20 Things To Say When Someone Brings Up Your Past

It hurts when someone talks about your past, especially when the person brings it up right in front of you. If you are not comfortable with the person bringing up your past then you need to let the person know that. There are various ways you can politely tell someone you are not comfortable with it when the person brings up your past, I would explain them in this article. 

20 Things To Say When Someone Brings Up Your Past

  1. You talk like you're any better
  2. Haha, laugh all you want
  3. Well, I am a better person now
  4. Was that even necessary
  5. Maybe you should focus on your past
  6. Try to consider people too
  7. You should poke your nose in your business, at least
  8. You would be wrong if you judge me by my past
  9. Who I was in the past does not matter
  10. You may bring up my past, but trust me, my future will be better
  11. Talk to the hand
  12. Why can’t you spend your time on something better?
  13. You must have gone through my past to be able to know this about me
  14. Is that not so much time wasted trying to know about my past
  15. I doubt if you know how much of a better person I am now
  16. You seem like you are only interested in my past, how about you check how good I am now
  17. My past may not be good but do not be surprised at how great I would turn out to be
  18. You have no business knowing my past
  19. I choose to keep mute
  20. We can talk when you have something better to say

You talk like you're any better

Things To Say When Someone Brings Up Your Past‘You talk like you're any better’ is one thing to say when someone brings up your past. This also depends on the context in which the person brought up your past.If the person tries to make himself look like he is any better, then you can let him know in your response that he is not any better and there is no need to make himself seem like he is any better. Example:Hey, do not talk about my past like that, you talk like you're any better. 

Haha, laugh all you want

Things To Say When Someone Brings Up Your PastYou can say 'Haha, laugh all you want' when someone brings up your past. It shows the person is only bringing up your past because he wants to make fun of you. Tell him he can laugh all he wants and that you are not worried at all.Example:You can laugh all he wants, I do not care. 

Well, I am a better person now

Things To Say When Someone Brings Up Your PastAnother way to respond when someone brings up your past is 'Well, I am a better person now.' This response shows that you are not who you used to be in the past and that you are a better person now. Being a better person means that a lot has changed about you. Example:You should not talk about my past like that, I am a better person now. 

Was that even necessary

Another thing to say when someone brings up your past is 'Was that even necessary?' In the real sense, was bringing up your past even necessary? The past is considered as something you may not be proud of or things you regret doing. If it is not something you are proud of then it is not necessary bringing it up. Example:Hey, you know how much my past hurt, was that even necessary?

Maybe you should focus on your past

'Maybe you should focus on your past' is a way you can respond when someone brings up your past. Instead of focusing on someone else's past, why not focus on yours? This is an indirect way of telling him to mind his business. It also shows you are not comfortable with the person talking about your past. Example: I do not find it funny at all, maybe you should focus on your past.

Try to consider people too

Try to consider people too' is one cool way to respond when someone brings up your past. This clearly states that you are not comfortable with the person bringing up your past, if you were to put the person in your shoes he would not like it either.Example: I know you would not like it, try to consider people too.

You should poke your nose in your business, at least

When someone brings up your past, tell the person to poke his nose in his business, at least.When someone is talking about your past, it is obvious the person is not minding his business, he is poking his nose in your business. It is a good thing you let the person know that he should mind his business. Here is an example:You will do better if you mind your business, you should poke your nose in your business, at least.

You would be wrong if you judge me by my past

When someone brings up your past you can say 'You would be wrong if you judge me by my past.' People tend to become better over time, judging someone by their past would be a terrible thing to do because you judge them when they were not any better. Example:I am now a better person, you would be wrong if you judge me by my past.

Who I was in the past does not matter

Another good way to respond when someone brings up your past is to say 'who I was in the past does not matter.' That is the true truth about humans, who you were in the past does not matter as much as the present does. Over the years you would have improved a whole lot. Example: Can't you see I am now a better person, who I was in the past does not matter?

You may bring up my past, but trust me, my future will be better

When someone brings up your past, it makes sense to say 'You may bring up my past, but trust me, my future will be better.'Humans always tend to change as time goes by and as they mature. It would not make any sense to judge people by their past. They can always have a better future. Example: You have no idea how great I will be in the future. You may bring up my past, but trust me, my future will be better. 

Talk to the hand

When someone brings up your past, it is best to say 'Talk to the hand.' This expression shows how pissed you are and you do not want to hear anything from the person anymore. You do not want to talk to him anymore, he should just talk to the hand.Example: I do not want to talk to you anymore, talk to the hand. 

Why can’t you spend your time on something better?

'Why can't you spend your time on something better'? This is one good way to respond when someone brings up your past.Talking about someone's past is not a good way to spend your time. This is a good way to advise the person to do something better with his time. Take a look at this example:You have been talking about my past for a long time, why can't you spend your time on something better? 

You must have gone through my past to be able to know this about me

When someone brings up your past you can say 'You must have gone through my past to be able to know this about me.' Someone who knows about your past just has spent time going through your past to be able to know so much that happened in your past. That seems like time wasted. Example:Don't you think that is so much time wasted? You just have gone through my past to be able to know this about me. 

Is that not so much time wasted trying to know about my past

'Is that not so much time wasted trying to know about my past' is a good way to respond when someone brings up your past. Truly, spending that much time is time wasted just because you want to know about someone's past. It is time wasted because knowing about the person's past is not in any way benefiting you. Example: Can't you do something better with your time? Is that not so much time wasted trying to know about my past?

I doubt if you know how much of a better person I am now

'I doubt if you know how much of a better person I am now' sounds like a good thing to say when someone brings up your past. The person has no idea that you are a changed person. It could be the person only knew you in the past but he has no idea how much of a better person you are now. Example: You only know about my past, u doubt if you know how much of a better person I am now. 

You seem like you are only interested in my past, how about you check how good I am now

When someone brings up your past, they say 'You seem like you are only interested in my past, how about you check how good I am now.'Someone who truly wants to be friends with you will not judge or care so much about your past, the person would be more interested in how much of a better person you are and not how bad you were in the past. Example:I doubt if you truly want to be my friend, you seem like you are only interested in my past, how about you check how good I am now? 

My past may not be good but do not be surprised at how great I would turn out to be

One of the ways to respond when someone brings up your past is to say 'My past may not be good, but do not be surprised at how great I would turn out to be.' This can be used if you are sure you had a rough past and you are hopeful that you would turn out to be a better person. Example:I know I would be better, my past may not be good but do not be surprised at how great I would turn out to be.

You have no business knowing my past

'You have no business knowing my past' is one direct way to respond when someone brings up your past. This shows you are not comfortable with the person talking about your past and you do not want the person to know anything about you either. Example: Hey, I do not want you talking about me, you have no business knowing my past. 

I choose to keep mute

'I choose to keep mute' can be used when someone talks about your past. The ability to ignore is so underrated. Especially when someone pisses you off. This response shows you only want to ignore the person who brought up your past. Sometimes, ignoring someone is even more effective. Example: Calm down and mind your business, I will not speak because I choose to keep mute. 

We can talk when you have something better to say

In a situation when someone brings up your past, tell the person 'We can talk when you have something better to say.' This shows you have no interest in what the person has to say and that you would only talk to him when he has something better to say. Example:You need to learn to not judge a book by its cover, we can talk when you have something better to say. 

Final Verdict

Not everyone likes it when someone talks about their past. When someone talks about your past and you are not comfortable with it, the best thing to do is to let the person know in your response that you are not comfortable with it. In this article, I shared the best things you can say when someone brings up your past. It is better to let the person know that you are not comfortable with it instead of letting it repeat itself.  


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