20 Ways to Ask Someone to Leave Your Office

Asking someone to leave your personal space is not a bad idea. However, the problem lies in knowing how best to put it so that you don’t come off as rude or hostile. The office is a place of work, and your office is your personal space. When you feel that the presence of someone being there no longer serves you right, it will be in your best interest to tell the person to leave.This article focuses on bringing you into the know of the best ways to ask someone to exit from your office. To know more about 20 ways to ask someone to leave your office, keep reading!

Best 20 Ways to Ask Someone to Leave Your Office

Knowing the best ways to ask someone to leave your office is a huge flex, as it portrays you in a good light. If you can put it right and in a good way without sounding overly sarcastic or sassy, then you’ll have a good image even after asking someone to leave your office.Some of the best ways to ask someone to leave your office include ‘I just discovered my session with you is over, bye!’, ‘How about we continue this conversation outside?’, ‘Thanks for stopping by, I have other things to attend to right now’ and ‘Kindly use the door right now’.

  • Kindly use the door right now
  •  I already showed you the door knob on your way in, you should use it right now on your way out
  • Your presence is no longer friendly in this office space
  • Would you mind taking your leave now?
  •  How about we continue this conversation outside?
  • My office space abhors hostile energy and I'm sensing that from you
  • This meeting is over, you can leave now
  • This office no longer has the space to accommodate your non-chalancy
  • I need you to step out that door, push it back and move along
  • Please, I will love you to exit this office through the door you came in
  •  I'm not impressed with you, leave!
  • I just checked now and realized my session with you is over, bye
  • You're too irreligious to be in this office, please excuse yourself outside
  •  When will you realize your life will be better off outside this office space?
  • My mental health and office space are too important that I can't let anyone intrude, including you
  • I have a meeting in a couple of minutes from now, we'll talk later
  • Thanks for your visit, I think it's time we call it a day
  • I don't feel safe discussing this topic with you here, outside would be better
  • I appreciate your concern and would take it under advisement
  • Thanks for stopping by, I have other things to attend to right now

Kindly use the door right now

'Kindly use the door right now' is a good way to ask someone to leave your office. It is not only a cool way, it looks a tad formal when used in an office environment. If you feel that you don't need the presence of someone in your office and having them go outside is the only way to salvage the situation, then you don't have to shy away from employing a line of statement like this one. To me, this line should be your go-to way of asking someone to leave your office if you don't want to put things into perspective by holding onto anything as the reason why you want them to leave outside.

 I already showed you the door knob on your way in, you should use it right now on your way out

If you're looking for a mildly sarcastic way of asking someone to leave your office, here it is. This statement is a perfect line for the job as it serves as a less condescending way of asking someone out of your office. Since a lot of people are fond of their office being to themselves and you may be one of them, it is understandable if you want someone to excuse your space. If you find it a tad difficult to convey your thoughts, use this line.

Your presence is no longer friendly in this office space

'Your presence is no longer friendly in this office space' is that one way of asking someone to leave your office which allows you to pinpoint a certain facet as the reason why you no longer want them in your office. In this statement, you want them out because you feel they are no longer friendly as they should be. Perhaps, they've been friendly for some time and you no longer view them as such, prompting you to want to evict them from your office. Since this line puts things into perspective, it'll be wise to assume the person you're referring to understands you without further explanation.

Would you mind taking your leave now?

'Would you mind taking your leave now?' is a quick question you can employ as another way of asking someone to leave your office. Pending the fact that an office space is not meant to entertain any social discussion or familial interactions, if someone summons such conversations you can ask them to leave using this line of statement. It is not only subtle, it is also direct and intentional.

 How about we continue this conversation outside?

'How about we continue this conversation outside?' is another question that can aid you ask someone to leave your office. Just like the previous one, this line is inclusive as it brings you into the picture as a factor that not only asks the person to leave, but also participates in leaving the office.When you say this to someone you want to leave your office, they'll assume you want to have the conversation outside, making this line a polite way of asking someone out of your office.

My office space abhors hostile energy and I'm sensing that from you

'My office space abhors hostile energy and I'm sensing that from you' is yet another way of asking someone to leave your office. The uniqueness of this line is rooted in its exceptional way of pointing out hostility in attitude as the major reason why you want the person in question to leave your office.Perhaps, the person talks with disgusting reproach or their manner of response to questions puts you off. If any of these is present, it's possible they're hostile and toxic, and that is an unhealthy character to have around your office.

This meeting is over, you can leave now

'This meeting is over, you can leave now' is that one way of asking someone to leave your office that sounds authoritarian and assertive. If your aim is to come off as any of these, then you're sure to have a wonderful experience saying the above line as your statement when you want to ask someone to leave your office.It shows you're the boss of your space and has the standard right to decide who stays and leaves.

This office no longer has the space to accommodate your non-chalancy

'This office no longer has the space to accommodate your nonchalance' is a cool way to ask someone to leave your office by pinning nonchalance to the wall as the core flaw that could prompt you to want the person to leave.If the person in question is not remorseful of their errors and shows not even a pint of correction, then it is safe to say they're nonchalant. In that case, you can ask them out of your office since attitudes such as that are bad for business.

I need you to step out that door, push it back and move along

If you want to sound assertive and a tad abrasive too, you can say 'I need you to step out that door, push it back and move along'. It is a good way of asking someone to leave your office, especially when you don't care about what they think about you or your decisions. If you're in the business of not minding what people say provided you stick to your life's script, then this line is tailored for you.

Please, I will love you to exit this office through the door you came in

To sound homely and polite, you can say 'please, I will love you to exit this office through the door you came in'. You have a polite line here, plus a visually descriptive way of asking someone to leave your office.You didn't only ask the person to leave, you also schooled them on how you want them to do so. Isn't that genius?

 I'm not impressed with you, leave!

Ways to Ask Someone to Leave Your Office'I'm not impressed with you, leave!' will be a nice way of asking someone to leave your office if you're a supervisor or head of operations in a company or firm. Your position as a boss of a kind allows you to interview and review works done by others to meet the excellent virtue projected by the firm. If a person fails to meet the necessary criteria, you can ask them to leave your office by employing the above line of statement. It is a good way of ridding your office of the person's presence, while conveying your feeling of disappointment in their work.

I just checked now and realized my session with you is over, bye

When you desperately want someone to leave your office space, you may resort to pushing appointments forward. When you do this, you'll cut short your time with them while using your next meeting or appointment as an excuse or better still, a leverage on them.Sometimes, they'll know…other times, they won't. But in all, you'll get on and succeed with your plans of asking them to leave your office at that point in time.

You're too irreligious to be in this office, please excuse yourself outside

'You're too irreligious to be in this office, please excuse yourself outside' is a way of asking someone to leave your office that is based on the person's religious inclinations which is clearly not aligned with yours. Perhaps, you feel they're not committed to the way of God in your terms and as such disqualifies them from being seated in your office. If that's the case, then you can employ this statement as a formidable way of asking someone to leave your office.

 When will you realize your life will be better off outside this office space?

If you're looking for another question, from another angle which you can use to ask someone to leave your office then you can say 'when will you realize your life will be better off outside this office space'?Using this question, you'll be clear of any mincing of words that you don't need from the said person in your office. Without a doubt, this line sounds feminine than it should, so y'all ladies should tap on it.

My mental health and office space are too important that I can't let anyone intrude, including you

'My mental health and office space are too important that I can't let anyone intrude, including you’ is a direct statement of clarity to the person that you want them to leave your office. Here, you're being definitive that the reason for asking them out is to preserve your mental health while also making sure your office space is devoid of any pollutions, not literally though. Therefore, asking the person to leave becomes a means to an end, with the end being the ultimate preservation of your mental health and office space.

I have a meeting in a couple of minutes from now, we'll talk later

You can also use the news of a meeting schedule to dismiss someone into leaving your office. If you've had enough of the person's perks, you can ask them to leave your office.With this, you've done all that should be in place in the name of preparation in asking someone to leave so you can entertain other important things. 

Thanks for your visit, I think it's time we call it a day

'Thanks for your visit, I think it's time we call it a day' will also serve as a good way of asking someone to leave your office without sounding too derogatory or upsetting them in any way. This could be your usual way of dismissing people from your office if they only came to visit and you perceive it's time you get back to work.

I don't feel safe discussing this topic with you here, outside would be better

Do you think you'd have a better conversation with someone outside your office than inside and you want them to go outside? If that's the case, you have yourself a good pick of choice at asking the person to leave your office.

I appreciate your concern and would take it under advisement

'I appreciate your concern and would take it under advisement' is that one way of asking someone to leave your office while still maintaining an undisturbed demeanor. Perhaps, the person let you in an admonition and you're not having any of that. To break out of such a discussion while also asking the person to leave, you can say this statement.

Thanks for stopping by, I have other things to attend to right now

Ways to Ask Someone to Leave Your OfficeWith an appreciative line saying 'thanks for stopping by, I have other things to attend to right now', you can quietly and conveniently ask someone to leave your office. Perspectively, you're leveraging the function of an office space as where work is done as a reason for justifying their absence.

Final Words

Asking people out of your space is therapeutic, especially when it serves a laudable purpose such as restoring your peace of mind and order of activities. If you feel having someone exit your office space is a way of getting back in line with work, don't hesitate to do that. In case you find it a tad difficult to convey, this article exposes you to a variety of ways to ask someone to leave your office. You can pick any of these lines and use them accordingly for the desired result or reaction.


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