20 Clever Responses To “Honey, I’m Home”

“Honey, I’m home” is a statement you can expect from your partner each time they return home. In most cases, they say this to announce their presence. 

Responding cleverly can inject humor and playfulness into the interaction. It can lighten the mood and add a touch of entertainment to your everyday life.

When your partner says, “Honey, I’m home,” the best clever responses to give are, “I guess we’ve got that in common,” “Welcome back, captain obvious,” or “Hi home, I’m honey.” These clever replies spark humor and wit while expressing excitement to see your partner return. 

Before my husband started working from home earlier this year, he would return every evening and yell, “Honey, I’m home.” I had to come up with these different snappy responses that put a smile on his face. They were clever! 

20 Clever Responses To Honey I’m Home

  • Hi home, I’m honey
  • I guess we’ve got that in common
  • So am I.
  • Welcome back, superstar. How was your day on the red carpet?
  • I’ve awaited this moment throughout today
  • Welcome back, captain. Obvious
  • Congratulations, you made it past the doormat. Want a medal?
  • Please leave your work stress at the door. It’s time for some profound relaxation.
  • Did you bring home any stories that are juicier than mine?
  • Welcome home, stranger. Did you bring any surprises?
  • Guess what? The house is still here. No more search party
  • Did you bring back any new jokes to entertain me? I need some laughter.
  • I hope you brought dessert because I’ve already finished dinner
  • I didn’t realize you were gone until you said that
  • I guess I’m lucky enough to have my superhero return
  • You’re home early. Did you escape from work or just miss me too much?
  • How did you slay the dragons today?
  • Those are the sweetest words I hear all day! 
  • Brace yourself for my terrible singing in the shower.”
  • Is that a warning?

1. Hi home, I’m honey

Clever Responses To Honey I’m Home

“Hi home, I’m honey” is a clever play on words you can say when your partner enters the house and says, “Honey, I’m home” because it humorously reverses the roles and identities.

This kind of wordplay often elicits laughter and adds a lighthearted touch to the interaction. That’s the goal of welcoming your loved one – with love and laughter. 

For example: 

  • Hi home, I’m honey! How was your day?

2. I guess we’ve got that in common

Another clever way to respond when your partner says, “Honey, I’m home,” is, “I guess we’ve got that in common.” While stating the obvious, you’re also giving it a playful spin.

This creates a lighthearted atmosphere and shows you are happy both returned home for relaxation, probably after a long day.

See how it works in the example below:

  • Oh, you’re back. I guess we’ve got that in common

3. So am I

“So am I” is another clever yet snappy way to reply when your partner says, “Honey, I’m home.” It’s the perfect response when you want to keep things simple and direct. 

Sometimes, your partner can announce their presence when they return home to confirm if anyone is at home. So you can break the silence by saying, “So am I.’ 

For example:

  • So am I. I know I said I’ll stay out late today. You’re probably surprised to meet me at home, right?

4. Welcome back, superstar. How was your day on the red carpet?

When your partner returns from work or a business trip and says, “Honey, I’m home,” it’s an opportunity for you to appreciate them for showing up every day to keep the lights on. You can cleverly do this by saying, “Welcome back, superstar. How was your day on the red carpet?”

This example can guide you: 

  • Welcome back, superstar. How was your day on the red carpet? Any gist for me?

5. I’ve awaited this moment throughout today

You can add an element of humor and exaggeration to your response when your partner returns and says, “Honey, I’m home.” try saying, “Finally, the moment I’ve been waiting for all day.”

This clever response shows you’ve been eagerly anticipating your partner’s return. Look at how it can be used in the example below: 

  • I’ve awaited this moment throughout today. What’s that in your bag?

6. Welcome back, captain obvious.

Sometimes, your partner says, “Honey, I’m home,” even when you can see them entering the house. At that point, it’s obvious. You can play on that cleverly and say, “Welcome back, captain obvious.”

The idea here is to keep things fresh and prevent routines from becoming mundane. It adds an element of surprise and creativity to the moment.

  • Welcome back, captain obvious. I see you already. 

7. Congratulations, you made it past the doormat. Want a medal?

Clever Responses To Honey I’m Home

“Honey, I’m home” is a simple and everyday greeting. But when you reply with, “Congratulations, you made it past the doormat. Want a medal?” you cleverly subvert the expectation of a warm welcome.

You can use this to imply that your partner’s accomplishment of making it home is worthy of a medal. 

This example can guide you: 

  • You’re back. Congratulations, you made it past the doormat. Want a medal?

8. Please leave your work stress at the door. It’s time for some profound relaxation

Each time we return home from work, we want to relax and spend time with family. You can say, “Please leave your work stress at the door. It’s time for some profound relaxation.”

It sets the mood for you and your lover to engage in a playful exchange that strengthens your connection. 

Here’s how to use it:

  • Finally, you’re back. Leave your work stress at the door. It’s time for profound relaxation. I just got back too. 

9. Did you bring home any stories that are juicier than mine?

When they tell you, “Honey, I’m home,” you can tease them by saying, “Did you bring any juicier stories than mine.”

I like using this question to reply, “Honey, I’m home,” especially when my partner has been away on a milestone trip and probably has some juicy gossip to share. 

For example:

  • Hey, welcome. Did you bring home any stories that are juicier than mine?

10. Welcome home, stranger. Did you bring any surprises?

“Welcome home, stranger. Did you bring any surprises?” also works for your partner’s greeting. It’s playful and unexpected, showing you’re happy to see them.

The response is also a bit of a pun since “stranger” can mean both “someone you don’t know” and “someone who has been away for a long time.

See how it works:

  • Welcome home, stranger. Did you bring any surprises? Before you say anything, hug me.

11. Guess what? The house is still here. No more the search party

When your partner is gone for long, returns and says, “Honey, I’m home,” you can imply that you were worried about them while they were away.

“Guess what? The house is still here. No more search party” is also a bit playful and teasing, which can be a fun way to greet your partner after they’ve been gone. 

You could go like this:

  • What took you so long? Well, Guess what? The house is still here. No more search parties.

12. Did you bring back any new jokes to entertain me? I need some laughter.

“Did you bring back any new jokes to entertain me? I need some laughter” is not the typical response to “Honey, I’m home,” which is usually something like “Welcome home!” or “How was your day?” 

This response also shows you’re in a good mood and looking for fun.

For example:

  • Glad you’re back. Did you bring back any new jokes to entertain me? I need some laughter.

13. I hope you brought dessert because I’ve already finished dinner

Try “I hope you brought dessert because I’ve already finished dinner” when your partner returns home and says, “Honey, I’m home.”

It shows that you’re thinking about them and looking forward to spending time with them.

  • I’m so glad you’re home. I hope you bring dessert because I’ve already finished dinner.

14. I didn’t realize you were gone until you said that

 “I didn’t realize you were gone until you said that” is a funny way of pointing out that you were so engrossed in whatever you were doing that you didn’t even notice your partner was gone. It’s a clever response when your partner returns and says, “Honey, I’m home.”

Another thing I like about this one is that it’s a bit self-deprecating, which can be endearing.

  • I didn’t realize you were gone until you said that. I was so engrossed in this book I didn’t even notice you left.

15. I guess I’m lucky enough to have my superhero return

When your partner returns home, one of the sweetest welcome greetings you can give is to show you find them to be strong and capable.

It is a playful way of expressing your love and appreciation.

  • I guess I’m lucky enough to have my superhero return. I miss you.

16. You’re home early. Did you escape from work or just miss me too much?

Another intelligent yet lovely way to welcome your partner when they say, “Honey, I’m home” is by saying, “You’re home early. Did you escape from work or just miss me too much?”

It shows that you love your partner and are happy to see them return from work.

17. How did you slay the dragons today?

Clever Responses To Honey I’m Home

 “How did you slay the dragons today?” is a playful way to ask about your partner’s day.

You could add more detail to your response depending on what you know about the person’s day. 

For example, if you know that they had a presentation at work, you could say something like:

  • Did your presentation go well? I hope you slayed the dragon of public speaking!

18. The sweetest words I hear all day! 

When you say, “The sweetest words I hear all day!” you express your happiness at seeing them, and it also shows that you appreciate them coming home.

Your partner will appreciate the gesture, making them feel loved and welcome.

  • Those are the sweetest words I hear all day! I’ve been missing you so much. Come here and hug me.

19. Brace yourself for my terrible singing in the shower.

Maybe you want to tell someone funny when your partner returns home and yells, “Honey, I’m home.” You could say, ” Brace yourself for my terrible singing in the shower.”

It’s funny because it’s unexpected and also plays on the stereotype that people who sing in the shower are usually terrible singers. 

You could say:

  • Welcome, and Brace yourself for my terrible singing in the shower.

It is an excellent way to show the person that you’re happy to see them home, and it also adds a touch of humor to the situation

20. Is that a warning?

You can playfully tease the person and ask if they’re bringing home any surprises. So say, “Is that a warning?”

It could be a warning that your partner is bringing something good or bad home. The ambiguity makes the response more fun and playful.

  • Is that a warning? You have a look in your eye that I can’t read


I see a lot of movies where people return from work and yell, “Hey honey, I’m home,” and then the other person replies with, “Hey babe, welcome,” or “Hold on a second, I’ll be right there to help.”   

While these responses are sweet or regular, a clever one won’t hurt. But you can stick to the usual, especially in cases where you want to sound caring.

For instance, your partner may be walking in with groceries, and your response can indicate that you’re on your way to help them put the groceries away. 

Whatever works for you. But if you need a clever, witty, and humorous response to “Honey, I’m home,”  the above list will be helpful. 

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