20 Funny Replies to “Let’s Just Be Friends”

We all know the emotional implications of the dreaded sentence, "let's just be friends". It's devastating and there is no one in the world who would be willing and happy to hear this hurtful statement.When someone tells you "let's just be friends" as hurting as it can be, you have to respect their wishes for a platonic friendship that is devoid of any romance. They are simply telling you that they don't want you as a partner.When you hear this, it can be a struggle to decide what to say. You don't want to appear desperate or nonchalant yet you want to give a befitting response that expresses how you feel.

20 Funny Replies to “Let’s Just Be Friends”

Now you might wonder why you have to go with funny replies. Here's why: it will take off the pressure from the situation.It can be very emotionally tense when they say this because, honestly, you have just been rejected and it hurts but a funny response will make you two laugh.Funny Replies to Let’s Just Be FriendsIt will serve as comic relief and you will feel slightly better. Besides, these responses also find ways to express yourself in terms of the type of friendship you want, what to expect, and what they are okay with.Let's see them:

  1. Sure, but can we still share memes and funny cat videos?
  2. Friends it is! Who's bringing the snacks to our 'Friend Zone' movie nights?
  3. Friends? I hope you're ready for some top-tier friendship puns.
  4. That's alright but remember, I won't let my friend wear socks with sandals.
  5. Sounds good! Let's start brainstorming our dynamic duo name.
  6. Being friends means you're officially my partner in crime. Get ready for some wild adventures!
  7. Friendship level unlocked! Time to strategize our future pranks.
  8. No hard feelings, but be prepared to receive daily pictures of my dog.
  9. Friends? Does this mean I can start calling you with embarrassing nicknames now?
  10. Of course, just know that friendship fees include occasional awkward hugs and terrible dance moves.
  11. Friends forever? Does that come with a secret handshake or matching friendship bracelets?
  12. Absolutely! But fair warning, I might challenge you to a game of friendship trivia.
  13. Friends it is! Now we can exchange life advice and pretend we know what we're doing.
  14. Being friends means we can exchange puns and bad jokes without judgment. Prepare yourself!
  15. Oh, that's wonderful because now I can tell you all my conspiracy theories.
  16. Absolutely, just know that I have a strict 'no judgment on embarrassing stories' policy.
  17. Sure, let's upgrade our relationship status to 'BFFs: Best Friends Forever'!
  18. Friends? Get ready for our 'Let's Just Be Friends' club meetings.
  19. Friendship activated! Get ready for deep conversations about the meaning of life... or the best pizza toppings.
  20. Deal! Who needs romance when we can conquer the world as an unstoppable duo of pals?

Let's jump in:

1. Sure, but can we still share memes and funny cat videos?

The witty reaction to "let's just be friends" is "sure, but can we still share memes and funny cat videos?"When someone says let's just be friends it can be a signal that things are going downhill and you will mostly not be friends anymore. This response will try to set things on track and give it a tarting point.Asking if you can do these things like share car videos is telling them things will be the way they were before things changed.

2. Friends it is! Who's bringing the snacks to our 'Friend Zone' movie nights?

An audacious reply like "Friends it is! Who's bringing the snacks to our 'Friend Zone' movie nights?" is perfect for "let's just be friends".A reply like this tells them that while you are not happy you were turned down, you are willing to keep being friends, spend time together, and try again.

3. Friends? I hope you're ready for some top-tier friendship puns.

"Friends? I hope you're ready for some top-tier friendship puns" will fetch you a smile when you say it as a response to "let's just be friends".

4. That's alright but remember, I won't let my friend wear socks with sandals

Funny Replies to Let’s Just Be FriendsWhile "That's alright but remember, I won't let my friend wear socks with sandals" is an odd reply to "let's just be friends", it is hilarious.Friends always look out for you to make sure that you don't make silly mistakes like wearing socks and sandals or wearing mismatched socks.

5. Sounds good! Let's start brainstorming our dynamic duo name.

"Fine by me! Let's start brainstorming our dynamic duo name" is a hilarious reply to "let's just be friends" is it sounds like you are taking your friendship to a whole new levelFriends do form teams and maybe this dynamic duo can be what you need to solidify your friendship that is a bit rocky with whatever led to being friendzoned.

6. Being friends means you're officially my partner in crime. Get ready for some wild adventures!

"Being friends means you're officially my partner in crime. Get ready for some wild adventures!" is a great response to "let's just be friends" because it tells the other person that you won't just be casual friends.You would be the kind of friend that sticks close and experiments and is their shoulder to cry. You would be their everything and they will be yours. Simply, you will be best friends.

7. Friendship level unlocked! Time to strategize our future pranks.

When someone says "let's just be friends" it can be hurtful but saying "Friendship level unlocked! Time to strategize our future pranks" is a nice way to take it in stride.Instead of focusing on the pain and the hurt, you can focus on building that friendship and having a good time.

8. No hard feelings, but be prepared to receive daily pictures of my dog.

"Let's just be friends" can receive a response like "no hard feelings, but be prepared to receive daily pictures of my dog." This chucklesome reply makes it sound like you are okay with it and you have other plans instead.The irony in this reply is hilarious. Since you are mulling over being friend-zoned, you are telling them to be prepared like it is a kind of punishment. A good one.

9. Friends? Does this mean I can start calling you with embarrassing nicknames now?

For something with a slice of courtesy, "Friends? Does this mean I can start calling you with embarrassing nicknames now?" shows polite surprise. Though it is said to be wrong to respond to a question with a question, it is nice way to react to " let's just be friends".Even if they do this with other people who are their friends it is important to ask if you can so you don't upset or offend them in the process and get cut off together.

10. Of course, just know that friendship fees include occasional awkward hugs and terrible dance moves.

Of course, it doesn't but you can say "of course, just know that friendship fees include occasional awkward hugs and terrible dance moves" as a response to "let's just be friends".This response is another way to ask for permission. You tell them what you want the friendship to entail and they let you know so that no one is misunderstood or upset later on.

11. Friends forever? Does that come with a secret handshake or matching friendship bracelets?

"Friends forever? Does that come with a secret handshake or matching friendship bracelets?" is a comic reply to "let's just be friends" and nice to ask what level your friendship will be.Some friends have things that make them special like some particular activities they do together, shared hobbies that hold them close, and the like.While they might not say immediately, it tells them what you expect and how much you want it in your friendship.

12. Absolutely! But fair warning, I might challenge you to a game of friendship trivia.

"Absolutely! But fair warning, I might challenge you to a game of friendship trivia" as a response to " let's just be friends" tells your brand new friend just what to expect from you.It also says something about your personality and drops a subtle hint that you would like it if you two got to know each other better. Understanding one another helps a friendship bloom.

13. Friends it is! Now we can exchange life advice and pretend we know what we're doing.

"Friends it is! Now we can exchange life advice and pretend we know what we're doing" is a light-hearted response to "let's just be friends". It tells them a bit about who you are and how much you want to be their friend.So many people don't have their shit together, and this is a nice way to tell them that you don't too and it's okay for them to be open with you because you will with them.

14. Being friends means we can exchange puns and bad jokes without judgment. Prepare yourself!

A good reply to "let's just be friends" that prepares them for the implication of what it means to be your friend is "Being friends means we can exchange puns and bad jokes without judgment. Prepare yourself!"With them, no one has to worry about being perfect or organized because they are your friends, people who will see you as you are and who will accept you that way.

15. Oh that's wonderful because now I can tell you all my conspiracy theories.

"Oh that's wonderful because now I can tell you all my conspiracy theories" is one of the most amusing replies to "let's just be friends". It tells them that they now have access to some of the personal sides of you.There are some things that come with the territory of friendship. With a friend, you can be open and tell them all the crazy conspiracy theories you have conjured up and they won't wonder if you were a freak.

16. Absolutely, just know that I have a strict 'no judgment on embarrassing stories' policy.

You can humorously reply with "absolutely, just know that I have a strict 'no judgment on embarrassing stories' policy" when someone says "let's just be friends".It will make them laugh and aside from that, they would want to know more about you so they can hear these embarrassing stories they will promise not to laugh at. Beware, it's a promise they won't keep!

17. Sure, let's upgrade our relationship status to 'BFFs: Best Friends Forever'!

Funny Replies to Let’s Just Be FriendsIf you want an off-the-edge response to "let's just be friends", you can reply with something like, "Sure, let's upgrade our relationship status to 'BFFs: Best Friends Forever'!" While it seems like what you two share might come tumbling down, you ask to be their best friend. It's a huge leap and tells them just how much you mean to them and how close you want to be.

18. Friends? Get ready for our 'Let's Just Be Friends' club meetings.

If you are going for a not-too-thrilling response to "let's just be friends" then you can use "Friends? Get ready for our 'Let's Just Be Friends' club meetings".The thing with this response is that it tells them you are disappointed with their statement about remaining just friends, however, your response will get them to beam a weak smile at you.

19. Friendship activated! Get ready for deep conversations about the meaning of life... or the best pizza toppings.

If you want something that sounds silly as a reply to "let's just be friends" then you can say "Friendship activated! Get ready for deep conversations about the meaning of life... or the best pizza toppings."Friendships determine who you are and if you have friends who you can really talk to, you can talk about anything, from the meaning of life to all your favorite pizza toppings.

20. Deal! Who needs romance when we can conquer the world as an unstoppable duo of pals?

The most ironic reply to "let's just be friends" on this list is "Deal! Who needs romance when we can conquer the world as an unstoppable duo of pals?"This reply painfully denies wanting romance with them when in fact, it is a romantic relationship you want to build with them. It communicates how hurt you are and how willing you are to be their friend nonetheless.

Final words

Dealing with rejection can be hard but humor will make it easier, or at least, appear bearable. Using these responses will ease the air and make you seem mature in the way you handle it.While using these responses, remember that you can modify them to suit who you are and what you want to say. And when you use these responses smile so you don't give away exactly how you feel.It will pass soon and you will meet that special someone who will want to be more than friends. Cheers!


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