20 Clever Responses To “What’s Your Handle?”

You and I live in an era where the internet and social media are the major ways many connect and build relationships. It’s common for even strangers to ask, “What’s your handle?” A handle is a unique name representing your social media presence in this context. When someone asks for your handle, they refer to your username or screen name on a particular platform, such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. I have realized that many people boringly reply with their handle whenever they’re asked for it. But if you’re looking for a clever way to respond to this common request, there are many options. When someone says, “What’s your handle,” you can cleverly reply with “Catch me at [insert username]," or to keep things cool, say, “You’ll find me as [insert username].” If you don’t want to reveal your handle to the person, say, “My handle is on a need-to-know basis.”In the rest of this article, I’ll share twenty clever and creative ways to respond when someone asks for your handle. 

20 Top Clever Replies For “What’s Your Handle?”

The next time someone asks for your social media username, consider any of the following responses:

  1. I'm the [insert username]
  2. My handle is on a need-to-know basis
  3. Catch me at [insert username]
  4. I go by [insert username]
  5. You can find me as [insert username]
  6. My handle? It's [insert username]
  7. I'm the one and only [insert username]
  8. I'm rocking the handle [insert username]
  9. Look for me as [insert username]
  10. You'll find me as [insert username
  11. I'm the elusive [insert username]
  12. I'm the reigning champion of [insert username]
  13. My handle is [insert username]
  14. Call me [insert username]
  15. Find me at the handle [insert username]
  16. I'm the legendary [insert username]
  17. Look no further; I'm [insert username]
  18. I've got the handle [insert username]
  19. Catch me on the interwebs as [insert username]
  20. You can find me slaying it at [insert username]

Continue reading to learn you can use each of these clever responses in your conversation smoothly

1. I'm the [insert username]

When someone asks you for your social media handle, you can respond with “I’m [your username]. It keeps things simple. Also, using this response adds a touch of confidence and uniqueness to your online persona. It can also serve as a conversation starter or icebreaker, encouraging further discussion about what you do online. For example: 

  • I'm the {your username}. I've traveled to some incredible places and shared my experiences online. It's become sort of a personal brand for me. How about you? What's your handle?

2. My handle is on a need-to-know basis

Clever Responses To What’s Your HandleMaybe you don’t want to reveal your social media handle to the person asking. Instead of directly declining, you can cleverly divert the question by saying, “My handle is on a need-to-know basis.”It implies that the person doesn’t need to know your username. The response also piques the person’s interest and maintains your privacy.This example can guide you:

  • My handle is on a need-to-know basis. You don’t have to know.

3. Catch me at [insert username]

You can say, "Catch me at [insert username]" when someone asks for your social media hand. Using the phrase "Catch me" implies that you’re elusive or hard to find, creating a sense of mystery or intrigue about what you do online. It’s simply a way to sound cool when revealing your social media username, no matter the platform. See how it works: 

  • I do a lot of stuff online. Catch me at [insert username]

4. I go by [insert username]

When someone asks for your social media handle, and you say, “I go by [your username],” it subconsciously invites the person to ask more questions about the username, such as its origin or meaning, which can lead to an engaging conversation and an opportunity for you to share more about your online interests or experiences.For example:

  • Yeah, let’s connect on Instagram.  I go by [insert username]

5. You can find me as [insert username]

You can express your reply in a manner that introduces an element of mystery and intrigue, inviting the person actively search for your online profile. “You can find me as [your username]” creates curiosity and potentially sparks a conversation about shared interests or mutual connections.For example: 

  • Yes, we can continue this conversation online. You can find me as [insert username]

6. My handle? It's [insert username]

Responding with "My handle? It's [insert username]" is a clever approach to responding when someone asks for your handle because it plays with the term "handle" in a humorous way. Instead of interpreting "handle" as a literal object to hold onto, the response interprets it as a username. By using this play on words, the answer adds a touch of wit to the conversation.For example:

  • My handle? It's [insert handle]. I like to keep things quirky. How about you?

7. I'm the one and only [insert username]

"I'm the one and only [insert username]" conveys confidence and uniqueness. By using this phrase, you imply that no one else quite likes you and that your username represents your individuality.It adds an element of playfulness and self-assuredness to the conversation, making it a witty and memorable response.

  • I'm the one and only [insert username]. My username captures my personality perfectly. 

8. I'm rocking the handle [insert username]

Clever Responses To What’s Your HandleYou can respond with "I'm rocking the handle [insert username]" to emphasize owning or proudly using that particular username playfully. This response also conveys a sense of confidence and enthusiasm about the handle you've chosen.This example can guide you:

  • I'm rocking the handle @Estienofcomedy. It's all about laughter and comedy, you know?

9. Look for me as [insert username]

When someone asks, "What's your handle?" they ask for your username or online alias. "Look for me as [insert username]" is a clever way to answer the question because it adds an element of intrigue and curiosity. Instead of simply providing the username directly, you entice the person to search for you, actively creating a sense of anticipation. Look at how you can use this response:

  • I'm active only on Twitter. Look for me as (insert handle)

10. You'll find me as [insert username

If you need a response that allows you to maintain a level of privacy while still providing the opportunity for the person to connect with you on social media, consider saying, "You'll find me as [insert username)."See how it works:

  • You'll find me as [insert username) I'll follow you back when you do

11. I'm the elusive [insert username]

Using the word "elusive" implies that you are hard to find or catch, giving the impression that you have a unique and intriguing online presence. "I'm elusive [insert username]" also sparks curiosity and encourages further engagement with you, as people might want to uncover more about your identity and what makes you elusive.

  • I like to keep a sense of mystery around my online presence. I'm the elusive [insert username]

12. I'm the reigning champion of [insert username]

By presenting yourself as the reigning champion of a specific username, you're implying that you have a notable presence or expertise associated with that usernameYou can say, "I'm the reigning champion of [insert username]" to grab the other person's attention and spark a conversation around your online presence or expertise. For example:

  • Thanks! I'm the reigning champion of (insert username). 

13. My handle is [insert username]

It's not every situation that you'd want to sound too witty. When someone asks for your handle, you can keep things simple and direct by saying My handle is [insert username].Simple is also clever. It adds a touch of personality and shows that you are aware of the online culture and its terminologies.

  • My handle is [insert username]. I put out reels every weekend.

14. Call me [insert username]

"Call me [insert username]" is a clever response to the question "What's your handle?" because it blends literal and figurative expressions.By saying, "Call me [insert username]," you're not only providing a username for the person to address you by, but you're also playfully suggesting that they can refer to you by that name in real-life situations.For instance:

  • Call me [insert username]. I use both my real name as a username on social platforms

15. Find me at the handle [insert username]

By responding with "Find me at the handle [insert username]," you're essentially saying, "Look for me online using my username." This response adds a playful twist by using the word "handle" to refer to both the online username and the act of physically finding you.This example will help:

  • Find me at the handle [insert username]. So, if you're looking for me in the digital space, that's where you'll find me

16. I'm the legendary [insert username]

Clever Responses To What’s Your HandleBy positioning yourself as "legendary," you suggest you have a notable and memorable online presence. It creates a sense of curiosity and invites further conversation about your online personaHere's how you can use it:

  • I'm the legendary [insert username]. A pleasure to make your acquaintance

17. Look no further; I'm [insert username]

When someone asks for your handle, you can say, "Look no further; I'm [insert username]."You're not only providing your username but also implying that your username is so impressive or intriguing that the person need not search any further. It's a lighthearted, attention-grabbing way to introduce yourself and generate curiosity about your online identity.

  • Look no further; I'm [insert username]. I'm twee about copywriting and have generated a large following over the years.

18. I've got the handle [insert username]

Instead of simply stating your username, "I've got the handle [insert username]" captures attention and invites further interaction. It encourages the other person to inquire about your username or share their own, fostering a more engaging dialogue.

  • I've got the handle [insert username]. What's yours?

19. Catch me on the interwebs as [insert username]

You're showing a lighthearted and informal attitude by using the term "interwebs," which is a colloquial term for the internet. This example will guide you:

  • That's simple. Catch me on the interwebs as [insert username]

20. You can find me slaying it at [insert username]

 "Slaying it" conveys a sense of confidence and expertise. It implies that you don't just have a Social Media account but actively dominate and achieve great results with your engagement. This showcases your skill and competence, making it an intriguing response.Here's how you can use this response:

  • You can find me slaying it at [insert username]. Some of your favorites even follow me.

Remember, these responses are meant to be playful and lighthearted. I use these responses interchangeably depending on who is asking and what I aim to achieve by sounding clever in revealing my social media username. So there are no rules.Feel free to add your personal touch to make them even more clever and suitable to your style. 


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