20 Ways To Ask Someone If They Still Want To Talk To You 

When you notice that someone you are close to is giving you silent treatment or the person just started acting cold towards you, then it is a sign that there is an issue or the person does not want to talk to you anymore. This article explains the best ways to ask someone if they still want to talk to you. 

20 Ways To Ask Someone If They Still Want To Talk To You

  1. Hey, I am still available if you need us to discuss
  2. It has been long we talked
  3. Can I call you tonight? 
  4. Let me call you when I am less busy
  5. Trust me, I can wait, call me when you are done working
  6. Ensure you beep me this afternoon, we have a lot to talk to 
  7. You stopped texting me like you used to, I think we need to talk
  8. You sound like you do not want to talk to me anymore. 
  9. I do not seem to understand you anymore, let us chat by tomorrow
  10. I want to hear from you, But I am not sure you want to
  11. Kindly update me on what is going on
  12. Let us meet at noon today to sort things out
  13. Don’t you want us to remain friends?
  14. Are you angry with me? 
  15. Put a call through when you feel like talking
  16. Do you still want us to be friends?
  17. I do not like that we stopped talking, call me.
  18. If you do not want us to talk, let me know, but still call
  19. You stopped replying to me, I wonder if you still want to talk to me.
  20. You give me the silent treatment like you do not want us to talk anymore.

Hey, I am still available if you need us to discuss

Ways To Ask Someone If They Still Want To Talk To You‘Hey, I am still available if you need us to discuss’ is a good way to ask someone if they still want to talk to you.This response sounds calm and it shows you would always make yourself available even if the person wants you both to discuss. If there was an issue unknown, you are still available to talk about it so you both can discuss it. Example:I know you may not want to talk to me, but hey, I am still available if you need us to discuss it.

It has been long we talked

Ways To Ask Someone If They Still Want To Talk To YouA better way to ask someone if they still want to talk to you is ‘It has been long we talked.’ Sometimes, you may not know that someone does not want to talk to you because the person is upset with you, that is why when you notice that the person does not want to talk with you, it is a good idea to ask if the person is upset with you. Example: It seems you do not want to talk to me, It has been long we talked.

Can I call you tonight? 

Can I call you tonight? Sounds cool as a way to ask someone if they still want to talk to you.  Ways To Ask Someone If They Still Want To Talk To YouSometimes all you need is a phone call to know if someone wants to talk to you. If you both have not spoken in a while you should consider calling, if you notice the person would be available at night, then that is when you need to place the call. Example: I cannot tell if you still want to talk with me. Can I call you tonight? 

Let me call you when I am less busy

‘Let me call you when I am less busy’ is one of the best ways to ask someone if they still want to talk to you. It sounds polite to call someone when you are less busy, that way, you would give that person the required attention. If you are not sure if the person still wants to talk to you, simply tell the person that you will call when you are less busy. Example:Hey, it seems you do not want to talk to me, let me call you when I am less busy.

Trust me, I can wait, call me when you are done working

‘Trust me, I can wait, Call me when you are done working’ is an excellent way to ask someone if they still want to talk to you.  It is best to use this If the person seems busy, let the person know that you can wait and that you do not mind waiting till the person is done working. Example:I know you have been busy and it seems like you do not want to talk, Trust me, I can wait, call me when you are done working.

Ensure you beep me this afternoon, we have a lot to talk to 

A nicer way to ask someone if they still want to talk to you is to say ‘Ensure you beep me this afternoon, we have a lot to talk to.’You need the person to call you because you both have a lot to tell you. If it sounds like the person does not want to talk to you, then you should let the person know that he should beep you by afternoon because you both need to talk. Example:I am not certain about your thoughts towards me lately, it seems like you do not want to talk to me, ensure you beep me this afternoon, we have a lot to talk to. 

You stopped texting me as you used to, I think we need to talk

‘You stopped texting me as you used to, I think we need to talk’ is a nice way to ask someone if they still want to talk to you. Usually, when someone stops texting you it could be the person is keeping something from you, the best thing to do is to ask why the person stopped texting you and why you both need to talk. Example:You make it seem like you do not want to talk to me, I noticed you stopped texting me as you used to, I think we need to talk.

You sound like you do not want to talk to me anymore. 

You sound like you do not want to talk to me anymore. It is a nice way to ask someone if they still want to talk to you.  You should use this if you both were once intimate and you notice the other person started to act like you both do not talk anymore. It is a great idea to ask if the person has found someone else. Example:I thought we used to be close, but you sound like you do not want to talk to me anymore. 

I do not seem to understand you anymore, let us chat by tomorrow

When you want to ask someone if they still want to talk to you, you ask by saying ‘I do not seem to understand you anymore, let us chat by tomorrow.’  If now is not a good time to ask questions, then you both can chat tomorrow. That sounds fair enough. Hopefully, when both of you talk, you will know if there is any issue.Example:You have been acting strange of late, I do not seem to understand you anymore, let us chat by tomorrow. 

I want to hear from you, But I am not sure you want to

‘I want to hear from you, but I am not sure you want to’ is an excellent way to ask if someone still wants to talk to you. When someone does not pick up your calls, it could be a sign that the person does not want to talk to you anymore, this is a direct way to ask if the person wants to talk to you. Example:I noticed you stopped picking up my calls, I want to hear from you, But I am not sure you want to

Kindly update me on what is going on between us 

‘Kindly update me on what is going on between us’ sounds like a better way to ask if someone still wants to talk to you.It seems like you are not carried along and you are not sure of what is going on anymore. You also do not know if you both are still cool together, Let the person update you so you would know if he still wants to talk to you. Example: Kindly update me on what is going on between us. Maybe I am getting it wrong. 

Let us meet at noon today to sort things out

‘Let us meet at noon today to sort things out’ is a direct way to ask someone if they still want to talk to you.  When you are not sure if someone still wants to talk to you, it is good to directly ask the person to meet up to sort things out. You can do this if you can comfortably confront the person. Example:I am not sure if you still want us to talk, but let us meet at noon today to sort things out.

Don’t you want us to remain friends?

Don’t you want us to remain friends? Is an easy way to ask someone if they still want to talk to you. Someone avoiding you is a sign that something fishy is going on, maybe the person does not want to talk to you anymore. Simply ask the person directly that you noticed he has been avoiding you, that way you can get a precise answer. Example: It is strange of you, don’t you want us to remain friends?

Are you angry with me? 

‘Are you angry with me?’ is another way to ask your friend if they still want to talk to you.  Use this if you have a friend who suddenly stopped talking to you. Especially if it is someone who is fun to be around. It would make sense if you ask if the person is angry with you, and let him know that you still want to be friends. Example:You changed, are you angry with me? 

Put a call through when you feel like talking

‘Put a call through when you feel like talking’ sounds like a nice way to ask someone if they still want to talk to you.You know deep down that the person is not willing to talk and that is why the person acts like he does not want to talk to you. Politely tell the person to give you a call when he is ready to talk. Ensure it does not end up being an all talk no action kind of situation. Example:I believe you will reach out if you still want us to talk. Put a call through when you feel like talking.

Do you still want us to be friends?

‘Do you still want us to be friends?’ is one of the finest ways to ask someone if they still want to talk to you. It is simple and direct because the person is already giving off signs that he does not want to talk to you, you should ask if he still wants you both to be friends, that way you will have a clear understanding of what the person wants. Example: I do not seem to understand you anymore, do you still want us to be friends?

I do not like that we stopped talking, call me

‘I do not like that we stopped talking, calling me is a better method of asking if someone still wants to talk to you. It shows you are not happy that you both stopped talking, but you would still like the person to call you so you both can sort things out. That is a good way to go about it. 

If you do not want us to talk, let me know, but still call

Another subtle way to ask if someone still wants to talk to you is to say ‘If you do not want us to talk, let me know, but still call.’This gives the person the impression that you still want to talk even if the person is giving off signs that he does not want to talk at all. Example: I do not like that you are silent. If you do not want us to talk, let me know, but still call.

You stopped replying to me, it made me wonder if you still want to talk to me

‘You stopped replying to my texts, it made me wonder if you still want to talk to me’ is a way to ask someone if they still want to talk to you. If someone stops replying to your texts, then it is a sign that something is wrong, it is a good idea to ask the person why he stopped talking to you, that way you both would stay on the same page. Example:I can’t seem to understand. You stopped replying to my texts, and it made me wonder if you still want to talk to me.

You give me the silent treatment like you do not want us to talk anymore.

You give me the silent treatment like you do not want us to talk anymore’ is a good way to ask if someone wants to talk to you.  When someone gives you the silent treatment, it makes sense to ask the person if you offended him in any way, that way, you both can be on the same page. You should be able to get a response if you ask this way.  Example:Have I hurt you? You give me the silent treatment like you do not want us to talk anymore.

To End With

It is difficult to read people’s minds, which is why in situations where someone is giving off signs, you may need to ask direct questions to know exactly what the person is thinking or to know if you both are on the same page. After reading through this article you should be able to know the best ways to ask someone if they still want to talk to you.  


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