15 Ways to Ask Someone "What Are We?"

We've all been there, cherishing moments spent with someone special, wondering if there's something more than just friendship blossoming.Those stolen glances, heart-to-heart conversations, and shared adventures can create a tapestry of emotions within us. It's in those moments that we start to question, 'Could there be a deeper connection growing between us? Are we on the brink of something more profound?'In the midst of this journey, we seek understanding and crave honest conversations that can shed light on the complexities of our relationships.It's about exploring the unspoken sentiments, navigating the uncharted territories of emotions, and discovering whether we're both treading the same path or headed towards different destinations.So, let's embark on this exploration together, as we dive into the intricacies of connections and ask those heartfelt questions: 'What are we now? Can we define the nature of our relationship and uncover what lies ahead?' Together, let's navigate the intricacies of love, friendship, and everything in between, and discover the beauty of unraveling the tapestry of our shared experiences.

Here are 15 ways to ask someone "what are we?"

  1. 'I've been enjoying our time together. How do you see our relationship?'
  2. 'I've been thinking a lot about us lately. Can we talk about where we stand?'
  3. 'I'm really happy when I'm with you. Do you think we're more than just friends?'
  4. 'I feel a strong connection between us. Do you believe there is room for something else?
  5. 'I'm curious about where our relationship is heading. Can we have a conversation about it?'
  6. 'I value what we have, and I'm wondering if we're on the same page about what it means to both of us.'
  7. 'I've been enjoying getting to know you, but I'm unsure about what we are. Can we clarify?'
  8. 'I think we have something special, but I'm not sure how to define it. What are your thoughts?'
  9. 'We've been spending a lot of time together, and I'm curious about where we stand. Can we discuss it?'
  10. 'I've been developing deeper feelings for you, and I'm wondering if we're more than just friends.'
  11. 'I've been thinking about our relationship and where it might be headed. Can we talk about it?'
  12. 'I enjoy our connection, and I'm curious if you see it as something romantic or just friendly.'
  13. 'I'm interested in exploring what's between us, and I'd like to know if you feel the same way.'
  14. 'I'm starting to have stronger feelings for you, and I'm wondering if there's potential for more.'
  15. 'We've been spending a lot of time together, and I'm wondering if we're becoming more than just friends. What are your thoughts?'

'I've Been Enjoying Our Time Together. How Do You See Our Relationship?'

Ways to Ask Someone What Are WeTo ask someone 'what are we?' you can say 'I've been enjoying our time together. How do you see our relationship?' It suggests that you  have been enjoying the time you have spent with the other person and now want to understand their perspective on your relationship.By asking how the other person sees the relationship, you are seeking their perspective and understanding of what the relationship means to them. This conversation can help both parties gain clarity and potentially define the relationship more explicitly.This can be used when you have been spending quality time with the person and want to gauge their perception of your relationship.You can review this sentence example; 'I've had such a great time with you lately, and I'm curious about how you see our relationship. Do you think we're just friends or is there something more?'

'I've Been Thinking A Lot About Us Lately. Can We Talk About Where We Stand?'

You can try a heartfelt statement like 'I've been thinking a lot about us lately. Can we talk about where we stand?' It plays off the idea that you have been contemplating your relationship and want to have a discussion about its current status.In general, 'what are we now,' indicates a need to address the undefined nature of the relationship. By expressing that you've been thinking about the relationship, you are conveying your interest in understanding its direction and where you both currently stand.This statement is best  used when you've been contemplating the nature of your relationship and feel the need to have an open conversation about it.You can also review this example;'Lately, I've been doing a lot of thinking about us and where we stand. I think it's important for us to have a conversation to clarify our relationship. Would you be open to that?'

'I'm Really Happy When I'm With You. Do You Think We're More Than Just Friends?'

You may express how you feel while asking 'what are we?'by saying 'I'm really happy when I'm with you. Do you think we're more than just friends?' It shows you have positive emotions when you are around the person.You are interested in knowing if the other person perceives the relationship in a similar way or if there might be potential for something more significant between you both.This statement opens up the conversation about the possibility of a romantic relationship or exploring a deeper connection beyond friendship.This can be used when you want to express your emotions and inquire if the other person perceives the relationship as something beyond friendship.Here’s a way you can  try it out;'I want you to know that I feel incredibly happy when I'm with you. I'm curious, though, do you think there's potential for us to be more than just friends?'

'I Feel A Strong Connection Between Us. Do You Believe There Is Room For Something Else?'

Ways to Ask Someone What Are WeWhen your intention is to inquire about the nature of your relationship and understand its current status, the statement 'I feel a strong connection between us. Do you believe there is room for something else?' conveys your perception of a deep connection with the other person.By asking if there is room for something else, you are essentially questioning if the other person shares a similar connection and if there is potential to take the relationship to a new level. It implies that you are open to exploring the possibility of a romantic relationship or deepening the existing connection beyond friendship.This statement serves as an invitation to have an honest conversation about the nature of your relationship, allowing both parties to express their thoughts, feelings, and desires.It opens the door for discussion and provides an opportunity to clarify what you both mean to each other at this point.If you are still in doubt, try this sentence;'The connection I feel when we're together is truly special. I can't help but wonder if you see the same potential for something more between us.'

'I'm Curious About Where Our Relationship Is Heading. Can We Have A Conversation About It?'

Of course, you want to be as direct and apt as possible with a delicate matter like this. Try the statement 'I'm curious about where our relationship is heading. Can we have a conversation about it?' as it indicates your desire to discuss and gain clarity on the direction of your relationship.The request to have a conversation about it shows your intention to communicate openly and address any uncertainties or ambiguities that may exist.It signals your interest in exploring the nature and future of the relationship and invites the other person to engage in a discussion to provide insight and perspective on what you both mean to each other at this point.Here's another example you can try;:'I've been thinking about where our relationship is headed, and I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Wanna talk bout it?

'I Value What We Have, And I'm Wondering If We're On The Same Page About What It Means To Both Of Us.'

A great alternative to 'what are we now' is 'I value what we have, and I'm wondering if we're on the same page about what it means to both of us.'It reflects your appreciation for the relationship and your desire to understand how both you and the other person perceive it.By expressing that you value what you have, you are conveying that the relationship is meaningful and important to you.However, you also indicate that you are unsure if both of you share the same understanding or expectations regarding its significance.In essence, you are seeking clarity on how the other person views the relationship. You want to ensure that both of you are on the same page and have a mutual understanding of what the relationship represents to each of you. TTry this example;'I want you to know how much I value what we have. It would mean a lot to me if we could talk and ensure that we're on the same page about what our relationship means to both of us.'

'I've Been Enjoying Getting To Know You, But I'm Unsure About What We Are. Can We Clarify?'

Ways to Ask Someone What Are WePerhaps your intention is to inquire about the nature of your relationship, the statement 'I've been enjoying getting to know you, but I'm unsure about what we are. Can we clarify?' expresses that you have been enjoying the process of getting closer to the other person, but you are uncertain about the exact nature or label of your relationship.By stating that you are unsure about what you are, you are indicating that you are seeking clarity and definition regarding the status of your connection.You want to understand if you are just friends, if there is potential for a romantic relationship, or if there is another mutually understood label that describes your relationship.The request to clarify reflects your desire to have an open and honest conversation to gain a better understanding of where you both stand and what you mean to each other at this point.Another example you may try;'I've been thoroughly enjoying getting to know you, but Imust admit that I'm a bit uncertain about what we are. Can we please clarify where we stand?'

'I Think We Have Something Special, But I'm Not Sure How To Define It. What Are Your Thoughts?'

Addressing your suspicion with 'I think we have something special, but I'm not sure how to define it. What are your thoughts?' is a polite yet heartfelt way to come in.It shows  that you believe there is a unique and meaningful connection between you and the other person, but you are uncertain about how to categorize or label it.By expressing that you find the relationship special but lack a clear definition, you are indicating a desire to understand how the other person perceives the connection. You are seeking their input and thoughts on what this special bond means to them.This can be used when you believe there is a unique connection between you and the other person, but you're uncertain about how to label it.Here’s a good way to try it;'There's something undeniably special between us, but I find it challenging to put it into words. I'm interested to hear your thoughts and see how you perceive our connection.'

'We've Been Spending A Lot Of Time Together, And I'm Curious About Where We Stand. Can We Discuss It?'

When you say, 'We've been spending a lot of time together, and I'm curious about where we stand. Can we discuss it?' It indicates that you have been investing a significant amount of time with the other person and now want to understand the current status of your relationship.By mentioning that a lot of time has been spent being together with them, you are highlighting the level of involvement and connection you have experienced. It is practically an expression of curiosity and a desire for clarity about the nature of your relationship.The request to discuss it shows an openness to communication and a willingness to address any uncertainties or ambiguities that may exist.You want to engage in a conversation to gain a better understanding of the dynamic between you both, seeking to define or redefine the boundaries, expectations, and intentions of the relationship.You can try this sentence;'I've noticed that we've been spending a lot of time together, and it has me wondering where we stand. Would it be possible for us to discuss our relationship?'

'I've Been Developing Deeper Feelings For You, And I'm Wondering If We're More Than Just Friends.'

Ways to Ask Someone What Are WeFeel free to try 'I've been developing deeper feelings for you, and I'm wondering if we're more than just friends,' it conveys that you have been experiencing a shift in your emotions towards the other person.Generally, you are expressing that your feelings have progressed beyond friendship and are now considering the possibility of a romantic or deeper connection.The statement also implies uncertainty, as you are wondering if the other person shares similar feelings or if there is potential for a romantic relationship.It serves as an invitation to explore the possibility of a romantic relationship and encourages open communication to understand each other's feelings and intentions.Also, try out this Example;'I wanted to share that my feelings for you have been growing deeper, and I'm starting to see you as more than just a friend. I’m keen to knowing if its mutual'

'I've Been Thinking About Our Relationship And Where It Might Be Headed. Can We Talk About It?'

As a matter of urgency, you need to share your thoughts with the person, when you suspect strings attached. Simply put - 'I've been thinking about our relationship and where it might be headed. Can we talk about it?' It indicates that you have been contemplating the future of their relationship and want to have a discussion about it.The request to have a conversation about it signifies a desire for open communication and a shared understanding of each other's expectations and goals. It implies a willingness to discuss your feelings, intentions, and any concerns you may have.Here’s an example you engage;'The more I think about our relationship, the more I wonder about its direction. I believe it's important for us to talk about it. Are you open to having that conversation?'

'I Enjoy Our Connection, And I'm Curious If You See It As Something Romantic Or Just Friendly.'

'I enjoy our connection, and I'm curious if you see it as something romantic or just friendly'  is a great alternative to 'what are we now?' It conveys that you appreciate the connection you share with the other person, but you are uncertain about how they perceive it.This statement opens the door for an open and honest conversation about the depth and potential of the connection. It invites the other person to share their thoughts and feelings, providing an opportunity to gain a better understanding of what you both mean to each other at this point.Try this sentence;'I genuinely enjoy our connection, but I've been pondering if you see it as something romantic or simply friendly. I'd appreciate your thoughts on this.'

'I'm Interested In Exploring What's Between Us, And I'd Like To Know If You Feel The Same Way.'

When you say, 'I'm interested in exploring what's between us, and I'd like to know if you feel the same way,' you convey a desire to deepen the connection and pursue a potentially romantic or more intimate relationship with the other person.Additionally, by expressing a desire to know if the other person feels the same way, you are seeking clarity and understanding of their intentions and level of interest.This statement opens the door for an honest conversation about both parties' feelings and desires, allowing for a deeper exploration of the potential relationship.Do try out this statement;'I've been thinking about what's between us, and I must admit that I'm interested in exploring a deeper connection. I’m keen to knowing if its mutual'

'I'm starting to have stronger feelings for you, and I'm wondering if there's potential for more.'

In a delicate situation like this, you need to clearly reveal your increasing emotional investment and their interest in pursuing a deeper connection.Try 'I'm starting to have stronger feelings for you, and I'm wondering if there's potential for more.' It conveys that your emotions towards the other person are intensifying, and you are contemplating the possibility of a deeper and more meaningful relationship.By stating that you have stronger feelings, you are expressing a significant emotional shift and a growing attachment to the other person.The statement also indicates a curiosity about the potential for more. It implies a desire to explore the possibility of a romantic relationship or a deeper connection with the other person.Here’s another intriguing example you may want to consider;'I feel compelled to share that my feelings for you have grown stronger over time. I can't help but wonder if there's potential for more between us.'

'We've Been Spending A Lot Of Time Together, And I'm Wondering If We're Becoming More Than Just Friends. What Are Your Thoughts?'

Let me crown it all with this honest alternative of 'What are we?' - 'We've been spending a lot of time together, and I'm wondering if we're becoming more than just friends. What are your thoughts?'Similar to one of the previous alternatives, It suggests that you have noticed an increased amount of time spent with the other person and contemplating if your relationship is evolving into something beyond a platonic friendship.By mentioning the significant amount of time spent together, you are highlighting the growing closeness and connection you have experienced.The statement also implies that you are open to the possibility of your relationship transitioning into something more romantic or intimate.You are practically seeking the other person's thoughts and feelings on the matter, wanting to gauge if there is a mutual interest in taking the relationship to a deeper level.Here is a super cool way to use it; 'I've noticed how much time we've been spending together, and it has me questioning if our relationship is gradually becoming more than just a friendship. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this.'


Exploring the nature of our connections, whether they be romantic, friendly, or something in between, is an essential part of our human experience.It's through open and honest conversations that we can unravel the intricacies of our relationships and find the answers we seek.So, as we embark on this journey of self-discovery and connection, let's embrace the vulnerability that comes with asking, 'What are we now?'Let's engage in heartfelt conversations, share our thoughts and feelings, and seek alignment. By doing so, we can forge deeper connections, create meaningful bonds, and paint a more vivid picture within the tapestry of our lives.Remember, we are all explorers navigating the landscapes of our relationships, and it is within these conversations that we can find the clarity and understanding we seek.May this journey lead us to authentic connections, mutual growth, and the discovery of the profound beauty that lies within the question, 'What are we now?'


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