20 Best Responses to ‘The Things I’d Do to You’

At some point in your life, someone must’ve said something nasty to you and you wished you had something to say rather than going blank. You wished you didn’t only say yes or no, but something intentional and cupid. Well, I decided to fetch you some of the best responses when someone nastily says to you ‘the things I’d do to you’.It’s clear what they mean by that, I don’t have to spell it out. Well, whether you want to say yes or no, I’ve got you covered. In this article, I will be uncovering 20 responses to ‘the things I’d do to you’. To know more, don’t stop reading!

20 Best Responses to 'The Things I'd Do to You’

As I already mentioned, the choice of positively acknowledging the person's gesture or not is yours, and whichever way I've got you covered. Some of the best responses to ‘the things I’d do to you’ include ‘Don’t only talk dirty, act the part’, ‘Why do I feel disgusted by this?’, ‘You can do to me all you want’, ‘I’m compelled to start imagining things’, and ‘I’m yours’.However, there is more to just the above mentioned ones.

  • You just left me breathless
  • Drop 2 pence to make me all yours
  • I think you’d make me feel amazing
  • You may treat me whatever you choose
  • Take it easy with my legs, need them to keep walking
  • Look who’s threatening to do things
  • Make sure you’re not just bragging
  • Not sure if I'm prepared for it
  • Ewww, don’t sound nasty and dirty
  • Ouuu, someone is feeling twinkle, twinkle
  • I’m compelled to start imagining things
  • Don’t only talk dirty, act the part
  • Maybe I’m lucky, maybe I picked right
  • That’s electrifying and terrific
  • Why do I feel disgusted by this?
  • It’s hard for me, and I don’t know what to feel
  • You make me feel a pure craving
  • I’m all yours
  • Let’s get to it right away
  • Can you not make me lose control in public?

1. You just left me breathless

‘You just left me breathless’ is a cool line of response to use when someone says to you ‘the things I’d do to you’. It is obvious the person in question is hitting at you and they’re being explicit about it. They are not mincing words, rather they’re saying it in the purest of form.If you feel any sort of connection to the person in question, it will be great to say something appealing and positive. On that basis, this particular line of response follows the assignment to the letter. Don’t underestimate it.

2. Drop 2 pence to make me all yours

‘Drop 2 pence to make me all yours’ is a smart way to respond when someone says ‘the things I’d do to you’. It is so because you’re trying to prove to the person that sounding nasty will make you run into their arms. They still have to drop just 2 pence.In some way, this response is too sarcastic to become a troll where you’re comparing the person’s sweet-talking to just 2 pence. That means you don’t rate whatever the person has said to you.

3. I think you’d make me feel amazing

‘I think you’d make me feel amazing’ is an incredible line of response you can use when someone says to you ‘the things I’d to you’. It is a line of response that shows cooperation from you to the person who said he or she will do things to you.Here, you’re telling the person that you think they will make you feel amazing. This means you are consenting the person to do whatever it is they said they’ll do. And your reason for this is that you think you’ll feel amazing with the person.

4. You may treat me whatever you choose.

‘You can do to me all you want’ is just the perfect straight permission line of response which you can use to reply when someone says to you ‘the things I’d do to you’. Since what they mean to say is that they want to love up with you, if you want that too you can reply with this response.This line simply says the person is allowed to do whatever they want to. I’m sure the person will be all smiles and jolly.

5. Take it easy with my legs, need them to keep walking

‘Take it easy with my legs, need them to keep walking’ is a funny yet nasty line of response which you can use to reply when someone says to you ‘the things I’d do to you’. This response fits in most if you’re a girl and you’ll be using it. Here, you’re telling the person whom I suppose is a guy that he should take things easy with your legs while doing anything because you need them to walk home.

6. Look who’s threatening to do things

‘Look who’s threatening to do things’ is a sarcastic response you can throw in when someone says to you ‘the things I’d do to you’. This response is a mild jest of the person, insinuating that he or she is incapable of doing anything.Perhaps, you’ve heard about the person from someone else or you just assumed. The point is that you’re trying to disregard what the person said. The person will probably back up after hearing this.

7. Make sure you’re not just bragging

'Make sure you're not just bragging' is a cautionary response that you can pose to the person that says to you 'the things I'd do to you'. The response is telling the person to know that you're expecting them to not talk but also act. You're warning to not just be bragging but to show work for their utterances. And I'm pretty sure the person will have a rethink if they were planning to just brag and do nothing or you're giving them the right signal to do whatever they want to.

8. Not sure if I'm prepared for it

'I'm not sure I'm ready for that' is another response that doesn't give the green light to the person that said to you ‘the things I’d do to you’. This is because with this response you’re telling the person that you don’t think you’re ready for that level of entanglement.Maybe, you have other things to attend to like religious commitments then adopting this response makes sense. I hope the person you're directing it to understands as he has to let you think things through. And in the advent that you don't still feel ready, remain resolute about it.

9.  Ewww, don’t sound nasty and dirty

‘Ewww, don't sound nasty and dirty' will be you feeling disgusted upon hearing someone say 'the things I'd do to you'. This may be the case if you're a Mormon or from some stringent religious body that abhors pre-marital affairs. If you're cut from places like that, you can show your disinterest using this line of response. Likewise, if your values prohibit vulgar utterances you can use this response to let the person who says 'the things I'd do to you' know.

10. Ouuu, someone is feeling twinkle, twinkle

Responses to The Things I’d Do to You‘Ouuuu, someone is feeling twinkle twinkle’ is a hilarious response to when someone says ‘the things I’d do to you’. With this response, you’ll be telling the person that they’re feeling funky while illustrating it with “twinkle twinkle”.Here, you’re funnily telling the person that they long for you which is why they made their statement. Also, this response is meant to let the person know you're giving them a go-ahead-order to do anything to you.

11.  I’m compelled to start imagining things

'I'm compelled to start imagining things' is a creative response that you can employ. With this response, you're saying that you are forced to start thinking about all the things the person would do to you.Well, it is normal for you to start imagining things, especially the ladies who are always in their emotions. So, don't shy away from admitting that whatever the person said to you compels you to start imagining nasty things.

12.  Don’t only talk dirty, act the part

'Don't only talk dirty, act the part' is advice to the person that said 'the things I'd do to you'. I say this because with this response you're telling the person to not only talk dirty, they should equally act dirty.This response doubles as a green light to the person and an admonishment.

13.  Maybe I’m lucky, maybe I picked right

‘Maybe I’m lucky, maybe I picked right’ is a self-appraising line of response you can use when someone says to you ‘the things I’d do to you’. With this response, you’re telling the person that maybe you’re lucky or you just make good decisions. In some way, this response is you giving thumbs up to the person that says ‘the things I’d do to you’.You're saying that you must be lucky to have someone like that.

14. That’s electrifying and terrific

‘That’s electrifying and terrific’ is another smart response you can employ when someone says ‘the things I’d do to you’. Here, you’re okaying what the person said and commending them using electrifying and terrific as qualifiers.So, if you feel the same way as the other person you can use this response to let them know.

15.  Why do I feel disgusted by this?

‘Why do I feel disgusted by this?’ is a question you can ask as your response when someone says ‘the things I’d do to you’. Perhaps, you don’t like the person in question or you don’t like how they said it to you.If any of the two situations popped up, then you can question the awkwardness of the moment using this line of response.

16.  It’s hard for me, and I don’t know what to feel

'It's hard for me, and I don't know what to feel' is a line of response you can use to tell the person who said 'the things I'd do to you' that you don't know how you feel about them. I know this may sound depressing for them but if it is how you feel, don't hesitate to say something about it.

17.  You make me feel a pure craving

'You make me feel pure craving' is a unique response to 'the things I'd do to you'. This is because it allows you to explicitly tell the person that you are craving them. You're equally saying that how you feel is a result of the same person. I'm pretty sure the person will be all chuckle on hearing this.

18.  I’m all yours

Responses to The Things I’d Do to You'I'm all yours' is a short response you can give to 'the things I'd do to you'. You can use it if you don't want to continue talking about something else. With this go-ahead order, the person will be illuminated with ecstasy.

19.  Let’s get to it right away

'Let's get to it right away' can be your preferred line of response when someone says 'the things I'd do to you'. With this you're telling the person you don't want to risk any time, so no time for more ado.

20.  Can you not make me lose control in public?

With 'Can you not make me lose control in public?' as your response to 'the things I'd do to you', you'll be telling the person to please stop making you blush in public. This can be your go-to response if someone you like says 'the things I'd do to you' in public. Your response suggests that you like the person but would prefer your composure in public.

Final Words

When someone says to you 'the things I'd do to you', they're letting you know that they want to get intimate with you. If so, your choice stands between being positive or repulsive. This article has done a great job of uncovering the 20 best responses to 'The Things I'd Do to you'.Want to use any? Just find your fit and leggo. Peace! 


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