20 Flirty Responses to "You Smell Good"

Most of the time we receive compliments and it ends with a "thank you." But, it can be more if we want it to.When someone tells you that you smell good, don't end it with the usual "thank you." Especially if the person is special to you, you can give a special response.So, what other special ways can you respond to someone who says you smell good? You're in the right place, as I'll be giving you flirty things you can say.Whether they're someone you like, your friend, or your significant other, these replies will work appropriately. 

20 Flirty Responses to "You Smell Good"

There are countless flirty ways you can communicate with your loved ones or with someone you want to get their attention.When a crush, partner, or friend tells you that you smell good, you can reply with these sweet words to spice things up.For example: "Wow! Thanks, I've been wanting to eat you too." "Why shouldn't I? Need to smell nice for our date," and "You can have me if I'm that good."Here are 20 flirty responses to "You smell good."

  1. Just for you, baby
  2. Just as you like it
  3. Thanks, darling. I want tonight to be special
  4. Aww! Thank you, sweetie
  5. What's the plan then?
  6. Good enough to take me on a date, right?
  7. I'm glad you noticed, I've been doing all these for you
  8. I love your smell too, actually turns me on
  9. I don't think I've seen that smile on your face before. It gladdens my heart
  10. Why shouldn't I? Need to smell nice for our date
  11. Just good? I thought horny would be the word?
  12. Wow! Thanks, I've been wanting to eat you too
  13. I love that my crush thinks so
  14. Good enough for lunch?
  15. I'm putting on your favorite perfume, you know?
  16. Why don't I stop by so you can smell me all day
  17. You can have me if I'm that good
  18. Sure. That's the plan- to get you excited
  19. I want to drive you crazy
  20. I don't want you to forget me easily 

Just for You, Baby 

"Just for you, baby" is one of the cute responses to give to someone who says you smell good. It's a sweet way of flirting with your partner. Calling them beautiful nicknames is something they should appreciate, and "baby" is one the beautiful nicknames to call your partner. It works for both males and females.Also, giving this reply implies that you decided to smell and look good for them. It's one of the thoughtful actions someone who cares for you will appreciate.Additionally, this response will also work for someone you're crushing on. Telling them you decided to smell nice for them will send them the signal they might have missed, and "baby" is the icing on the cake.

Just as You Like It

"Just as you like it" is another thing to say to your partner or a crush when they say you smell good.It's another cute way of flirting with them and leading them on. Little things that might not matter are really what matters in relationships.And taking time to dress up for your significant other, or doing things they like is one of the ways to express your love deeply. So, use this response with your lover to get them all blushing.Also, try it with your crush to express your feelings and give them something to think about.

Thanks, Darling. I Want Tonight to Be Special 

 Flirty Responses to You Smell GoodAnother flirty response to try with someone who says you smell nice is, "Thanks, darling. I want tonight to be special."It's a beautiful response that shows how you've prepared for someone you care about. It's an appropriate response for your lover or someone you have an arrangement with.For instance, if they were your spouse, it's a coy way to lead them into intimacy with you. And if it were a date, you can give them something to wonder about with this response.They'd probably be thinking if you were speaking about the date night or some intimacy later. It's an interesting way to keep them in suspense.

Aww! Thank You, Sweetie 

"Aww! Thank you, sweetie" is another beautiful response for someone who tells you that you've got a nice smell.It's a sweet way to appreciate a compliment from a loved one. This response shows how much you find their gesture lovely, and calling them sweetie makes it more romantic.

What's the Plan Then?

A smart way to get someone thinking is by asking "What's the plan then?" If someone says you smell nice you can ask them this question to get them wondering what you might want. It's a perfect response if you're on a date with them.When you ask your date this question, especially accompanied by a flirty smile and body language, they should get the message and join the game.Also, you can help them with what you've planned already by saying something like, "What's the plan then, to have me to yourself all day?"

Good Enough to Take Me on a Date, Right?

Flirty Responses to You Smell Good"Good enough to take me on a date, right?" is a bold response to use with someone you like.If you've been finding ways to get on a date with your crush or your partner, this flirty reply is the perfect opportunity for you. Maybe your partner is not the romantic type that takes you on dates, this response is their cue.Or perhaps they're your crush who keeps missing the green light, this response is the perfect green light that'll express your feeling.It's a bold way of telling them you want to go out with you, and if they like you, they won't miss out on this offer.

I'm Glad You Noticed, I've Been Doing All These for You 

 Flirty Responses to You Smell GoodAnother sweet thing you can say to someone you like and want to get their attention is "I'm glad you noticed, I've been doing all these for you."When this person compliments you on how you smell, this response shows them how you've been wanting them to notice you.It expresses your joy, and telling them you've been doing things for them should get them thinking about what they might've missed. It's a bold way to express your feelings; the perfect way to shoot your shot

I Love Your Smell Too, Actually Turns Me on

"I love your smell too, actually turns me on" is another bold statement to make to someone who says you smell nice.It's a nice way to return their compliment, but this time, you're making it spicier. If it's someone you like or someone you want to get intimate with, this is the perfect thing to say to tell them your mind.Whether you like their scent or not, you can use this response to flirt with them and probably turn them on.

I Don't Think I've Seen That Smile on Your Face Before. It Gladdens My Heart 

Another cute thing to say to someone you care about is "I don't think I've seen that smile on your face before. It gladdens my heart."If it's the case that they had a smile on their face while saying you smell nice, this reply is perfect to use.It doesn't only show how much you love their smile, it shows how much you've been wanting to see their smile. It's a cool way to tell them you like them.

Why Shouldn't I? Need to Smell Nice for Our Date

"Why shouldn't I? Need to smell nice for our date" is another flirty response to try with someone who says you smell nice.If it's the case you have a date planned with them, this response is appropriate to use. It shows your effort in smelling and looking nice for them.However, you can try this response with a crush, even if you don't have a date plan. It's the perfect way to ask them out on a date.When you use this reply, they're probably going to ask what date you're talking about. You can then take the cue and ask them out on a date.

Just Good? I Thought Horny Would Be the Word?

Another flirty comment to try with someone who says you smell good is "Just good? I thought horny would be the word?" If it's the case you want to get intimate with them, this response would do the job. It'll adequately tell them how you feel.

Wow! Thanks, I've Been Wanting to Eat You Too 

"Wow! Thanks, I've been wanting to eat you too" is another daring statement to make to someone who says you smell nice.In this case, you're implying they want to get in bed with you and tell them you feel the same way. It's just a smart way to tell them what you want.

I Love That My Crush Thinks So

When you want your crush to know that you've something for them, "I love that my crush thinks so" is the perfect thing to say.When someone you like tells you you've got a lovely smell, use this response to tell them you have feelings for them. It's left for them to make of it what they like.

Good Enough for Lunch?

"Good enough for lunch?" is another bold statement to make to someone who says you smell nice.You can flirt this way with your lover or with someone you want to get in bed with. This question will put thoughts in their head and get them excited.And if they want you to, they should take you on your offer.

I'm Putting on Your Favorite Perfume, You Know?

"I'm putting on your favorite perfume, you know?" is another exciting statement you can make to someone you care about.When your lover comments that you've got a lovely smell, you can use this response to let them know about the efforts you're making.However, ensure it's their favorite perfume you're putting on, so you don't sound blandish. If you're wearing their favorite perfume, give them this response to let them know you did that intentionally.

Why Don't I Stop by So You Can Smell Me All Day 

One of the bold things you can say to someone you like is "Why don't I stop by so you can smell me all day"It's another perfect way to get them to bed if you want them. If it's someone you want to get intimate with, try this response with them. They might want the same thing, and who knows, you might make them want the same thing.

You Can Have Me if I'm That Good 

Another way you can let someone know that you want them is by saying "You can have me if I'm that good."It's a flirty response to give to someone who says you smell nice. Using this response tell them that you like them or that you want to get in bed with them.

That's the Plan- to Get You Excited 

"Sure. That's the plan- to get you excited" is another flirty way to respond to someone you like.If your lover or crush tells you you smell good, use this response to tell them that you decided to smell nice to get their attention.

I Want to Drive You Crazy 

"I want to drive you crazy" is another beautiful way of flirting with someone you like.When they tell you that you've got a lovely smell, use this response to lead them one. It'll work with your partner, your crush, or even a stranger.There's no harm in teasing a stranger with this response and having some fun.

I Don't Want You to Forget Me Easily 

"I don't want you to forget me easily" is another flirty way of replying to someone who says you've got a nice smell.It's a cute response to try on a first date. If it's the case that you're out on a date and your partner comments on your smell, use this response to let them you made an effort to leave an impression on them.It's a cool way to let them know that you like them.


There are plenty of flirty responses for someone who says you smell nice. If they're bold enough to give you such compliments, you can be bold enough to flirt with them.Whether they're your crush, your lover, or even a stranger, the above examples will suit you appropriately.  


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