20 Best Responses to "I Just Woke Up From A Nap"

How do you greet a person who just got up from the bed? There is no special English greeting for that but there are responses called for by the situation of things.Sometimes, your response may not be a greeting. It may also not have anything to do with the fact that the speaker just woke up from a nap.One of the best responses to ‘I just woke up from a nap’ is ‘Hope you had a nice rest?’ which shows that you care about the speaker’s welfare.

Below are 20 of the best responses to ‘I just woke up from a nap’

  1. I didn’t wake you up, did I?
  2. Happy napping!
  3. Were you able to rest well?
  4. Are you fully awake?
  5. Did you dream about me?
  6. How do you feel now?
  7. I’m about to nap too.
  8. Start jogging. We have to work
  9. That means you won’t fall asleep again.
  10. Hope you had a peaceful nap?
  11. You woke up at the right time.
  12. You look refreshed.
  13. Sorry for disturbing you.
  14. I just woke up too.
  15. Happy waking. What are you doing today?
  16. I’ve not had the time to sleep
  17. Good to know you’re resting.
  18. Are you okay though?
  19. You still look tired.
  20. I can tell

I didn’t wake you up, did I?

‘I didn’t wake you up, did I?’ is a response that helps you make sure you have not disturbed the speaker with your call.This response asks to know if you woke the speaker up or may be disturbing him/her with your call. It is more suitable to ask this over a phone or if you can’t see the speaker’s face.There is a chance that your call woke the speaker up. There is also a chance that the speaker was yet to regain full consciousness when you called. It is only polite to ask if you disturbed him/her.You can add to the politeness by apologizing for disturbing. You can say ‘Sorry’ before the speaker responds since he/she may not be honest about your disturbance.

Happy napping!

How to Respond to I Just Woke Up From A Nap‘Happy napping!’ is a funny response to greet the speaker who just woke up from a nap.Since there is no spectacular way to greet someone who just woke up from a nap or a deep sleep, we can choose to greet according to the time of day. You can say ‘Good morning’ if it’s morning and ‘Good evening’ if it’s towards dusk.This response implies that the speaker must have had a good rest from the nap. To make it clearer, you can proceed to ask how well he/she enjoyed the nap.

Were you able to rest well?

‘Were you able to rest well?’ is a good question to greet the speaker with.This response asks if the speaker feels refreshed from the nap. It shows that you care about the speaker’s health. This response is more suitable if you know that the speaker has been through some stress.There is a chance that the speaker is ill or just tired from a lot of work. When the speaker states that he/she just had a nap, it is friendly to inquire about how he/she feels.

Are you fully awake?

‘Are you fully awake?’ is a good response to question the speaker’s consciousness before proceeding with whatever reason you engaged the speaker.You may be engaging the speaker for a very important reason so there really isn’t much time to exchange pleasantries.Since there isn’t a special greeting for a nap, you are free to move straight to the point. However, you need to be sure that you have the speaker’s full attention if you are cautious about making mistakes.Once the speaker responds and proves his/her consciousness, you can proceed with whatever you came with. This ensures that the speaker will listen and be attentive to whatever you have to say and he/she would do whatever is needed with full consciousness.

Did you dream about me?

‘Did you dream about me?’ is a cute response to engage the speaker with. It is a casual response but, since it isn’t exactly a topic for discussion, you can use this to start the conversation.This response asks if the speaker dreamt about you during the nap. This is highly unlikely so you can expect the speaker to say No.Since it is a casual response meant to be directed at a close friend or partner, you can also expect him/her to make a joke out of this question.You can use this question to confirm that the speaker is fully awoken before you move on to the serious discussion you want to start.From the speaker’s sound and choice of words, you should be able to tell whether or not the speaker is fully conscious.

How do you feel now?

‘How do you feel now?’ is a good response to question the speaker’s well-being with a clear display of concern.This response suggests that the speaker may be ill or must have been stressed out before the nap. It also suggests that the speaker must have told you about how he/she felt. You are asking how the speaker feels after the nap with the hope that he/she will feel better already.This response shows concern and care. Even if you have an important reason for engaging the speaker, acknowledging how he/she feels would mean a lot.

I’m about to nap too

‘I’m about to nap too’ communicates your desire to nap to the speaker.This is not a direct answer to the speaker’s statement but it is a good response if you really want to go to bed. You may have engaged the speaker to discuss an important topic or ask a question.Responding to the speaker’s statement would mean something, even if it’s just you stating your desire to go to bed for a short time.

Start jogging. We have to work

‘Start jogging. We have to work’ is a good answer to ‘I just woke up from a nap’ which communicates your reason for engaging the speaker.You may have started the conversation because you needed the speaker to help you with something. You would need him/her to be fully awake and active. Since he/she just woke up from a nap, there is a chance that he/she is yet to regain full consciousness.You can implore the speaker to jog or just do something that would help him/her get totally out of the sleepiness. Then you can talk about the work you both have to work on with the assurance that the speaker is attentive.

Good. That means you won’t fall asleep again.

‘Good. That means you won’t fall asleep again’ is a good answer to ‘I just woke up from a nap’ stating how much the speaker needs the nap and how beneficial it is to you.This response implies that you are happy that the speaker has just woken from his/her nap. The second sentence states the reason you are happy, that is the speaker won’t be falling asleep during whatever activity you both have to do.The use of ‘again’ suggests that the speaker used to fall asleep while you both did that activity and you don’t want that to happen anymore.You can say this if you both need to do something that requires full consciousness. You may also say this if you both merely want to chat.The ‘again’ would be needless if it’s not a usual act for the speaker to fall asleep during your conversation.

Hope you had a peaceful nap?

‘Hope you had a peaceful nap?’ is a good response that inquires about the speaker’s welfare.This is a direct answer to ‘I just woke up from a nap’. You can compare this to questions like ‘Hope you had a great night’ and ‘Did you enjoy your day?’You can say this if you think that the speaker needs the rest. You may also just ask this question before moving into the real reason you initiated the conversation with the speaker.

You woke up at the right time.

‘You woke up at the right time’ is a good response that helps you easily dive into your reasons for engaging the speaker.This response implies that the speaker has woken at the right moment when he/she is needed. It is a direct way to move straight into whatever you came for.You can immediately say what you need the speaker for, right after giving this response. You can also wait for the speaker to ask what you want.You would be communicating to the speaker that he/she is needed at that moment so you are not leaving a space for any discussion until the reasons for your engagement are sorted.

You look refreshed.

‘You look refreshed’ is a friendly response to acknowledge the effect of the nap on the speaker.This response simply compliments the speaker. You are telling him/her that the nap was effective, instead of asking whether he/she was able to rest well or not.If you did not initiate the conversation, this response is okay. If you did, then you are free to move straight to why you initiated the conversation.Also, this response only makes sense if you can see whom you are talking to. That’s the only time you can be sure how refreshed he/she looks.

Sorry for disturbing you

How to Respond to I Just Woke Up From A Nap‘Sorry for disturbing you’ is a good apologetic response that considers the possibility that you may have woken the speaker abruptly with your call.This response is much better instead of asking whether you disturbed him/her or not. When you ask whether you woke the speaker, there is a chance that he/she wouldn’t want to be honest with you.When he/she says ‘No’, then you would have no reason to apologize for an offense you really may have committed.This response starts with an apology so the speaker can either say ‘Don’t worry, it’s fine’ or ‘You didn’t disturb me’. In both cases, you are free to proceed with whatever reasons you approached the speaker for.

I just woke up too.

‘I just woke up too’ is a nice response to communicate how the speaker’s words equally apply to you.This response implies that you have also just woken up from a nap. There is a chance that you may just be texting to greet the speaker.You may also have a good reason for texting. You can proceed to state why you have engaged the speaker.

Happy waking. What are you doing today?

‘Happy waking. What are you doing today?’ is a nice casual response to greet the speaker and inquire about his/her plans for the day.This response is similar to saying ‘Good morning’ or other greetings. You can ask this question if you need the speaker’s help during the day.You may also just ask this question to find a way to meet and hang out or just make plans for your day too.

I’ve not had the time to sleep

‘I’ve not had the time to sleep’ communicates your desire to have a nap to the speaker and your inability to do so due to your schedule.This response implies that you are tired and you want to sleep but you have not had the time. You can proceed to state your reasons for engaging the speaker.You can also just keep chatting if there are no special reasons for initiating the conversation.

Good to know you’re resting

‘Good to know you’re resting’ is a good response to communicate your concern for the speaker’s welfare.This is a nice response if the speaker is ill or was stressed before the nap. You are communicating your happiness to know that the speaker is getting enough time to rest. You can proceed to ask how he/she feels after the nap.

Are you okay though?

‘Are you okay though?’ is a good and friendly response to ask after the speaker’s health.If the speaker has been having way too many naps lately, you may want to ask why that is happening. You may also suspect that the speaker is not feeling well so it’s only friendly to make sure he/she is okay.

You still look tired

‘You still look tired’ is a concerned comment on the speaker’s statement and appearance.This response implies that the speaker looks tired despite the nap that he/she claims to have had. You can expect him/her to respond with the reason.You can also proceed to ask how he/she feels so you know if there are health issues or not.

I can tell

‘I can tell’ is a good response to communicate your observation skills to the speaker.This response implies that the speaker’s claim is obvious. In other words, you believe that the speaker has just woken up from a nap for one reason or the other.This response makes more sense if you can see the speaker since that is the only way you can tell how he/she looks. You may also say this over a phone if you can tell from the speaker’s voice.

Wrap Up

There is no special way to greet someone who just got up from the bed in English language. However, you can utilize several kinds of greetings and responses with good communication skills.There isn’t one best response to ‘I just woke up from a nap’ but it is good and polite to acknowledge the speaker’s statement before addressing anything else, irrespective of how important the other topics are.


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