15 Flirty Responses to "Are You a Parking Ticket?"

Pick-up lines can be crazy. Some of them are cheesy lines you've heard several times and are already boring to you, and some might just want to make you laugh.Whatever the case, you'd need to give a response, which sometimes seems to be the problem."Are you a parking ticket?" is one of the old pick-up lines you might've heard of. Some people might think this line is dumb, but it's just a way of saying someone is fine.So, your response will depend on whether you're interested in the person or not. And if you're interested, flirty responses are your best bet.In this article, I'll be giving you 15 flirty responses to "Are you a parking ticket?"

15 Flirty Responses to "Are You a Parking Ticket?"

There are different flirty responses you can give to someone who asks if you're a parking ticket. Usually, parking tickets are given as a fine to people who violate parking rules, and they're expected to pay the stipulated amount.So, this expression is meant to describe someone as fine or pretty. You may choose to give cute responses that'll lead the person on, and you can also try a pick-up line in return to make things fun.Here are some examples: "Are you a thief? Because I can't find my heart?" "No, but I'm hot stuff you might like to eat," and "Aww! That's a cute line."Below are 15 flirty responses you might want to try.

  1. Sure, I wanna give myself to you
  2. Do you want to get fined?
  3. Aww! That's a cute line
  4. Mmmh! That was cheesy, but I like you though
  5. No, but I'm hot stuff you might like to eat 
  6. Are you a thief? Because I can't find my heart
  7. Yes, take me, then
  8. You can have me, but don't ever pay the fine though. And keep me
  9. Are you on a loan? Because you got my interest 
  10. You don't need to feed me such lines, I like you already
  11. Don't bother, I'll fall for you anyway
  12. And if I were, would you take me with you?
  13. Aww! You don't have to make such lines for me
  14. Aww! I'm flattered
  15. Gosh! I think I'm in love already 

Sure, I Wanna Give Myself to You

One of the flirty replies you can give to someone who asks if you're a parking ticket is "Sure, I wanna give myself to you."It's a cute response that shows your interest in whatever they're playing at. This response shows you agree you're a parking ticket.And since you're one, you're offering yourself as a fine. It's a flirty yet playful reply you can use to tease the person. Whether you're romantically interested in the person or not, you can use this response to humor them.However, it'll definitely work if you like the person. And if they like you and not just teasing you, they should take you up on your offer.

Do You Want to Get Fined?

One of the answers you can also give to someone who asks if you're a parking ticket is "Do you want to get fined?" It's a question you can return for their question to tease them. This response is a flirty one you can use to engage the person, but it doesn't mean you're interested in them.If someone you haven't spoken to before approaches you with this pick-up line, instead of ignoring them, you may choose to play along with them with this question.  They're probably going to continue the question with a positive reply. So, if you're interested you can go on to give the right signals, but if you aren't, you can give a dismissive reply.Here's an example:

  • A- Are you a parking ticket?
  • B- Do you want to get fined?
  • A- Sure, I want to
  • B- Then, meet the police 

Aww! That's a Cute Line

Another cute answer you can try is"Aww! That's a cute line." When someone approaches you with a pick-up line, this is a suitable response to encourage them.So, if someone asks you if you're a parking ticket, you can use this response with them to appear welcoming. However, this response doesn't guarantee them your romantic interestIt's a cool gesture you can put up to keep the conversation going. It's a good start for a fun time with the person.Here's an example of how you can use the phrase:

  • Aww! That's a cute line. You've gotten my attention
  • Aww! That's a cute line. I feel hot already 

Mmmh! That was Cheesy, but I Like You Though

"Mmmh! That was cheesy, but I like you though" is another sweet way you can engage someone who uses a pick-up line with you.Using this response when someone says, "Are you a parking ticket?" shows you're interested in them, but you don't like their approach. It tells them that you're not impressed with their line.It's a flirty response as it indicates you're not discouraged by their cheesy lines. If they were going to be disappointed, telling them you like them will lift their spirit. It's a cute way to encourage a conversation.

No, but I'm Hot Stuff You Might Like to Eat 

Flirty Responses to Are You a Parking Ticket?One of the bold replies you can give to someone flirting with you is, "No, but I'm hot stuff you might like to eat."It's a flirty and striking response that can take them unawares. When someone attempts to get your attention by saying this line "Are you a parking ticket," they might not be expecting you to come on them strongly.Saying, you're hot stuff they may like to eat can put thoughts in their head. This response doesn't only encourage them, it also indicates that you probably like them and want to have some time with them.It's a response you should give if you want to get intimate with them. It's a smart way to put the idea in their head.

Are You a Thief? Because I Can't Find My Heart 

"Are you a thief? Because I can't find my heart" is another flirty response you can give in return for someone flirting with you.It's another pick-up line that'd work for the pick-up line, "Are you a parking ticket?" Also, this response is a popular expression people use when flirting. It means that you've fallen for the person. So, if you like the person, it's a suitable response to give them.However, you can use the response just to tease them. It's also a funny response that can get a laugh from them.

Yes, Take Me, Then

"Yes, take me, then" is another thing you can say to someone flirting with you. When someone asks if you're a parking ticket and you give this response, it means you agree you're one. Then saying "take me then" is like offering yourself to them. It's a flirty reply that shows you're interested in conversing with them.Also, this response can work if you like the person. If it's someone you'd like to be with, you can let them know with this comment.

You Can Have Me, but Don't Ever Pay the Fine Though   

Another thing you can say to someone who asks if you're a parking ticket is "You can have me, but don't ever pay the fine though."It's another flirty response that indicates you might be romantically interested in them. As I earlier established, once you're served a parking ticket, it means you've been fined an amount you're to pay.So, this response explains that you want to be with them. It's also a good way to play along with whatever game they're playing.

Are You a Loan? Because You Got My Interest 

Flirty Responses to Are You a Parking Ticket?"Are you a loan? Because you got my interest" is another cool response to reply "Are you a parking ticket?"This statement is another pick-up line that shows you like the person. Just like getting a bank loan that attracts a certain amount of interest, this response tells them you're interested in them.So, if someone comes to you with a pick-up line, you can flirt with them with this pick-up line. It's a nice way to converse with them, and also convey your feelings.Also, it's a funny way to return their energy. Since they know some lines, let them know you know some lines too.

You Don't Need to Feed Me Such Lines, I Like You Already 

"You don't need to feed me such lines, I like you already" is another response to give someone who uses pick-up lines.When someone asks if you're a parking ticket, using this response shows you're not interested in their lines. However, it tells them that you like them. This kind of response will work for someone you already have an attraction to, or you just got attracted to on meeting them. For instance, you meet someone for the first time and you're instantly attracted. If they walk up to you with such lines, you can tell them you already like them so there was no need for their tactics.While giving this response, you should wear a flirty smile and probably use flirty body language to communicate your feelings. 

Don't Bother, I'll Fall for You Anyways

Another flirty statement that'd work when someone asks if you're a parking ticket is, "Don't bother, I'll fall for you anyways."It's another bold statement that tells them you're more interested in them than their cheesy lines.So, if someone meets you with this line and you like them, instead of playing along with them, you can come out straight with your feelings. They should like you more.

And If I Were, Would You Take Me with You?

Another way you can engage with someone flirting with you is by asking, "And if I were, would you take me with you?If someone asks if you're a parking ticket, this response would keep them on their toes. It's a teasing reply that doesn't tell them if you're interested in them or not, which makes it more fun.You can use this response when you want to keep the conversation going for some time and to keep them in suspense. They're probably going to reply with a "yes."So, your next reply can tell them if you want them or not, but you can as well keep on with the game for more fun.

Aww! You Don't Have to Make Such Lines for Me 

"Aww! You don't have to make such lines for me" is another flirty response for someone who asks if you're a parking ticket.This response is a cool way to be polite with a stranger trying to hit on you. Whether you like them or not, it's a nice reply that can encourage them.

Aww! I'm Flattered

Flirty Responses to Are You a Parking Ticket?Another cool response you can give is "Aww! I'm flattered." It's a comment that'll encourage someone trying to hit on you. It tells them you like their lines or their confidence.Whether you like them or not, you can respond with this statement to humor them and keep the conversation going. 

Gosh! I think I'm in Love Already 

Another flirty way to respond to someone hitting on you with some flattering lines is "Gosh! I think I'm in love already"If someone asks if you're a parking ticket, if you like them, you can give this response to encourage them. You can also tease them with this reply.

Final Notes 

If someone tries to hit on you with pick-up lines, you can humor them with flirty responses whether you like them or not. The above examples are a fun way to respond to someone who asks if you are a parking ticket. Also, you'll find bold statements that express your feelings clearly. 


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