10 Best Happy-To-Assist Emails

Sending the right text over the mail is a simple task. Sometimes you want to let go of the monotony of regular emails or send the proper message to someone who understands exactly what you mean in a few words.If you Are struggling with ways to write an email to your boss, HR, or a close friend to show them your appreciation. If you have trouble coming up with the perfect statement then you have come to the right place. We know how important the right feedback and communication are in fostering beneficial and healthy relationships in work or professional settings. Knowing this we have happily compiled 10 of the best happy-to-assist emails you can find. These emails are well articulated to convey the message of gratitude, and continuity of relationship with the person, company, or project.What makes this list great is the diverse range of contexts in which it can be used. Be it a professional, informal, or casual context, they all deliver the right intentions. Having said this, let's dive right in.

10 Best Happy-To-Assist Emails

  1. Happy to assistLet me know if there's any other task to be performed  for you
  2. I'm happy to assist you with that. How can I help?"
  3. I'm glad I could help there should be something else I can do for you today
  4. It was my pleasure to assist you. I hope you have a great day!"
  5. Thank you for your patience and understanding. I'm happy to assist you with your request."
  6. I'm so glad I could help you with that! I know how frustrating it can be when things don't work the way they're supposed to."
  7. I'm happy to help you with that. Let me know if you have any other questions
  8. I'm happy to help you with that. I'll be back to you with  an answer shortly
  9. I'm happy to assist you with that. I've already taken care of it for you
  10. I'm happy to assist you with that. I've assembled a token for you and a constituent of our team will be in touch momentarily

1. Happy to assist. Let me know if there's any other task to be performed  for you

Happy to assist. Let me know if there's any other task to be performed  for you, starts the list as the best happy-to-assist email you can use. It directly tells them you are fine with doing stuff for them while informing them of your availability. This email is precise. It's excellent for a consumer because they know you're delighted to help and that you're available to answer any further inquiries they may have. It's a good option for any customer service interaction, regardless of the issue.Example: 

  • Happy to assist, let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I am open from 9 am to 2. pm, on weekdays. Thank you. 

Adding more information like the time and days you are available makes your email more rich and valuable.

2. I'm happy to assist you with that. How can I help?

I'm happy to assist you with that. How can I help? Is a more formal way to show you are happy to offer assistance or render help to someone, especially a customer or superiors at work. This email is needed when you have to deal in a professional environment.In circumstances where they have asked for your help, this email is best suited for it. You use the medium to enquire about the details of their request.As a more formal way to say happy to assist,  it's a good option when dealing with a customer who is more business-like. It's also a good option if you're not sure what the customer needs help with, and you want to allow them to explain their issue.Example: 

  • I’m happy to assist you with that. How can I help you today? I have attached our brochure which contains the map, and a list of all our services to guide you further. 

Emailing this way shows you have an interest in helping them out, and the additional resources further convey this message to them.

3. I'm glad I could help there should be something else I can do for you today

I’m glad I could help,  there should be something else I can do for you today Is something you say when you have rendered assistance and are happy to assist with more. In this email you are assuring them helping them was no bother to you and you could do more things on their list for them. This email works best after you've successfully resolved a customer's issue. It shows that you're still available to help if they need anything else, and it leaves the door open for future interactions.Example:

  • I'm glad I could help, is there anything I can do for you today? Perhaps send you our itinerary so you know about our other unique services

This example leaves enough room for opportunities while showing you were happy to assist them.

4. It was my pleasure to assist you. I hope you have a great day

It was my pleasure to assist you, I hope you have a great day is applicable where you have a good working relationship with the other person. It's a more informal way of texting a happy-to-assist email. Where you want to be more personal, it is okay to end an email this way, and it's a good option if you've developed a rapport with the customer. It shows that you enjoyed helping them, and it wishes them well for the future.Example:

  • It was my pleasure to assist you. I hope you have a great day. Please come again soon for another experience of our extraordinary services.

This is an example of how you can add more salutations and information when you are emailing for a happy to assist.

5. Thank you for your patience and understanding. I'm happy to assist you with your request

Thank you for your patience and understanding. I'm happy to assist you with your request, this is an email that works best when you have an excuse to give. It could be a delay or asking them to hold on to a call. This shows you have compassion for them and acknowledge their patience.It's the best option if the customer had to wait for a response, or if there were any unexpected hangups. this tells them you appreciate their patience, and it lets them know that you're committed to helping them.Example: 

  • Thank you for your patience and understanding. I'm happy to assist you with your request. You can call anytime as we offer a 24-hour service.

By emailing this, they now have more confidence in you or your services rendered.

6. I'm so glad I could help you with that I know how frustrating it can be when things don't work the way they're supposed to.

I'm so glad I could help you with that I know how frustrating it can be when things don't work the way they're supposed to, it is a sincere way to show you are happy with the help you have rendered to them. This honest email shares the frustration of the customer by having good relations.When you want to be empathic for the customer, and build rapport, this is the best way to go about it.  It shows that you understand their frustration, and it lets them know that you're there to help them.

7. I'm happy to help you with that. Let me figure out if you have any additional questions

I'm happy to help you with that. Let me figure out if you have any additional questions is a polite and direct way to reply to a happy-to-assist email. It opens up the opportunity for them to throw more inquiries your way.It is a way to offer your assistance in good cheer, and it's a good option if you're not sure what the customer needs help with. This email also leaves the door open for the customer to ask you more questions while showing that you're committed to helping them.Example:

  • I'm happy to help you with that. Let me know if you have any other questions. If you need me please do not hesitate to call on this line.

As with any effective email, adding more information such as a phone line that can connect to you is vital.

8.I'm happy to help you with that. I'll be back to you with  an answer shortly

I'm happy to help you with that. I'll be back to you with an answer shortly is best suited for keeping a customer or someone on hold. This email tells them you will offer assistance but will have to find the right way to help them.It is a good choice if you need to do some research or consult with a colleague before you can answer the customer's question. The emails show that you're taking their issue seriously, and it lets them know that you'll get back to them as soon as possible.Example:

  • I'm happy to help you with that. I'll get back to you as soon as I have an answer. Please go through our list and see other ways we can be of assistance. 

This email helps them be more patient and understanding with you while giving them things to do in the meantime. 

9. I'm happy to assist you with that. I've already handled it for you

I'm happy to assist you with that. I've already handled it for you sounds like the best thing to say when you have rendered help to them. This informs them you have finished with the assigned task and are ready for more.With this great option, you're able to resolve the customer's issue immediately. It shows that you're efficient and proactive, and it lets the customer know that their issue has been resolved.Example;

  • I'm happy to assist you with that. I've already taken care of it for you. You can always stop by and we will be glad to help you with that.

10. I'm happy to assist you with that. I've assembled a token for you, and a constituent of our team will be in touch momentarily

I'm happy to assist you with that. I've assembled a token for you and a constituent of our team will be in touch momentarily is the best way to redirect them to where the necessary help will be given to them. It is used when you are the first port of response for their request.You use this email when you need to escalate the customer's issue to a higher level. It shows that you're taking their issue seriously, and it lets them know that they'll be hearing from someone soon.

Final Verdict 

A happy-to-assist email is vital in business and everyday work relationships. It is a key thing in industries where customer satisfaction is important and drives the profit of the business. With these 10 emails, you have the choice to choose between formal, informal, and casual email formats.They are a good guide to show you how to keep that customer or person happy while building a relationship of trust and loyalty. There is no shortcut to this and ensure you keep the components of each of these samples the same, even when you tailor it to your specific needs.No matter which email you choose, make sure that it's clear, concise, and professional. You should also personalize the email as much as possible, and use the customer's name whenever possible.I hope these added examples help you uncover more ways you can be very useful to a customer. And begin to craft those wonderful appreciative emails. 


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