15 Ways to Ask Someone What Their Story Is?

Have you ever looked at someone and just wondered: how did they get here? Did they want to be here? What do you feel about this place? All these questions will point you to What's your story, and you will be intrigued to ask.If you have decided to ask someone What's your story you must note a few things. A person's story is about their life experiences. It is everything that has brought them up to this point.No matter the type of person they are, there are things about them that you do not know and that is what makes up their story.Back to your decision. If you have gathered courage or enough interest, to learn about them, then you will need different ways to structure your question about What's your story. I have gathered, for your convenience, the 15 best ways to ask someone What's your story.Let's get started:

15 Ways To Ask Someone "What's Your Story?"

Just like the saying, there are many ways to kill a rat, there are many ways to ask someone What's your story. Two things to keep in mind are the type of person they are, and the relationship they share.How to Ask Someone How Their Story IsIf they are open-minded, free people, you can go with the casual approach. If you are in a work environment or they are someone you are not well acquainted with, the formal approach will be the best way to go, and if you want to speak to a friend or want to start with a joke, try the hilarious replies.Here they are below:

  • Hello there. You are a pretty interesting person. Can I know your story?
  • If you are comfortable with it, can you tell me your story? You look like an interesting person
  • I'd like to know more about you. I think a great way to start is by telling me your story.
  • Want to swap stories? I'll go first if you're up for it.
  • Would it be fine for you to tell your personal story?
  • Would it be okay if you told me your experiences till now? I like to learn about people.
  • After work today, can we go out for a drink and talk about you a bit? Are you fine with it?
  • If you don't mind, I would like to hear about your life journey and experiences.
  • As interesting as the rumors out there are, I like to hear the truth from the horse's mouth. Do you mind telling me your story?
  • While it's easy to assume, I want to know how you became the remarkable person that you are today.
  • Your intriguing nature has piqued my interest, making me want to dive into understanding you. Could you please share your story and the journey that led you to your current position?
  • Alright, spill the beans! What's your epic tale?
  • Rumor has it that your life story is the stuff of legends. Can you confirm?
  • My psychic senses are tingling! I sense an incredible story hidden within you. Care to share?
  • I have been writing my own Netflix series but I need a good source. Can I get your backstory? Remember, you will be the star!

1. Hello there. You are a pretty interesting person. Can I know your story? 

"Hello there. You are a pretty interesting person. Can I know your story?" is an excellent method for asking someone "What's your story"  because it goes straight to the point and removes any awkwardness that results from a different approach.This question also tells the person you are speaking with that you are eager to hear them and as soon as possible.If you're not to try this response, let it be to someone you are at least acquainted with. A total stranger might frown at it and worse still, you won't get that story.

2. If you are comfortable with it, can you tell me your story? You look like an interesting person

A polite way to inquire about a person's story is "If you are comfortable with it, can you tell me your story? You look like an interesting person".Asking for permission will also remove any hint of overt coercion and give individuals the impression that they have a choice when you ask them "What's your story".This method also has a compliment at the end and compliments always appeal to people and make them feel good so there is a lesser chance they will say no.Bonus top, if they look unsure, especially if it is someone you work with but are not acquainted with, you can throw in a bait. Like promising a drink or a small gift of sorts.

3. I'd like to know more about you. I think a great way to start is by telling me your story.

If you are trying to familiarize yourself with someone you see regularly but are not acquainted with then, "I'd like to know more about you. I think a great way to start is by telling me your story" is a natural way to ask them "What's your story".We meet people every day and over time, you might want to know more about them. For someone you know, very little about, a great way to start is telling them you want to hear their story.From an introduction like that, you can start a conversation, and in no time you will be conversing like old buddies.

4. Want to swap stories? I'll go first if you're up for it.

"Want to swap stories? I'll go first if you're up for it" might not be the most convincing way to ask someone "What's your story", but it presents a very interesting offer.If you are just as intriguing as they are, they might also be interested in knowing more about you.Taking the first step and a friendly approach through this method will get them ready to listen. Remember you are going first, and who knows what they might learn.

5. Would it be fine for you to tell your personal story?

How to Ask Someone How Their Story IsWhile "Would you be willing to share your personal story" seems boring, it is a perfect way to let someone know that you want to know "What's your story". Remember, it is a formal setting and you don't want to sound too playful.By using the phrase personal story, you are subtly trying to let them know that are not here for the generic tale but the juicy details.For a stranger, I can't guarantee they will open up, but it's worth a shot.

6. Would it be okay if you told me your experiences till now? I like to learn about people.

"Would it be okay if you told me your experiences till now? I like to learn about people". It tells them you are serious and ready to learn.If they are very important people who have one achievement or the other, they will understand your interest in their lives.In this case, there is no need to throw in a deal or plead. You just have to get your ears ready if they have the time.

7. After work today, can we go out for a drink and talk about you a bit? Are you fine with it?

A sly way to inquire "what's your story" from a friend or coworker is "If it sits well with you, can we go for a drink after work and talk about you". This response simply tells them that, you are letting them know that you have chosen a time that works for both of you and are willing to listen to them.Before you use this, be sure that they are willing to talk and have time to spare or you might not get the amazing story you are eager to hear.

8. If you don't mind, I would like to hear about your life journey and experiences.

If you wish to ask a stranger "What's your story", "If you don't mind, I would like to hear about your life journey and experiences" is one of the best replies to use, especially for someone who is accomplished.While the phrase "life journey" makes them sound like old adventurers, it subtly tells them that they have achieved a lot and you are willing to learn from their story.

9. As interesting as the rumors out there are, I like to hear the truth from the horse's mouth. Do you mind telling me your story?

A subtle alternative to the question, "What's your story?" is "As interesting as the rumors out there are, I like to hear the truth from the horse's mouth. Do you mind telling me your story?"Whether or not the rumors are good or bad, they will be willing to clarify things and let you know all that you need to know because the reply obliges them to state their own account of events.

10. While it's easy to assume, I want to know how you became the remarkable person that you are today.

Asking someone "What's your story" with, "They say never judge a book by its cover. While it's easy to assume, I want to know how you became the remarkable person that you are today" is a great way to get them to speak.You not only comment on who they are but show sincerity in learning about them.Getting them to talk is one thing, listening and getting all the facts is another. Being open-minded and willing to listen will tell you all you need so you don't go on with the assumptions you once had.

11. Your intriguing nature has piqued my interest, making me want to dive into understanding you. Could you please share your story and the journey that led you to your current position? 

Another way to ask a person "What's your story" is "Your intriguing nature has piqued my interest, making me want to dive into understanding you.Could you please share your story and the journey that led you to your current position?" is a way of buttering up the person or massaging their ego to tell you about their experiences or story up until that point in time.It also communicates that you are interested in following in their footsteps and you want the paths to take from their story. You will be hearing from them in a jiffy.

12. Alright, spill the beans! What's your epic tale?

How to Ask Someone How Their Story IsAn interesting way to phrase the question, "What's your story?" is "All right, tell us everything! What's your epic tale?" It will give them the impression that you want to hear all about ten and that's all you are there for.Using this comical question will make them sent to speak because you do not just seem eager, you have described their story as an epic tale. Anyone would wonder if you have experiences similar to Alice in Wonderland.

13. Rumor has it that your life story is the stuff of legends. Can you confirm?

Another interesting way to ask someone how their story is, is "Rumor has it that your life story is the stuff of legends. Can you confirm?"When you toot their horn like that, there aren't many who wouldn't want to indulge you with your request. They will feel popular and loved by everyone.Now I don't think there is anyone who won't want to be in the public eye or lips that won't gladly confirm those "rumors". Well, except they are shy introverts.Of course, if there are rumors and they are bad, it will not be as hilarious so you will need wit to weave around the situation and get the story you want to hear.

14. My psychic senses are tingling! I sense an incredible story hidden within you. Care to share?

If you want an unusual but comic way to ask a person "What's your story" try "My psychic senses are tingling! I sense an incredible story hidden within you. Care to share?"They not only get the joke about you being a psychic but it tells them just how interested you are in hearing their tale.While you might not be a psychic, you are someone who has caught their interest and they will be more than happy to share their story because of how you have described their Incredible story.

15. I have been writing a good game story, but I'm a little stuck on the details. Can I get your backstory? Remember, you will be the star!

"I have been writing a good game story, I'm a little stuck on the details. Can I get your backstory? Remember, you will be the star!" Is a creative and quite comical format to ask the question "What's your story".They might tell you they know your Netflix story is a sham but your creativity will open up.For those who believe it anyway, you will only get the story faster. If they seem unwilling to share, just remind them that they will be a star and it's not an opportunity that they want to miss out on.


It is important to remember that the past may not always be pleasant and there are different types of people out there. Be sure to ask politely whether you are trying to be funny, casual, or formal.Also, make it a question so that they have the option of telling you. It will be easier if they feel they are asked rather than persuaded. That said, do enjoy the story. Cheers.


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