20 Best Responses to "Haven't Heard from You in a While"

What do you say to someone you haven't spoken to in a while when they confront you? Maybe you've been avoiding them or you just got busy.Whatever the reason is, it can be awkward when someone says they haven't heard from you in a while, and responding might be a tad difficult.You don't have to worry, for in this article, I'll be taking you through the best responses you can give when someone says they haven't heard from you.Whether you're avoiding them or you haven't got time for them, in this article, you'll find the best things to say on any occasion.

20 Best Responses to "Haven't Heard from You in a While"

You can respond in different ways when someone complains of not hearing from you.If you've been busy, you can let them know by saying, "Yea, I've been busy," or "You're right. Work got in the way."Also, you can apologize for your silence and promise to make up with them with words like, "I'm sorry I'll make it up to you," or "How about lunch tomorrow? Let me make it up to you."In addition, you can be direct with them if you don't want to talk to them by saying, "I'm avoiding you, can't you see?" or "What do you want?"Below are the 20 best replies.

  1. Yea, I've been busy
  2. You're right. Work got so serious 
  3. Please bear with me, I'll contact you soon
  4. I'm sorry I'll make it up to you
  5. How about lunch tomorrow? Let me make it up to you
  6. Things have been so messy, please give me some time
  7. Things aren't smooth right now. I need you to be patient with me
  8. You are the one keeping a distance
  9. I was waiting for your call, you know
  10. I needed to clear my head
  11. I was on a strictly no-call vacation 
  12. I haven't forgotten. I'll call you
  13. That's right, give me some time 
  14. You don't say. I didn't know it was this long
  15. When I'm back I'll call you
  16. Wow! Were you expecting me to call?
  17. Well, we can't do this anymore
  18. I'm avoiding you, can't you see?
  19. I don't want to talk to you anymore 
  20. What do you want?

Yea, I've Been Busy 

"Yea, I've been busy" is one of the ways to respond to someone that says they haven't heard from you in a while when you've been busy.It's a casual way of responding to a friend or an acquaintance. Also, you can throw this reply as an excuse just to acknowledge their statement.For instance, if it's someone you don't want to talk to, this is one of the popular things to say to get away.

You're Right. Work Got So Serious

"You're right. Work got so serious" will let them know your work has been keeping you busy."You're right" acknowledges their statement and shows that you agree with what they said. Then telling them your work got so serious can help them understand you better.It's a simple and more understandable excuse to use with colleagues or someone you don't share a deep relationship with.

Please Bear with Me, I'll Contact You Soon

"Please Bear with me, I'll contact you soon" is a more passionate response to make when someone complains that they haven't heard from you.This reply isn't only polite, it also shows remorse for staying away. It's a suitable response for someone you hold dear. Also, it's a formal reply you can use with an acquaintance you promise to meet with.In addition, promising to contact them indicates that you'll make an effort to reach out to them.Moreover, you can give this response when you're not sure of the exact time you'll be able to contact them. 

I'm Sorry I'll Make it Up to You 

Another statement you can make to show your remorse when someone complains of your silence is "I'm sorry I'll make it up to you."It's another polite response that shows your willingness to right your wrong. Responding this way to someone shows that you've some respect for them.Whether you've been busy or not, this response acknowledges your wrong in staying away. Also, you can give this response when you're not sure when you'll be able to reach out to them.

How About Lunch Tomorrow? Let Me Make it Up to You 

"How about lunch tomorrow? Let me make it up to you" is a straightforward response that helps you take action immediately.First, the statement acknowledges your part in staying away. Then asking for lunch is the right step in correcting your mistakes.It's a good approach to use with a friend, as you can talk things out immediately and find common ground.

Things Have Been so Messy. Please, give Me Some time 

"Things have been so messy. Please, give me some time" is another passionate response that shows your remorse about failing to contact them.It's appropriate to use if you've promised to contact someone or you promise to help them.This reply will explain why they haven't heard from you, and also let them understand that you still have the intention of reaching out to them.

Things Aren't Smooth Right Now. I Need You to be Patient with Me 

"Things aren't smooth right now. I need you to be patient with me" is another thing to say to someone you've promised to reach out to.If you promised to help someone, maybe financially, if things become tough for you, you can let them know with this statement.This response will make them more understanding, as it shows you still have the willingness to help them.

You Are the One Keeping a Distance

"You are the one keeping a distance" is a response to give when you want to accuse the person of staying away.If someone tells you that they haven't heard from you in a while, and you feel they could have reached out, you can use this response to let them know how you feel.Maybe you met an old friend who you've no prior arrangement with. If they comment on not hearing from you, give this reply to let them know you also expected to hear from them.This response will let them know they aren't supposed to accuse you of the same thing they're doing. 

I Was Waiting for Your Call, You Know 

Another way to respond to someone you haven't heard from too is "I was waiting for your call, you know."This response tells them that they could've reached out if they wanted. Also, if they had promised to call and they didn't, you can use this statement to remind them.For instance, if you met with someone you had gone on a date with and they promised to call and didn't. If they make this comment, this response is appropriate to use.Also, if they had been the one to make the move and if after the first meeting, they never contacted you again, this reply is very appropriate.It will let them know they should have been the one to reach out if they were interested in you or in whatever you had discussed.

I Needed to Clear My Head 

"I needed to clear my head" is another suitable excuse to give when someone comments on not hearing from you.If it's the case you had a quarrel with them and decided to keep your distance, this is an appropriate response to give.Also, if you have been going through some problems, you can give this response if you want to open up about it.

I Was on a Strictly No-call Vacation 

Best Responses to "Haven't Heard from You in a While""I was on a strictly no-call vacation" is another excuse you can give when someone says they haven't heard from you in a while.Whether you were on vacation or not, this response can work appropriately.For instance, if you don't want to talk to the person, you can use this response as your excuse.In addition, if they are aware you went on a vacation, maybe through social media or a mutual friend, this response will work adequately when you have been avoiding talking with them.

I Haven't Forgotten. I'll Call you

When you still have the intention of reaching out to the person and you don't have any valid reason for your silence, "I haven't forgotten. I'll call you" is a perfect response to give.For instance, if you promised to reach out to someone and you didn't because you had forgotten, this is a swift response to give to cover up.It tells them you still have the intention of reaching out to them, so the reason doesn't matter.

That's Right, Give Me Some Time 

"That's right, give me some time" is another thing to say when you aren't ready to reach out to a person yet.For instance, if you had promised to help them with something, you can give this response when you aren't in the position to help yet.Also, the response would assure them that you still have them in mind. 

You Don't Say. I Didn't Know It's This Long 

"You don't say. I didn't know it's this long" is an adequate response to give when you're not aware of the time passing.Maybe you had met with them earlier and they had been waiting to hear from you again, you can give this response if you forgot all about it, or you had been pushing it for another time.

When I'm Back I'll Call You 

"When I'm back I'll call you" is a response you can give when you're not in town.Probably you had promised to reach out to them and you happened to travel, you can give this reply to let them know of your absence.Also, it'll tell them you haven't forgotten your promise to reach out.

Wow! Were You Expecting Me to Call?

"Wow! Were you expecting me to call?" is another reaction to give out to show your lack of interest.You can ask this question when you think they should've contacted you.For instance, if you quarreled with a friend you believed was at fault if they didn't reach out to apologize afterward, this response is appropriate to use.

Well, We Can't Do This Anymore

A direct response that expresses how you feel about the relationship you share is "Well, we can't do this anymore."It tells the person that you have intentionally stayed away from them. Maybe you're fed up with a friend or partner and you want to end the relationship, this response will convey the message adequately.

I'm Avoiding You, Can't You See?

Best Responses to "Haven't Heard from You in a While"Another reaction that tells them directly you're no longer interested in them is, "I'm avoiding you, can't you see?" Maybe you're no longer interested in your partner or you don't want to talk to a friend or colleague, you can tell them about it with this response.This response should provoke a question about why you are avoiding them. So, you can give this response when you want them to know why you've been silent.

I Don't Want to Talk to You Anymore 

"I don't want to talk to you anymore" is another great way of telling someone that you had intentionally kept your distance.Maybe they made you angry and you don't want to talk with them for some time, or you're no longer interested in the relationship you share, this response will tell them directly.

What Do You Want?

"What do you want?" will indicate you no longer care.Maybe you had both ended in a bad way the last time you talked, this response can tell them you're still angry about it, especially if you think they were wrong and should have apologized.Also, if you want them to know you no longer want anything to do with them, asking them what they want will let them know how you feel.

Final Note

When someone complains that they haven't heard from you in a while, you can let them know why it's so and probably apologize for it.Also, if you think they should have reached out, you can let them know with your response. And if you don't want anything to do with them, your reply can also let them know. 


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