20 Best Responses to “I’ve Been Thinking About You”

The phone buzzes. You look down to see a new text message from someone you haven’t heard from in a while. ‘Hey! I’ve been thinking about you…’ your heart skips a beat as you read those words. What should you say in response?

Getting a message like this can bring up a mix of emotions – excitement, apprehension, curiosity. Perhaps you’ve been thinking of them too and are thrilled they reached out.

Or, maybe it catches you totally off guard from someone you hadn’t given much thought to lately.

Regardless of the context, these simple words can stir up questions: Why are they thinking of me? What do they want?

Are old feelings being rekindled?

In this article, we will explore how to respond to this phrase with wisdom and care for all involved. You’ll learn how to frame your response in a way that’s honest while avoiding mixed signals.

Whether you want to reignite the spark or politely decline further contact, I’ll show you specific language and phrasing to communicate your wishes tactfully.

What Does Thinking Of You Mean In A Text? 

When someone texts you ‘Thinking of you’, it could mean different things depending on their feelings and intentions. The context and your relationship with them matter as well.

If the person is a good friend, coworker, or relative, ‘Thinking of you’ is likely meant as a friendly, reassuring message. They may simply want to let you know you’re on their mind in a platonic way.

This is a common phrase friends and acquaintances use, especially if they haven’t seen or talked to each other in a while.

If the person saying ‘Thinking of you’ is someone you’re dating or have shown romantic interest in, it could indicate that they have romantic feelings for you.

When said in a flirty texting context, ‘Thinking of you’ suggests that the person daydreamed or thought fondly about you in a more-than-friend way.

However, it doesn’t guarantee they want to take things further, so use your discretion and knowledge of their personality.

20 Best Responses to “I’ve Been Thinking About You”

Whether the person texting ‘I’ve been thinking about you’ is a friend, family member, crush, or ex, finding the right words to respond can be tricky.

You want to show appreciation for their thoughtfulness while keeping the interaction upbeat. Here are some of the best responses to ‘I’ve been thinking about you’ for various situations and contexts:

  • Thank you for thinking of me, that’s sweet of you to say.
  • Aww, that’s so kind of you! You’ve been on my mind as well.
  • That’s sweet of you. I’ve been thinking about you too 🙂
  • Aw, that’s nice to hear. You’re very much missed!
  • That honestly means a lot to me. I’m really glad you think of me.
  • I appreciate you saying that. You’ve been on my mind as well lately.
  • Aw, you have? That makes me smile. I’ve thought about you a few times too recently.
  • Really? That’s so nice! You’re very much missed around here.
  • Aw, that’s sweet. You were just on my mind as well. Great minds think alike!
  • Aww, you have? That’s sweet. You’re not easy to forget!
  • That’s so thoughtful of you. I appreciate you saying that. You’ve made quite an impression.
  • Honestly, that means a lot. You’re a wonderful person, so of course you cross my mind from time to time.
  • That’s so kind of you to say. You’ve made my day hearing that.
  • Well, you just made me smile from ear to ear. I’m honored to be in your thoughts.
  • That warms my heart to hear, thank you so much

1. Thank you for thinking of me, that’s sweet of you to say

How to Respond to I've Been Thinking About You

‘Thank you for thinking of me, that’s sweet of you to say.’ is a perfect response to ‘I’ve been thinking about you’ for showing gratitude and appreciation for the person who checked up on you.

It acknowledges their kind words and lets them know that their gesture didn’t go unnoticed. For example,  receiving a message from a friend saying, ‘Hey, I’ve been thinking about you lately, how have you been?’

You could respond with, ‘Thank you for thinking of me, that’s sweet of you to say. I’ve been doing well, thanks for asking. How about you?’ This response not only expresses appreciation but also opens up the conversation for further communication.

2. Aww that’s so kind of you! You’ve been on my mind as well

How to Respond to I've Been Thinking About You

‘Aww, that’s so kind of you! You’ve been on my mind as well.’ is also perfect for showing genuine interest and care for the person who reached out.

It lets them know that you’ve been thinking about them too and that their message brought a smile to your face.

For example,  receiving a message from a colleague saying, ‘Hey, I’ve been thinking about you lately, hope you’re doing well.’

You could respond with, ‘Aww that’s so kind of you! You’ve been on my mind as well. Work has been busy, but I’m hanging in there. How about you? How’s everything going at your end?’

3. That’s sweet of you. I’ve been thinking about you too 🙂

‘That’s sweet of you. I’ve been thinking about you too :)’ is also one of the best responses to ‘I’ve been thinking about you’ because it shows that you reciprocate the other person’s feelings and that you appreciate their kindness.

It also adds a smiley face to convey warmth and happiness. This phrase can be used in a romantic or friendly context, depending on the tone and the relationship between the speakers.


A: Hey, I just wanted to say that I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. I hope you’re doing well. 

B: That’s sweet of you. I’ve been thinking about you too 🙂 

4. Aw that’s nice to hear. You’re very much missed

‘Aw, that’s nice to hear. You’re very much missed!’ is a very polite response to ‘I’ve been thinking about you’ because it expresses gratitude and affection for the other person.

It also admits that you wish to see them soon and that you value their presence in your life. This phrase is best used when you’re apart from the other person for a long time.


A: Hi, how are you? I’ve been thinking about you a lot. 

B: Aw that’s nice to hear. You’re very much missed!

5. That honestly means a lot to me. I’m really glad you think of me

‘That honestly means a lot to me. I’m really glad you think of me.’ shows that you’re touched and honored by the other person’s thoughts.

This makes it a great response to ‘I’ve been thinking about you’. It also indicates that you’re grateful for their attention and care.

This phrase should be best used in a professional or personal context, especially when you’re going through a challenging situation.


A: Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been thinking about you and your project. You’re doing an amazing job. 

B: That honestly means a lot to me. I’m really glad you think of me. 

A: Of course, I do. You’re a great colleague and friend.

6. I appreciate you saying that. You’ve been on my mind as well lately

I appreciate you saying that. You’ve been on my mind as well lately’ also serves as an equal response to ‘I’ve been thinking about you’ because it acknowledges and thanks the other person for their words.

It also reveals that you share their sentiments and that you’re interested in them. It’s mostly used in romantic or platonic contexts where there’s a certain level of attraction between the speakers.


A: Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I’ve been thinking about you a lot these days. You’re special to me. 

B: I appreciate you saying that. You’ve been on my mind as well lately.

7. Aw you have? That makes me smile. I’ve thought about you a few times too recently

How to Respond to I've Been Thinking About You

‘Aw, you have? That makes me smile. I’ve thought about you a few times too recently’ is a perfect blend of appreciation and reciprocation making it a wholesome response to ‘I’ve been thinking about you’.

It shows that you are happy to hear from the person and that their thoughts made you happy too. It’s a great way to express your feelings without being too forward or too vague.

For example,  a friend reaching out to yourself after a long time and saying, ‘Hey, I’ve been thinking about you.’ You can respond with, ‘Aw you have? That makes me smile. I’ve thought about you a few times too recently.

How have you been?’ This response is warm, and friendly, and shows that you’re interested in catching up.

8. Really? That’s so nice! You’re very much missed around here

If you need an upbeat response, ‘Really? That’s so nice! You’re very much missed around here’ is a great choice of response to ‘I’ve been thinking about you’.

It is enthusiastic and shows that you’re excited to hear from the person. It also acknowledges that the person’s absence has been felt and that they are an important part of your social circle.

For example,  a former colleague reaching out to you and saying, ‘Hey, I’ve been thinking about you.’ You can respond with, ‘Really? That’s so nice! You’re very much missed around here. How have you been?’

This response lets the person know that they are appreciated and that their absence has been felt.

9. Aw that’s sweet. You were just on my mind as well. Great minds think alike

Aw, that’s sweet. You were just on my mind as well. Great minds think alike! Is a playful and lighthearted response to ‘I’ve been thinking about you’. It shows that you’re happy to hear from the person and that you were thinking about them too.

The ‘Great minds think alike’ phrase adds a touch of humor and makes the response more memorable. For example,  a friend reaching out to you and saying, ‘Hey, I’ve been thinking about you.’ You can respond with, ‘Aw that’s sweet. You were just on my mind as well.

Great minds think alike! What have you been up to lately?’ This response is friendly, and playful, and shows that you have a good sense of humor.

10. Aww you have? That’s sweet. You’re not easy to forget 

‘Aww, you have? That’s sweet. You’re not easy to forget’ is a playful and flirty response to ‘I’ve been thinking about you’ which shows that you appreciate the person’s thoughts and that you’re not surprised that they were thinking about you.

The phrase ‘you’re not easy to forget’ adds a touch of humor and lets the person know that you’re aware of your charm.

For example,  a crush reaching out to you and saying, ‘Hey, I’ve been thinking about you.’ You can respond with, ‘Aww you have? That’s sweet. You’re not easy to forget! Want to grab coffee sometime and catch up?’

11. That’s so thoughtful of you. I appreciate you saying that. You’ve made quite an impression

When someone tells you they’ve been thinking about you, it’s always nice to let them know that their thoughts are appreciated.

One of the best responses to ‘I’ve been thinking about you’ is to say, ‘That’s so thoughtful of you. I appreciate you saying that. You’ve made quite an impression.’

This response can help to make the other person feel good about themselves while also acknowledging their kind words.

For example, if a friend says, ‘Hey, I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately,’ you could respond by saying, ‘Thank you so much, that’s very kind of you to say.

You’ve always been such a good friend to me, and your words mean a lot.’

12. Honestly that means a lot. You’re a wonderful person, so of course you cross my mind from time to time 

When someone tells you that they’ve been thinking about you, it’s important to let them know that their words are meaningful.

A great response to this could be, ‘Honestly that means a lot. You’re a wonderful person, so of course you cross my mind from time to time.’

This response can help to make the other person feel valued while also acknowledging the positive qualities that drew them to your mind.

For instance, if a colleague says, ‘I’ve been thinking about you and your amazing work ethic,’ you could reply by saying, ‘Thank you so much for saying that. It’s great to hear that my efforts are noticed, and you’re such a kind and supportive colleague.’

13. That’s so kind of you to say, You’ve made my day hearing that 

‘That’s so kind of you to say, You’ve made my day hearing that.’ is a great response to someone who tells you that they’ve been thinking about you because it acknowledges their thoughtfulness and makes them feel appreciated.

It also shows that you value their opinion and the connection that you share with them. By saying ‘That’s so kind of you to say,’ you’re recognizing the effort that they put into reaching out to you, and by adding ‘You’ve made my day hearing that’, it shows genuine gratitude for their kind words.

For example, your friend sends you a message saying, ‘Hey, I’ve been thinking about you lately and I just wanted to let you know that I miss you.’ You could respond by saying, ‘That’s so kind of you to say, You’ve made my day hearing that.

14. Well, you just made me smile from ear to ear, I’m honored to be in your thoughts

‘Well, you just made me smile from ear to ear, I’m honored to be in your thoughts.’ is also a well-meaning response to someone who tells you that they’ve been thinking about you because it shows that their thoughtfulness has had a positive impact on you.

By saying ‘You just made me smile from ear to ear,’ you’re showing how happy their message made you feel.

For example, imagine your colleague sends you an email saying, ‘Hey, I’ve been thinking about you and I hope you’re doing well.’

You could respond by saying, ‘Well, you just made me smile from ear to ear, I’m honored to be in your thoughts. Things are going well, thanks for checking in and thinking of me.’

15. That warms my heart to hear, thank you so much

Lastly, ‘That warms my heart to hear, thank you so much.’ can be used to convey a sense of warmth and gratitude to someone who says ‘I’m thinking about you’.

By using this response, you’re expressing how much their message means to you and also showing appreciation for their thoughtfulness.

For example, imagine your family member sends you a text saying, ‘Hey, I’ve been thinking about you and I hope you’re doing alright.’

You could respond by saying, ‘That warms my heart to hear, thank you so much. I’m doing okay, thanks for checking in and thinking about me.’

Wrap Up

The most important thing is to respond to ‘I’ve been thinking about you’ in a way that feels natural and honest for you.

If the sender is simply expressing platonic care, a simple ‘Thank you, that’s so sweet of you to say :)’ or ‘You’re always in my thoughts as well’ will suffice.

If the person’s intentions are romantic and you share those feelings, opening up with something like ‘Aww you have?’

I’ve been thinking about you too and would love to catch up in person so’ can keep the conversation going in a positive direction.

But if you only see the sender as a friend, being direct yet kind in your response helps avoid confusion.

Whatever you decide to say, just speak from the heart. The fact that this person took the time to text you shows they care about you in some way.

So, take a moment to appreciate that, and respond in a way that feels comfortable but still expresses gratitude for their thoughtfulness.

Thank you for reading. I hope this helps you navigate responding to ‘I’ve been thinking about you’ with genuineness, honesty, and care.

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