20 Best Responses to "Hold Down The Forte"

Responding to phrases or clauses goes beyond the English Language. It has to do with choosing the right words to pass the right message to a speaker or listener.When you are asked to Hold down the Forte, there are a ton of things you can say in response. One of the responses you can give to ‘Hold down the Forte’ is ‘I can take care of this’ which implies that you are humbly accepting the responsibility that has been in you while equally assuring your ability to bear the burden.We will be taking a quick look at 20 other responses you can give to the phrase, ‘Hold down the Forte’, but, first, here is the meaning of the phrase to ensure understanding.

Meaning of Hold Down The Forte

 The phrase, hold down the Forte, is an order or request for another person to take over a position, an activity, or a responsibility that you used to be in charge off.It means temporarily leaving a person to handle a responsibility. When a person tells you to hold down the Forte, you are being asked to take control of something, keep watch over something, or temporarily fill a role.

Below are 20 things you could say when asked to Hold Down the Forte

  1. See you soon.
  2. Will try my best.
  3. I’ll get the hang of this.
  4. You’ve got me.
  5. I’m sorry I can’t.
  6. Thank you. You won’t regret this.
  7. Goodbye
  8. Get back in time
  9. Where are you off to?
  10. I appreciate the opportunity but I can’t.
  11. Run me through this.
  12. I can handle it.
  13. When will you be back?
  14. I’ll try not to spoil things
  15. I won’t fail you.
  16. That’s okay. I’ll be fine.
  17. I’ve got your back. Go on.
  18. Why me?
  19. That’s fine. Good luck.
  20. Don’t expect too much.

See you soon

‘See you soon’ is a positive response to ‘Hold down the Forte’, implying a full acceptance of the new responsibility that is being placed in your hands. If this is you, then you just may give this kind of response.When someone asks you to hold down the Forte, responsibility is being passed to you, and most possibly because the previous occupier of that position has to be somewhere else.You can consider the phrase, ‘Hold down the Forte’ as a form of Goodbye in another language. It also makes sense to respond with another Goodbye phrase like ‘See you soon.’Note that this leaves no comment on the responsibility that you are asked to bear and will automatically imply that you can handle it.

Will try my best

‘Will try my best’ serves as a good and modest response to ‘Hold down the Forte’, showing your willingness to take the new responsibility without boasting too much about your capability for the role. If you don’t want much to be expected of you, then you can respond with this.It is not necessarily modest when you say you’ll try your best to handle the new position you’ve been given. The implication of this is not much will be expected from you and this gives you the freedom and ease of performing beyond expectations or just investing your bare minimum efforts.Another possible implication of giving this response is you may be considered unconfident in you’re abilities and the role may be taken away from you

I’ll get the hang of this.

‘I’ll get the hang of this’ is a modest but assuring response to ‘Hold down the Forte’, implying that you may not seem capable of taking up the position but you will adapt to the role and perform as expected. This shows that you understand what you need to do and you just have to get used to it.When you are asked to take up a position temporarily, you may not fully understand what it entails so there is a need to ask or keep an open mind.It is wise to make it clear that you are yet to get the hang of it. This way, you can be expected to not perform well if you don’t get to adapt quickly.By confidently saying you ‘will’ get the hang of it, you are claiming there is nothing to worry about and you will definitely adapt to the position even though you are yet to.

You’ve got me

‘You’ve got me’ is a nice response to ‘Hold down the Forte’, which basically screams ‘I am here for you. You can rely on me.’ This is suitable if the position doesn’t require any technicalities. This response shows that you are accepting the role and you can be relied on to do as you are told. It sounds much better if the role doesn’t require special skills or effort or if you have all the requirements to fill the role perfectly.

I’m sorry I can’t.

‘I’m sorry I can’t’ is a direct response to ‘Hold down the Forte’ if you are unable or unwilling to take the position that you are being asked to fill.If you don’t want to bear responsibility without being sure of how capable you are, you can go ahead and give this response.You may want to explain why you can’t take the role that is being offered to you. You can mention unavailability which is the most acceptable, considering it’s the same reason you or someone else has to ‘hold down the forte’. You may also mention your lack of confidence in your ability to handle the responsibility.At the end of the day, you avoid taking on a burden you are uncomfortable with bearing on your own.

Thank you. You won’t regret this.

‘Thank you. You won’t regret this’ is a vibrant response to ‘Hold down the forte’ which expresses your gratitude for being considered for the role.It’s important to maintain your confidence when staying this so you don’t appear hyperactive and new to it. While the role may be temporary, you are given an opportunity to prove your capability for a short while.


‘Goodbye’ is an okay response to ‘Hold down the forte’ suggesting your indifference to taking on the new role. Without addressing the responsibility you are about to take on, this response implies that you can handle it.‘Hold down the forte’ is often used when the original occupier of a position or responsibility will not be able to play the role for a moment so someone else has to fill the spot till the original occupier is available to resume. It is more like a ‘goodbye for now’ to the position so it makes sense to respond with ‘goodbye’.Take note that the statement is passing a responsibility to you so you may want to address it before saying ‘goodbye’ unless you are okay with taking the position.

Get back in time

How to Respond to Hold Down The Forte‘Get back in time’ works as a response to ‘Hold down the forte’ to show that you are not willing to fill that position for a long time. It also shows that you are okay with performing the role expected of you but for a short time.This response communicates your time-bound willingness for the role. It will probably have the responsibility given to someone else if the original occupier of the position needs someone who can stay for a long time.

Where are you off to?

‘Where are you off to?’ is a question you can ask in response to ‘Hold down the forte’. By asking this, you get to know why you actually have to fill that spot and may even get an idea of how long it’ll last.You should only ask this question if you are helping out a friend. It would sound too casual to ask this question when you are being offered an official position, even while temporary.

I appreciate the opportunity but I can’t.

‘I appreciate the opportunity but I can’t’ is a polite way to respond to ‘Hold down the forte’ if you are unwilling or unable to bear the responsibility that is being passed to you. You can take the politeness a little further by specifying valid reasons for declining the offer or request.Showing gratitude before declining implies that the temporary offer is an opportunity for you and you are acknowledging it for what it is. The initial acknowledgment makes your refusal more respectable, even before you give your reason.

Run me through this

‘Run me through this’ is a wise response to ‘Hold down the forte’ if you are new to the position you are being asked to fill. The phrase, ‘Run me through this’, is a request to be given instructions on how to handle the position.You can ask to be given a quick run-through of what is expected of you if you are not confident about the role. While it may show that you are new to the role you are about to play, it will also show that you are willing to take the role and do what it takes.

Alright. I can handle it.

‘Alright. I can handle it’ is an affirmative response to ‘Hold down the forte.’ You are directly accepting the responsibility without excuses when you say this.This response shows confidence by being short and direct. You are assuring the occupier of the position that you will handle the role as is expected of you.

When will you be back?

‘When will you be back?’ is a direct question to respond to ‘Hold down the forte’ if you need to know how long the temporary position or responsibility will be borne by you. This is a better response than simply asking him/her to get back in time. With this question, you get to know the exact time the occupier of that position will be back.That way, you’ll know if you can hold on for that long and you will be mentally prepared for just how long it takes.

I’ll try not to spoil things

‘I’ll try not to spoil things’ is a casual and humorous response to ‘Hold down the forte’. It implies that you are comfortable with taking the role.Of course, you are not expected to do any damage at all. By introducing humor, you are showing that you are not bothered about the responsibility you will be bearing. This shows confidence and assures a good performance.

I won’t fail you.

‘I won’t fail you’ is an assuring way to respond to ‘Hold down the forte’, implying that you are okay with taking the position. However, it may also sound like you are trying hard to prove yourself and it may not be perceived positively.This response is okay if you are talking to your boss who already knows you have never taken the position. However, if you are referring to a person who may believe you should know what to do, this may sound a bit off.

That’s okay. I’ll be fine.

‘That’s okay. I’ll be fine’ is a friendly response to ‘Hold down the forte’, implying that you are willing to make the sacrifice till the original occupier is available to resume.This shows that you know how much work must be done but you are not bothered about it.

I’ve got your back. Go on.

‘I’ve got your back. Go on’ is a casual and friendly response to ‘Hold down the forte’. You can say this to a friend whom you’re willing to help out.Not only will this show your full support for a friend but also show your confidence in handling the responsibility being given to you.

Why me?

‘Why me?’ is a confrontational response to ‘Hold down the forte’ which is okay in an unofficial situation. You can ask this question if you want to know why you have to be the one to bear a burden you don’t want to bear.Asking this question shows that you are not interested in taking the position.

That’s fine. Good luck.

‘That’s fine. Good luck’ is an affirmative response to ‘Hold down the forte’, showing you are okay with the offer or request.It implies that you accept the responsibility while also wishing the original occupier good luck with whatever he/she will be busy with.

Don’t expect too much

‘Don’t expect too much’ is a wise response to ‘Hold down the forte’, showing your willingness to take the role and also your lack of confidence in your ability to handle it well.This makes it clear that you may not be able to meet expectations but it also shows that you are willing to help out till the original occupier gets back in position.

Wrap Up

When you are asked to Hold the forte, a responsibility is being passed to you. Therefore, the best response will depend on what the position requires of you and how capable or willing you are to give it what it takes.


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