleasant question. However, it is not always cool to be predictable so you won't be doing them best by reacting the way they want you to.Sounding funny with your response would be a better option and some funny responses to 'or what?' include: 'Are you going to attack me with a jiu jitsu skill which you don’t have?', 'Will you make empires to grow out of the grass nearby?', 'You do know that is a smart question for a dummy like you' and 'Or I’m going to turn you into a fish, act like I don’t know you and grill you'. Let's get into this post properly by highlighting the responses to 'or what?' below. 

  • What do you think?
  • You sound a bit upset for a beautiful lady, don’t you think?
  • Don’t try me, it won’t be funny if you do
  • You do know that is a smart question for a dummy like you
  • Or whatever you think of me becomes your baggage
  • Don’t sound like you were going to kill a thousand men if you knew anything about it
  • Are you going to make me play paintballs when you’ve got no balls?
  • Will you make empires to grow out of the grass nearby?
  • Don’t get ahead of yourself, you’re still a funny sight to look at
  • You talk as if you’re going to be my doom when you’re only but a tiny feather to me
  • Are you going to attack me with a jiu jitsu skill which you don’t have?
  • Or I’m going to turn you into a fish, act like I don’t know you and grill you
  • Don’t even get me started by asking questions that sound more intelligent than you look
  • Or what? Are you seriously asking me if I can make you cry?
  • I know you’re afraid right now, but pride won’t let you free some tears from your eyes
  • Or, I don’t know. We may hit the stars to find out
  • Or I’m going to let the cat out of the bag and it will get lost
  • Thanks for questioning my decision. I was going to just make you cry, but now I think you should also beg for mercy
  • I’m going to act like you just said nothing, because it’s clear you don’t believe me
  • Sorry to disappoint you, I don’t answer questions asked like a centurion just spoke

What Do You Think?

'What do you think?' is a funny response to 'or what?'. It is a funny response because it is that response that you can give to the person who tries to sound rude or harsh on you with the intention of reducing the intensity of their strong tone.Well, things get more hilarious when you ask the person this question knowing fully well that they don't have answers to it. Similarly, asking them this question with an askance and smirk look on your face also adds up to how funny things can get.

You Sound a Bit Upset for a Beautiful Lady, Don’t You Think?

'You sound a bit upset for a beautiful lady, don't you think?' would you be making fun of the person that tells you 'or what?' Telling the person that they are beautiful to be sounding that upset is a smooth smack at them. You even get to spice things up a bit by asking the person the rhetorical question at the end of your statement, asking them 'don't you think?'

Don’t Try Me, It Won’t Be Funny if You Do

'Don't try me, it won't be funny if you do' is a cunning response to 'or what?' which shouldn't miss out on your menu if you're considering the best funny responses when someone is sounding that upset and threat-like with their question to you. Here, you're telling them not to try you as it won't be funny that they did. I'm sure the person who said that to you will be stuck trying to figure out why it will be funny if they tried you.

You Do Know That Is a Smart Question for a Dummy Like You

'You do know that is a smart question for a dummy like you' is one response to 'or what?' that I'll consider so hot as a comeback and equally crafty to use. It is a comeback because you'll end up mentioning that the person is dumb but also crafty when you say that the person is smarter than them. Anyone within range when you say this response to the person will definitely share a laughter or two when you deliver it.

Or Whatever You Think of Me Becomes Your Baggage

'Or whatever you think of me becomes your baggage' is yet another super smart response to 'or what?' which annihilates the negative force behind such a question, usually when it's coming from someone that is upset about what you did to them or how you talked to them.Perhaps, you're not in the mood to drag the issue further by giving them back the same energy so you'd rather say this response to them than argue further.

Don’t Sound Like You Were Going To Kill a Thousand Men if You Knew Anything About It

'Don't sound like you were going to kill a thousand men if you knew anything about it' is a tricky response to 'or what?' which you can always throw in when someone tries to sound threatening. You don't have to make them feel uncomfortable directly as you can do that using a subtly funny response such as this one. Perhaps, you and the person who said that to you are in some kind of argument and you said 'You need to pack it up or else' and they responded with 'or what?' In that same vein, you can reply with the above response to let them know they can't do anything other than talk.

Are You Going To Make Me Play Paintballs When You’ve Got No Balls?

'Are you going to make me play paintballs when you've got no balls?' is yet another hilarious response to 'or what?' that you should add to your menu just in case the need arises. So, when push comes to shove and someone tries to step on you by saying 'or what?', you can reply to them by saying this response.Here, you're funnily saying they don't have the courage to do anything to you, while metaphorically citing the paintball game as a tranquilizer.

Will You Make Empires To Grow Out of the Grass Nearby?

'Will you make empires grow out of the grass nearby?' is a brainy response to 'or what?' which you should not miss out on completely. It is also a way of ridiculing the person that asked you 'or what?' vehemently. With this response, he or she won't exactly push forward for a negative reaction. 

Don’t Get Ahead of Yourself, You’re Still a Funny Sight To Look At

Funny Responses to Or What?'Don't get ahead of yourself, you're still a funny sight to look at' is an apt reply which you can employ when someone says 'or what?' to you. You're telling the person not to get ahead of themselves, as you still think they're a funny sight to look at. What a way to serve a comeback laced with comic relief to someone?!

You Talk as if You’re Going To Be My Doom When You’re Only but a Tiny Feather to Me

'You talk as if you're going to be my doom when you're only but a tiny feather to me' can pass as an astute response to when someone says 'or what?' to you. The beauty of this response is that it helps you completely dismiss the person as a threat. By insinuating that the person is a tiny feather to you, shows that you don't see them as a threat nor do you consider them a plausible agent of harm to you. 

Are You Going To Attack Me With a Jiu Jitsu Skill Which You Don’t Have?

'Are you going to attack me with a jiu jitsu skill which you don't have?' is a featured response in this post because of its ability to induce laughter when someone tries to sound like a threat to you by saying 'or what?' Here, you're asking the person as if they're sounding like a threat, if they want to come at you with a jiu jitsu skill which they don't even have. 

Or I’m Going To Turn You Into a Fish, Act Like I Don’t Know You and Grill You

'Or I'm going to turn you into a fish, act like I don't know how and grill you' is your go-to intelligent response to 'or what?' which you can also employ when push comes to shove.

Don’t Even Get Me Started by Asking Questions That Sound More Intelligent Than You Look

'Don't even get me started by asking questions that sound more intelligent than you look' is a sensible reply which you can serve to someone who tries to sound harsh by asking you 'or what?'Here, you're telling the person that they sound more intelligent than they look. Isn't that a serious comeback right there?

Or What? Are You Seriously Asking Me if I Can Make You Cry?

'Or what? Are you seriously asking me if I can make you cry?' is one of my favorite replies in this post. It is that one response that I find appealing to use when someone is trying to sound sinister by asking me 'or what?' You can use this line to shock the person back to reality.

I Know You’re Afraid Right Now, but Pride Won’t Let You Free Some Tears From Your Eyes

Sometimes when someone says 'or what?', they do so from a place of fear but they don't usually admit it. You can say 'I know you're afraid right now, but pride won't let you free some tears from your eyes' to them as a response, telling them to not hold back the tears. Funny thing, right?

Or, I Don’t Know. We May Hit the Stars To Find Out

Funny Responses to Or What?You can sound a bit more savvy with your response by saying 'or, I don't know. We may hit the stars to find out' as your response when someone asks you 'or what?'

Or I’m Going To Let the Cat Out of the Bag and It Will Get Lost

'Or I'm going to let the cat out of the bag and it will get lost' is a smart response to 'or what?', especially when you want to pull the person's legs. 

Thanks for Questioning My Decision. I Was Going to Just Make You Cry, but Now I Think You Should Also Beg for Mercy

This response is quite funky because both the first and second conditions you want to give the person are absurd. Yet, you're offering them the two of them like they don't have another choice to make.

I’m Going To Act Like You Just Said Nothing, Because It’s Clear You Don’t Believe Me

If you told someone you'd do something or… and they asked 'or what?', you can say 'I'm going to act like you said nothing, because it's clear you don't believe me'. The response is self explanatory.

Sorry To Disappoint You, I Don’t Answer Questions Asked Like a Centurion Just Spoke

When someone sounds authoritative to you by asking 'or what?', you can reply to them by saying 'sorry to disappoint you, I don't answer questions asked like a centurion just spoke'. I'm sure they'll catch the joke.

End Note

You don't have to beat yourself up when someone asks you 'or what?'. A few funny responses here and there can save you a lot of migraines. This article featured about 20 funny responses to 'or what?', so you can pick anyone suitable for you amongst them and serve whoever it is that sounds like they want to beat you up when they practically can't.


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