20 Best Replies When Someone Calls You a Legend

Have you ever been called nice names? I don't mean the sweet endearing types. It can be that you have done something very amazing and people give you a title like legend.It may not seem like it but legend is a pretty big name and when someone calls you a legend it means that what you have done is one of a kind.It means that the actions you have done that got you that name are extraordinary and brave, hence the name is a way to honor you.Now when someone calls you a legend, you want to sound cool and give a witty reply that makes them remember why they called you a legend right?Well, fret no more if you are stuck on what to say because I have the best replies you can use when someone calls you a legend.

20 Best Replies When Someone Calls You A Legend

On the list for replies, there is a whole variety to choose from. Some are funny, some are witty, some are modest, others intelligent, and a few border on the side of pride.Before you make a pick, be sure to read through them all to make a good choice. Without further ado, here they are:

  • Well, legends do tend to attract attention.
  • Just doing my best to live up to the hype!
  • Legends are hard to ignore, aren't they?
  • I guess my story's spreading faster than I thought.
  • Being legendary is a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.
  • Legends are made, not born. Thanks for the title!
  • Oh, you know, just embracing my legendary status.
  • I'm like fine wine – getting better with age.
  • I'll take that as a compliment from a fellow legend.
  • Well, they do say 'act like a legend, be treated like a legend.'
  • Every great story needs a legend, right?
  • I guess my awesomeness couldn't stay hidden forever.
  • It's not easy being legendary, but I make it work.
  • Legends may fade, but my impact is here to stay.
  • They say you're known by the company you keep, so thanks for the recognition.
  • Legends unite! Thanks for acknowledging my greatness.
  • They don't call it 'legendary' for nothing.
  • Just another day in the life of an actual legend.
  • Being legendary is a full-time job, and I'm up for the challenge.
  • Legends inspire others, so I'm glad I could inspire you.

1. Well, legends do tend to attract attention.

"Well, legends do tend to attract attention" is a great reply to use when someone calls you a legend because you admit to being a legend.This response also states a fact. Just like superstars and celebrities, legends do attract a lot of attention from their adoring fans. You can use this reply on one of your many, many fans.

2. Just doing my best to live up to the hype!

Unlike the above response, "Just doing my best to live up to the hype!" shows that you are a bit humble and are doing your best to reach actual legend status.It tells them that you do because you can, and also because other people believe in it. It is a modest response to give to anyone, anytime any day.

3. Legends are hard to ignore, aren't they?

"Legends are hard to ignore, aren't they?" is a bit sassy response to when someone calls you a legend. You accept that you are a legend and subtly tell them that it's their reason for showing you so much attention.Legends are indeed hard to ignore. With all the cool, daredevil things they do, it is hard not to know them, more less ignore them.

4. I guess my story's spreading faster than I thought.

Another simple response you can try is "I guess my story's spreading faster than I thought."Stories spread like wildfire in a harmattan wind. If you did something legendary, get ready to use this response one too many times. It makes you sound unconcerned and hence unmoved by the fame.

5. Being legendary is a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.

"Being legendary is a tough job, but someone's gotta do it" is a response that gives the vibe of "all in a day's work".With this response you are trying to tell whoever you are speaking to that being a legend is not easy because of the things you have to do but someone you have to do it because there has to be someone to look up to.

6. Legends are made, not born. Thanks for the title!

How to Reply When Someone Calls You a LegendJust like the saying about great men,  if someone calls you a legend, you can say "Legends are made, not born. Thanks for the title!".It is a nice response because it explains that a legend is not born out of destiny. It is instead the brave actions they take that make them legendary. Thanking them for the title at the end appreciates their recognition of the wonderful things that you have done.

7. Oh, you know, just embracing my legendary status.

"Oh, you know, just embracing my legendary status" is kind of a wacky response to use when someone calls you a legend.It is casual and you can use this without much thought. It recognizes the title that you have been given and unless they pursue the conversation, it can end there if you want. Pretty neat.

8. I'm like fine wine – getting better with age.

Although people use the fine wine phrase for women, "I'm like fine wine – getting better with age." tells whoever called you a legend that you are going to keep doing legendary things.It gives people the notion that you will not just rest on the deeds you have done but you will keep doing more things that will make you worthy of the title that you have been given.

9. I'll take that as a compliment from a fellow legend.

If you want to make someone smile, then you should say, "I'll take that as a compliment from a fellow legend."They say give honor to whom honor is due, don't they? This reply not only acknowledges that you are a legend, but it also praises a fellow legend.The best part is if no one calls them legends, then it tells them that you think that they are legends.

10. Well, they do say 'act like a legend, be treated like a legend'.

It's a wise reaction to remark to someone who refers to you as a legend, "Well, they do say 'act like a legend, be treated like a legend'".While the saying in the response is not a real quote, the reply is and you can use it to explain your behavior to people. Besides, don't they say 'What you call a rag, others call a rag?'

11. Every great story needs a legend, right?

When someone calls you a legend, you can say "Every great story needs a legend, right?". As in every story, there are certain characters that have great influence even after passing.The good thing about this response is that it keeps the conversation going because whoever has called you a legend can reply.

12. I guess my awesomeness couldn't stay hidden forever

How to Reply When Someone Calls You a LegendWhile it might seem proud, "I guess my awesomeness couldn't stay hidden forever" is a nice response to being called a legend. If you can handle it a wink and a goofy smile combined will make people laugh.The reply is simple and when said properly will endear you to people who already like you because of your amazing deeds.

13. It's not easy being legendary, but I make it work.

"It's not easy being legendary, but I make it work" is a badass response to use when called a legend. It feigns modesty and pleases the people listening.Like it was said earlier, being a Legend is no joke and to be called that title, you have to earn it. As modest as the reply if you do not put in the work, you will lose the title in no time.

14. Legends may fade, but my impact is here to stay.

"Legends may fade, but my impact is here to stay" is an intelligent reply that tells the person who has called you a legend that you don't care about fame but about the impact that lasts or makes a difference.This response also tells whoever has crowned you a legend that you have left your mark on the sands of time and no matter what happens it will remain there.

15. They say you're known by the company you keep, so thanks for the recognition.

If a friend has called you a legend "They say you're known by the company you keep, so thanks for the recognition" is a way to thank them for who they are.Friends have a major impact on who you are and if you are a legend, then technically they are too because they have influenced you to become the legend you are.

16. Legends unite! Thanks for acknowledging my greatness.

"Legends unite! Thanks for acknowledging my greatness" is another way to call someone a legend without spelling it out as clearly as they did.It also appreciates their recognizing you. You being acknowledged by a legend is huge whether you are a legend or not.

17. They don't call it 'legendary' for nothing.

The response "they don't call it 'legendary' for nothing" is accurate. Someone who describes you as a legend doesn't just say it because they like you. It's because you did something to deserve to be named that.It also says something about what you have done. The great thing that you have accomplished is also of legendary status as well, not just you.

18. Just another day in the life of an actual legend

How to Reply When Someone Calls You a LegendEven though it's not the most exciting response, "Just another day in the life of an actual legend." works great in a light-hearted conversation where you've been referred to as a legend.Say you don't really want to talk but you have to be civil and respond, you can try this response. It also tells them that you are living a simple ordinary life as a legend which no matter how you live will sound pretty cool.

19. Being legendary is a full-time job, and I'm up for the challenge.

If you want to sound brave when someone calls you a legend, say "Being legendary is a full-time job, and I'm up for the challenge."Let's say you are put in charge of something and have done something spectacular or groundbreaking, it will let the person know that you are not ready to rest in your oars but keep up the good work.

20. Legends inspire others, so I'm glad I could inspire you.

If you are speaking to a big fan, then you can say something like "Legends inspire others, so I'm glad I could inspire you" to them when they call you a legend.Well, a legendary life serves as a good moral lesson for others who are coming. It also helps to inspire those who are struggling with certain situations. Either way, you are helping and that is legendary.

Final words

While being called a legend is a wonderful thing, you just have to be sure that you keep up the good work to retain that title. People go after courage not titles, so you must not lean on the title to get by.Also, be careful that you don't become full of yourself. Be confident but not proud because you will lose friends faster than an unfortunate man with a lot of fake friends.Finally, these replies are great to use in any setting, although not with everyone. While they are not offensive or inappropriate in any way, they might not appeal to everyone depending on the situation. With all these said, have a great day, legend.


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