20 Funny RSVP Responses by Text

RSVP is the initials derived from the French phrase, "Respondé S'il Vous Plait". In English translation, it means 'respond if you please' or 'please respond.' It is usually written with the contact information below on an invitation card. The necessity of responding is for them to know how many people are coming, so they can adequately plan and budget the amount of food, drink, space, and other things that are required.Therefore if you see this in an invitation (which is almost always there) responding to the invitation is quite important. Finding the right words to reply to an invitation can be challenging sometimes. Or maybe, you have the right words but want to spice it up a bit to make it interesting. Here are some of the best responses you can give;

20 Funny RSVP Responses By Text

  1. Not even a heavy downpour will stop me from celebrating you on that day
  2. You do know you won't be able to start the party without me right?
  3. I won't miss it for anything
  4. I'll be looking forward to having fun that day
  5. I don't understand French, but, if you are asking if I am coming...hell yes!
  6. No. But if you send us your bottom dollar, I'll try and attend.
  7. The voices in my head are screaming a strong No.
  8. As long as it's not in football season, I will be there.
  9. It has been a long time since we last met, and I don't think the right time for us to meet next should be at your wedding, so I can't make it.
  10. How can I miss the precious opportunity to tell the story of, "how you first met" on your wedding day?
  11. Sorry, I will have to throw a toast for you from afar.
  12.  Wishing you the best from here.
  13.  Sorry, I lost my dancing shoes/ Sorry I don't feel like dancing
  14.  I would rather follow the updates of the wedding online, plane ticket prices have hiked!
  15.  You will find me there in the spirit
  16. Sorry, I will be busy washing my hair on that day.
  17. After waiting 2,198 days for that day, I dare not miss it.
  18. If I wouldn't be there, then who would?
  19.  Sorry, my dance card is full
  20. Sorry, plane tickets have hiked, so I'd rather send a gift. Happy marital life.

Not even a heavy downpour will stop me from celebrating you on that day

This is a very good and appropriate response. This manner of response shows you are probably close with the person, maybe the person inviting you is a friend or a family member to you. It has a tint of humor while still showing that you would go to where you are invited. This really, essentially means that no matter what happens, you will be there. This is a reply for if you are going to go.

You do know you won't be able to start the party without me right?

 Funny RSVP Responses By TextIt's a quite funny but exciting reply. It shows eagerness to attend the ceremony, it's quite funny and it also shows an intimacy with the person that sent the invitation to you. It sounds like a reply a bridesmaid/maid of honor will give to an invitation. While being funny, it depicts a great enthusiasm for attending. This is a reply you give if you are going to be attending the wedding.

"I won't miss it for anything."

Another jovial but serious reply. It is like saying, the wedding is so important to you that nothing can hinder you from coming. Just like the rest, it also shows that closeness with the person who sent you the invitation. If you give this reply, you should by all means make it to the wedding, because this reply is like giving your word that you will be there. This reply should be given if you are sure that you will be attending the ceremony.

"I'll be looking forward to having fun that day"

This is another quite interestingly humorous reply you can give. It is a casual reply that anybody can give, regardless of the previous relationship you had with the bride/groom. This reply shows that you are eager for that day to come. This is another funny reply you can give if you are going to be attending the program.

I don't understand French, but, if you are asking if I am coming...hell yes!

This is quite funny for a reply, especially if instead of just writing an RSVP, they wrote, "response s'il vous plait". This is because whether you understand French or not, you understand that they need a reply. Besides, it's so come on invitations already that, once people see it, they know that a reply is necessary. You should give this reply if you are going to be attending the wedding program.

But if you send us your bottom dollar, I'll try and attend.

 Funny RSVP Responses By TextThis is a humorous reply. If you are not sure that you are going to be there, maybe you want to attend, but you are constrained by time, or maybe you are just indecisive about whether you should go or not. Of course, you don't expect them to send you their bottom dollar, so it's kind of saying, "I might or might not come." You can also use this reply if you will be attending, and you know the groom/bride will understand the joke.

"The voices in my head are screaming a strong No."

What a hilarious way to say No! This is a very strong way of saying you won't be coming. This reply sounds so strong, that one might think you have had issues with the groom/bride before. So maybe you and the groom/bride are not best of friends, or rivals, or you never got along with each other well before and you want to say an emphatic No, you can use this. Unlike the rest listed above, you should use this reply when you will not be going to the wedding.

As long as it's not in football season, I will be there.

This is another quite funny reply. If you know your attendance at the program will be dependent on another factor, such as football, then you can give this reply. It might be something else to you, maybe harvest time(as a farmer), a series you are following, whatever it is that you love so much you know you won't be able to leave to attend the wedding.

"It has been a long time since we last met, and I don't think the right place for us to meet next should be at your wedding, so I can't make it."

This is such a hilarious, or funny reply you can give if you won't be attending the wedding. Especially if it has been a while since you have last seen him or her, this reply is perfectIt adds so much more humor than simply saying, "I won't make it" This is a reply to someone who is not close to the bride/groom, maybe a long-time friend, or probably even an ex. This is a reply you can give if you won't be coming to the wedding.

"How can I miss the precious opportunity to tell the story of, "how you first met" on your wedding day."

 Funny RSVP Responses By TextThis is another funny reply you can give. It is a common tradition for best friends or friends who were present when the bride and groom first met to give a short speech/story during the reception. Maybe you were not there when they first met, then you can rather say, " How can I miss the precious opportunity of giving a speech (or a toast) on your wedding day?"

Sorry, I will have to throw a toast for you from afar.

What a cute, funny way to No to an invitation. If you won't be attending the wedding with no hard feelings, that is, you are not saying no because you have issues with the bride or groom, but rather for another reason, you can give this reply. This reply is like wishing them well even if you won't be attending.

"Wishing you the best from here".

This is another smile-inducing reply that you can give. It is like saying, I wish you success in your wedding, but I won't be coming. Maybe you want to come, but can't make it for one reason or the other, you can give this reply. This is a reply, for if you won't be attending the wedding.

Sorry, I lost my dancing shoes/ Sorry I don't feel like dancing

This is another funny way of refusing an invitation. I mean you weren't invited to come and dance, where are you? But dancing in this sentence, figuratively means/captures the whole wedding. This is using dancing as an event that will most definitely occur at a wedding to indicate the wedding. This is another reply, for if you won't be attending the wedding.

"I would rather follow the updates of the wedding online, plane ticket prices have hiked!"

This is a funny reply if you won't be coming to the wedding, especially if the true reason is because of the price of a plane ticket. However, even if that is not the reason you won't be attending, you can still use this reply, just to add a little humor to a No.

You will find me there in the spirit

What a hilarious way to say, you won't be coming. But, you will be there in the spirit, which simply shows that you desire or want to come, your heart wants to be there but because of some reason or situation that is beyond your power, you won't be able to come. 

Sorry, I will be busy washing my hair on that day.

Now this is a saucy but funny way to say No. This sounds like a reply you give if you are jealous, or if you were rivals with the bride/groom long ago. Maybe you and the bride or groom had a friendship that turned sour, or for one reason or the other, you feel bitter towards the wedding or the person inviting you. This is a reply you can give if you won't be going for anything in the world.

After waiting 2,198 days for this day, I dare not miss it.

 Funny RSVP Responses By TextThis shows a funny enthusiasm for the marriage/wedding. It could mean that you have been waiting for the day they will send a wedding invitation, or that you have been waiting for the day you will see them get married. This reply fits perfectly for someone who has been pestering the bride/groom from getting married.

"If I wouldn't be there, then who would?"

This is a very funny reply. This sounds like a reply the mother or father of the bride or groom would give. It's like saying, without any doubt, I will surely be there

"Sorry, my dance card is full."

This is quite a humorous way to respond to an invitation. It is a more comical way of saying, "I lost my dancing shoes.'' Dance cards were used in old times to write the people you would be dancing with in a ball. If you had no dance card, then you would have no dance, and if your dance card is full, it means you cannot accept any other dance for that ceremony. So just like the example above for not attending because you lost your dancing shoes, this reply also uses dancing to depict the whole wedding

Sorry, plane tickets have hiked, so I'd rather send a gift. Happy marital life.

Although genuine, it is also a comical response. If you are a distant relative who is indeed supposed to attend the wedding, but for one reason or another; not necessarily because of plane tickets, you won't be able to come, then you can send a gift instead and reply with this. Or you can say something funnier, like, "Buying a gift is cheaper than buying a plane ticket, so I'd rather buy a plane ticket" or "The flight is too tiring, I would rather send a gift"


Regardless of whether you will attend or not, a response is needed. You can pick any response from the array of choices listed above. 


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