15 Correct Ways to Say That You Have Been With Jesus

Sometimes explaining yourself, especially in spiritual matters can be difficult. You don't know if the person understands what you are trying to say. It can be really hard sometimes, like, how do you tell a person you have been with Jesus, especially if the person is not even a Christian?Well, we are here to make things simpler for you, with these 15 accurate ways to express yourself, saying that you have been with Jesus.

15 Correct Ways to Say That You Have Been With Jesus

  1. I have been to the Secret Place
  2. I have been having my devotion
  3. I was observing my Quiet time
  4. I was having my fellowship/ I have been fellowshipping with my Father
  5. I was having my communion with God
  6. I have been praying
  7. I have been worshiping my Maker
  8. I was having an Alone time with God
  9. I have been meditating on the scriptures
  10. I was having a silent time with my maker
  11.  I was having a personal talk time with God
  12. I have been in the Holies of Holies
  13. I have been with my Father/Abba
  14. I have been pondering on the scriptures
  15. I have been studying God's word.

I have been to the Secret Place

 Correct Ways To Say That You Have Been With JesusHe that dwells in the secret place of the most high, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91:1) The secret place is a place where man meets God. In the physical sense, it is not a particular place. But anywhere you commune or talk or pray with God. It doesn't necessarily mean that you must be in that particular place all the time. Rather, it could be in your room, on your bed, in the kitchen, in church, or anywhere at any time, when you decide to pray or talk to God, is a secret place. If you have been in a secret place, then you have been with Jesus, since a secret place is where man meets God. 

I have been having my devotion.

This is a more understandable way to say you have been with Jesus. Almost everybody understands what personal devotion means. A personal devotion is a time you set out where only you are in a quiet place communing with God. It is that time when you lay all your burdens down at the feet of the cross, that place where you tap strength from the presence of God. You might sing, pray, or study the word, but all in all, it is an intentional time you set aside to be with God. Anybody you tell that you have been having your devotion will understand that you have been fellowshipping with your God.

I was observing my Quiet time

Another way to say you have been with Jesus is to say that you have been having/observing your quiet time. As the name quiet time implies, it is a quiet time you set aside to pray, worship, and study the bible. It is like a time when you renew your spirit/mind. It is called quiet time, because usually, it has to be in a quiet environment, free of distractions, so that your concentration will be on Jesus and your heart is attuned to his voice, such that you can easily hear him when he speaks. During your Quiet time, you are in the very presence of Jesus, fellowshipping with him.

I was having my fellowship/ I have been fellowshipping with my Father

What a sweet little way to say that you have been with Jesus. Fellowshipping is friendship, companionship, association, membership, and partnership. A fellowship time is like that time you set to meet a friend you miss. When you see that friend, you begin to gist, telling him of all that has been happening in your life. That is the same way fellowshipping with Jesus is. You set a personal time apart to talk with your father, you meet during that time, telling him of all that has been bothering you, pouring your heart to him, and listening to what he has to say. Don't be Confused, Christians do believe that God is their Father, therefore Father here means God/Jesus.

I was having my communion with God

This is another splendid way to say that you have been with Jesus. Don't also be confused, With the interchanging use of Jesus and God. Jesus said "I and the Father are one", and "whosoever has seen me, has seen the Father". Since the Father is God, it means Jesus and God are one. Communion means intimate fellowship, it means a close relationship with someone or something. Communion shows intimacy. Personal communion therefore means personal fellowship or personal relationship with God. Like the other ones written above, a time of personal communion is simply a time you set aside to lay out your supplications before God, a time you praise God and offer Him thanksgiving, and a time you delve into the word and know more about God. I time you wait in silence for the still small voice to direct and lead you on the right part.

I have been praying

This is the simplest way to say you have been with Jesus and every layman will understand. Prayer is a supplication, an address to God in words or thoughts. Although you say you have been praying, it doesn't mean that you have only prayed during that time. You might have had a session of worship; it might be that you only praised GodHowever, Christians believe that rather than prayer it means just supplication, it means talking with God and having a heart-to-heart discussion with him. So prayer can be in worship, supplication, or reading the word. Regardless of whatever prayer means to you, God is involved, because of the supplications, praise and all is to God. This indirectly means a time you have with God.

I have been worshiping my Maker

This is another perfect way to say you have been with God. David once said, 'God dwells in the praises of his people'. This means that God inhabits/dwells in the praises of his people. It is a common belief, among Christians that worship moves God even more than Prayer. Worshiping could be in any form, songs, hymns, or poems, it is simply eulogizing God. It could be for what He is, or what he has done for you.It is even preached that where prayer fails, praise will not. Generally speaking, everyone loves to be praised, and particularly, God loves to be praised, and more importantly, he deserves to be praised.

I was having an Alone time with God

This is another beautiful expression to say that you have been with Jesus. As the phrase 'alone time with God' implies, it is a time you spend alone with God, where it is just you and God. A place where there is no distraction and your only focus is Jesus. A time you set aside, just for God. When you clear your mind of all doubt and fears to worship God, a time you lay your burdens down to Jesus, A time you learn of his word and the spirit speaks to you.

I have been meditating on the scriptures

 Correct Ways To Say That You Have Been With JesusThis is another plain way to say that you have been with Jesus. Scriptures here mean the Word of God, and today, it simply means the bible. According to the scriptures, Jesus is the word of God; he is "the word became flesh" therefore the scriptures figuratively mean Jesus. Therefore meditating on the scriptures, reading the scriptures, and studying the scriptures simply means spending time with Jesus. Meditating on scriptures is one of the ways Jesus speaks to us. Many times, the way speaks to us is through his words i.e. scriptures. Studying/meditating on scriptures therefore implies listening to God and learning of God. Learning about God, and learning from God.

I was having a silent time with my maker

This is just another simple way of saying you have been spending time with Jesus. Just like a quiet time, during this time, you have to find a silent place, not amid noise, not among friends, a time when not only around you is silent, but inside, your mind is silent. Sometimes, you might be in a situation where you can't find a quiet or silent place. Maybe you live in a hostel where you have roommates, you can simply turn a corner on your bed, shut your mind from the disturbance around you, and have your silent time with God. 

I was having a personal talk time with God

This is one wonderful and understanding way to say that you have been with God. More than just saying you are having a time with God, it shows a deep level of closeness and intimacy, it shows communion with your God. It means that you have been praying with God. Note the specific words used, not "praying TO God '' but rather "praying WITH God". This is because there is a difference between talking to someone and talking with someone. When you talk to someone, you do most of the talking, while the other person does the listening. On the other hand, talking with someone involves a discussion, both of you talking to each other.

I have been in the Holies of Holies

It is just a superb definition of saying you have been in the very presence of God. Holy of holies means the innermost court of God. During the reign of the Mosaic law, the Holies of Holies were the mercy seat of God, the mercy seat of God represents the very Throne of God. During those days, the holies of holies were a sacred place that not just anybody could go into, in fact only the high priest/chief priest was allowed to go into that place. However, when Jesus died on the cross, the veil to the Holies of Holies tore, this signifies that any believer can now enter into the very presence of God, not only the high priest.Therefore, saying you have been in the holies of holies, is like saying you have been in the very presence of God, before his very throne.

I have been with my Father/Abba

Correct Ways To Say That You Have Been With JesusThis is a sweet way of saying you have been with God. Like earlier said, Father or Abba means God. So it's like literally saying, I have been with my father. Or I have been spending time with Jesus since Jesus and the Father are one. Using Abba shows an even more intimate relationship with God.

I have been pondering on the scriptures

Like the point above on meditating on the scriptures, it is like saying you have been with Jesus. To ponder means to weigh in the mind, to think about, to consider quietly, soberly, and deeply. In essence, it means the same thing as saying you have been meditating on the scriptures. And like earlier said, pondering in the scriptures is pondering on the word of God, it is like listening to God as he speaks to you through the scriptures.

I have been studying God's word

This is a very good way of saying you have been fellowshipping with God or saying, you have been with Jesus since Jesus is the very Word Of God, the Word became flesh. Studying the word of God involves spending intentional time with the word- with Jesus.


Although you might not be able to explain to them what spending time with Jesus implies. But when they ask, what you have been doing, let them know that you have been fellowshipping with Abba, with your Father, with Jesus, you know you have been in the Holies of Holies. Now, you know how to reply or what to say.


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