20 Funny Ways to Tell Someone to “Hurry Up”

The phrase ‘hurry up’ is used when you want to tell a person to move faster than they are doing at the moment. If perhaps you are working with someone and they are dragging their feet, you tell them to ‘hurry up’.You also tell a person to ‘hurry up’ when you want them to do something more quickly so that they can conclude it faster.Most times when you are late to somewhere very important, and someone is delaying you, you can tell them to ‘hurry up’. If also you are working on something with a person, and you want them to finish up something quickly, you can tell them to ‘hurry up’.Another instance where the phrase ‘hurry up’ is used is when you are waiting for them to make a decision and they are dilly-dallying about it. You can tell them to hurry up and make up their minds quickly.Anyways, instead of simply telling someone to hurry up, there are funny ways to go about that. In this article, we are going to be listing out twenty (20) ways you can tell someone to ‘hurry up’.

20 Funny Ways to Tell Someone to “Hurry Up”

  1. Chop – chop
  2. Speed it up
  3. I’d probably get old before you are done.
  4. No need to rush, we are aiming for dismissal time.
  5. Yup, there are 25 hrs. in a day.
  6. You’re the boss, take your time.
  7. Oh, of course, I have all day.
  8. I’m sure you have a convoy that will clear the road.
  9. While there are ways you can do that faster, feel free to continue.
  10. I have till eternity, no need to rush.
  11. You could pick up the pace, but you delight in wasting time.
  12. Be punctual, I know you have a hobby for being late.
  13. Don’t be fashionably late.
  14. If you just move quickly, you may finally be early for once.
  15. You have an unbroken record for being tardy, but attempt to break it this one time.
  16. Time is not money, don’t waste it.
  17. You would be late even at your own wedding, but it won’t kill you to be early this time.
  18. If possible, wear some tyres on your feet.
  19. I will finally give you an award if you are finally on time.
  20. Tick tock says the clock, the time will not wait for you.

Chop – chop

Chop–Chop is a common British slang used to tell a person to do something quickly. It was originally written in Cantonese and adopted by the English seamen to say that something should be done immediately to avoid delay.It’s a funny way to tell someone that they should perform something now. It is mostly used on occasions that are considered urgent by the person saying it. For instance, when a person is really hungry and he/she enters the kitchen and sees someone already preparing a meal, he/she could say, “Chop–chop, I’m about to die of extreme hunger”.While some people consider chop–chop to be rude, others consider it a joke. It all depends on what situation or context in which you used it, the relationship you have with the person you are speaking to and the tone of voice you adopted while saying it.

Speed it up

To speed something up means to make something in motion go faster or to make an event happen faster. A person uses ‘speed it up’ when they are already in motion, but they want to hasten things up.It can be funny depending on the instances it is used. Like when a group of friends are already driving on a highway at an extreme speed and one of them is saying, ‘Speed it up’.The others would freak out because either they crash, or they are given a speed ticket, or they could even be given a ticket for running the red light. So, using ‘speed it up’ in a situation like that would be funny.

I’d probably get old before you are done.

Funny Ways to Tell Someone to “Hurry Up”The sentence ‘I’d probably get old before you are done’ is a sarcastic remark used to tell a person who is intentionally slow about what they are doing that they need to hurry up.A good example is when you give a person a minor project to do, but they are taking so much unnecessary time, then you can roll your eyes at them and say, ‘I’d probably get old before you are done’.

No need to rush, we are aiming for dismissal time.

This statement ‘no need to rush, we are aiming for dismissal time’ should not be taken as a literal meaning because it is meant to be sarcastic. Nobody takes so much time to prepare for an event only to turn up when the event has closed.A good example when the statement ‘no need to rush, we are aiming for dismissal time’ is when a couple is preparing to go to an event and the wife/girlfriend is taking so much time to apply her makeup and look dolled up.The husband/boyfriend can now sarcastically say ‘No need to rush, we are aiming for dismissal time’ as a way to tell his wife/girlfriend to hurry up.

Yup, there are 25 hrs. in a day.

We all know that there are twenty-four (24) hours in a day, so what does a person mean when they say ‘Yup, there are 25 hrs. in a day’? It is another sarcastic statement used to tell a person to hurry up.A person uses it when the other person they are speaking to has a habit of running late on everything and every event. He/she could say, ‘Yup, there are 25 hrs. in a day, take all the time you need’ even when they don’t really mean it.

You’re the boss, take your time.

A person uses the statement ‘you’re the boss, take your time’ when they do not really mean what they are saying. Unlike the wording in the statement, it is not usually said to a person who is a boss in the literal sense.A boss is usually the person who calls the shot so if you are using the statement for a person who is supposed to be taking orders, it is usually ironic and a funny way to tell the person to ‘hurry up’.

Oh, of course, I have all day (with an eye roll).

When you tell a person to hurry up and they probably tell you to calm down, you can use this sardonic statement ‘Oh, of course, I have all day’ as a way to tell them to please be faster.The statement ‘Oh, of course, I have all day’ doesn’t really mean that you have all day per se, you are just telling them that you are in a hurry and that they should act or move more quickly.

I’m sure you have a convoy that will clear the road.

When you tell a person, ‘Can you please hurry up?’ and they respond with ‘Don’t worry, we will not be late’, you can then use this statement ‘I’m sure you have a convoy that will clear the road’.The statement is especially used when the speaker lives in a town that has lots of traffic. He may be intending to leave earlier to beat the traffic, but the other person is delaying him.Also, the term convoy is known as a group of cars which most times have a siren that forces road users to clear the road hence the remark ‘I’m sure you have a convoy that will clear the road’.

While there are ways you can do that faster, feel free to continue.

Have you ever worked with someone who has the rare talent of pissing you off because of how slow they perform? Now, it’s not that you are shaming such a person because they are intentionally delaying you.Most times, they know other ways in which they can achieve faster results but because their intention is to waste your time, they will insist on doing it at a slow pace.Thus, when you say ‘While there are ways you can do that faster, feel free to continue’ it’s not that you are encouraging them to keep up the slow pace but it’s a sarcastic way of telling them to hurry up.

I have till eternity, no need to rush.

Eternity is known by most spiritualists as time without end. It is believed that time doesn’t exist in eternity so one is not limited by it. Also, it is only those who have passed on that can be said to be in eternity.Thus, when a living person tells another that they have till eternity to achieve something even when they don’t, they are being ironic. Maybe you have.

You could pick up the pace, but you delight in wasting time.

When you tell a person to pick up the pace, it is when they are already in active service doing something. The problem however is that they are doing it at a pace that you consider slow or not fast enough for you.Also, telling a person that they delight in wasting time can be considered rude if the person you are speaking to does not share your sense of humor. However, if you are talking to a friend, they will catch your drift.Therefore, this phrase, ‘you could pick up the pace, but you delight in wasting time’ is used for someone you are familiar with as a way to jokingly tell them to hurry up.

Be punctual, I know you have a hobby for being late.

There are people who have the reputation of being late at everything. No one around them expects them to be early at anything. When you have such a person around you, you will know how important it is to tell them to hurry up.So you use this phrase ‘be punctual, I know you have a hobby for being late’ to jokingly tell a person to be quick at doing something or arriving at a place.

Don’t be fashionably late.

A person who is fashionably late is always so because they are intentional about arriving after everybody. They always want to get the attention or be the center of attention.If you have a friend like that, and you have invited them to an event, you can call them and tell them ‘Do not be fashionably late’ as a way of telling them to hurry upThere are many ways you can say ‘don’t be fashionably late’. It includes ‘Hey, I know you love being the center of attention but avoid being fashionably late’.

Time is not money, do not waste it.

Funny Ways to Tell Someone to “Hurry Up”There’s a popular and generic saying that time is money. This means that every second can be used to invest in something that will yield financial returns instead of being idle.However, the flip side to it is that while money can be recovered when wasted, time cannot be recovered. So unlike the popular saying, this can actually be a funny way to tell a person to hurry up.You also use the phrase ‘time is not money, do not waste it’ when the person you are speaking to is infamous for late coming.

You would be late even at your own wedding, but it won’t kill you to be early this time.

There are people who are infamous for coming late to events even when they are the host, you can use this response for such persons. The response is witty and ironic if used in the right circumstances.

If possible, wear some tyres on your feet

Tyres are seen on vehicles, skate rollers, motorcycles, etc. which helps it to move faster. So, when you tell a person to wear tyres on their feet, it may be because they walk extremely slow and the tyres would finally help them to hurry up.

will give you an award if you are finally on time.

A worker is deserving of his/her wages relates to this funny statement “I will give you an award if you are finally on time”. This is because you are promising the person that if they hurry up, they will get an award from you.

Tick tock says the clock, the time will not wait for you.

This expression “Tick tock says the clock, the time will not wait for you” can be used to jokingly tell a person to hurry up. The statement originates from the sound the hands of the clock makes as it goes round the face of the clock.

Wrapping Up

There are always people who have the habit of being punctual while there are people who are always late. Others are early or late depending on the circumstance.Either way, there are times when we would need to tell a person to hurry up and you would want to say it jokingly. You don’t have to stress yourself out thinking of what to say.In this article, we have listed twenty (20) funny ways you can tell a person to hurry up so make a choice from the list.


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