20 Things to Say to Someone Who Contradicts Everything You Say

If you've spent the day with someone that contradicts almost everything you say, you'll agree with me that it can be frustrating.These kinds of people feel satisfied finding something wrong in what people say.If you say you feel sick, they'll say you look healthy and can't possibly be sick. They can even disagree with you when you compliment them.Whether they're your friends or not, having someone who keeps raising your hackles with their contradictions can push you off your limit someday.That's why having our smart comebacks at the tip of your tongue can help put them where they belong. 

20 Things to Say to Someone Who Contradicts Everything You Say

There are countless things you can say to someone who constantly contradicts you. Depending on the relationship they share with you, you can choose to be polite or downright sarcastic, or rude.If they are your friend, partner, or family you can politely ask them why they do so, by using questions like, "Why do you always disagree with me?" "Why do you always do this?"You can also reply sarcastically to a friend or acquaintance with, "You are never wrong," or "That sounds brilliant!" Also, "Okay, that is your perspective" and "Alright" is another reply to use if you don't want to engage them further.Without further ado, let's delve into 20 things to say to someone who contradicts everything you say.

  1. Okay, that is your perspective 
  2. Alright
  3. No problem
  4. It's okay if you have a different opinion. I can not compel you to be right.
  5. It's okay to disagree with me, I don't mind being on the right side
  6. Are you playing devil’s advocate or you are just being silly?
  7. Stop contradicting me, please. I have a migraine already 
  8. Okay, I think I might have a headache if I keep listening to you
  9. Why do you always disagree with me?
  10. Why do you always do this?
  11. You always have something contradicting to say, why?
  12. Are you done? You can keep shut now
  13. You are never wrong
  14. That sounds brilliant!
  15. Fantastic
  16. Alright, you sound smart, you know.
  17. Wow! I'm impressed with how smartly you negate my statement
  18. Is someone paying you to disagree with me?
  19. Why always a jerk?
  20. Why don't you agree with me once, it'll do your self-esteem more good

Okay, That Is Your Perspective 

"Okay, that is your personality" is one of the things to say to someone that contradicts what you say. This is a respectful way of responding to them.Responding courteously to people who get on your nerves can help you deal with them sometimes. When you don't give them the attention they want, it can discourage them.If you've got someone who frequently disagrees with what you say, this reply is a tactical way of responding.Saying "okay" shows you're not giving in to their bait if they've got the motive of pissing you off. Telling them it is their perspective makes it more natural. This response is perfect if you don't want to engage them further.


"Alright" is another great response to try out with someone who contradicts you most of the time. It's another perfect way to respond to them and go on to ignore them.For instance, if you tell someone that Elon Musk is a multimillionaire and they blatantly disagree with silly reasons, you definitely know they want to get a reaction from you.So, responding with only "alright" won't give them the satisfaction they want. So, "alright" is a perfect reply for someone who contradicts what is the obvious truth.

No Problem 

Things to Say to Someone Who Contradicts Everything You SayAnother befitting response for someone who contradicts you when you're stating the obvious truth is "no problem."This reply implies that you're not ready to engage them in further argument. It's a good way to acknowledge them and go on to ignore them. This kind of response would get to them as they wouldn't be expecting this kind of reaction from you.

It's Okay If You Have a Different Opinion. I Cannot Compel You to Be Right.

"It's okay if you have a different opinion. I can not compel you to be right is another befitting way to reply to someone who continually disagrees with what you say.Now, this is a clever comeback they wouldn't see coming. This response is quite tricky as it implies a polite response, but the final response is a sarcastic one they might miss if they don't pay keen attention.It's a good way to get back at someone who keeps disagreeing with you. It'll get to them and give them a taste of their own medicine.

It's Okay to Disagree with Me, I Don't Mind Being on the Right Side

"It's okay to disagree with me, I don't mind being on the right side" is another clever comeback for someone who doesn't see eye to eye with you all the time.This response is another sarcastic response you can try with an acquaintance or a friend to put them in their place.Using this response lets them know you don't care about their opinion any longer.

Are You Playing Devil’s Advocate or You Are Just Being Silly?

Another befitting reply for someone who continually counters your statements is, "Are you playing devil’s advocate or you are just being silly?"This is a question that shows them how pissed you are. Asking them if they're the devil's advocate points out the fact that they're only trying to get on your nerves.It's one of the ways to respond to your friends or an acquaintance. it'll let them you're not happy with their attitude.

Stop Contradicting Me, Please. I Have a Migraine Already 

"Stop contradicting me, please. I have a migraine already" is another response that'd work for friends or colleagues.This is a rebuke that shows them you're tired of their constant disagreement. Having someone who contradicts everything you say can give you a headache.So, this is a perfect response that tells them exactly how you feel. Also, it's a suitable response to show that you don't care about what they think.

Okay, I Think I Might Have a Headache If I Keep Listening to You

Things to Say to Someone Who Contradicts Everything You Say"Okay, I think I might have a headache if I keep listening to you" is another way of letting someone know that you're not interested in what they're saying.When you're talking to someone and they keep coming up with something different, this response will tell them that they're making you upset with their contradictions.It'll work with a friend or colleague to show them how you feel.

Why Do You Always Disagree with Me?

"Why do you always disagree with me? " is another appropriate approach to follow when you want to reply to someone that contradicts everything you say.It's another question but a polite one that you can use with your loved ones. If you've got a partner that disagrees with things you say, instead of being sarcastic or rude to them, you can use this response with them.This a question that shows you want to engage them in a conversation and not a quarrel. You can try this response with anyone to get them to see their fault without you coming off as rude.

Why Do You Always Do This?

Things to Say to Someone Who Contradicts Everything You Say"Why do you always do this?" is another question for a loved one.You can sit your friend, partner, or colleague down and ask them this question instead of using a smart comeback to make them feel bad.It's a diplomatic way to engage them in a conversation instead of instigating more anger. In this way, you can get a better perspective from them and also make them see reasons why they should engage better with you.

You Always Have Something Contradicting to Say, Why?

"You always have something contradicting to say, why?" is another reply you can try when you want to question someone who continually counters you.It's a befitting question that allows them to say how they feel, and to engage them in a healthy discussion.So, rather than display anger with a partner who always has something different from what you say, you can try this question to show them how they make you feel with their counters.

Are You Done? You Can Keep Shut Now

Another thing you can say to someone that contradicts everything you say is, "Are you done? You can keep shut now."This is another rebuke that shows them how annoyed you're with their comments. It can work with a colleague, or even with a friend whom you've tried several times to have a normal conversation with.If you've tried to talk to them about stopping their contradicting habit and they're yet to make a change, this response is appropriate to express your anger.

You Are Never Wrong 

Another brilliant comeback to try with someone that continually contradicts you is, "You are never wrong."This is another sarcastic way of replying to them. Telling them they're never wrong implies that you think so, but when you give this response and go on to ignore and not engage them further, they should notice the sarcasm.

That Sounds Brilliant!

"That sounds brilliant!" is another excellent way of replying sarcastically to someone that contradicts you all the time.Give this response and do not say anything in regards to the conversation again. You may choose to remain quiet or you can change the topic of conversation. In this way, you'll make them feel foolish.


"Fantastic" is another word you can use when you want to be sarcastic with someone that contradicts everything you say.Saying fantastic after they negate your statement can make them think you're complimenting them.But then, saying nothing more about it when they expect you to argue with them wouldn't give them the satisfaction they want.

Alright, You Sound Smart, You Know.

"Alright, you sound smart, you know" is another sarcastic response to try with your friend or colleague who keeps countering your statement.It'll give a false impression of a compliment, but ensure that you add mockery to your voice to make them notice the sarcasm. It's a perfect response when you don't want to engage them further in the conversation.

Wow! I'm Impressed with How Smartly You Negate My Statement 

"Wow! I'm impressed with how smartly you negate my statement" is another way you can be sarcastic with someone that always has something different from what you say.Using this response should show them how annoying their attitude is. It's a response that can work with your colleague or friend when you want to point it out to them.

Is Someone Paying You to Disagree with Me?

Another approach you can use when you want to point out to someone that their contradictions are pissing you off is by saying, "Is someone paying you to disagree with me?"It's a question that brings their behavior to their notice in case they haven't noticed how annoying they are. It can work with just anyone.

Why Always a Jerk?

"Why always a jerk?" is a question to ask someone who you feel has gone overboard with their attitude.It's a befitting question for a friend who makes it a point not to ever agree with things you say. Using this response will show them how upsetting their behavior is.

Why Don't You Agree with Me Once, It'll Do Your Self-esteem More Good 

"Why don't you agree with me once, it'll do your self-esteem more good" is a perfect retort to get back at someone.Using this statement with someone that contradicts everything you say implies that they've got low self-esteem. So, use this response with someone who always wants to put themselves in the spotlight all the time.

Final Words

Having a friend or an acquaintance who never agrees with you can be a pain in the ass.Therefore, having the right things to say can help put them in their place if they're attention seekers, and it can also help them become better.The above are different responses to try with your loved ones and with anyone.


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