20 Things to Say When a Guy Asks If You Work Out

When a guy asks you if you work out, you might wonder about what's going on in his mind at that moment.Does he like your shape or he doesn't? Is he inviting you to start working out? It's natural to have some of these questions in your mind. And these thoughts can influence what you give as an answer.If a guy asks if you exercise, it could be he likes your shape, he wants to join you or he's just curious. And it's also possible he doesn't like what he's seeing.So, if you need help with answers you can give, I'll be helping you with things you can say to him. They include direct, flirty, and sarcastic responses

20 Things to Say When a Guy Asks If You Work Out

There are different things you can say to a guy that asks if you do fitness training. You can choose to give him the truth by saying, "No, I don't" or "Yes, it's a hobby."Also, you may choose to be flirty with responses like, "Why, do you love what you're seeing?" and "I bet you can't get your eyes off these curves."Then, you can try sarcastic replies like, "Not at all, I'd be fat" or "No, heaven threw this figure down and I caught it."Here are 20 things you can say

  1. Why, do you love what you're seeing?
  2. I bet you can't get your eyes off these curves
  3. Yea, I look good, right?
  4. No, I don't 
  5. No, these curves are natural
  6. No, it's not my thing
  7. Not at all, I won't survive a day
  8. Yes, wanna join me?
  9. Yes, it's a hobby
  10. Sure, I love being fit
  11. I'm not a workout person
  12. Why do you ask?
  13. Why do you care?
  14. What is it to you if I do?
  15. It's none of your business
  16. That's not necessary 
  17. Not at all, I'd be fat
  18. Definitely not, it'd make me sick
  19. Sure, if the bedroom counts 
  20. No, heaven threw this figure down and I caught it

Why, Do You Love What You're Seeing?

Things to Say When a Guy Asks If You Work OutOne of the things you can say to a guy that asks if you work out is, "Why, do you love what you're seeing?"This is a flirty question to ask to push the conversation forward. Maybe you caught him staring at you, this is the perfect response to give. Also, while asking him this question, you can twirl around for him to see more of your curves. And if he's your crush, it'll work well to lead him on. In addition, don't forget to add that charming smile to make it more fun.

I Bet You Can't Get Your Eyes off These Curves

"I bet you can't get your eyes off these curves" is another befitting thing to say to a guy that asks if you work out.It's another flirty response that'll work well with someone you like or with someone you catch feasting their eyes on you.Also, while at it, show him your curves to get more out of him. If he's attracted to you, he definitely will get the message and should act on it.

Yea, I Look Good, Right?

"Yea, I look good right?" is another question you can ask a guy that asks if you exercise. It's another flirty way of responding to someone you like. Also, you can use this response to spice up the conversation. He doesn't have to be someone you know or like; if he's a stranger, you can give this response to lead the conversation. It shows you're interested in conversing with him.

No, I Don't

"No, I don't" is one of the things to give as a reply to a guy that asks if you exercise.It's a straightforward answer that tells him that you don't work out. If it's the case that you both are on a date, and he asks you if you work out while conversing with him, you can give this simple reply.It's a short reply that doesn't show your interest in the topic, nor does it show your disinterest. However, it'll depend on your tone and body language.So, if he's interested in continuing the discussion, he can ask you further questions.

No, These Curves are Natural

"No, these curves are natural" is another thing to say to a guy that wants to know if you use the gym.This response tells him that you don't work out or use the gym. Also, it's an engaging reply that shows your readiness to converse with him on the topic.Additionally, it's an appropriate response if you notice him admiring your curves. He may think you got your shape from doing exercises. So, you can use this response to clarify that.

No, It's Not My Thing

"No, it's not my thing" is another thing to say to a man that wants to know if you exercise to show you're ready to converse more on the topic.If you're in a conversation with a guy, and he drops this question, you can give this engaging reply to lead the conversation.He's likely going to ask why it's not your thing or what is your thing. In this way, you can discuss more about what you like or what you don't like.

Not at All, I Won't Survive a Day 

Another interesting way you can respond to a guy that asks if you work out is "Not at all, I won't survive a day."This is another engaging reply that can keep you guys afloat. Perhaps you're on a date with him, and in getting to know you he pops this question, this response is appropriate to show how good you're in conversations.

Yes, Wanna Join Me?

Another suitable answer for a guy that asks if you work out is "Yes, wanna join me?" It's a great way of telling him that you do work out.Not only does this response confirm that you do, but it's also an engaging one that gears the conversation on the fun side.Asking if he'd join you is a nice way to lead the discussion. Also, it's an opportunity to get your crush closer. If it's the case that you like him, invite him to join you to exercise. Who knows he might take you on your offer.

Yes, It's a Hobby

"Yes, it's a hobby" is one of the things you can tell a guy that wants to know about your fitness journey.This response doesn't only tell him that you work out, it also tells him how feels about it.Telling him it's your hobby is an interesting way to get his attention, especially if it's what he likes too. So, if you exercise because you love it, there's no harm in talking more about it.

Sure, I Love Being Fit

Another interesting way you can respond to a guy that wants to know if you keep fit with training is, "Sure, I love being fit."This response is an affirmative response that tells him that you enjoy working out too and love to keep fit.If he loves to keep fit, this response will definitely spike his interest in discussing more on the topic. Also, it's a cool way to get his interest romantically if you think it's something he'd like.

I'm Not a Workout Person

"I'm not a workout person" is another thing you can say to show how you feel about working out.When a guy asks if you work out, you can use this response when you don't exercise. This response will let him know you don't work out because it's not your thing.Also, it's another intriguing response that can make him ask you more questions.

Why Do You Ask?

 Things to Say When a Guy Asks If You Work OutAnother answer to give a guy that wants to know if you exercise is "Why do you ask?"  This is a response to give when you're curious about why he's asking. As I earlier established, there are different reasons why a guy might ask you if you exercise.So, if you want to know why, you can ask this question instead of answering it. 

Why Do You Care?

Another befitting way to respond to a man that asks if you work out is "Why do you care?" This is another question you can use to find out why he's asking. Also, you can use this question to show your disinterest in the conversation.If you don't want to talk to him, you can ask him this question with a dismissing tone.

What Is It to You If I Do?

"What is it to you if I do?" is another question you can ask a guy to show your disinterest in the conversation.This question is befitting if he's a stranger or someone you don't know what to talk to. For instance, if a guy you haven't talked to before asks you this question out of the blue, you can use this response to dismiss him.

It's None of Your Business 

"It's none of your business" is another dismissive reply to give a guy that wants to know if you work out.It's a befitting response for someone you don't want to talk to. If he's pestering you with lots of questions, use this response to dissuade him.For instance, maybe he's showing interest in you, or he just has an annoying character, use this response to discourage him.

That's Not Necessary 

"That's not necessary" is another thing to say to a man that wants to know if you exercise. It's another dismissive response that shows you're not interested in the conversation.If it's the case you don't want to talk about it or you don't want to engage him in a conversation, this response will pass the message adequately.If you want to be more polite, you can add, "Can we change the topic?"

Not at All, I'd Be Fat

"Not at all, I'd be fat" is another reply for a man that's curious about your workout journey.It's a reply you can give when you want to be funny or sarcastic. Maybe it's obvious that you work out or you don't want to engage him in a conversation, you can use this response. 

Definitely Not, It'd Make Me Sick

"Definitely not, it'd make me sick" is another sarcastic reply to give a guy that asks you if you work out.Also, you can choose to be amusing or rude with this comment with the tone you use. If he's someone you don't want to talk to, you can use a dismissive tone. But, if you want to engage him, you can speak lightly.

Sure, If the Bedroom counts 

"Sure, if the bedroom counts" is another reply you can give a guy that asks you if you work out. It's another funny thing to say to get a laugh from him.Although this reply implies that you don't exercise, you can also give this response if you want to avoid the main question. Maybe you work out or you don't, if you don't want to tell him, this reply can do the trick.

No, Heaven Threw This Figure Down and I Caught It

Things to Say When a Guy Asks If You Work Out"No, heaven threw this figure down and I caught it" is another sarcastic reply you can try when a guy wants to know if you do some fitness training.Maybe it's obvious you do, and he goes on to ask, this response will suit him. Also, it can pass as a humorous reply.

Wrapping Up

When a guy wants to know if you work out, there are countless answers you can give him. A guy might ask you this question for different reasons.And if you're not sure why you can ask him the reason he's asking, you can also be direct with your answers or give some humorous and sarcastic replies. 


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