20 things to say when someone says “life is hard” 

Those who are likely to say that life is hard are those who may be going through some life difficulty and it starts to seem like there is no hope or they cannot get out of the tough situation they are in. The moment the person tells you that life is hard, that is when you need to reassure the person to keep on keeping on and that all hope is not lost yet. Here are the 20 best things to say when someone says ‘Life is hard.’

20 things to say when someone says “life is hard” 

  1. Yes, I know but keep keeping on
  2. Do not give up yet
  3. Life is not easy for anyone either
  4. Perhaps you do not know what I have experienced
  5. Remember that you are not what you are going through
  6. I am willing to listen to you
  7. Hey, I can recommend a therapist you can talk to
  8. I have noticed you have not been yourself lately, what is the issue?
  9. Cheer up, it is only a phase
  10. I have been there, I can relate
  11. I agree, but still, find reasons to be happy
  12. Life is hard but waking up tomorrow is worth billions of dollars
  13. It is high time you kicked out the negative thoughts
  14. How long do you want to keep thinking this way?
  15. You will be fine, everyone gets sad at some point
  16. Maybe you should take things slowly
  17. I remember you were once there for me, now I am here for you
  18. Hey, I know what would make you feel good, let us go and have some time out
  19. Tell me, how can I support you?
  20. Do you want to talk about it?

Yes, I know but keep keeping on

things to say when someone says life is hardOne of the best things to say when someone says ‘Life is hard’ is ‘Yes, I know but keep keeping on.’ That way, you let the person know that you understand that life can be hard at times, but you would like to encourage him to keep on keeping on. The person would feel motivated when you respond this way and you would give the person hope that things could get better. Here is an example:Life is hardResponse: Yes, I know but keep keeping on

Do not give up yet

things to say when someone says life is hardAnother good way to respond when someone says ‘Life is hard’ is ‘Do not give up yet.’ This can be used if the person has been trying hard at something.but it seems like it is not going as planned. In a situation like this, it is ideal to tell the person to not give up yet, that way, you instill hope in the person. Example: Life is hard!Response: Do not give up yet

Life is not easy for anyone either

‘Life is not easy for anyone either’ is one of the great things to say when someone says ‘Life is hard.’ With this response, you make it known to a person that he is not the only one going through a tough time, life is not easy on anyone either. Even those that seem like they have it all figured out do not have everything going smoothly for them. This could give the person hope that it can still get better. Example: Life is hardResponse: Life is not easy for anyone either

Perhaps you do not know what I have experienced

‘Perhaps you do not know what I have experienced’ is one of the things to say when someone says ‘Life is hard.’ It makes it clear to the person that you have also been through a tough time and you survived it, if you did survive it, then it is a sign that the person can also do the same. This would give the person some hope. Example: Life is hard!Response: Perhaps you do not know what I have experienced.

Remember that you are not what you are going through

One nice thing to say when someone says ‘life is hard’ is ‘Remember that you are not what you are going through.’ This is a nice way to encourage the person and to let him know that he should not judge himself based on what he is going through. Someone going through something does not mean he is what he is going through. Example: Life is hardResponse: Remember that you are not what you are going through

I am willing to listen to you

‘I am willing to listen to you’ is a calm thing to say to someone who says ‘Life is hard.’ Sometimes, people do not need you to solve their problems when you tell them what is wrong, they just need a listening ear. If you are willing to listen to the person, you may be helping the person to get better without knowing it. Example: Life is hardResponse: I am willing to listen to you

Hey, I can recommend a therapist you can talk to

One cool way to respond to ‘Life is hard’ is ‘Hey, I can recommend a therapist you can talk to.’ This response shows how much you care and that you are willing to go the extra mile to seek help for the person. You may not be able to help the person, but you can recommend someone who can. This shows how caring you are. Example : Life is hardResponse: Hey, I can recommend a therapist you can talk to

I have noticed you have not been yourself lately, what is the issue?

I have noticed you have not been yourself lately, what is the issue?‘ is one of the good ways to respond to ‘Life is hard.’ This response shows how observant you are and that you noticed the person has not been himself lately, asking what the issue is sends a message to the person that you care about. Example: Life is hardResponse: I have noticed you have not been yourself lately, what is the issue?

Cheer up, it is only a phase

When someone says ‘Life is hard’ you can say ‘I have noticed you have not been yourself lately, what is the issue?’ Life is indeed a phase and you could be going through a tough time which is also a phase, telling the person to cheer up that life is a phase is one of the good things to say to himExample:  Life is hardResponse: I have noticed you have not been yourself lately, what is the issue?

I have been there, I can relate

‘I have been there, I can relate’ is a good way to respond to ‘Life is hard.’ This response shows the person that you have been in such a situation before and that you understand what he is going through. When the person understands that you have been in that situation before, he would feel relaxed and it would be obvious that he can scale through. 

I agree, but still, find reasons to be happy

Another good way to respond to 'life is hard' is 'I agree, but still, find reasons to be happy'. This response is a way of giving the person hope that even though life may be hard right now, there are things that one needs to be grateful for and other reasons to remain happy. Example: Life is hardResponse: I agree, but still, find reasons to be happy!

Life is hard but waking up tomorrow is worth billions of dollars

One of the calm ways to respond to 'life is hard' is 'Life is hard but waking up tomorrow is worth billions of dollars.' Sometimes, when life doesn't go as planned, people tend to forget other things that we do not pay for but come to us freely, like waking up. Sometimes, this happens because it has become so constant that we forget the value of it. Someone in a sick bed would pay any amount to ensure he stays alive the next day.Example: Life is hard.Response: Life is hard but waking up tomorrow is worth billions of dollars

It is high time you kicked out the negative thoughts

One good thing to say when someone says 'life is hard' is 'It is high time you kicked out the negative thoughts.' Someone saying that life is hard is a way of thinking negatively. Life is not entirely hard, not all the time. In a situation like this, you need to help the person kick out that negative thought.Example: Life is hard.Response: It is high time you kicked out the negative thoughts.

How long do you want to keep thinking this way?

A kind thing to say when someone says 'life is hard' is 'How long do you want to keep thinking this way.' This is a kind thing to say because you make the person see reasons to not think that life is hard. You are in a way making the person see reasons to not think that way for too long. Example: Life is hardResponse: How long do you want to keep thinking this way

You will be fine, everyone gets sad at some point

'You will be fine, everyone gets sad at some point' is a good thing to say when someone says 'Life is hard.' This response makes the person see that he is not the only one going through such and that everyone gets sad at some point, he should get up and keep moving. Example: Life is hard.Response: You will be fine, everyone gets sad at some point.

Maybe you should take things slowly

One cool thing to say when someone says 'life is hard' is 'Maybe you should take things slowly.' Sometimes, it may seem that life is hard because you are trying to make things happen too fast, all you need is just to slow things down.Example: Life is hardResponse: Maybe you should take things slowly.

I remember you were once there for me, now I am here for you

'I remember you were once there for me, now I am here for you' is another nice way to respond to 'life is hard.' If someone was once there for you, it is a good thing to be there for the person in times of need. That is what this response explains. Example: Life is hard.Response: I remember you were once there for me, now I am here for you.

Hey, I know what would make you feel good, let us go and have some time out

'Hey, I know what would make you feel good, let us go and have some time out' sounds like a good thing to say when someone says 'Life is hard.' This response shows that you are willing to go out of your way to make the person feel better. Example: Life is hardResponse: Hey, I know what would make you feel good, let us go and have some time out.

Tell me, how can I support you?

'Tell me, how can I support you?' seems like a cool thing to say when someone says 'Life is hard.This is a direct way of telling the person that you are willing to support. You show the person that you care by offering a helping hand.Example: Life is hardResponse: Tell me, how can I support you?

Do you want to talk about it?

One cool thing to say when someone says 'life is hard' is 'Do you want to talk about it?' This is a good thing because it shows you are willing to listen to the person. Even though you are not able to solve the problem, you are willing to listen. This is a good thing to say to the person especially if he is going through anxiety. Example: Life is hard.Response: Do you want to talk about it?

Parting Words

When someone tells you that life is hard, there is every possibility that the person is going through a tough time. This could be the time the person needs you the most, if you are unable to solve the problem, a word of encouragement would go a long way to help. When someone tells you that life is hard, endeavor to use any of these responses I have shared. 


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