20 Best Responses When A Girl Says You're Moving Too Fast

A girl just probably told you that you're moving too fast and you're wondering what is the best to say in this situation. Do you understand what she said? Maybe you tried locking lips with her on the first date and she's not comfortable with that. Perhaps, you touched her sensitively as she's not buying that which freaks her out. If that's the case, then you need to be brilliant with your response. In this article, I'll be walking you through a detailed list of the 20 best responses when a girl says you're moving too fast. Keep reading on to know more!

Best 20 Responses When a Girl Says You're Moving Too Fast Fast

When a girl says you're moving too fast, how do you feel about that? I will feel a tad disturbed given the fact that I wouldn't want to upset someone I like, especially when I know it's not necessary. You may feel the same way or not. However, it's important you have a response ready just in case you encounter such a remark. Maybe even saying sorry can help solve the problem or maybe not.Some of the best things to say when a girl says you're moving too fast include 'No! I'm not moving too fast. You're just the slow one, 'I thought you wanted to settle down ASAP?' 'Since that's an issue, let's go slow' and 'Sorry you got overwhelmed by my enthusiasm'. Let's get into the real deal and look at the other responses you can explore.

  • I didn't realize you were this much sensitive
  • Really? Tell me more about what I should do
  • What else did you notice?
  • No, I'm not moving too fast. You're just the slow one
  • Is that it or you're just trying to throw me off?
  • I respect you and wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable with my anxiousness
  • I apologize if I overstepped without knowing
  • I won't apologize for being straightforward
  • I'm just usually diligent, so don't misunderstand me
  • Thanks for being honest
  • I did not realize I was moving too fast. You probably should lead us on now
  • Sorry you got overwhelmed by my enthusiast
  • Can I still go slow and make amends?
  • I guess I'm even with the wrong person
  • And you have a problem with that, don't you?
  • But you enjoyed all of it while it lasted?
  • I thought you wanted to settle down ASAP
  • Look who's talking about moving fast
  • Since that's an issue, let's go slow
  • C'mon, I'm just being intentional and assertive, not as bad as you think

I didn't realize you were this much sensitive

'I didn't realize you were this much sensitive' could be your best reply to throw in when a girl says to you that you're moving too fast. Since what they mean to say is that you're being overly ambitious with approaching them, you can check in with yourself to know whether or not you're guilty of what the girl just remarked.If you don't find yourself wanting, then you shouldn't hesitate to employ this line of response when a girl incurs that you're moving up on them too fast, at least, faster than they imagined or expected. With this reply, you're telling the girl that you didn't know that she was that much sensitive…what a sarcastic response! Don't stop there though, go for more!

Really? Tell me more about what I should do

'Really? Tell me more about what I should do?' can also be another sarcastic response that you can throw in when a girl you're pretty much interested in and has been putting in effort ends up telling you that you're moving too fast. It gets even weirder if their proclamation is sudden and appears to be abrupt. To reply, you can say this question to her as your response. You're now asking her to tell you more about what you should do and not do since they've drawn the line that you're moving too fast. 

What else did you notice?

'What else did you notice?' can be your decent response when a girl tells you that you're moving too fast. Do you want to know how decent this response is?Well, it will enable you to sound more elaborate and keen to learn more about yourself from the girl who told you that you're moving too fast. At least, this is a better opportunity to see things from the angle of the girl who clearly has more chances of seeing you than yourself. Hopefully, the girl to whom you replied this to will be benevolent enough to comply and tell you what else they picked from your actions.

No, I'm not moving too fast. You're just the slow one

'No, I'm not moving too fast. You're just the slow one' is a dope way of replying to the girl who says to you that you're moving too fast. Here, you're disagreeing with the girl that you're not moving too fast. Instead, you're telling her that she's the slow one and you're not moving too fast. That means that whatever it is she noticed and incurred that you're moving too fast could be a result of her slow movement. I mean, this is not supposed to be one of those responses where you have to sound cheesy because you're replying to a girl.

Is that it or you're just trying to throw me off?

You can also answer the girl by saying 'Is that it or you're just trying to throw me off?' This is that one response that allows you to question the motive behind the actions of the girl when she tells you about her observations. With this response, you're telling the girl that it could be she's just throwing you off and not necessarily telling you the truth about what they think you're not doing right.

I respect you and wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable with my anxiousness

'I respect you and wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable by my anxiousness' is a smooth response you can count on if you want to let the girl that said you're moving too fast to know that you feel sorry about that and wouldn't do anything like that intentionally. Saying that you respect her shows that you're not harsh and were probably misunderstood by her when she said you were moving too fast on her. This will help clear your name which must've been written on the log of perverts by now.

I apologize if I overstepped without knowing

When a girl says you're moving too fast, you can even apologize to her by saying 'I apologize if I overstepped without knowing.' At least, this way she knows Nx understands that you didn't really mean to poss her off or be a jerk as she already thought and is still thinking.You should know that being sorry doesn't necessarily mean you're weak or not "man enough". Instead, it is a show that you're not a bringer of trouble or interested in painting your image badly.

I won't apologize for being straightforward

'I won't apologize for being straightforward' is a crystal clear response that has you telling the girl that says you're moving too fast that you won't apologize for being straightforward. Being straightforward in this case might've been misunderstood by the girl as moving too fast. If you feel like you don't owe her any apologies, then throw in this line of response rather.

I'm just usually diligent, so don't misunderstand me

'I'm just usually diligent, so don't misunderstand me' should be your response if you feel like the reason why the girl said you're moving too fast can be attributed to your being diligent at wooing her. Perhaps, she has mistaken this hard work of yours as being sead of yourself.

Thanks for being honest

If there's nothing else you take away from the remark of the girl that says you're moving too fast, understand that she's being honest so you can say 'thanks for being honest.' You're appreciating the girl for at least not covering up the details and telling you beautiful lies. She chooses to tell you the truth, so why not? Go for it!

I did not realize I was moving too fast. You probably should lead us on now

'I did not realize I was moving too fast. You probably should lead us on now is one of those funny responses which you can throw in when a girl tells you that you're moving too fast. It is a funny one indeed because it allows you to mess around a bit with the person. Here, you're telling the girl to lead the way now if it's going to make her happy. I'm sure she's going to find this rather unusual for you to say that and she may find it hilarious.

Sorry you got overwhelmed by my enthusiast

'Sorry, you got overwhelmed by my enthusiasm' is another apology response that you can throw in when a girl says you're moving too fast. This would be your preferred line of response if you think you trespassed at some point. That way, this line of response becomes your way of evading possible bad outcomes because she can take things a little too far if you don't come out clean to say sorry.

Can I still go slow and make amends?

'Can I still go slow and make amends?' is that question you have to and need to ask when push comes to shove, especially when a girl you've been interested in decides to remark you by saying you're moving too fast. Here, you're asking her if you can still make amends if you take things slower with her. I'm sure she's going to make do with this compromise but I'm case she doesn't, don't fret because you did the right thing.

I guess I'm even with the wrong person

'I guess I'm even with the wrong person' is that premium getaway response that you can utilize when a girl says you're moving too fast. With this, you're able to tell the girl that you don't even think you're with the right person, so they can practically quit the joke because you're not buying into the idea that you're moving too fast.

And you have a problem with that, don't you?

'And you have a problem with that, don't you?' is a question-like response you can give if a girl says you're moving too fast. With this, you're asking her if she has a problem with you moving fast. The point of her remark is more like an observation and not a straight-up conclusion that you're doing the wrong thing. This way, you won't be sounding bad and your intentions to the girl.

But you enjoyed all of it while it lasted?

Do you want to chide the girl that says you're moving too fast? If so, make sure to say this line of response to the girl. You'll be asking her if she at all enjoyed you moving too fast although it seems like she's upset about it.

I thought you wanted to settle down ASAP

'I thought you wanted to settle down ASAP' is one line of response you can use to sarcastically respond to the person that says you're moving too fast. You're saying that it sounds a tad unusual if the girl that says you're moving too fast is the one that said she wants to settle down real quick. What a way of telling her that she's unintentional.

Look who's talking about moving fast

'Look who's talking about moving fast' is a cocky response you'll need to answer back at the girl that says you're moving too fast. With this response, you're telling her that she's just being paranoid by saying that you're moving too fast.

Since that's an issue, let's go slow

Best Responses When A Girl Says You're Moving Too Fast'Since that's an issue, let's go slow' transcribes to a better response of you suggesting to the girl that it's better you two go slow and keep moving on than having you move fast and things go south.I guess she'll buy into this idea of moving slowly because it seems more like a solution.

C'mon, I'm just being intentional and assertive, not as bad as you think

'C'mon, I'm just being intentional and assertive, not as bad as you think' is the response you can use if you want to tell the girl what it is you were doing that she saw as moving fast. Here, you're saying that she misunderstood your confidence for rudeness or being too direct, which is not entirely a cheesy line of action if you're looking to woo a girl in a good way.


I'm sure you'll be a bit perplexed when a girl says you're moving too fast, especially one that you like. However, you can always snap out of such an awkward situation by throwing inappropriate lines of response to the girl. This post offers you about 20 best responses to when a girl says you're moving too fast.You can pick any one of these lines, or you can even combine 2 or more of them at a go. Just know when best to employ them and you'll be good as you've ever been. Peace! 


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