20 Things to Say When Someone Calls You “Leng”

Before going into what to say back when called that, we first have to answer the following questions. What does it mean when someone calls you "leng"? What does it entail?LENG is a word that means that someone is very fine-looking, beautiful, and alluring, it acts as a superlative or a stronger level of the word Peng.It is a vernacular word used mostly by the younger generation that has become rather popular among them recently. It speaks of a person's level of attractiveness and how good they look at the time it was said.While everyone would love to be seen as or called attractive by the right people, what exactly do you say when you are the object of such gratification?What kind of things can you say to someone who calls you "leng"? In what ways can you reply to being called super attractive in that manner? There are a bunch of ways one can respond to being called leng.Here are 20 of the best responses you could use when someone calls you leng, these can be used in different scenarios of either formal or informal settings. It all depends on how appropriate it is for the situation or who is involved:

20 things to say when someone calls you "Leng"

These are some things you can say back to someone who calls you leng and depending on the situation, there's a lot that can be used in varying degrees of appropriateness. We give you 20 things to say when someone calls you leng:

  • Thank you, you're too kind!
  • Aw, stop it! But I appreciate it.
  • Oh, you're making me blush!
  • Well, you've got a good eye
  • I could say the same about you!
  • You're not so bad yourself!
  • Flattery will get you everywhere!
  • I guess I'm just naturally 'leng'!
  • You've made my day, thank you!
  • Wow, didn't see that coming!
  • Thanks for the ego boost!
  • You've got great taste!
  • Coming from you, that means a lot!
  • Well, I must be doing something right!
  • You're making me feel special!
  • Your words just made me smile!
  • I appreciate your kind words!
  • Thanks for the compliment!
  • You've got a way with words!
  •  You're the best for saying that!

1. Thank you, you're too kind

If you want to be simple, and appreciative, you could not go wrong with saying "Thank you, you're too kind" as a way to respond to someone calling you "leng".You can use it to show appreciation and it is appropriate for use in any situation, be it a casual or formal setting. And because of this, it is easy to use and will keep the conversation light-hearted and calm.

2. Aw, stop it! But I appreciate it

Another way to show appreciation for being called leng is using a reply such as "Aw, stop it! But I appreciate it" when someone calls you that.It is easier to use for the more bashful ones who prefer to be humble about it and is more appropriate for casual encounters with a nice stranger or a friend than formal situations.

3. Oh, you're making me blush!

A more fitting way to reply to being called leng by someone is saying things like "Oh, you're making me blush". Subtle and bashful, and it gives your reaction word form.This is one of those replies that is sort of flirty and comes off as happy to receive the compliment. It makes it known that you appreciate the compliment and it excites you or makes you happy to be told that.

4. Well, you've got a good eye

What to Say When Someone Calls You LengWhen you have some really strong points and you want them to notice it as they did, you could use, "Well, you've got a good eye", to let someone know that you feel as leng as they tell you that you look.This reply gives off an aura of self-confidence and an evident level of self-appreciation as the boss man or boss lady that you are. It also lets them know that you agree with them on their opinion and that you are glad they could see it as well.

5.  I could say the same about you!

When you get a compliment like, "you are leng", why not reciprocate the gesture with "I could say the same about you"? It is one of the best things to say to a person that calls you leng.It says that you think the same way about them, that you see them in the same light, and that you also find them attractive. And anyone would want to be seen as attractive by those they find attractive.

6.  You're not so bad yourself!

"You're not so bad yourself" is another great way to express positive reactions when you're being called leng.If you maybe want to be a bit modest on the compliments, perhaps due to the other party being a certain level of discomfort with getting a lot of them. A reply like this could also be used in a flirty setting

7.  Flattery will get you everywhere!

If you feel really good about someone calling you super attractive and alluring, "Flattery will get you everywhere", is a great way to say that you appreciate the compliment.The sentence also hints at the occasional rewards of giving out such compliments once in a while. It's a great way to flirt as well if you both are inclined to do so.

8.  I guess I'm just naturally 'leng'!

You being appreciative of what your parents brought into the world, your hard work on maintaining it, or just a natural gift of having everything in the right proportions and the likes, you could use "I guess I'm just naturally 'leng'" whenever someone points it out.It is one of the more confident or self-approving responses that says you already see what they tell you and have seen it for a while too. It could also be a playful way to say it.

9.  You've made my day, thank you!

If you are maybe looking for another simple but nice thing to say when someone calls you leng, look no further than "You've made my day, thank you!".It is simple, joyous, and grateful. It makes every word show how happy it made you and it also adds the 'thank you' side of it so you can show gratitude and everyone is happy.

10.  Wow, didn't see that coming!

If, perhaps, the situation of being called leng was a bit unexpected, you could react with a "Wow, didn't see that coming" to show your surprise.This is best used if the compliment — or perhaps giving that kind of compliment in particular — caught you off guard. It could be because of your relationship with them or the kind of person they are.

11.  Thanks for the ego boost!

Have you been called leng by a stranger on your way to work perhaps? Or in an unlikely situation? "Thanks for the ego boost" is a great way to breeze through the compliment and feel good too.Using this means the situation was more on the unlikely side that you had any attractiveness to show then. So the fact that someone saw you as such simply means you have hope yet and would be even better when it's intentional.

12.  You've got great taste!

Speaking to a person that calls you leng with a line like "You've got great taste", puts out some confident commentary on your looks.When a person calls you leng and you consider yourself one of the finer things in life, then saying that they have a taste for the finer things is not too far off.Everyone has different tastes and different things they like. But some people have a certain taste, a taste for the finer things, a taste for luxury and quality. And you happen to classify as just that.

13.  Coming from you, that means a lot!

What to Say When Someone Calls You LengIf you want another thing to say to a person who calls you leng, try "Coming from you, that means a lot" as a way to show thanks.This is a show of respect to say that the person who said it has the qualities or a good eye for those who do and you appreciate the fact that they see it in you as well.And it means that if they see it in you, then you might be a lot better looking than you thought.

14.  Well, I must be doing something right!

While some things you tried in relation to beauty and fashion may have gone wrong, "Well, I must be doing something right" is a fitting expression for that time when something clicks.When you get complimented without even trying for it after trying endlessly with no results, replying with this is appropriate to show that you're finally being acknowledged for things.

15.  You're making me feel special!

On occasions where the one calling you leng does so as an attempt at flirting, "You're making me feel special" is a suitable response to give them a green light signal.It's expressed as simple excitement at the prospect of being seen as leng by a person and how exclusive or special it would feel. Everyone wants to be special.

16.  Your words just made me smile!

If you had the ends of your lips curl upward after hearing that you look leng, then just say "Your words just made me smile" in response.It says it simply and plainly. That their words make you smile. To make a person smile with a few words would be a nice thing for anyone. If they make you smile, just tell them. It would probably make them happy to have done so.

17.  I appreciate your kind words!

Being called leng in a more formal setting or among colleagues at a work outing perhaps, a simple and curt reply like "I appreciate your kind words" is best to use.It's brief, it keeps the conversation from devolving into anything inappropriate, and it's appreciative of the given compliment. It is best used in formal settings where speech is to be carefully considered and formalities are observed.

18.  Thanks for the compliment!

If you don't want any of the extra stuff in a response to someone calling you leng, a simple reply to that is "Thanks for the compliment".A simple "thank you" works well in any situation to show gratitude. So a reply like this takes out the unnecessary words for this situation.

19.  You've got a way with words!

If perhaps you're not exactly conversant with slang and new age vernacular, "You've got a way with words" is a reply that compliments them without seeming like an oldie.It tells that you may be hearing such a word for the first time and commend them for using such a term so skillfully in a sentence, even though you might not know as much of what it means.

20.  You're the best for saying that!

All dressed for prom or a gala of sorts and someone you know looks at you and calls you leng, "You're the best for saying that" easily comes out as a gleeful thing to say to them in return.It's a reply that comes from a place of joy from hearing someone you trust or know well acknowledge your efforts or natural good looks and praise you for it.

Final Words

When someone refers to you with the term "leng", it is usually from a place of admiration or teasing, so it's most likely they see you in a really positive light and find you highly attractive, or they are close enough to tease you on how fine you have come to seem to them.And with this list of 20 things to say when someone calls you "leng", you could easily use one of these to carry on the conversation without breaking stride and feeling good as you do too. So keep on being super attractive, but also remember to be polite.


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