20 Best Responses to "All Guys Are The Same"

To say that all guys are the same is a far-fetched idea. It can’t be believed or argued since it would be very difficult to prove. This is not a new saying however and It is always coming from the women. You will also hear men say ‘All women are the same’ or ‘All girls are the same’.The statement, ‘All guys are the same’, is often used in the negative sense to imply that all men have the same or similar bad characters that the speaker (a girl) doesn’t like.The best way to respond to ‘All guys are the same’ is to say ‘I wonder how it feels to know all of them’. This is a playful response to the joke with the statement.You may want to choose a different response depending on the situation and the goal of the conversation.

Here are the 20 Best Responses to "All Guys Are The Same"

  1. When did you try them all?
  2. I assure you I’m not all guys.
  3. Take it easy. I was just kidding.
  4. Omg! You’ve met all the guys in the world?
  5. Why do you say so?
  6. If I were the same with Jeffrey Dahmer, you’d be in a fridge.
  7. Some guys say all girls are the same.
  8. Prove that to me.
  9. Does that mean you won’t give me a chance?
  10. Maybe but not all guys love you like I do.
  11. You’re not the same as other girls, I see.
  12. Then make me better. Make me your perfect choice.
  13. I’d rather watch you all day than try to prove you wrong.
  14. To heck with the guys. You need a man like me.
  15. What do you hate about me?
  16. You look cute when you say that
  17. I was messing with you, alright?
  18. Do you like your Dad?
  19. I wish. Then Superman would have nothing on me.
  20. I’m the only good guy you’ll meet. Shall we bet?

When did you try them all?

‘When did you try them all?’ is a good joke and a rhetorical question to ‘All guys are the same’.This response asks the speaker if she has met and tried every man to be sure that all guys really are the same. It is a rhetorical question because it is a known fact that she hasn’t met every man in the world.The rhetorical question implies that you doubt her assumption. You are questioning her assumption and also asking her to recheck.In other words, she can’t be sure that all guys are the same without actually testing every guy out. By implication, she will have to try you first before she compares you with any guy.

I assure you I’m not all guys

‘I assure you I’m not all guys’ is a good way to exclude yourself from the speaker’s generalized assumption that all guys are the same.While you may not know what the girl is implying that all guys do equally, you should be sure that she means it negatively.Sometimes, girls don’t know exactly what makes all guys the same but they avoid getting in relationships believing that they would have the same experience they had with their previous partners.This response excludes you from whatever bad trait she is generalizing. However, it doesn’t convince her to accept you.

Take it easy. I was just kidding

How to Respond to All Guys Are The Same‘Take it easy. I was just kidding’ is a quick excuse to avoid being judged for the quality being attributed to all guys.The need for this response is called for by your prior demonstration of the act which the girl dislikes. Your response implies that your action was only made to test her reaction and you don’t ever do so.However, you may have to do more or say more than this response to convince her that you don’t have that attribute that you just demonstrated.While this response is not convincing enough, it is a start. If you continue testing her, however, she will soon stop seeing the actions as tests but your responses as excuses and pretenses. 

Omg! You already met every guy in the world?

‘Omg! You already met every guy in the world?’ is a good joke to play when a girl tells you all guys are the same.Even while you are serious about a proposition, you can make quick jokes in between. This response fakes your surprise at the possibility that the speaker has met every guy in the world. The fact that you know it isn’t true makes it a funny and clear joke.This response questions her assumption that all guys are the same. Communicating this doubt as a joke makes it easier to dump those assumptions and continue the serious conversation. To top it off, girls like funny guys

Why do you say so?

‘Why do you say so?’ is a good question to the belief that all guys are the same, especially if you are not trying to win the heart of the speaker.This response questions the assumption but, unlike the other questions previously mentioned, with a clear curiosity.This may however create room for an argument which may not be advisable if you are trying to win the girl’s heart.You can try to get the speaker’s reasons for her assumption but, if you are trying to woo her, it’s better to make sure the conversation doesn’t become a debate.

If I were the same with Jeffrey Dahmer, you’d be in a fridge

‘If I were the same with Jeffrey Dahmer, you’d be in a fridge’ is a funny and terrifying response to the assumption that all guys are the same.Jeffrey Dahmer is a gay serial k1ller who would invite his lovers to his place, sleep with them, k1ll them, butcher them, defile their bodies, and keep some parts of their bodies in his refrigerator.The speaker may not know who Jeffrey Dahmer is so you can tell a short story of his life if she asks.The comparison would be pretty funny. You can go ahead and mention things that you don’t have in common with Jeffrey Dahmer.

Some guys say all girls are the same.

‘Some guys say all girls are the same’ is a good excuse to dump the speaker’s assumptions.This response implies that you have also heard guys like you say all girls are the same but you refuse to accept that assumption. You are implying that the speaker (a girl) should also dump the assumption that all guys are the same.

Prove that to me.

‘Prove that to me’ is a quick response to the speaker’s claim.This response implies that you want to challenge the speaker’s assumption. You can tell her to prove it to you by telling you attributes of you that are the same with other guys.This response can easily turn the conversation to a debate if the girl decides to respond to it.

Does that mean I won’t be getting a chance with you?

‘Does that mean I won’t be getting a chance with you?’ is a direct question to the reason behind the statement, ‘All guys are the same’.This response directly asks why the speaker has made the statement. There is a high chance that a girl who has made this statement is not willing to get into a relationship with any guy.She has assumed that every guy would act the same way her previous partners have and she doesn’t want that anymore.By asking this question, you get a direct response. There is also a chance that she doesn’t want to say no to you and the statement is only there to give you a reason for her delayed response.

Maybe but not all guys love you like I do.

‘Maybe but not all guys love you like I do’ is a good response to ‘All guys are the same’ which suggests a different perspective to the speaker.This response acknowledges the possibility that all guys have similar qualities but asks the speaker to dump that assumption and consider how your love for her can make you stand out.In reality, there are things you will do or refuse to do all because of one person or another.This should be able to change the speaker’s mind unless you were never being considered m

You’re not the same as other girls, I see

‘You’re not the same as other girls, I see’ ignores the assumption that all guys are the same and throws a compliment to the speaker.This response implies that the speaker stands out from other girls in a positive way. You are giving the speaker a compliment. This ignores the assumption and moves on with the wooing.By proceeding to praise the girl in front of you for how different she is, she considers looking for how you may be better than the other guys she has met.

Then make me better. Make me your perfect choice.

‘Then make me better. Make me your perfect choice’ is a flirty response to ‘All guys are the same’ which suggests your submission to the speaker.You are implying that the speaker may be right about all guys being the same but you are willing to be changed by her. In other words, you will submit to her will and do as she asks.This response may sound like you are joking and only trying to win her to your side.

I’d rather watch you all day than try to prove you wrong.

‘I’m rather watch you all day than try to prove you wrong’ is a good response that ignores the assumption that all guys are the same and proceeds to compliment the speaker.You are telling the speaker that she is a fun watch. However, this response doesn’t fail to imply that the speaker’s assumptions may be wrong. You are implying that you want to ignore that assumption just to watch her.This should make her smile. It would also make sense to address the assumption after this statement.

To heck with the guys. You need a man like me.

‘To heck with the guys. You need a man like me’ is a funny response to ‘All guys are the same’ implying that you agree with the assumption but you are not a guy.This response implies that the speaker is right and you are the kind of man she needs. Girls often like jokes so you can see this as a way of wooing her.

What do you hate about me?

‘What do you hate about me?’ is a good question to know why the speaker believes ‘All guys are the same’.By asking this question, you get to know what part of you she dislikes and equally attributes to other guys.

You look cute when you say that

‘You look cute when you say that’ is a flirty response to ‘All guys are the same’.This makes no comment on the assumption but proceeds to compliment the speaker’s looks. This response makes sense if the speaker has made the statement one or more times earlier.

I was messing with you, alright?

‘I was messing with you, alright?’ is an excuse for a prior action which may have led to the speaker saying ‘all guys are the same’.The speaker may have seen you do or say something she dislikes before saying all guys are the same. You can make it clear that you were joking with her and you knew she would say so.

Do you like your Dad?

‘Do you like your Dad?’ is a funny response to ‘All guys are the same’ and a clear trap for the speaker.Unless the speaker is absent-minded, this response will be clearly seen as a trap. If she responds by saying how much she likes her dad, then you can respond by saying you are just like her dad and she would only get to know if she gave you a chance.This question, however, may be a very bad one if she doesn’t like her dad.

I wish. Then Superman would have nothing on me.

‘I wish. Then Superman would have nothing on me’ is a funny response that argues against the claim that all guys are the same.This response implies that you wish all guys were the same because Superman wouldn’t be better than you. She would probably respond by saying Superman is a fictional character.You can replace ‘Superman’ with another prominent male in society.

I’m the only good guy you’ll meet. Shall we bet?

‘I’m the only good guy you’ll meet. Shall we bet?’ is a funny response to ask for a chance with the speaker.This response implies that you are a good guy and she only has to give you a chance.

Wrap Up

 ‘All guys are the same’ often or always comes from girls who have had their hearts broken by men and do not want to get into any romantic relationship anymore.The best response to this statement depends on your goal with the conversation, your prior relationship with the girl, and how the girl has made the statement.In a romantic discourse, it’s advisable to employ a funny response. Girls love funny. Who doesn’t?


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