20 Comebacks When Someone Calls You Cheap

Have you ever wanted to get groceries but instead of the usual 30 bucks worth of groceries, you try to find bargain prices?Have you ever looked for free samples for consumption instead of buying them? Or getting only necessities when shopping and nothing to be termed as frivolity or impulse buying? If you've done any of these, then chances are, you've been called or seen as cheap.Sometimes some situations would make a person need to make some compromises which, while inconvenient, may allow for the priorities at least, to be dealt with.This is sometimes seen as being a cheapskate or a miser who finds it hard to part with funds. Most of the time, it isn't true and is just a misunderstanding, but that doesn't make being called that any more pleasant.In a situation where you are called that, in what ways can you respond? What could you say back? Do you want to be sassy or sarcastic? Do you just want to be funny while denying that you are in fact cheap?

Here are 20 different replies to when you are called cheap that you could use

Comebacks When Someone Calls You CheapIt would feel good to hit them back with a good reply when they try to put you down. Here are 20 ways you can clap back or retort to being called cheap:

  • I prefer the term 'financially savvy..'
  • Why overspend when I can still be fabulous on a budget?
  • I'm just making sure I have enough for our retirement in the Bahamas!
  • Being frugal is my superpower.
  • At least I'm not funding my therapist's vacation!
  • If I'm cheap, then call me the CEO of Savings.
  • I'm practicing for my future role as a coupon-clipping champion.
  • I'm not cheap, I'm just allergic to wasting money.
  • Who needs fancy when you can have functionality?
  • I save money like it's my part-time job.
  • My wallet thanks me, and I thank my wallet.
  • My bank account loves me for a reason.
  • I'd rather have a robust savings account than an overpriced latte.
  • Why pay more when you can pay less and still win?
  • I'm cutting costs, not corners.
  • I'm all about financial efficiency and effectiveness.
  • My money is too smart to be spent recklessly.
  • I'm not cheap, I'm just on a first-name basis with discounts.
  • I believe in investing in experiences, not overpriced stuff.
  • I'm eco-friendly and wallet-friendly at the same time.

1. I prefer the term 'financially savvy..'

The term "cheap" is such a harsh title to bestow on anyone. So if you prefer another term and reply with "I prefer the term 'financially savvy..'", when you're called cheap, that should get you fixed.Is it not better to be called 'financially savvy' than to be talked down to as being "cheap"? Especially since some of the decisions made to elicit such name-calling from people, are similar to those who are more planned with their finances and aren't as prone to impulse buying or luxury shopping.

2. Why overspend when I can still be fabulous on a budget?

When asked why you have to be so cheap, why not ask them right back "Why overspend when I can still be fabulous on a budget?", and watch them think about it?This response gives one an air of responsibility and resourcefulness that most will come to admire, especially if you achieve the same or better things than they do with minimalistic means. You would probably be asked to show them how you do it.

3. I'm just making sure I have enough for our retirement in the Bahamas!

You could use "I'm just making sure I have enough for our retirement in the Bahamas"  jovially when called cheap by someone you know.This is especially appropriate for couples or in the context of couples talking of retirement or honeymoon. A few inconveniences to save for such important events would be a small price to pay.

4. Being frugal is my superpower

For those who are confident in how little they spend when a person says you're cheap, you could tell them that "Being frugal is my superpower" because it is indeed a superpower.In today's economy, one can't be too careful with funds of any kind, so using little and still meeting necessary needs is mostly applauded. So if you happen to be called cheap because of that, tell them just how proud you are of it.

5. At least I'm not funding my therapist's vacation!

A good comeback to being called cheap by anyone would be "At least I'm not funding my therapist's vacation".This reply is one of those sassy or sarcastic replies that you'd love to use. The statement means that one does not have many issues that require a lot of visits to the therapist thereby giving the therapist a large amount of money over a short time.

6. If I'm cheap, then call me the CEO of Savings

Want to add a bit of swag to the name? The next time you're called cheap, tell them this; "If I'm cheap, then call me the CEO of Savings".This would be a sarcastic way to change the name. If they call you cheap, you could switch it around and make yourself a higher position replying with this. The CEO of Savings is a sarcastic but nice-sounding one to have.

7. I'm practicing for my future role as a coupon-clipping champion

Should you be likened to a cheapskate again, you could tell them that "I'm practicing for my future role as a coupon-clipping champion" to show your confidence in your luck.This statement is about winning the lottery. They might think you don't know how to use money, but when you save up, buy enough tickets, and punch enough winning tickets, they'll definitely think differently.

8. I'm not cheap, I'm just allergic to wasting money

When someone you know calls you cheap, give it to them like this; "I'm not cheap, I'm just allergic to wasting money", as a reply.While sassy, it is an honest way to tell someone that you have priorities and would rather use the money for those more and not use it up on frivolous living or luxury.

9. Who needs fancy when you can have functionality?

What if the seller asks you why you decide to go cheap when there's finer stuff to take off the shelves? Ask them this: "Who needs fancy when you can have functionality?". Then get what you need.Now most people prefer to get stuff for the look of it or for all the fanciful additions that are mostly not going to be used anyway.But when on a budget, why get all the additional stuff with little to no use for extra money when you can get the basic and useful stuff for way less?So, if you get called cheap for it, school them on how useful the fancier option is compared to the one they take as cheap.

10. I save money like it's my part-time job

If you don't save your money, it won't save you. So the next time you're said to be cheap, tell them "I save money like it's my part-time job", and let it rest.This is a witty and cool response to being called cheap, where you let them know that you aren't just being greedy but you want to cut down on unnecessary expenses to allow for more savings.

11. My wallet thanks me, and I thank my wallet

What better way to retort with a little sass than "My wallet thanks me, and I thank my wallet" to respond to someone who said you're cheap?This statement implies that when you take care of your wallet by keeping it full of cash from savings, it thanks you by solving your monetary problems and helping you in times of trouble and vice versa.

12. My bank account loves me for a reason

Comebacks When Someone Calls You CheapA good comeback for when you happen to be called cheap is "My bank account loves me for a reason", as it shows how buoyant one is due to a so-called cheap lifestyle.Similar to the previous response, this one is quite a strong reply that would show the benefits of a minimalistic lifestyle on one's finances and bank accounts.

13. I'd rather have a robust savings account than an overpriced latte

If you want to be matter-of-factly when replying to being called cheap, why not tell them that "I'd rather have a robust savings account than an overpriced latte"?Getting a latte for higher than regular price due to some factor like brand or taste is only even possible when you have the finances for it.

14. Why pay more when you can pay less and still win?

When someone dubs you a cheapskate, a good way to throw them off would be replying with "Why pay more when you can pay less and still win?".This is a great comeback as it gives the impression that you are more in control of your losses and gains which most people would wish that did as well. And truly, why pay more when you can pay less and still win?

15. I'm cutting costs, not corners

When accused of being cheap with materials or labor, then reply with "I'm cutting costs, not corners". It's a great way to show your competence and shut down any unsavory behavior allegations.Many a time, being conservative with transactions or monetary matters is mistaken for the selection of subpar or below standard-level goods or services.

16. I'm all about financial efficiency and effectiveness

"I'm all about financial efficiency and effectiveness" is a reassuring method of replying to being called cheap.It goes without saying that most times, efficiency is more important than beauty, or in this case - cost. So if anyone calls you cheap for valuing usability over clout, tell them you are simply one for effectiveness of use rather than popular trend.

17. My money is too smart to be spent recklessly

You may be called cheap because of not overspending all the time. In that case, respond to their name-calling with this - "My money is too smart to be spent recklessly".Your money being smart is basically saying that everything is set up so that you only spend on the necessary or important amenities, and not for luxury or unnecessary impulse buying.

18. I'm not cheap, I'm just on a first-name basis with discounts

A reply like "I'm not cheap, I'm just on a first-name basis with discounts" works just fine in response to your actions being termed "cheap".There is nothing wrong with loving discounts, it works out well for everyone and it makes things exciting to buy. So always wanting to know who is having a sale isn't wrong, nor does it make you cheap.

19. I believe in investing in experiences, not overpriced stuff

If you want to sound profound and wise, use a response like "I believe in investing in experiences, not overpriced stuff", to give back to those who call you cheap.Experiences, as is a well-known truth, are far more valuable than most things money can buy. And if you had to choose between that and an overpriced bag, the good life experiences would win any day.

20. I'm eco-friendly and wallet-friendly at the same time

Sometimes, being a funny person with a witty comeback, saying "I'm eco-friendly and wallet-friendly at the same time" works to make it funny and good too.It's never a bad thing to go the eco-friendly route, so why not be eco-friendly and still be loved by your wallet when it's possible? Usually, the "Save the Planet" campaign isn't exactly cheap or affordable.But when it is, why not go right for it? That doesn't make you "cheap", it makes you a convenient investor in Earth's longevity.

Final Words

There are a bunch of reasons a person can be referred to as 'cheap', 'cheapskate', 'miser' etc. But sometimes, situations call for such means, and other times, it's simply a preference. Such things are not exactly testimony of someone being cheap by nature.And with the few comebacks and retorts given above, it should be a bit easier to return fire at anyone who may call you cheap for a lifestyle or a situational decision.


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