20 Good Comebacks for "Get a Life"

Are you looking for a smooth comeback for someone that tells you "to get a life?" It can be annoying when someone uses these words on you.Even if they don't like what you're doing or they think you're wasting your time, telling you to get a life is a harsh thing to say and such people usually use it as an insult. Maybe you've been spending more time on what you love doing and they don't seem to appreciate that, if they tell you to get a life, you can give them a sharp retort to remind them of their place.In this article, I'll help you with 20 good responses to give someone that tells you to get a life. You'll appreciate these comebacks; keep reading.

20 Good Comebacks for "Get a Life"

There are numerous things you can say to someone that tells you to get a life. Usually, this is an insult, and you'd need good comebacks to show them that you're not easily intimidated.Such retorts include: "Is yours on sale?""Will it send you away?" "I'll remember to buy you a brain," etc.Here are 20 snappy comments to give to someone that says "Get a life."

  1. Is yours on sale?
  2. Try something new. I'm getting tired of your lame insults 
  3. If it's something like yours, I'd rather be lifeless
  4. Yours doesn't appeal to me. It Stinks 
  5. Get some sense. Aren't you irritated with yourself already?
  6. Will it send you away?
  7. Looks like you need it more
  8. It doesn't seem like you have one spending time with me 
  9. Anything else?
  10. If your life were amazing, you wouldn't be this bitter
  11. I'll remember to buy you a brain
  12. I'm looking for recommendations, got any?
  13. Where did you get yours?
  14. And I hope you're never part of it
  15. I'll remember to keep you far away
  16. Check yourself, bro, it sounds like you need help
  17. Sure, I will, when you get lost
  18. If it's nothing like yours, I'm in
  19. I'll get one for you too
  20. Right after you mind your business 

Is Yours on Sale?

"Is yours on sale?" is one the best comebacks for someone who tells you to get a life. They want you to get a life, right? Then, ask them if theirs is on sale and wait for them to answer. I bet they'd have nothing to say.This question is the perfect thing to say to someone insulting you with such words to show them it isn't working.Perhaps, you're not conforming to what they want, and they snap at you by saying you should get a life. Snapback at them with these questions to put them in their place.

Try Something New. I'm Getting Tired of Your Lame Insults 

"Try something new. I'm getting tired of your lame insults" is another thing you can say to someone who is insultive.If it's the case that they're quick to use offensive words with you or with others, you can give them this response to let them know they only irritate you with their attitude.So, when someone tells you to get a life, use this comment to tell them they didn't get the desired effect. Calling their insult lame should hurt their pride.

If It's Something Like Yourself, I'd Rather Be Lifeless

"If it's something like yours, I'd rather be lifeless" is another comeback that'd fit someone who asks you to get a life.This statement is quite a strong one, but it emphasizes your annoyance at them. It's a great comeback that would match their offensive statement.Saying you'd rather be lifeless than have a life like theirs implies they don't have a good life, probably because of their annoying attitude. It's a direct way to tell them that you don't like them.

Yours Doesn't Appeal to Me. It Stinks

"Yours doesn't appeal to me. It stinks" is another befitting reply for someone who asks you to get a life.It works like the above to express your feelings about their attitude. When someone asks you to get a life, probably because they don't like what you're doing, using this response tells them that you don't like theirs too.And adding that it stinks speaks more of their bad character, by judging you.

Get Some Sense. Aren't You Irritated with Yourself Already?

Another thing you can say to someone annoying is "Get some sense. Aren't you irritated with yourself already?"It's a great comeback that shows them how pissed you're with their behavior toward you.Maybe they've been bugging you about things they would like you to change about yourself and you've not been bulging. Or they've been perching around your business. It can be very annoying with them around. So, this response suits them. Asking them if they aren't irritated with themselves indicates that you expected them to have gotten tired of disturbing you.

Will It Send You Away?

Good Comebacks for Get a LifeAnother question that'd suit someone with an infuriating character is "Will it send you away?"This question is perfect for someone who tells you to get a life. It's just like asking them if they'd go away if you do so. It's a sharp retort that would  match the same energy they give you.Moreover, it expresses how tired you're of their character and presence. When they hear this comeback, I bet they would be humbled. 

Looks Like You Need It More 

"Looks like you need it more" is another thing to say to someone that asks you to get a life.Since they feel you don't have a life and are asking you to get one, let them know they don't have any too with this comeback.It'll work for someone always in your business, as it implies that if they do have a life, they won't spend time disturbing you.So, this reply implies they'd be needing life more, so they should be more concerned about themselves.

It Doesn't Seem Like You Have One Spending Time with Me 

"It doesn't seem like you have one spending time with me" is another perfect retort for someone who asks you to get a life.It works like the above to point to the person that they don't have a life too. Using this response implies that they wouldn't be spending time with you if they did have their own life. So, this comment is a great comeback that'd match the energy they give. Moreover, it's a good way to chase them away.

Anything Else?

Good Comebacks for Get a Life"Anything else?" is another question to ask someone who asks you to get a life. This response is a great way to show them that their insult didn't get to you.When they snap at you to get a life, gently ask them if you can get anything else. They wouldn't be expecting your calm composure, talk more of the question.Also, this response can imply that if they've anything more to say, they can say it. They would see that their intention to hurt you failed.

If Your Life Were Amazing, You Wouldn't Be This Bitter

"If your life were amazing, you wouldn't be this bitter" is one the best responses that would work for someone with a tiring character.If it's the case that this person is always pestering you or they seem jealous, this is a suitable response for them.When you give this response after they tell you to get a life, it tells them you think they're bitter because they don't have a good life. This comeback will surely match their energy, and in fact, put them in their place.

I'll Remember to Buy You a Brain

Good Comebacks for Get a Life"I'll remember to buy you a brain" is another appropriate thing to say to someone who asks you to get a life.When someone asks you to get a life, tell them you'd, but you'll get them a brain also with this reply.It's a direct way to tell them that they lack sense. They won't miss this insult.

I'm Looking for Recommendations, Got Any?

"I'm looking for recommendations, got any?" is another question to ask someone who tells you to get a brain.As I've earlier established, when someone asks you to get a life, they usually mean it as an insult. But, you can take them at their word and give them an answer they wouldn't be expecting.So, you can make them seem foolish by asking them if they have any recommendations on where you can get that life. 

Where Did You Get Yours?

Another question that'd work for someone who asks you to get a life is "Where did you get yours?" When someone tells you to get a life, ask them where they got yours, who knows you might be interested to get yours from there.They wouldn't be expecting this comeback, which should make a mess of their intention and return the embarrassment to them.

And I Hope You're Never Part of It

"And I hope you're never part of it" is another thing to say to someone annoying to express your feelings.When someone asks you to get a life, you can respond with this comeback to tell them you're tired of being around them.It's a strong word they should take seriously if they're your friends and care about you.

I'll Remember to Keep You Far Away 

"I'll remember to keep you far away" is another comeback that expresses your unwillingness to remain friends with someone.When someone asks you to get a life, use this retort to let them know you've tolerated them enough. If they care about you, they should check their attitude.

Check Yourself, Bro, It Sounds Like You Need Help 

Another statement that'd work for someone that asks you to get a life is "Check yourself, bro, it sounds like you need help."It's a befitting reply that shows that you're not affected by their harsh words. It's a great way to turn the attention to them. They wouldn't see this coming.

Sure, I Will, When You Get Lost 

"Sure, I will, when you get lost" is a sharp retort to use with someone that is insultive.When someone asks you to get a life, use this response to show them how pissed you're with them. Also, it's a great comeback that you can use to dismiss them.

If It's Nothing Like Yours, I'm in

"If it's nothing like yours, I'm in" is another statement that'd fit someone who asks you to get a life.It's a strong comeback that expresses your detest for their character. Using this response shows that you don't want anything that looks like theirs. It shows your high self-esteem and tells them you're better off.

I'll Get One for You Too

Another thing to say to someone that asks you to get a life is "I'll get one for you too." It's a perfect comeback that tells them they'd be needing a life too. If they think they're cool and perfect, this response will crush their ego and remind them of their place.It's a perfect thing to say and walk away before allowing them to say anything else.

Right After You Mind Your Business

"Right after you mind your business" is another response that would work with someone who asks you to get a life.This is a befitting retort that tells them you're tired of them meddling in your business. If it's the case they always give unsolicited bits of advice, use this response to ask them to mind their business.

Final Thoughts

Usually, when someone asks you to get a life, they intend to insult you with these words. It could be that they're tired of how you spend your day, or they just want you to feel less of yourself.You would need good comebacks to deal with such people, letting them know you're not moved by their words. The above examples are great comebacks you should use on them. 


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