20 Funny Replies to A "Can I Call You Later" Text

If you've ever received a 'Can I call you later?' text and didn't quite know how to respond, you're not alone.It's a common message that can leave you wondering what the person wants to talk about, and whether or not you want to take the call.Here, I’ve compiled a list of 20 funny replies that are sure to make you and the person on the other end of the line laugh.

20 Funny Replies To A 'Can I Call You Later?' Text 

  • Sure, but I can't guarantee I'll be awake. I'm a bit of a sleep talker.
  • Only if you promise to bring me pizza. I'm feeling hungry.
  • As long as it's not during my daily power nap. I take that very seriously.
  • Of course, but I'm warning you now, my phone voice is very different from my real voice.
  • Yes, but only if you're going to tell me a funny joke first.
  • Sure, but only if we can have a debate about whether pineapple belongs on pizza.
  • Can I call you later is code for I will forget to call you. Call me now!
  • Only if by later you mean in the next 5 minutes.
  • Later than later or later than never?
  • I'll be twiddling my thumbs waiting for that call!
  • Only if by later you mean right now.
  • The line for my calls is extremely long, I'll put you in the 'maybe' pile.
  • How much later are we talking? A few minutes or a few years?
  • Why wait? Call me now so we can chat while I'm procrastinating!
  • I'll believe it when I hear the phone ringing!
  • I'll be waiting by the phone, but just so you know, I might be napping.
  • Sure thing, but only if you're calling to tell me I won the lottery.
  • Absolutely, but only if you're calling to invite me on an all-expenses-paid trip to some exotic location.
  • Of course, but only if you're calling to tell me you've discovered a way to teleport and want to take me on a trip to Mars.
  • Absolutely, but only if you're calling to tell me you've won the Nobel Prize and want me to write your acceptance speech.

1. Sure, but I can't guarantee I'll be awake. I'm a bit of a sleep talker 

‘Sure, but I can't guarantee I'll be awake. I'm a bit of a sleep talker' is a hilarious response to a 'Can I call you later?' text which implies that the person might fall asleep at any moment and start talking in their sleep. It adds a humorous touch to the conversation and will make the recipient smile.For example, imagine a friend texting you asking if they can call you later. You can reply with this funny response, 'Sure, but I can't guarantee I'll be awake. I'm a bit of a sleep talker.'This will make your friend laugh and create a lighthearted tone for the rest of the conversation.

2. Only if you promise to bring me pizza. I'm feeling hungry 

Funny Replies to A Can I Call You Later Text 'Only if you promise to bring me pizza. I'm feeling hungry' is a funny reply to a ‘Can I call you later’ text which is perfect for when you're feeling playful and want to add some humor to the conversation.It's a witty way of saying that you're willing to talk, but only if the person brings you pizza.For instance, your significant other asks if they can call you later. You can use this funny response, 'Only if you promise to bring me pizza. I'm feeling hungry.' This will make your partner chuckle and might even lead to a fun conversation about pizza toppings.

3. As long as it's not during my daily power nap. I take that very seriously 

If you are someone who takes his nap seriously, then 'As long as it's not during my daily power nap is a perfectly funny reply to a ‘Can I call you later’.It's a playful way of saying that you're willing to talk, but only if it's not during your daily power nap.For example, your boss texts you asking if they can call you later. You can use this funny response, 'As long as it's not during my daily power nap.I take that very seriously.' This will add a humorous touch to the conversation and might even lead to a discussion about the importance of napping for productivity.

4. Of course, but I'm warning you now, my phone voice is very different from my real voice 

'Of course, but I'm warning you now, my phone voice is very different from my real voice.' is also a hilarious response to a ‘Can I call you later’ text, and is best used when you want to make light of the situation and inject some humor into a potentially awkward conversation.You can follow up with a funny anecdote about how you always sound like a completely different person on the phone, or maybe even pretend to be someone else entirely.For example, the conversation could go like this:Friend: Hey, can I call you later?You: Of course, but I'm warning you now, my phone voice is very different from my real voice.Friend: Haha, what do you mean?You: Well, when I'm on the phone, I like to pretend I'm a British spy or a confident telemarketer. So don't be surprised if I sound like someone completely different.

5. Yes, but only if you're going to tell me a funny joke first 

A funny reply to a ‘Can I call you later?’ text is 'Yes, but only if you’re going to tell me a funny joke first'. This reply shows that you have a sense of humor and that you expect the other person to make you laugh.It also creates some anticipation and curiosity for the upcoming call. For example:A: Hey, can I call you later? B: Yes, but only if you’re going to tell me a funny joke first. A: Challenge accepted. I have a good one for you. 

6. Sure, but only if we can have a debate about whether pineapple belongs on pizza 

is 'Sure, but only if we can have a debate about whether Pineapple belongs on pizza' is a funny reply to a ‘Can I call you later?’ text which is humorous because it brings up a controversial and divisive topic that can spark a lively conversation.It also shows that you are playful and willing to disagree with the other person.For example:A: Hey, can I call you later? B: Sure, but only if we can have a debate about whether pineapple belongs on pizza. A: Oh no, not this again. You know I’m team Pineapple all the way. B: Well, then you’re wrong and I’m going to prove it to you.

7. Can I call you later is code for I will forget to call you. Call me now! 

A humorous way to reply to a 'Can I call you later?' text is 'Can I call you later is code for I will forget to call you. Call me now!'.This reply is amusing because it reveals the hidden meaning behind the vague and non-committal phrase 'Can I call you later'.It also shows that you are bold and confident and that you don’t want to wait for the other person to call you.For example:A: Hey, can I call you later? B: Can I call you later is code for I will forget to call you. Call me now! A: Wow, you’re not subtle at all. 

8. Only if by later you mean in the next 5 minutes 

A comical way to react to a 'Can I call you later?' text is 'Only if by later you mean in the next 5 minutes'. This reaction is humorous because it suggests that you are impatient and eager to talk to the other person.It also puts some pressure on the other person to call you sooner rather than later.For example:A: Hey, can I call you later? B: Only if by later you mean in the next 5 minutes. A: That’s not much of a window. B: Well, then hurry up and dial my number.

9. Later than later or later than never? 

'Later than later or later than never?' is a humorous reply to a  'Can I call you later?' text, and is a playful twist on the phrase 'better late than never.'By posing the question 'later than later or later than never?' the speaker is teasing the person for their tardiness and suggesting that they call sooner rather than later.This phrase is a lighthearted way to encourage the person to call without being too pushy.Example conversation:Person 1: Can I call you later?Person 2: Later than later or later than never? Just kidding! Give me a buzz whenever you have the chance. I'm looking forward to catching up.

10. I'll be twiddling my thumbs waiting for that call 

'I'll be twiddling my thumbs waiting for that call!' is a funny reply 'Can I call you later?' which is best used as a lighthearted way to show the person that their call is eagerly anticipated.By saying 'I'll be twiddling my thumbs' you are conveying their enthusiasm and anticipation for the call.Funny Replies to A Can I Call You Later Text Example conversation:Person 1: Can I call you later?Person 2: Absolutely! I'll be twiddling my thumbs waiting for that call! Can't wait to catch up.

11. Only if by later you mean right now 

'Only if by later you mean right now.' is a playful twist on the word ‘later’ which serves as a funny response to a ‘can I call you later’ text.By using irony and sarcasm, it can be used to express your impatience to speak with the person.Example conversation:Person 1: Can I call you later?Person 2: Only if by later you mean right now! 

12. The line for my calls is extremely long, I'll put you in the 'maybe' pile

If you are always busy and have a lot going on in your life, 'The line for my calls is extremely long, I'll put you in the 'maybe' pile.' is the perfect hilarious response to a ‘Can I call you later’ text.It's a funny way of saying that you have a lot of people to call back, and you're not sure if they’ll ever be able to get to you.You're essentially telling the other person that they're not a priority, but you're not completely ruling them out either.For example, if your friend asks if they can call you later, you can reply with 'Sure, but just so you know, the line for my calls is extremely long, so I'll have to put you in the 'maybe' pile.'

13. How much later are we talking? A few minutes or a few years? 

'How much later are we talking? A few minutes or a few years?' is also a very hilarious response to a ‘Can I call you later’ text which can be perfect for being witty, while also confirming the time frame of the call.The cheeky response implies that you are willing to wait, but you want to make sure that you're not waiting for too long.Example conversation:Person A: 'Hey, can I call you later?'Person B: 'How much later are we talking? A few minutes or a few years? Just give me an idea so I can put it in my planner!'

14. Why wait? Call me now so we can chat while I'm procrastinating! 

'Why wait? Call me now so we can chat while I'm procrastinating!' is a playful response to a ‘Can I call you later’ text which permits you to call while also making it clear that you might not be doing anything too productive.It's a great way to break the ice and make the conversation lighthearted.Example conversation:Person A: 'Hey, can I call you later?'Person B: 'Why wait? Call me now so we can chat while I'm procrastinating! I was just about to start a Netflix marathon anyway.'

15. I'll believe it when I hear the phone ringing

A sarcastic and witty reply to a ‘Can I call you later text’ which is also very funny, is 'I'll believe it when I hear the phone ringing!'This reply is a classic way to express your skepticism about the call. It's a fun way to make light of the situation and make the caller feel like they need to convince you to pick up the phone.Example conversation:Person A: 'Hey, can I call you later?'Person B: 'I'll believe it when I hear the phone ringing! You know how forgetful I can be.'

16. I'll be waiting by the phone, but just so you know, I might be napping 

'I’ll be waiting by the phone, but just so you know, I might be napping' is a funny reply to a ‘Can I call you later?’ text because it implies that the person is not very eager to talk to the caller and would rather sleep.It also suggests that the person is not expecting anything important or exciting from the conversation and is bored by the prospect of it.This reply can be used to tease someone who is trying to make plans with you or to show that you are not very interested in them.For example:A: Hey, can I call you later? B: I’ll be waiting by the phone, but just so you know, I might be napping. 

17. Sure thing, but only if you're calling to tell me I won the lottery

'Sure thing, but only if you're calling to tell me I won the lottery.' is also a very funny response to a ‘Can I call you later?’ text that is a playful way to say that you don't want to talk on the phone, but you're willing to make an exception if the news is good enough.Funny Replies to A Can I Call You Later TextYou could use this response with a friend who tends to call you at inconvenient times.For example:Friend: 'Hey, can I call you later?'You: 'Sure thing, but only if you're calling to tell me I won the lottery.'

18. Absolutely, but only if you're calling to invite me on an all-expenses-paid trip to some exotic location 

If you get a little tired of the same old phone calls, then 'Absolutely, but only if you're calling to invite me on an all-expenses-paid trip to some exotic location' is the perfect humorous response to a ‘Can I call you later’ text.It's a funny way to let someone know that you're not interested in chatting unless they've got something really exciting to talk about.For example, your friend might text you, 'Can I call you later?' And you can reply with, 'Sure, but only if you're calling to invite me on an all-expenses-paid trip to Bali!'It's a playful way to set some expectations for the conversation and get a laugh.

19. Of course, but only if you're calling to tell me you've discovered a way to teleport and want to take me on a trip to Mars

'Of course, but only if you're calling to tell me you've discovered a way to teleport and want to take me on a trip to Mars.' is also a hilarious response to a ‘Can I call you later’ for anyone who loves sci-fi and has a good sense of humor.For example, your friend might text you, 'Can I call you later?' And you can reply with, 'Sure, but only if you're calling to tell me you've discovered a way to teleport and want to take me on a trip to Mars!'It's a way to keep things light and playful.

20. Absolutely, but only if you're calling to tell me you've won the Nobel Prize and want me to write your acceptance speech 

'Absolutely, but only if you're calling to tell me you've won the Nobel Prize and want me to write your acceptance speech' is a funny reply to 'Can I call you later?' because it implies that the speaker is very busy and has high standards for phone conversations.This reply is humorous because it exaggerates the situation and uses irony to mock the caller's request. A possible example of using this reply is:A: Hey, I'm sorry to bother you, but can I call you later?B: Absolutely, but only if you're calling to tell me you've won the Nobel Prize and want me to write your acceptance speech.

Final Words

Giving a witty or funny reply to a 'Can I call you later?' text can spice up your interaction with humor and levity.While sarcasm and overly harsh jokes should generally be avoided, coming up with creative and amusing responses can show your personality, relieve tension, and make your conversation more lighthearted and fun.Yet be mindful that texting lacks vocal inflections and facial expressions so replies that seem funny in your head may come across differently.The most important thing is to respond in a way that feels natural for you and your relationship with the other person, whether that means giving a quick 'Yep, talk later!' or crafting a funny answer that captures your funny and playful side.Just keep in mind the context and tone of your overall conversation, tailoring your joking appropriately.


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