20 Best Responses to "Nice to E-Meet You"

With the advent of technology, it is now possible for people to meet each other without physically seeing or touching each other. E-meeting can happen through the exchange of messages, a voice call, or a video meeting.Whatever means through which it happens, the meeting must be online. Saying nice to e-meet you means that you are meeting the person for the first time.For business people, remote workers, or freelancers, it could be a business meeting with clients.That setting is considered formal and thus you will need formal responses to form a good connection with your client.You can also have genuine interaction with people aside from formal meetings. We meet people on social media platforms every day and most times we connect with them virtually.When such meetings occur, how do you respond to the client or stranger who tells you nice to e-meet you? In this article, we will give you the best twenty (20) responses you can say when someone tells you nice to e-meet you.

20 Best Responses to "Nice to E-Meet You"

  1. Same here
  2. Pleasure’s mine
  3. Thanks for your time.
  4. I appreciate the opportunity
  5. Looking forward to this project
  6. Appreciate the connection
  7. I’m grateful for the opportunity
  8. Thanks for the invite.
  9. Nice working with you
  10. Someone recommended you.
  11. I’m excited to be working with you
  12. Nice to finally put a face to the voice.
  13. Yes, finally!
  14. Wanna make it official?
  15. How about a physical meeting?
  16. Makes the two of us
  17. Great to connect with you.
  18. Awesome to make your acquaintance.
  19. Good to be in touch with you too.
  20. Small world, pleased to finally meet you.

Same here

When a person tells you nice to meet you, you can respond with “same here”. When you say same here you are letting the person know that you feel the same way.This is the most common and basic way of responding to any form of greeting. Most times when you e-meet a person, you may have been chatting with them online and you are probably seeing them for the first time in a video call.

Pleasure’s mine

Another way to respond to nice to e-meet you is to say the pleasure’s mine. It may have been that you have been chatting with the person for business or other reasons and you suggested the idea of meeting through video call.Also when you say the pleasure’s mine, you are saying that meeting the person is pleasurable to you. This is also a common and popular way of exchanging pleasantries.

Thanks for your time

Another way that you can respond to the statement Nice to e-meet you is to say thanks for your time. It could be that you are the one that requested to have an e-meeting with the person which is why you are thanking them for obliging you.This response is polite and can be used in both informal and formal settings. Appreciating the person you are speaking with even before the meeting kicks off will probably win them over to you.

I appreciate the opportunity

This is also another great response to the greeting nice to e-meet you. You use this response I appreciate the opportunity when it is the other person who requested the video meeting.The statement I appreciate the opportunity sounds formal. It implies that the person you are speaking with is a potential client. The aim of the meeting is to convince the client to hire you for a project.

Looking forward to this project

How to Respond to Nice to E-Meet YouRemote jobs have become so common and convenient that now people prefer to work from home than to go to the office. There are now lots of platforms where people can sell their skills and find clients who will hire them.If you have been discussing with a client and they are now impressed with you enough to work with you, they may request a video call to be sure that they are speaking with a human.When that happens, you can say looking forward to this project to show that you are excited to work with them.

Appreciate the connection

Another way that you can respond to the statement Nice to meet you is to say appreciate the connection. It mostly suits a situation where you are meeting a person for the first time.We meet people online most days and a few times, we connect with some of them. The connection could simply be for business purposes or pleasure. Either way, saying appreciate the connection is a great way to reply to a person who says nice to e-meet you.

I’m grateful for the opportunity

Another great way to reply to a person who tells you nice to e-meet you is to say I’m grateful for the opportunity. If this is a business conversation, you are simply appreciating the person for choosing to work with you.This is because there are lots of other freelancers competing for the same job, however, the client decided to give you the opportunity to work with them. Thus, this is your way of appreciating them.

Thanks for the invite

Saying thanks for the invite is also another great way to respond to nice to e-meet you. There are social media platforms where to build a connection you must invite the person and the person has to accept.On such occasions, if the person who you are chatting with invites you and further tells you nice to e-meet you, you can then reply with thanks for the invite.

Nice working with you

It is possible for you to work with a person without having a virtual meeting with them. After the project, you guys can then decide to see each other in a video meeting.When that happens, you can then use the statement Nice working with you to reply to a person who says nice to e-meet you.

Someone recommended you

Nowadays, it’s really easy to find a talented person who can do a job for you for a fee. There are certain platforms for that. On the other hand, someone can recommend another for a job.In that case, if you contact a person and they say nice to e-meet you, you can let them know that they were recommended, and you would like to work with them.

I’m excited to be working with you

How to Respond to Nice to E-Meet YouA great way to impress your boss or client is to show them that you are happy to work with them. This is why the reply I’m excited to be working with you best suits the statement Nice to e-meet you.The statement will make the person that you are working with feel relaxed and open while working with you. It makes the person know that you are not an uptight person.You never know. The person will hire you and it would be the beginning of a long-term business relationship.

Nice to finally put a face to the voice, it’s great to see your face

You can meet and work with a person without seeing what they look like physically. This is one of the greatest advantages of technology. This is why the statement Nice to finally put a face to the voice can suit the remark Nice to e-meet you.It is mostly used in situations where you have been speaking with the person and you guys have never seen each other.

Yes, finally!

This is also another great reply to the statement nice to e-meet you. The reply Yes, finally! tells the person that you are really joyous and happy to see and interact with them. The person would also feel glad because of the excitement in your voice.This has the likelihood of making the person laugh. It will portray you as a happy person. Also, the person will be glad because he/she will interpret that you see them as an interesting person.

Wanna make it official?

Many people have been privileged to find their soulmate online. Some find them on social media platforms while others find them on dating apps or sites. After the talking stage, they can decide to make it official hence the reply “Wanna make it official?”.The question is asked to the other person to find out if they are willing to move the relationship to another level. Consent is very necessary in relationships.If the person consents to it, then you guys can proceed in solidifying the relationship and making it public.

How about a physical meeting?

When a person says nice to e-meet you, it means that the both of you have not met each other physically. If you feel like you want to know them better, you could then suggest a physical meeting.You must ensure that before you make this suggestion the person feels the same way you do. Don’t suggest a physical meeting where the person is not yet open to physically meeting with strangers.

Makes the two of us

Another great way to reply to the statement nice to e-meet you is to say makes the two of us. This is an informal way of replying to someone’s statement. It means that you feel the same way that they do about the meeting.The statement “makes the two of us” is quite random. It is used when a person expresses the way they feel about something, if you feel the same way, you can then say makes the two of us.When you then say “Makes the two of us” in a virtual meeting, it means that the both of you are excited in equal measure to meet each other.

Great to connect with you

If you want a creative way to respond to a person who says nice to e-meet you, you can use the statement great to connect with you.The statement can be used in both formal and informal settings to say that you are happy to be connecting with the person.The good thing about the statement great to connect with you is that it can be used in both formal and informal settings. The statement lets the other person know that you are glad to meet them.

Awesome to make your acquaintance

When you make an acquaintance of someone, you are getting to know them. You may not really be close to them but at least you are making the first effort.If the acquaintance is happening online, then the person may likely say nice to e-meet you and you can appropriately respond with awesome to make your acquaintance.

Good to be in touch with you too

Creating a relationship is not enough if you want to increase your connection. You need to look for a way to stay in touch with the person you have met online.If the person you are chatting with has been chatting you up occasionally and checking on your welfare, then it is suitable to reply to them with good to be in touch with you too when you guys finally meet virtually.

Small world, pleased to finally meet you

How to Respond to Nice to E-Meet YouAlthough it is rare, there are situations where a person meets someone who they do not know is related to another friend or acquaintance. When that happens, the person makes a statement such as small world.This is because they both have mutual friends, and they were not even aware of it. Probably they had been chatting and when they finally decided to e-meet, they realized that they had a lot in common.

We have seen the best twenty (20) responses to the statement Nice to e-meet you. The above list covers replies that suit formal settings to informal meetings.Since there are no physical handshakes or touch, you will need well-composed replies to acknowledge the greeting nice to e-meet you well enough.Ensure you pick any of the above as you hold your virtual meeting. It will help you build a connection with your client(s) or the stranger that you are communicating with.


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